Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 410 The Great Detour Tactics

"It's basically impossible to go around from the north, but what if we go around from Weinan?"

Zhang He's words immediately stopped Ma Di, and he suddenly understood what Zhang He meant.

"You mean... sneaking across Weinan under Sima Yi's nose, and then going around to Weibei?"

"That's right." Zhang He nodded and pointed at the map to explain to Ma Su.

"Chen Tai is the son of Chen Qun, and it has never been easy for him to cooperate with others in fighting. Today, Sima Yinan is occupying Chang'an and drives Chen Tai to Chiyang because they are not very good at dealing with each other."

"Chen Tai has been in confrontation with the general for many years, so it goes without saying that he is wary. In order to guard against the general, he even plans to build a Great Wall east of the Xinghe River. It is really difficult to break through from the front."

"But Chen Tai's precautions does not mean that Sima Yi in the south will have the same precautions."

Zhang He pointed to the junction of Xinghe River and Weishui River, which was also the junction of Sima Yi's tribe and Chen Tai's tribe.

Because the entire Shu army was blocked on the banks of the Weishui River near Chang'an, most of Sima Yi's main force was also deployed there. Here are mainly garrison troops and sentries to guard against sneak attacks by the Han army.

In other words, this place is only responsible for guarding the Han army, which is much worse than Chen Tai.

"But even so, Weinan is not without warning. If you want to smuggle a large force from Weinan, it is obviously impossible, right?"

At this time, Zhang Yi raised questions and expressed that this was somewhat unrealistic. Sima Yi is not a fool. The sentries he has set up can at least keep an eye on your troops of a certain size.

"So we can't use too many troops for a roundabout attack. Two to three hundred are enough!" Zhang He immediately answered and said calmly.

"Chen Tai's total military strength is only 20,000, but he needs to defend the entire Xinghe River. At the same time, he also needs to send troops to guard Xiaoguan, so his military strength will inevitably be stretched."

"Every place east of Chiyang is bound to be empty of troops and neglected to take precautions."

"I invited 300 elite soldiers to cross the Wei River south in three groups. They avoided the Wei army's sentry posts and circled from Weinan to the Wei army and then raided the highland line. When Chen Tai heard this, he would have retreated in surprise. The prince and Tutor then led his troops to forcefully cross the Xing River. The river will definitely be destroyed in New Taipei County!"

As a veteran who is older than Ma Su, Zhang He has a very vicious vision. As a veteran who had been through Guanzhong, he was basically clear of how many troops Guanzhong could use.

Now Sima Yi has at least 80,000 to 90,000 elite troops, who are basically the main force in Guanzhong. Chen Tai only has 30,000 at most, which is completely insufficient to protect the entire Xinghe River.

Despite the precautions in front, it is likely that the back is empty.

Therefore, Zhang He was sure that as long as there were 300 people, he would be able to stab Chen Tai in the butt.

Ma Su couldn't help but ponder over this and began to weigh the pros and cons of Zhang He's suggestion.

He didn't know much about the strength of the Wei army in Guanzhong, so he didn't think of this level. Now as soon as Zhang He explained, Ma Su also discovered that Chen Tai seemed to have put all his main troops on the front line.

As a result, the rear area will obviously be extremely empty, and it is very likely that a few hundred people can create huge results.

Sun Li, the Wei general in charge of this area in the south, had never faced him before, and his precautions were not so strict.


"The plan is very good, but I think it can be slightly modified." Ma Su waved his hand, suddenly smiled, and said calmly.

"A few hundred people are still too few, and they are not enough to create huge results. And... who said that if the Wei army in Weinan is on guard, we can't dispatch more troops?"




After Zhang He's suggestion, Ma Su quickly thought of a new way to break the situation. It can not only make Chen Tai suspicious, but also smoothly deliver more troops to the rear of the Wei army.

Ma Di first led thousands of elite Han troops northward along the Xinghe River and tried to cross the river near Xiaoguan. The soldiers arranged by Chen Tai quickly lit beacon fires and summoned the nearby Wei troops to rush for reinforcements.

Within a short while, a large number of Wei troops gathered and tried their best to block the Han army's offensive.

Because the terrain here is dangerous and the Wei army built a large number of city walls, it was difficult for the Han army to attack. Even the Wudang Feijun, who is good at fighting, cannot move forward in the face of arrows raining down.

Soon, the Han army's strong attack was blocked.

Subsequently, the Han army took turns to attack here and launched multiple blasting offensives on the Xinghe North Line. However, with the help of terrain fortifications and rapid support, the Wei army blocked the Han army's offensive time and time again.

However, Chen Tai did not dare to show any signs of neglect and still maintained a high degree of vigilance on the entire front. After all, Chen Tai was already deeply aware of Ma Su's cunning, and was afraid that there would be a loophole for Ma Su to get in.

However, Chen Tai has been highly vigilant, but it cannot affect Sun Li in Weinan.

In the entire Guanzhong battlefield, only Sun Li and Hu Zun had never encountered Ma Di. Because of this, Sun Li heard that Ma Su was leading the army on the other side of the river, and was not as vigilant as Chen Tai.

Especially after it was discovered that the Han army was rushing to attack the front line of Xinping County, Sun Li's defense even began to become slightly lax.

As a result, one night after the Han army's rapid attack for several days, thousands of Han troops quietly appeared on the banks of the Weishui River under the cover of darkness.

Thousands of Han troops arrived at the Weishui River at night and quickly carried the boats they had built into the Weishui River. Three hundred heavily armed elite soldiers quickly boarded the ship and quietly marched to the south bank of the Wei River.

"Cross the river quietly! Don't make any noise!" Ma Su also changed out of his dazzling white robe at this time, and personally sat at the front of the boat in black clothes and ordered.

"Everyone, please bite the stick in your mouth tightly. If you drop it, I will take military action!"

"After crossing the Wei River, the entire army must pass quietly without any disturbance. If anyone makes a noise in the middle of the journey to alert the Wei army, they will be killed without mercy!"

Ma Su's three hundred soldiers were the "Northern soldiers" selected by tens of thousands of Han troops. That is to say, the best among the best soldiers, all of them are strong veterans who are not afraid of life and death.

Moreover, thanks to Ma Su's elite army policy, the Shu Han put a lot of effort into the elite infantry. These elite "Northern soldiers" usually eat a balanced diet of meat and vegetables during training, and there are dedicated officers from rich families to teach them how to read.

In other words, these three hundred elite soldiers do not have night blindness...

On this dim moonlit night, only three hundred people rowed a small boat, quietly leaning against the south bank of the Wei River under Ma Di's command. Less than three hundred steps away from them was the Wei army's camp, but no one noticed that the Han army had landed.

After landing, the three hundred soldiers, led by Ma Di, did not pass quietly, but went straight to the Wei army camp.

Hundreds of people, without torches, quietly removed the Wei army's antlers and prepared to attack the Wei army.

So far, the Wei army was unprepared, and Ma Di was about to successfully attack the camp again.

Then Ma Su crossed the ditch and stepped into the water!

Did the Wei army fill the trench with water?

"Who is there! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

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