Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 351 I’m fighting the elite

Seeing the stern Han army, they were suddenly ambushed, and they did not look like they would conquer and win as they imagined. And just like an ordinary army, when faced with an ambush, chaos quickly emerged, and Wang Ling even burst into tears.

It turns out that Ma Su is nothing more than that! You will also be in a hurry if you encounter an ambush!

From this point of view, the Shu army is not invincible! They are just like me, the soldiers and horses of the Wei Dynasty. They are humans, not gods. They can be defeated with proper operation!

Wang Ling felt a pang of regret when he imagined how he had been so cautious and hesitant before.

If I had gone ahead earlier, I might have had a 50-50 fight with Ma Su!

Of course, it is not too late for Wang Ling to react now. Although he lost more than 20,000 soldiers and horses and almost wiped out Huainan's elite, the main thing was that he was able to kill Ma Su one step ahead of Jia Kui. That first achievement was still his!

Marquis Wanhu is also his!

After reacting, Wang Ling quickly raised his arms, threw away his helmet and shouted.

"Soldiers, charge with me!"

Then, the old man who was over sixty years old personally mounted his war horse and turned around to counterattack with only a few thousand soldiers and horses under his command. Because he was closest to the Shu army, he only needed to turn his head to rush to the Shu army.

"Quick, the crossbowmen come out and cooperate with the archers to suppress the Shu army!" At this moment, Jia Kui was on the hillside directing his troops to form a formation and fire arrows, preparing to shoot the Shu army alive.

At this moment, the Shu army had entered their ambush circle, and the Wei army set up an ambush. Countless Wei soldiers guarded the hill and surrounded it from all directions, vowing to rename this place Luomapo.

However, at this moment, Jia Kui caught a glimpse of something wrong out of the corner of his eye. He suddenly turned his head and looked dumbfounded.

"Yan Yun! What are you doing! Why did you turn around and rush forward if you didn't run away!"

"Ma Su is not dead yet!"

However, no matter how much Jia Kui shouted at this moment, it was impossible to stop Wang Ling. This old man who has been qualified for most of his life is ready to take the plunge and compete for wealth in person.

At this moment, more than two thousand Han troops and light cavalry were indeed in panic when faced with a sudden ambush. In the chaos, hundreds of cavalrymen were injured by arrows, and more than a hundred were killed or wounded. All the troops were frightened and confused, and they quickly retreated.

"There is an ambush in Pseudo Wei!"

"What should we do? General Shenwei didn't teach us how to deal with an ambush!"

"Why don't you just rush up and fight them!"

They had been following Ma Su in charge. This group of cavalrymen faced an ambush for the first time and didn't know what to do for a while. They saw the Wei army turning around and rushing toward them in front, and for a moment they planned to retreat.

But at this moment, Ma Su, who was left at the back of the team, finally caught up with the rest of the group and returned to the front of the team.

"General! We encountered an ambush!"

"The cunning Wei army ambushed us! What should we do!"

"The enemy force is strong, why don't we protect the general and retreat first!"

A group of cavalrymen said in a hurry, but then Ma Su waved his hand, and everyone subconsciously closed their mouths.

"Don't be nervous! I have already anticipated the ambush of the Puppet Wei, and have already taken precautions! Please relax, there is no need to panic!" Ma Di's calm words quickly calmed the soldiers' minds, and everyone felt reassured upon hearing these words.

It turns out that General Shenwei has already made preparations, so why are we panicking? Everything is under the general's control!

"Everyone, relax and charge with me! Let's break out from the front! Only in this way can we lead the Wei army to the predetermined position, and the outcome will be decided in one battle!"

Ma Di waved his hand and encouraged all the soldiers.

At this moment, the Wei army was ambushing and retreating was bound to fall into the enemy's pocket. However, there were only a few thousand defeated troops of Wang Ling on the front. It was obvious to Ma Su that the most suitable direction for breaking out was the front!

Huainan elite? I, Ma Su, fight the elites!

"Soldiers, follow me and charge!!"

In just a few words, the Han soldiers who had been unstable just now quickly regained their composure, and their formations recovered in a very short time. When Ma Su took the lead again and rushed out, all the Han cavalry followed him. It was unstoppable!

As long as Ma Su is here, Longwu Yi will still be there, and the military spirit of this army will never be wiped out!

However, what surprised Ma Su was that Wang Ling, who was being chased at the front, instead of continuing to flee, turned around and headed towards him.

"Wang Ling not only refused to surrender, but he dared to charge us? Wang Ling must be confused!" Ma Su smiled disdainfully, showing a crooked dragon king's smile.

"In that case, let me teach you what it means to conquer!"

So, with Ma Su's horse whip, Wang Ling's thousands of Wei troops and Long Wuyi rushed from both directions. The two sides walked towards each other, and they collided with each other in just a few breaths.

However, Wang Ling was unlucky. He imitated Ma Di and rushed to the front. As a result, he happened to meet Ma Di, the vanguard general of the Shu army.

"Ma Su's child suffers..."

"Old man, don't block the road! Get out of the way!" Before Wang Ling could finish shouting, Ma Di wasn't even interested in looking at him, and a shot was fired at him like lightning. The sixty-year-old man was stabbed in the neck by Ma Su and flew backwards!

"The fake Wei Zhen is not a human being! More than sixty old men are being recruited to fight!" After Ma Su stabbed him, he subconsciously muttered to himself, but it seemed that the old man looked familiar, but that was all.

The thousands of people under Wang Ling's command were originally defeated troops who had been chased by the Shu army for hundreds of miles. It was their last breath to turn around and counterattack. As a result, Ma Su attacked Wang Ling head-on and killed Wang Ling. The whole army collapsed in an instant.

Nearly two thousand light cavalry followed Ma Su, guarding Ma Su from being hit by arrows while holding guns to the enemy.

Because of Wang Ling's behavior, all the thousands of soldiers and horses died tragically at Ma Di's hands. And most importantly, this directly led to the lack of troops on the frontal Wei army's defense line.

Ma Di drove away the defeated troops and charged at full speed. The troops and horses arranged by Jia Kui could not resist them at all. Nearly two thousand Longwuyi Cong showed an impact power that far exceeded that of the assault cavalry. With only one battle, the Wei army's formation was smashed to pieces.

"The Shu army rushed out!"

When Jia Kui saw this scene, his head was filled with smoke. tnnd Because Wang Ling’s head was hot, the cooked horse flew away!

But now is no longer the time to scold Wang Ling. If Ma Di escapes after having arranged it for so long, I am afraid that the entire Southeast will never have peace! We must take advantage of the fact that Ma Su's troops have suffered huge losses and are short of troops to destroy Ma Su in one battle!

In particular, the speed of Ma Su's movements has dropped visibly to the naked eye, and the horses are already tired, and they are running out of breath just by looking at them. If Ma Su can't be killed at this time, Jia Kui will not be able to see Boss Cao again.

"They have pursued Wang Ling for more than a hundred miles, and the soldiers and horses are already exhausted! This is the end of the crossbow, and the whole army will surely kill Ma Su if they pursue him!"

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