Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 252: Capture the Golden City

Chen Qun gave some suggestions on the current situation, but it didn't seem to be on Cao Rui's side.

Cao Rui glanced at Chen Qun faintly, as if he wanted to see through the minister Tuogu.

However, Chen Qun didn't care at all and spoke calmly under Cao Rui's gaze without changing his expression.

"Your Majesty, since the fall of Longyou, Liangzhou has actually been unable to be saved."

"Without Longyou, the connection between Liangzhou and Guanzhong is very weak. From beginning to end, if we want to support Liangzhou, we have to pass through the territory of the Qiang and Hu people."

"The Qiang and Hu people in the north have always been despicable and greedy. Cooperating with them is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger. Even if they are dishonest in peacetime, let alone the urgent war in the northwest now?"

"So Liangzhou is already a place that must be abandoned. There is no need to waste troops, money and food here. It is better to take all the troops back to Guanzhong and fight with the Shu army in Guanzhong..."

"Okay, no need to say more, I have made up my mind! Liangzhou must be protected!" Cao Rui finally couldn't bear it anymore and directly interrupted Chen Qun's tirade.

"According to my decree, Guo Huai will temporarily supervise all the military forces in Guanzhong, and Chen Tai will lead the troops to rescue Liangzhou. Bingzhou Luoyang needs to divide its troops to rush for reinforcements. You must protect Liangzhou for me no matter what!"

After speaking, Cao Rui drove Chen Qun away directly, not intending to listen to his advice again.

Cao Rui has always been good at following advice

, Cao Rui will basically listen no matter who mentions it. But this time, Cao Rui had to fight against all odds to ensure his return to Liangzhou.

Chen Qun's proposal seemed reasonable, abandoning Liangzhou and retreating to Guanzhong. This will not only increase Guanzhong's military strength and make it more stable, but also reduce costs.

This is also the attitude of most people in the Cao Wei court. Don't keep Liangzhou as a money-losing thing.

But Cao Rui can't listen to them, especially Liangzhou must not be lost!

Liangzhou is located to the north of Longyou, separated from Longyou controlled by the Shu Han only by a river. This means that the Wei army in Liangzhou can threaten the right flank of Long at any time, making the Shu army dare not let go and advance eastward.

In other words, as long as Liangzhou is still in the hands of the Wei army, besieging Guanzhong will become a path Shu will never choose.

On the contrary, once Liangzhou is lost, the Shu army can connect Yongliang together. In this way, the Shu army no longer had any worries, and Guanzhong was directly threatened by the enemies of Western Shu on both sides and the Qiang and Hu threats on the other.

Moreover, the existence of Liangzhou is the core of deterring the Qiang-Hu alliance. The fact that he still exists means that Cao Wei still has control over the northwest, and the Qiang and Hu people have to obey Cao Wei's orders honestly.

Once Liangzhou is lost, it is difficult to say whether the Qiang and Hu people will have any second thoughts.

Thinking about Ma Di from the Shu Han Dynasty, who was known as "the troops sent out from Longyou, the powerful Qiang and Hu", who knows whether the Qiang and Hu would try to play both sides between Wei and Shu, and use this to ask for high prices.

What should we do if Guanzhong becomes enemies on three sides again? Give up again?

If we give up again, we will reach Tongguan, and beyond that we will reach Luoyang, and then there will be no retreat.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to abandon Liangzhou from a strategic level. Whether we can regain Longyou in the future depends entirely on Liangzhou.

None of those wealthy families who are greedy for money think at the national level.

Cao Rui decided to rescue Liangzhou, which aroused unanimous opposition from the officials in the Cao Wei court. However, Cao Rui was very determined and advocated the rescue of Liangzhou.

Under Cao Rui's order, Guo Huai returned to Chang'an from Yongzhou to take over Cao Zhen's affairs. Chen Tai, on the other hand, led more than 10,000 troops to join the state reinforcements, preparing to cross the Yellow River and use the Qiang and Hu routes to aid Liangzhou.

No matter what, Liangzhou must be saved with all its strength.

After arranging these, Cao Rui lay down on the bed almost exhausted, staring at the ceiling blankly. At this moment, he looked like he had been spoiled, and he only had one year in his mind.

"Why isn't Zhuge Liang dead? Why isn't Ma Di still dead?"




Not to mention Cao Rui's side, almost everyone in the court was at odds with each other. On the Shu Han side, they are united and ready to conquer Liangzhou with all their strength.

In October of the ninth year of Jianxing, the autumn plowing in Longyou ended, and Zhuge Liang's third Northern Expedition officially began.

Wei, Yan and Ma Su led their troops to cross the Yellow River and took the lead in reaching the border of Liangzhou.

Ma Su led three thousand cavalry across the Yellow River first and camped on the north side of the river bank.

Wei general Fei Yao led his troops out and tried to prevent the Shu army from crossing the river. As a result, after seeing Ma Su's banner, he attacked backwards without saying a word and ran back to Jincheng.

Sima Yi, the governor, had already ordered Ma Su, Wei Yan and other famous Shu generals to withdraw to Jincheng immediately if they had crossed the river.

The Yellow River is slow and narrow, and there are many ferries, which cannot stop the army at all. The location here is destined to not be a strategic location, but only a short-term defense.

After Fei Yao withdrew to Jincheng, the Wei army in Liangzhou began to shrink its defenses. All the Wei troops stationed on the edge of the Yellow River retreated to Jinchengjun and defended the city.

In one sentence, I will never give you Ma Su a chance to perform.

The Wei army tightened its defenses, making it extremely smooth for the Shu army to cross the river. After only three days of garrisoning in Hebei, 60,000 Shu troops crossed the Yellow River and set foot on the border of Liangzhou.

"Prime Minister! Wei General Fei Yao and Sima Division led troops to defend Jincheng County, holding on to various passes and refusing to fight." Wei Yan found that the Wei army was completely ignored during his exploratory attack, so he turned to report to Zhuge Liang.

"This is normal. Don't worry about it. The whole army is pressing forward." Zhuge Liang didn't care. He had already anticipated Wei Jun's reaction.

He had analyzed before the war that his opponent was not an easy person.

Sima Yi, the head of the Sima family in Hanoi, and the younger brother of the great talent Sima Lang. This man is good at using troops and managing local affairs. He is as versatile as Zhuge Liang in both civil and military affairs.

And like Zhuge Liang, he was good at adapting to local conditions in his military deployment throughout his life. Only when you are absolutely sure will you invade like fire.

The Shu army marched northward to Liangzhou with the power of four consecutive battles and victories, and its military strength was superior to that of Sima Yi. With this cunning and cunning thing, there will be trouble if he dares to come out to challenge.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang had anticipated this and immediately ordered his troops to attack Jincheng County.

Wei Yan led 5,000 troops to attack Nanzhong in the east and pointed his troops at Zuli, blocking the possibility of reinforcements from Guanzhong. Zhuge Liang, on the other hand, used Ma Su as the vanguard and led his own army to attack Jincheng County.

With the same force, Ma Su led 3,000 cavalry soldiers to Jincheng County in a swagger. Facing the heavily guarded Jincheng, Ma Su was as arrogant as ever and led his troops directly to the city to call for formation.

"Listen up, all the thieves in Jincheng. Our Han Heavenly Soldiers have reached this point in their Northern Expedition, and they are unstoppable! Sima Yi is already timid and is preparing to lead his troops to escape. You must surrender quickly and fight against the thieves together with the Han. You will not lose a single follower of the dragon." achievement!"

Ma Su's original intention was to lure General Wei out, and then humiliate him in person and spread rumors. Even if you can't bear it, you don't want to be famous.

However, Wei Jun seemed to have expected it, and before Ma Su finished shouting, arrows rained down. The heavy rain of arrows forced Ma Su to retreat several miles, while Wei general Fei Yao and Sima Shi did not appear at all.

"What's going on? How come these Wei generals are so good at learning?"

Finally it’s the third Northern Expedition, and Prime Minister Zhuge and Sima Fu are finally going to meet each other.

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