Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 300 Covering from both sides

The Han army successfully killed the cavalry guard on the side of the Qiang army, and then rushed into the Qiang infantry phalanx.

Facing the Han cavalry who were almost armed to the teeth, the Hu soldiers, who had almost no experience in resisting horses head-on, were immediately at a loss. Led by Ma Su, the Han cavalry attacked Kebineng's central army as if they were unstoppable.

"Fucking stop following me so closely! Can't you let me go on stage alone?"

At this moment, Ma Di was still competing with his subordinates, and was still at a disadvantage. This group of veterans who had followed Ma Su around for more than four years were no longer inferior to Ma Su in their riding skills. It was still a bit difficult to get rid of them.

Because the two sides were competing like this, the Han army's attacks from all sides became faster and faster. The Hu soldiers, who had almost no armor to resist, were broken through by the Han army in one fell swoop.

But Ma Su did not catch up with Ke Bineng. When Ma Su's banner appeared in Ke Bineng's sight, the Northern Qiang king who had been so arrogant just now led his people to run away without hesitation. Moreover, he ran very quickly. Ma Di saw the Hu people's flag wave, and then fled south at an extremely fast speed.

"Kebineng wants to find chariot guards!" Ma Di instantly understood Kebineng's plan. If his sudden cavalry couldn't defeat the opponent, he would have to find some guards.

Chariots have always been a good tool against sudden cavalry. Dozens of wooden chariots are moving there, with several spears mounted on the chariots. No matter how fast you ride, you will have to stop when you reach them.

If the flesh and blood body wants to compare the hardness with the wooden chariot, it is still a bit overestimating.

So Ma Su immediately made a decision and ordered the pursuit of his troops.

"If Kebi can use the chariot, we probably won't be able to capture him alive. We all attack and we must kill him before Kebi can form a formation!"

After giving the order, Ma Su led his cavalry to turn around and chased after Ke Bineng's flag.

For the Hu people, discipline is actually just that. As long as Kebineng is killed or captured, they will collapse in an instant.

But can Kebi be easy for you to pursue? You must know that the Hu people's strength in becoming big in this life is to escape. Ma Su hurriedly and slowly hurried along, and finally found that he was getting further and further away from Ke Bineng.

The most important thing is that three thousand Hu cavalry on the right wing also appeared in front of Ma Su, brazenly blocking him.

"This southern man is very impressive. Let me..." The leader was Ke Bineng's confidant cavalry commander, who stood in front of Ma Su with a solemn expression, Dasheng shouted.

"Don't block the road!" But before he finished speaking, Ma Di's horse was so fast that he rushed forward. He didn't answer him at all, and just slashed at the Hu general with a knife.

The cavalryman was caught off guard and was stabbed head-on. Although Ma Su moved quickly and did not hit the vital point, he was still cut off the horse's back.

When the cavalry rushes in, falling off the horse is basically certain death. Because you don’t have time to get up after falling off the horse, the horses behind you have already stepped on you. And this cavalry general was very unlucky and was trampled to pieces by the Han cavalry.

As soon as the cavalry general died, the cavalry behind him suddenly lost their command and was stabbed through by Ma Su. But after such a delay, Ma Su saw that Ke Bineng's flag had arrived at the front army and reorganized a square formation with chariots.

More than two thousand Ke Bineng's trusted soldiers and horses formed a small chariot phalanx based on dozens of chariots. The chariots are each two or three meters high, and are equipped with spears. They are like hedgehogs waiting for the horses to come.

Seeing this situation, Ma Su frowned suddenly. But they have all rushed here, and it will definitely not work if you ask Ma Su to retreat.

I have to rush even if it is difficult. Let me see how difficult your chariot formation is!

"Soldiers, the enemy general is now hiding in the bastard's shell and acting like a turtle. In this case, all generals, please follow me to defeat this thief and let the great Han's reputation be resounding throughout the north!" Ma Di waved his sword, Loudly encouraging the generals, the leading guards came towards Kebineng's chariot formation again.

Ma Di personally led the crowd in front and pounced on them first. Such a dazzling appearance has long been stared at by barbarians.

"Have you seen the enemy coach? Whoever shoots this man, I will reward him with a tribe of troops!" Ke Bineng pointed at Ma Su and shouted loudly.

Ke Bineng's words immediately boosted the morale of the Hu people. The entire tribe in the north knew that King Kebineng was the most trustworthy.

If he says he makes you a chief, he will definitely make you a tribe!

As a result, more than a hundred of Kebineng's men who were good at shooting and armed with long spears all focused on Ma Su.

When Ma Su rushed forward, several spears suddenly stretched out from the chariot and stabbed Ma Su towards him. However, before Ma Su himself could react, his personal guards were already quick and pulled Ma Su back.

I have been following the general closely for a long time, just for this moment of pull.

With just such a pull, Ma Su narrowly dodged several spears, but of course it also prevented Ma Su from continuing to advance. Ma Su reacted and became furious. He turned to look at his personal guards.

"Who pulled me just now?"

Just a little bit closer!

Dozens of guards all looked at each other and remained silent together.

Ma Su: "..."

Okay, okay, you guys have all learned how to backstab, right?

Ma Su could only turn around and stay some distance away, and prepared to charge again with his troops.

However, this group of personal guards followed Ma Su closely. Every time someone attacked Ma Su, these personal guards would instantly pull Ma Su away. As soon as Ma Su turned around, the guards would lower their heads together again, pretending that nothing happened.

After charging back and forth several times, Ma Su could not do anything to the chariot formation, and the barbarians in the formation could not hurt Ma Su either alive or alive.

However, Ma Su had few soldiers, and time was on Ke Bineng's side. The Hu horses who were defeated by Ma Su quickly gathered back towards Kebineng's army formation after realizing that the Han army was outnumbered.

This group of barbarians had a characteristic. They would immediately run away if the battle went against their will. However, with a slight twist, they would gather back together without even having to greet them.

The same was true for Ke Bineng. When Ma Su couldn't do anything about the chariot formation, these barbarians gathered back spontaneously. As time went by, this group of barbarians gathered more than 10,000 people around Kebineng again.

However, Ma Su didn't say anything about this at all, he just glanced at it and ignored it.

If you don't gather together, I still can't find a reason to divide the troops.

"This bunch of Huma have gathered again, and it seems they are still not subdued!" Ma Su waved his hand, looked back at his personal guards, and said with a serious expression.

"I will lead more than a hundred people here to keep an eye on Kebineng. You divide your forces to defeat them! Otherwise, if we let them gather together and attack us from the front and back, I'm afraid the battle will be in jeopardy!"

"But general..." When the guards heard Ma Su's order, they all hesitated to speak.

"But what, don't you obey my orders?" Ma Su's face suddenly changed, and he looked extremely angry and wanted to drive people away.

If this gang of soldiers had been with him, he probably wouldn't be able to commit suicide in this life. Just take this opportunity to let them divide their troops to intersect, so that you can have a chance to commit suicide.

I'm such a good planner!

However, just when Ma Su was proud of his plan, Ma Su's personal guard said cautiously.

"But General, there is no need to defeat them. Aren't they already in chaos?"

"Ah?" Ma Su was startled and suddenly turned around, only to see that the Qiang soldiers who had just gathered together were in chaos.

"You are the only ones who still want to surround General Zhengbei? Go to hell!"

The troops of the headquarters led by Zhang Yi suddenly appeared behind Hu Ma, and the banner of the Han army fluttered in the wind.

Seeing this situation, Ma Su felt bad.

I guess, why is Zhang Yi here? Didn’t I tell him not to come to support me?

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