Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 285 Cao Wei’s strategic adjustment in the northwest, Sima oversees Guanzhong

Sima Yi expressed his loyalty, and Cao Rui then spoke to comfort him. The two of them just laughed and chatted for a while, which was suitable for both monarch and minister.

But it’s unclear exactly what they have in mind about Xiao Jiujiu.

After some polite greetings, Cao Rui took Sima Yi's hand and returned to the palace, receiving Sima Yi with the highest standards.

If you didn't know better, you would have thought that Sima Yi defeated Zhuge Liang and returned in triumph.

After dragging Sima Yi back to the palace, Cao Rui couldn't wait to ask.

"General Fujun and his party in Liangzhou will gain anything from fighting against Western Shu? The northwest defense of our Wei Dynasty has been so corrupted, is there any good strategy?"

Now he couldn't help Cao Rui not being anxious. He saw that the territory in the northwest was getting smaller and smaller as he invaded the northwest. How should he deal with it?

Didn't my father say that Xishu was a small country? The only famous general, Guan Yu, is dead, so why does he become more and more awesome as he fights?

And how come Ma Di and Zhuge Liang are not dead yet!

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid Northwest is..." Faced with this question, Sima Yi couldn't help but fell silent and began to think about how to explain it.

The current defense of Cao Wei's northwest is, in one sentence, a complete mess!

Cao Zhen, who took office as the governor of Guanzhong, took care of Guanzhong very well. If Sima Yi took over Guanzhong at that time, he would dare to say that even if Zhuge Liang and Ma Su were immortals, they would never be able to break into Guanzhong.

However, since Cao Zhen's four-pronged army attacked Western Shu and suffered successive defeats at Ziwu Valley and Wuzhangyuan, the originally prosperous Guanzhong was instantly ruined.

Not only was the place unstable, but the Guanzhong clan, which had always been ignored by Cao Wei, began to have unwanted thoughts.

After all, who are you following? If you, the Wei Dynasty, don’t want us to progress, why don’t we go to Shu Han?

In addition, Cao Zhen was seriously ill but kept pretending that he was not dead. In the past half year, Guanzhong could be said to be in a mess. Now that Cao Zhen is dead, Guanzhong is even more chaotic, and the command system is almost uncoordinated.

At this time, Guanzhong can only be said to be in chaos. If it weren't for the weak foundation of the Shu Han Dynasty, after the Northern Expedition to Liangzhou, there would be no military supplies to continue the Eastern Expedition. I am afraid that the Shu army would have already arrived at Chang'an City.

Therefore, Sima Yi knew very well how difficult the task would be if Cao Rui asked him to supervise Guanzhong. So after pondering for a while, Sima Yi said to Cao Rui solemnly.

"Your Majesty, facing Western Shu today, we can no longer treat it as a big country looking down on a small country. Now we, the Wei Dynasty, should regard it as an enemy country of the same level and use the strength of the whole country to fight against it."

"What?" Cao Rui suddenly frowned, a little unbelievable for a moment.

Isn't this a bit alarmist?

Even if the Shu Han took over Yongliang, they would only be able to occupy the territory of three states. Even though I, the Wei Dynasty, have lost several battles, the territory in my hands is no less than that of Shu and Wu combined.

This requires treating Xishu as an equal opponent, not even counting Wu Laoer?

"Your Majesty, the current soldiers of the Shu army are strong and vigorous. Its prime minister Zhuge Liang is a monster talent, and Ma Su is a famous general. If we don't take it seriously, it will be too late." Sima Yi gave a bitter smile and began to express his admiration to Cao Rui. The tyranny of Shu.

"Now Western Shu has merged Yongliang, and the terrain of Longyou is connected with the mountains and rivers of Western Shu. In the past, Guangwu used the best troops in the world to conquer Kaihuo in the northwest, and it took a full eight years to pacify it."

"Now Western Shu has a strong support for Yongliang, with more than 100,000 soldiers, and it has become a serious problem for the Wei Dynasty. It is said that Zhuge Liang is personally supervising Yongliang and is fully deploying his troops to prepare to continue to advance eastward."

"If we don't make preparations early, when the Shu army is fully prepared and marches out of the pass, the west of Tongguan will no longer be owned by the Wei Dynasty!"

After Sima Yi's shocking words, Cao Rui realized that the matter had become so serious. At this time, Cao Rui was better than his father. He chose to believe that Sima Yi was not an alarmist.

"In this case, how should I deal with the matter in the northwest?"

"Move the people to Guanzhong, let me supervise the military affairs in Guanzhong, and garrison the fields in Chang'an." Sima Yi recommended himself without saying a word, and was not polite at all.

"Although half of Guanzhong's geographical advantage has been lost, there are still thousands of miles of fertile fields, enough for farming and training. I invited more than 100,000 people to move to Guanzhong and lead the troops in Guanzhong to guard Guanzhong."

"In this way, relying on the benefits of Guandong, we can cultivate the fields and stabilize the people, and make Guanzhong strong. If invaders from Western Shu come, I will stand high and not fight. I will just confront them and hold on."

"The grain produced in Yongliang is not enough to support the army, and the road to Shu is difficult and dangerous, making it difficult to transfer grain from Yizhou. By then, Western Shu will not be able to fight, and will inevitably fall into a food shortage dilemma and have to withdraw its troops to protect itself."

"By repeating this process for several years, I will be able to make the troops in Guanzhong comparable to the army of Shu, and the soldiers from Guanzhong can support a hundred thousand people."

"If this is the case, then the northwest will be safe and there will be no more opportunities for Western Shu."

Sima Yi's report to Cao Rui was basically all about building Guanzhong and how to build it. He basically had no hope of counterattacking Yongliang, and even thought that it would be a good thing to keep Guanzhong.

Sima Yi's core idea is that now is the time when the opponent is most capable of attacking, so we must not take advantage of him. We must defend the tower and consolidate the front line honestly, and wait until the two most powerful masters and apprentices on the opposite side are offline, and we will have a huge economic advantage before we can talk about counterattack.

Cao Rui found it difficult to accept Sima Yi's proposal.

Eight mines are used to fight two mines. If you want me to insist on not producing a bastard, I can't accept this.

But after weighing the pros and cons, Cao Rui made an extremely bold decision.

He chose to believe Sima Yi and adopted his proposal.

"Since General Fu Jun thinks this is necessary, then I will do it!" Cao Rui gritted his teeth and finally said.

"I will notify Chen Sikong and order him to send more than 100,000 people to Guanzhong to farm. Now that the general has died of illness, there is a shortage of governors in the northwest, so Aiqing will be responsible for it!"

Sima Yi was suddenly surprised and quickly saluted to thank Cao Rui for his trust.

To be honest, he was indeed a bit alarmist in some places just now, because he was afraid that Cao Rui and Cao Pi would give him the same "emperor will not listen".

But it turned out that he was overly worried. Cao Rui was still more pragmatic than his face-saving father.

But just when Sima Yi was about to stand up and leave, Cao Rui suddenly stopped his movements with a word.

"By the way, I heard that Shu general Ma Su once said that he loved Qing Luoshui..."

"Your Majesty, these are Ma Su's slanderous remarks." Sima Yi waved his hands and said with a smile as usual.

"Of course I know this is the enemy's slander!" Cao Rui also laughed and patted Sima Yi on the shoulder.

"My love for you is to me what Zhuge Liang is to the Lord of Shu. I can entrust you with great undertakings."

"So, my dear, please don't betray my trust!"

"Your Majesty has entrusted you, and I shall repay it with my life!"

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