"What's all the fuss about?"

"Although Yuan Shu has great ambitions and little talent, he has always been ambitious. Seeing the chaos in the world and the loss of the dignity of the Han Dynasty, he may have already planned to usurp the throne."

"Moreover, he now controls the entire Yangzhou, with the little overlord Sun Ce as his subordinate, and Lu Bu also bows to him. In terms of strength on paper, Yuan Shao is willing to be defeated."

"In addition, he also has the imperial seal presented to him by Sun Ce, symbolizing that destiny is with him."

"With such strength in hand, it is not surprising that Yuan Shu dared to claim emperor with his pretentiousness."

Cao Yuan picked his teeth and gave an explanation like a chat.

Cao Cao gradually fell silent.

He had to admit that his niece-in-law knew Yuan Shu's character well.

The reason for his analysis and judgment was also quite reasonable.

Cao Yuan's information Like a god, he has seen it more than once. If it were anything else, he would have no doubts.

But that is proclaiming emperor!

It is tantamount to provoking the world.

To put it bluntly, it is putting yourself into a pit of fire. Recommend!

Although Cao Cao looks down on Yuan Shu, he really can't imagine that Yuan Shu would do such a stupid thing.

"I remembered, I still have some business to do, Ziyou, Juaner, you eat slowly."

Cao Cao stood up and left.

Cao Cao saw the situation and said,"Are you going to leave before you move the chopsticks? At least you have had breakfast."

"No, I won’t disturb you two anymore."

Cao Cao raised his hand and strode away without looking back.

Although he doubted Cao Yuan's judgment, in view of the bloody lessons of the Wancheng battle, he no longer dared to take it lightly and rushed back to Sikong. Go to the government to confirm

"Fengxiao, do you think that Yuan Shu really dared to proclaim himself emperor as Ziyou said?"

After getting on the carriage, Cao Cao immediately asked Guo Jia for advice.

"Although Yuan Shu was a mediocre person, he was not a fool. Jia really couldn't believe that he would do such a stupid thing as proclaiming himself emperor, which was so outrageous in the world."

Guo Jia shook his head first, and then changed the subject.

"However, Cao Ziyou has always made a plan, and every judgment he makes is always wrong."

"Since he predicted that Yuan Shu would dare to proclaim himself emperor, his prediction was probably correct."

"So Jia also has a headache now and can't make a conclusion."

Guo Jia tapped his head with his fingertips and said with a wry smile.

"You have a headache, I have a headache too..."

Cao Cao felt the same, waved his hands and sighed:"Forget it, let's not think about it anymore, let's go back home first."

Dian Wei urged the carriage to drive quickly.

In the afternoon, Cao Cao and his party returned to Xudu and entered Sikong Mansion.

Talked with Guo Jia all the way and entered the main hall.

Looking up, Cao Cao couldn't help but be startled.

Xun Yu, Cheng Yu, Dong Zhao, Cao Ren, Xiahou Dun and other civil servants and generals have all arrived.

Everyone was talking a lot, some were angry, some were anxious

"What happened!"

Cao Cao walked in with his hands behind his back and asked loudly.

When the ministers saw Cao Cao's arrival, they immediately fell silent and bowed to salute.

Xun Yu stepped forward and said solemnly:"Sikong, there has been a change in Huainan!"

Huainan is where Yuan Shu is.

Cao Cao was shocked and glanced at Guo Jia. There was a bad omen in their hearts.

"Could it be that guy Yuan Shu really overstepped his bounds and proclaimed himself emperor?"

Cao Cao asked tentatively.

Xun Yu's expression changed.

All the ministers in front of the hall looked surprised.

Xun Yu exclaimed:"We have just received the urgent report, and we haven't had time to report it to Sikong. We don't want Sikong to know about it. Like a god, he had predicted that Yuan Shu would rebel and become emperor!"

As expected.

Cao Cao's face changed slightly, and he looked at Guo Jia anxiously.

Half an hour ago, Cao Yuan's words echoed in their ears like thunder."

"He was right again, Sikong, his niece-in-law, is really a man of God!"

Guo Jia came back to his senses and couldn't help but admired.

Cao Cao nodded slightly, his eyes deep.

"Sikong’s niece-in-law?"

Xun Yu looked blank.

He didn't know the existence of Cao Yuan, and naturally he didn't know that Cao Cao had married Xia Hou Juan to Cao Yuan.

Even Xia Hou Yuan didn't know the whereabouts of his niece. He only thought that Cao Cao sent her Go to another state to run a secret errand


Cao Cao put away his sigh and struck the table fiercely:"Yuan Shu, this audacious madman, actually dares to arrogantly proclaim himself emperor. He is openly provoking the emperor and me, Cao Cao!"

The anger of everyone in the hall was immediately ignited by him.

"Mengde respects the emperor and takes charge of the government, so Yuan Shu openly declares himself emperor, which shows contempt for Mengde's authority!"

"If this thief is not destroyed, where will the prestige of the emperor be, and where will your authority be, Mengde! Xiahou

Dun was the first to stand up and shouted angrily.

Cao Ren followed and said angrily:"Mengde, please give the order. Our army will go south to Shouchun and destroy the traitor Yuan Shu!""

The two leading generals of the Xiahou family and the Cao family took the lead. The generals were all impassioned and called for war.

The generals called for war.

However, Xun Yu, Guo Jia and other counselors and civil servants were much calmer.

They looked at each other, frowning, as if they were against Concerns about attacking Yuan Shu

"Sikong, Yuan Shu arrogated the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, which is an unforgivable crime."

"But now that Yuan Shao has defeated Gongsun Zan and is about to unify Hebei, the decisive battle between the north and the south is approaching."

"We must be ready to go all out and fight Yuan Shaonan before he goes south."

"And Yuan Shu is sitting in Yangzhou, with an army of 100,000, his strength is comparable to Yuan Shao, and should not be underestimated"

"At this time, he sent his troops south to attack. If Yuan Shu could not be eliminated quickly, he would be trapped in the quagmire of Huainan and unable to escape in time."

"If we miss the decisive battle between the north and the south with Yuan Shao, the consequences will be disastrous!"

As the leader of the civil servants, Xun Yu took the lead and poured cold water on the heads of the generals who were angry and calling for war. The fighting spirit of Cao Ren and other generals was immediately weakened by three points.

"Xun Lingjun's words make sense"

"Moreover, in addition to Yuan Shu, Liu Bei from Xiaopei and Lu Bu from Xiapi are also serious threats."

"Jia believes that whether to attack Yuan Shu or not, one should think twice and be cautious.

Guo Jia also praised Xun Yu.

The generals fell silent for a moment.

Cao Cao tapped his forehead with his fingertips, looking like he had a headache.

As Xun Yu and Guo Jia said, attacking Yuan Shu at this time is indeed a small gain at the expense of a big gain, which is not very wise.

But Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor.

If we don't crusade, people in the world will probably follow suit.

When there are emperors everywhere and everyone is the emperor, who will take the Han emperor in his hands seriously?

The banner of righteousness that serves the emperor to punish disobedient subjects will also lose its appeal.

"Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu, you idiot, you really gave me a problem....."

Cao Cao muttered to himself, with deep disgust flowing between his brows.

The ministers in the hall fell into arguments and discussions again, and could not come up with a perfect plan for a while.

At this time.

Guo Jia came closer and reminded in a low voice:"Sikong, since Cao Ziyou could predict that Yuan Shu would dare to proclaim himself emperor, he probably already has a good plan in mind. Why doesn't Sikong ask him for a clever plan to get the best of both worlds?"

Cao Cao's frown suddenly relaxed. Unfolding it, a light of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

He dismissed the military meeting, left the house again, and went straight to the Cao family manor outside the city.


In the Cao family manor, laughter continued

"Three with two!"

"Four sixes, I'll explode!"

"Four hooks, I'll explode too!"

"King bomb!"

In the courtyard, Cao Yuan was enjoying the sunset and playing Landlords with several beauties.

"Ziyou, I'm back again~~"

When I was having fun, a familiar voice sounded behind me.

Cao Yuan turned around and saw Cao Cao walking in with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Cao Yuan and Xia Houjuan looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

This uncle had just arrived in the morning, and only half a day later came to visit again. What show was he playing?

"Uncle, what wind brought you back again?"

Cao Yuan had no choice but to put down the cards in his hand, stood up and came forward with a smile.

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