Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 242 Disposal of Ma Di

"Prime Minister!"

After Guan Xing introduced Zhuge Liang into the palace, the first person he met was Dong Yun, the palace manager of the Shu Han Dynasty. When Dong Yun saw Zhuge Liang, he immediately saluted.

Dong Yun was a talent mentioned by Zhuge Liang in his apprenticeship list, and he was the palace manager appointed by Zhuge Liang.

Generally speaking, Dong Yun's talent is not very high. Compared with Jiang Wan and Fei Yi, he is still a little behind. However, he is extremely honest and upright, and he has the ability to recognize people.

As the general manager of the palace, such a person can provide appropriate advice to Liu Chan and restrain the emperor from being frugal.

At least, as long as Dong Yun is still alive, Huang Hao and his like are not qualified to meet Liu Chan.

"Prime Minister, why did you come to the palace today?" Facing Zhuge Liang, he was neither humble nor overbearing, and he was polite but not overly flattering.

"Liang Liang has something important to report to your Majesty, please inform..." Zhuge Liang nodded and said to Dong Yun.

"Your Majesty has already made it clear that the Prime Minister does not need to notify you when he enters the palace. You can just enter directly." Dong Yun saluted Zhuge Liang and continued.

"The rules still need to be followed, let's inform them." Zhuge Liang shook his head and said calmly but resolutely.

"No!" Dong Yun replied with his hands raised.

As the general manager of the palace, he theoretically does not belong to Zhuge Liang, and the status gap is not big, so he responded with "Nuo".

All of this is what Zhuge Liang has repeatedly emphasized. All matters, big or small, must be done according to the rules. Because of this, even if Zhuge Liang holds the power, no one has the idea to add Zhuge Liang's yellow robe.

There is a reason why our prime minister can be praised throughout the ages and become the minister that countless subsequent monarchs dream of.

Finally, with Zhuge Liang's firm stance, Dong Yun turned around and entered the palace to report. He came out soon, raised his hands to Zhuge Liang and said,

"Prime Minister, Your Majesty invites you to come in."

Only then did Zhuge Liang agree to move forward and enter the palace step by step strictly following etiquette.

To be honest, the palace in Chengdu is nothing, not to mention compared to the palace in Luoyang, or even a palace in Cao Wei. Generally speaking, it is just a small garden, except for a small artificial pool.

During the Three Kingdoms era, the Shu Han Dynasty was the only regime that kept everything simple and did not carry out large-scale construction projects after the founding of the country. As the emperor, Liu Chan's life was not as comfortable as being an An Le Gong after being captured.

Entering the palace, Zhuge Liang saw Liu Chan standing in the pond watching fish.

"I am very happy that my father-in-law has returned triumphantly from the Northern Expedition!" Liu Chan was very excited when he saw Zhuge Liang, especially since he kept hearing news about the Prime Minister's victory in the Northern Expedition these days.

Liu Chan became emperor at the age of sixteen, and he is only in his twenties now. I was very excited when I saw my father-in-law's chosen husband returning home in triumph.

After all, what could be better than sitting and studying in the palace, and then suddenly having a great achievement hit your head?

"Old minister, pay homage to Your Majesty!" Zhuge Liang saluted with his hands raised, and after completing the final meeting ceremony between the emperor and his ministers, he stood up.

"Liang heard that His Majesty has occasionally been in charge of the government these days, and has consulted with Jiang Wan, the chief minister, on important matters. This is a great act of kindness!"

"It's okay, but I just want to get to know... I am not very talented and knowledgeable, and I am far behind Jiang Changshi." When Liu Chan heard this, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

He did go to study, but he just planned to consult on some things. It turned out that Jiang Wan was also sincere and brought him a lot of government affairs without saying a word.

That was the first time Liu Chan understood what King Juan meant.

After a brief chat with Liu Chan, Zhuge Liang also heard Liu Chan complain about the excessive frugality in the palace. After chatting, Liu Chan asked Zhuge Liang the reason for his visit.

"The Prime Minister is coming to the palace this time? There must be some big event, right?"

Zhuge Liang's expression suddenly became serious, and his calm expression suddenly became serious.

"Your Majesty, I came to the palace this time because of Ma Di's affairs."

"General Fuguo? What's wrong with him?" Liu Chan was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously.

He remembered Ma Su very clearly. He was the successor appointed by his father-in-law. That day Liu Chan wrote down Ma Di's name and everything Zhuge Liang said.

But judging from Zhuge Liang's attitude, it was obvious that he was not here to praise him.

Sure enough, Zhuge Liang then nodded and bowed his hand to Liu Chan.

"Your Majesty, Ma Su, the general of the auxiliary country, has a fiery temperament, hates evil as much as hatred, is brave enough to lead the three armies, and has extraordinary military skills. In the past few years, his prestige in the army has increased, and he has the style of General Guan in the past."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Liu Chan asked strangely.

"But Ma Su doesn't like military etiquette and military orders, and likes to win by surprise. He often disobeys military orders and makes his own opinions..." Zhuge Liang shook his head and said all the words directly,

"It would be fine if that was all, but his prestige has increased, and many generals in the army have been favored by him. Although I believe that Ma Youchang is loyal to the Han, it is difficult to protect the ambitious people under his command..."

Zhuge Liang didn't say everything, but he already expressed all his meaning.

Zhuge Liang believed in Ma Di's loyalty, and it was impossible for him to betray and rebel. Ma Di was not even interested in power other than military power. He didn't even train his own son to show that he had no intention of rebellion and self-reliance.

However, Zhuge Liang was a little unsure about Ma Su's subordinates.

Ma Di's prestige in the army is growing day by day because of modesty. In fact, many people in the army regard Ma Di as the second Guan Yu. His military strategy and use of force, as well as his good knowledge of people, have long been admired by most soldiers.

This can be seen from the fact that Ma Su led three thousand soldiers and horses from Hanzhong to Ziwu Valley without saying hello. Many soldiers trusted him extremely and were willing to carry out his orders.

Ma Su did not have second thoughts, but how loyal were the generals under his command? Will you have the idea of ​​​​supporting Ma Su in the future and wearing a yellow robe for the purpose of wealth?

Thinking about how Li Yan encouraged Zhuge Liang back then, it was almost written on his face that we want you to be the emperor. As for Ma Su, who doesn't like etiquette, there are probably many people who want to support him.

Zhuge Liang is confident that he can control it, but what if he dies? Ma Di is much younger than him. What if after Zhuge Liang's death, someone suddenly wants to add some clothes to General Ma when the weather is cold?

Zhuge Liang expressed concern about this and informed Liu Chan of the matter.

Liu Chan couldn't help but look solemn when he heard all this. Just listening to Zhuge Liang's description, this is a very serious matter.

But think about Zhuge Liang's praise of Ma Di. Every word indicates that Ma Di is very important.

Regarding Ma Su's matter, any approach must be done with caution.

"Prime Minister, General Fu Guo worked hard for the Han Dynasty. He is a hero of the Han Dynasty. Removing him will probably lose people's support, right?" Liu Chan asked.

"This is a national matter. As a minister, I dare not say anything." Zhuge Liang smiled bitterly, cupped his hands and said.

When these words came out, Liu Chan understood immediately.

"I see, let me meet this great talent in person!"

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