Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 266 Your Majesty, you are as fearful of Shu as a tiger, it’s really a good job

Sima Yi responded to all the generals' proposals for war and refused them all. In the eyes of the generals, this is completely unreasonable.

After all, we are also a big country, with hundreds of thousands of troops, and our territory is many times that of the opposite country. The war on the other side seems to have become more intense in the past few years, and they have used tricks to capture some territory. Is it worth being afraid of this?

Despite the ferocity of the fighting between Shu and Han in the past two years, in fact the scope of external expansion was not large. The three eastern counties of Wuling and Wudang are all strategic fulcrums, and only the defeat of Longyou barely added some combat power.

In fact, the only place where the Shu Han can command all its power is Yizhou.

And regardless of the fact that they are now devoting all their strength to the Northern Expedition, there are actually only 60,000 people. Ma Su and Wei Yan, who are the most capable of fighting, have been dragged aside. Only 30,000 people are really coming. If we don't fight at this time, how long will we have to wait?

From strategy to tactics, all the generals believed that this was the time for a quick victory. After all, the man in charge of the troops on the other side is Zhuge Liang, who has always been a logistics manager. What are you trying to do?

"Your Majesty, you can have five thousand elite soldiers with a certain person. If a certain person is a vanguard, he will be a general and defeat the Shu army!" Dai Ling invited the battle again, his tone gradually filled with righteous indignation.

"Let me all rest! Secure the camp and wait for the opportunity to defeat the enemy!" But in response to the general's request, Sima Yi snorted coldly and blocked it without saying a word.

"The Shu army entered Liangzhou with the momentum of several consecutive battles and victories. How can it be so easy to defeat it?"

"Everyone, please keep an eye on me. If the Shu army crosses our army, they will follow. If they ask for a fight, they will build a fortress to defend it. If I find anyone who dares to send troops privately, he will be dealt with according to the military law!"

Sima Yi's military orders made all the generals angry.

"Your Majesty, you are as afraid of Shu as a tiger! You are really a tiger minister of the Han Dynasty!" Dai Ling walked away angrily, not even saluting Sima Yi.

The other generals were not as angry as him, but they all cursed and left the military tent. It can be seen that what Sima Yi did somewhat disappointed them.

It was not until the generals left that Sima Shi walked into the military tent and came to give Sima Yi his orders.

"Father! Someone is incompetent and failed to withstand the Shu army's offensive in Jincheng."

"Teacher, you must remember the lesson and never do it again!" Sima Yi nodded and said calmly.

It was not Sima Shi's responsibility that Jincheng failed to hold on within the stipulated time, but Sima Yi still chose to give a few instructions. After all, he was his successor, and Sima Yi had very high requirements for Master Sima.

On the contrary, Sima Zhao was different. Sima Yi simply said a few words to him and left him alone.

After Sima Shi returned to his life, he reported to Sima Yi everything he saw and heard in Jincheng County. Specifically, it was mainly because Ma Di slandered the three of them, father and son, for treason.

Sima Yi listened calmly throughout the whole process and didn't express anything. He just said lightly, "This Shu dog is barking, so don't worry about it."

Of course, how much Sima Yi listened to depends on the key points.

"Father, now that the Shu army has few soldiers, shouldn't it be more important to fight with it? Why is dad not fighting at this high base?" After Sima Shi reported the military situation, he carefully took a look at Sima Yi's face and then asked.

"Master, I have taught you before. The art of war is to be invincible first and then wait until the enemy is victorious." In response to Master Sima's question, Sima Yi pondered for a moment and chose to explain.

"Now the main strength of the Shu army has been dragged around Jincheng County, but Zhuge Liang still dares to bring 30,000 people here, so he must be relying on something. Our army is only 10,000 more than him, which is not a big advantage."

"Moreover, the Shu army came all the way to fight quickly. To engage the enemy now would be against the law of war, which stipulates that the enemy should be killed rather than killed."

"Then how should we deal with the Shu army next?" Sima Shi asked for advice.

"There is no need to worry about this. When the morale of the Shu army is exhausted, we will all come out from behind to defeat this thief!"





When Sima Yi tried his best to suppress the generals' request to fight and fortified the camp without fighting, the Shu army also began to challenge in many directions.

The Shu army gathered all its soldiers and horses and rushed all the way to Wuwei, just to beat Sima Yi. As a result, you ran all the way here and then built a camp next to me and acted like a tortoise.

Compared to Ma Su, Prime Minister Zhuge's provocative insults seemed so civilized. It is also similar to civilized terms such as "a bright man" and "an old thief with a gray beard".

But even so, the generals found it difficult to accept it. In the camp, I heard the Shu army repeatedly provoking a small country to provoke a big country, and using a weak army to insult a strong army. Everyone was angry and bullfighting.

Jia Xu had proposed to use a defensive strategy to kill them in the face of the provocation of Shu Han and Soochow. But, in that case, how many people can choose this strategy?

As a big country, your military strength far exceeds that of your opponent. The other side just relies on the geographical advantage and continues to provoke them, each time with fewer troops than you. Are you really willing to be a coward and choose to swallow your anger and defend?

Even if they are not as good as the other party in the future, they will be bullied to the point where the whole country will be indignant, let alone now.

At least in the Wei army, no one except Sima Yi felt that they should endure it at this time.

The Shu army yelled and cursed outside the Wei army's camp for several days, but the Wei army refused to fight. Zhuge Liang had no choice but to make a new response.

"Forget it, since Sima Yi plans to be a coward, we're afraid there's nothing we can do." Zhuge Liang waved his hand, looked at the Wei army camp opposite and sighed.

"Prime Minister! What should we do next?" Yang Yi asked.

"Pass my order to retreat thirty miles." Zhuge Liang narrowed his eyes and gave the order to retreat.

There is obviously something wrong with Sima Yi's operation, but Zhuge Liang still doesn't know what he wants to do. If we continue to advance, the food route will be easily cut off, so we should retreat dozens of miles to observe the enemy's changes.

Under Zhuge Liang's order, the Shu army quickly broke out of camp and retreated. The military formations and flags were uniform. Sima Yi, without saying a word, also broke out of camp and pursued in a hurry, pressing closely with the Shu army from a distance of more than ten miles.

The Shu army suddenly turned back, and the Wei army immediately set up camp and established a stronghold without fighting.

The Shu army withdrew again, and Sima Yi pursued again. The two sides stopped and went for dozens of miles, but the Shu army failed to find a chance to counterattack.

Now the Prime Minister also understood that Sima Yi, an old boy, was planning to drag down his morale and build up Wei Jun's own anger.

This old thief is planning to become Cao Gui.

Okay, I'll let you be Cao GUI.

Zhuge Liang was no longer worried. He waved his feather fan and retreated to the border of Wuwei. He camped according to the terrain, and Sima Yi was sure to get there.

At this time, in Xiping County in the south, Ma Di's good news was also sent to Zhuge Liang.

"You Chang solved the battle so quickly? Just in time, I left Zhang Yi to stay in Xiping County. You Chang quickly led the troops north and followed me to defeat Sima Yi!"

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