Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 298 A horse beats an army

Obviously, after some talk, Ma Di failed to convince Ke Bineng, so the two sides finally had to fight.

Kebineng has 20,000 infantry and cavalry under his command. Although the military discipline is not too strict, it is definitely a regular army. Moreover, Ke Bineng's subordinates who have been in the north all year round are also brave and good at fighting.

One of the most important problems is that Kebineng's ratio of tribesmen and people is very comprehensive. Not only are there archers and cavalry, but the infantry also carries chariots specially designed to guard against sudden cavalry!

In general, Ma Su's disadvantages are much greater than the original plan. After all, at this time, Ma Su was at a point where he couldn't even make a sudden advance.

Ma Su began to carefully look at this group of Beiqiang tribe, thinking about where to break the situation.

It was definitely impossible to break through the front. Dozens of tanks lined up in front, basically blocking Ma Su's possibility of charging into the formation.

The two wings of the Qiang soldiers were supported by seven thousand Hu cavalry. Although this group of Hu Qi are not as wealthy as Ma Su's headquarters and can wear three layers of armor, they still wear one layer of leather armor.

It can be said that compared with other Hu horses from the Hu tribe in the North, this tribe of Ke Bineng can be considered elite. It is no wonder that Ke Bi was able to unify Yanmen County and became one of the few powerful Hu warlords in the north.


"The enemy only has 7,000 Hu cavalry, and they are divided on both sides of the team to support the infantry. Such division of troops will make them isolated." Ma Di pointed to the cavalry phalanx on the side of the Northern Qiang tribe and made a quick decision.

"Although the enemy army has learned the military system of our Han army, it is obvious that it has not been fully practiced. Military discipline and military appearance have not met the requirements, and the connection between cavalry and infantry on both sides is not good."

"Since we can't rush in with the Qiang infantry, let's clear the cavalry on both sides first!"

Ma Su made a quick decision and first defeated the cavalry on the side of the Qiang army, and then took advantage of the situation to break into the infantry formation.

However, before Ma Su gave the order to attack, Ke Bineng of the Qiang Army's Central Army had already issued the order.

"This group of Xishu cavalry is small, only more than a thousand people. We still need to go south to help the Northern King. We must fight quickly. The cavalry will attack and defeat the enemy quickly!"

Ke Bineng's order was issued before Ma Su's, and the Hu cavalry on the left and right immediately followed the order. Three thousand cavalry were sent out from both sides and rushed toward Ma Su from both sides!

"Huh? Instead of defending, these barbarians dare to attack me?" Ma Di has already made arrangements and is preparing to attack the Qiang soldiers' formation from the left. As a result, he was a little surprised when he saw that the barbarians not only did not stand still, but actually rushed towards him.

"How dare a person like this dare! Sima Yi doesn't even dare to fight against me like this!"

"General, give the order, we will offer you the head of the enemy general!" Ma Su's personal guards also seemed to feel insulted, and they all asked Ma Su for advice.

Ma Su nodded slightly and said with emotion that morale is available. Then Ma Su clamped his horse's belly, led the cavalry and rushed out, shouting,

"I am Ma Youchang, the general of the Northern Campaign of the Han Dynasty! Who dares to fight with me?"

But it is a pity that Ma Su's reputation is only in Guanzhong and Jingzhou. These Huma people in the north don't even know your reputation, Ma Di.

In particular, Ke Bineng's troops and horses were all from the Yanmen area, which was thousands of miles away from Longyou. Wherever Ma Su's reputation spread, it basically became a topic of conversation after dinner.

So after hearing Ma Su's roar, a group of Huqi were not only not afraid, but became excited.

General Zhengbei, this is a high official, he is worth a lot of money!

"The one in white armor is a high official!"

"Sounds like it's worth at least a few dozen cows, right?"

"Maybe we can add two more sheep!"

"No one can rob me, this official belongs to me!"

The eyes of the group of wild horses were shining, and military discipline was completely forgotten in an instant. A group of people only maintained a simple square formation, and all kinds of weapons came to greet Ma Di.

At one time, all the arrows from more than 3,000 horsemen were fired at Ma Di, who was at the forefront of the Han army. A dense rain of arrows flew into the sky, and then fell densely in a parabola, heading straight towards Ma Su!

At this time, Ma Su's personal guards all became nervous and subconsciously touched the shield again.

Everyone knows that their generals are lucky and cannot hit arrows, but what if...

But obviously their shields were of no use, because Ma Di was overjoyed to see such a dense rain of arrows. Not only did he rush faster, he also threw away his helmet and goggles while rushing.

"A group of barbarians, come and fight me to the death!" Ma Su's eyes were shining, his expression was full of excitement for the battle, and he rushed forward with the arrow in his head.

In the end, dense arrows shot down some of Ma Di's bodyguards and cavalrymen, but Ma Di was only scratched on the shoulder by the arrows. In such an extremely thrilling way, Ma Su rushed through the danger zone.

However, at this time, Ma Su had already rushed too far forward, and the guards were lagging far behind. But even so, Ma Di still rushed faster and faster, taking the lead in rushing into the Hu cavalry formation, one person and one horse.

Because Ma Su was too eye-catching and rushed too far forward, all these horsemen came towards Ma Su. In an instant, more than a dozen people rushed forward, all with sabers, sabers and spears, and they greeted Ma Su.

"Well done!" Ma Di took turns parrying with a long spear. From time to time, he would give up his defense and shoot back, randomly picking a lucky spectator from the crowd and stabbing him to death.

For a moment, dozens of horsemen surrounded Ma Di, as if he was about to be hacked to death in the next second. However, a group of people greeted him for a long time. Although Ma Su had several injuries on his body, he seemed to be a rock in the wave, unmoving.

On the other hand, Hu Qi was stabbed to death by Ma Su in exchange for injuries.

"Fighting, it's fun!" Ma Su became more and more excited as he fought. The more and more injuries all over his body seemed to give him hope of returning home.

I have learned a lot about the probabilities of leading the masses into battle before. But charging into battle alone, surrounded by enemies from all directions, cannot be traced by the human body anymore.

Looking at it this way, it seems that there is a way to commit suicide!

But there were not many opportunities for Ma Su to be excited, because in the blink of an eye, Ma Su's headquarters also caught up. Seeing that his general was being bullied by many and seemed to be seriously injured, Long Wuyi was furious and courageous!

"Dare to hurt the general? No one of you can leave alive today!"

"The general is our food and clothing parent, anyone who hurts him will definitely die!"

"How dare a group of horsemen bully the minority, you will all die!"

Suddenly, the angry Han cavalry rushed forward. Hu Qi initially bullied them because they were small, but he responded arrogantly.

As a result, as soon as the two sides joined forces, the Han army immediately destroyed the enemy, stabbing and killing hundreds of Hu people, and destroyed the front line. Then the Han army pressed forward, and almost everyone changed their sabers to fight at close range, almost risking their lives, and killed hundreds of Hu people.

This group of barbarians who had seen this kind of scene in the north every day were instantly stunned.

"They are madmen! They are the descendants of prairie wolves! Run!"

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