"Explanation? Is there any explanation for this? Could it be that if you retreat to Linqiang, you can defeat Ma Su?" Fei Yao sneered and expressed his disdain for the talents of these Qiang chiefs.

"Ma Su took the 3,000 most capable cavalrymen of his department to Linqiang. He made it clear that he was going to fight us in Linqiang. Even if we are defending, we may not be able to stop Ma Su's attack. Do you still want to Can we go to Linqiang and have a fight with Ma Su?"

"In this case, do we have any other choice besides destroying the Shu army camp with all our strength and cutting off Ma Di's retreat?"

Fei Yao slowly explained a few sentences to them. The core point was that Ma Su was untouchable.

As long as he is around, the Shu army's combat effectiveness will soar. It is not easy to defeat many with less. Now that Ma Su has finally left to cut off his retreat, if you don't defeat Zhang Yi with all your strength, do you still want to fight Ma Su?

Although Fei Yao's dismissive words made the chiefs very dissatisfied, it seemed to make sense after thinking about it carefully.

Compared to Ma Su, these Qiang leaders were indeed more willing to fight Zhang Yi's Shu army.


A chief stood up, pointed at Fei Yao and said angrily.

"Even so, why doesn't General Fei lead his troops to the battle, but instead asks us to fight with the Shu army?"

"Xiping County has been promised to you by the governor. This is the territory of your Qiang people. I am only responsible for contacting you to jointly resist the Shu army. This is not my task." Fei Yao replied nonchalantly, finishing his words with a few words His position changed from directing the Qiang soldiers to attack the Shu army to Cao Wei coming to help.

These words made all the chiefs furious and wanted to kill Fei Yao.

But considering that they have offended the Shu Kingdom too hard, if the Wei Kingdom also offends them, the Xiqiang will not be able to get along. So no matter how much they hated Fei Yao, no one among the Qiang leaders dared to take action.

"Okay, don't you want Ma Su to die in Xiping County? Defeat Zhang Yi and guard the passes, and you can starve Ma Su to death in Linqiang!" Fei Yao said lightly, pointing to the Shu army who were still fighting. Camp.

"If we can't defeat the Shu army camp, we will be the ones who starve to death in the end. I, Fei Yao, can return to Wuwei at any time. What are you going to do?"


"None of you Han people are good people!"

A group of Qiang leaders yelled angrily, but there was nothing they could do.

With their level of education and research on the art of war, they really can't think of any other way to break this situation. So although they were very unhappy, a group of Qiang people had to obey Fei Yao's order and continue to attack the Shu army camp.

More than 20,000 Qiang soldiers began to storm the Shu army camp. Under Fei Yao's arrangement, they attacked the Shu army camp from multiple directions.

However, the combat effectiveness of the Qiang soldiers is still limited, and Zhang Yi is not incompetent, so it is not easy to win. The Qiang army launched a fierce attack for several days, but lost troops and generals but achieved little results. The Shu army still firmly guarded the camp without retreating.

Of course, Zhang Yi's life was not easy. On the third day of the battle, Zhang Yi personally led his guards to the front line. After several days of fighting, Zhang Yi was injured by the arrow, but he still had to fight hard to resist.

The two sides started fighting with high intensity inside and outside the camp, and a large number of Qiang soldiers fell outside the Shu army camp.

In the midst of such a high-intensity fighting and melee in Xiping County, there was one person who remained outside the world.

That's right, it's our mighty general Ma Su.

After Ma Su led his troops to invade Linqiang, Ma Su quickly made precautions and arrangements. As long as the Wei army retreats to the west, Ma Su plans to start a big fight with the Wei army outside Linqiang City.

Thirty thousand Qiang soldiers rushed over, which was still a big challenge for Ma Su.

So Ma Di was gearing up in Linqiang, waiting for the Wei army to take the initiative. As a result, when Zhang Yi's request for help arrived, Ma Su was completely stunned.

"What's going on? Fei Yao didn't come to hit me, so why did he go and hit Zhang Yi?" Ma Su was very surprised. No matter how you look at the situation now, you should hit Ma Su first, right?

The retreat route of the Qiang soldiers was cut off, so they must first take the capture of Lin Qiang as their main goal. Moreover, Ma Su's side is still cavalry, and Zhang Yi's side is infantry. The support speeds of the two sides are not of the same order of magnitude.

Ma Su can get back in two days. What do you think is the use of beating Zhang Yi?

Are you still expecting to defeat Zhang Yi in just a few days?

Ma Di was puzzled by this, but one thing was for sure: these people didn't seem to want to take him with them to the war.

How can this be done? We, Ma Su, have to kick every dog ​​that passes by, let alone this kind of war.

If you don't bring me to the party, then don't blame me for showing up uninvited!

"Prepare my horses! Let's rush back to rescue General Zhang now!" Ma Di made a quick decision and immediately summoned all the cavalry to prepare to turn back and rescue Zhang Yi.

There's no need to rush. If these Qiang soldiers don't defeat Zhang Yi, then Ma Su will be in vain and gain nothing.

Ma Su reacted quickly. He left two thousand infantrymen in Linqiang and led three thousand light cavalry on a rapid march to help.

Linqiang was not far from Xidu, and Ma Su figured that he would still have a sense of participation when he got there.

Regarding this point, Ma Su overestimated the combat effectiveness and will of the Qiang soldiers.

It was dusk when Ma Su rushed back, and the Qiang army still failed to break through Zhang Yi's camp. When the Qiang army was about to withdraw like a tide, Ma Di's banner suddenly appeared behind the Wei army!

"I am Ma Di, the general of the Han Dynasty! Who dares to fight with me!" Ma Di shouted at the vanguard, and the soldiers behind him instantly raised his flag.

"General Ma of Han Fu Kingdom"

In theory, Ma Su's title should also be added, but Ma Su firmly refused. He didn't want the words "Jietinghou" to be printed on his banner.

As soon as Ma Su's banner appeared behind the Qiang soldiers, the already exhausted Qiang soldiers and horses were instantly in chaos.

It was so difficult to defeat Zhang Yi, but Ma Su came back?

What a fart!

The Qiang tribe, which had retreated in an orderly manner, suddenly burst into an uproar, and many timid soldiers had already fled in panic. For a time, the morale of the Wei army was in chaos, and the Qiang soldiers with poor military discipline turned into a pile of scattered sand in the blink of an eye.

"The Horse Butcher is back!"

"Retreat to Xiping quickly!"

"Where did General Fei go? Why should he not be defeated?"

"He's gone! All his songs are gone!"



As Sima Yi's subordinate, Fei Yao knew very well what to do when. When the scouts reported that Ma Di was back, Fei Yao fled with his troops.

Anyway, they are all a group of Qiang soldiers, not soldiers of our great Wei Dynasty. These foreigners will die as soon as they die. It is best to be wiped out by the Shu army, so that dogs can bite the dogs.

Fei Yao's escape caused the Qiang troops to completely collapse, and they began to trample on each other before they even engaged the enemy. When Ma Su came to fight, all those who had not run away knelt down and surrendered.

Surrendering to General Shenwei is not a shame.

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