Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 194 The Bandits Revolt

Obviously, Ma Su didn't know what he was doing in the eyes of the local clan.

In this era, factional fighting is still very serious, and most people basically treat others wrongly. No matter how good your proposal is, the main thing is not that I will firmly oppose it if it is not beneficial to me.

This situation has made factional struggles more tense, with overt and covert fights emerging one after another.

The reason why the Shu Han court was relatively stable was all because of Zhuge Liang's series of measures to suppress the fighting among various factions. But suppressing it does not mean that it is gone. The struggle between the Jingzhou faction, the Dongzhou faction and the local faction still continues.

This also made Ma Di's own action amplified infinitely by the local faction and regarded it as an action of the entire Jingzhou faction.

You said that when Ma Di went to the 5th Battalion of the Northern Army to stop him, it was Jingzhou’s own people who sent him? How do you know that it's not their show, and are you prepared to give them a hard blow in private?

Especially at this moment when the local scholars have been basically squeezed out of the core power level, and at this moment when the Jingzhou faction suddenly has a surge in strength, the entire local faction is already at its wits end.

Therefore, the Zhou family in Langzhong has made the most pessimistic decision. Even if they lose and are doomed, they will not make it easy for the Jingzhou faction.

Who cares that the instigator, Ma Su, only wanted to die?

After making the decision, Zhou sent someone to invite Ma Su again, hoping to have a little chat with Ma Su. What exactly do you want to do? Do we still have room for negotiation? There are things we cannot talk about.

However, this request was still gracefully rejected by Ma Su. The envoy who went to invite Ma Su didn't even enter the archives room, but was blocked outside by Liu Yin.

"I'm sorry, our envoy is busy inside right now and may not have time." Liu Yin stopped the envoy with a calm expression, and there was a hint of doubt in his tone.

"General Liu, you are also a native of Shuzhong. Can you give us an accurate picture of what the envoy wants?" The envoy was an elder of the Zhou family. Seeing this situation, he was still a little unwilling. Liu Yin tried to get close to him.

"Ma Shijun? He only wanted to help the Han Dynasty and bring peace to the people of the world." Liu Yin touched his chin, carefully thought about what his general had done, and finally answered sincerely.

This sentence immediately made Zhou's envoy feel a chill in his heart, and he felt a sense of fear.

At this point, we are all so sincere, but the other side is still talking nonsense. In the eyes of the old youtiao, this obviously means that I am going to kill you completely.

It seems that those foreigners from Jingzhou are serious!

"Okay, okay! Could it be that Mr. Ma, the envoy of the Zhou family, regards me as a traitor who is disobedient to the Han Dynasty? He treated us like this!" The envoy of the Zhou family left angrily for a while, and said before leaving,

"But our Zhou family is not like fish on the chopping board, we can be slaughtered by you!"

"What the hell?" Liu Yin couldn't understand the other person's thinking for a while, why was he so anxious to tell the truth?

"What's wrong, Xiuran? Why did I hear you arguing with someone else?" The situation outside the door also attracted Ma Su's attention, causing Ma Su to stop his calculations and ask curiously.

Liu Yin then told all about Zhou's attitude, which shocked Ma Di.

"They actually took the right seats. How come they, the Zhou family, are so unpopular?"

Any confident tycoon who runs a local business dares to say with a smile on his face that he is a gentleman and a talented person. I didn't expect to meet someone today who is very knowledgeable in the local area, but who knows exactly what he's doing.

"Check! We must investigate strictly!"




Ma Di lived in Langzhong and inspected the fields for several days, but did not notice any changes in the outside world. But what surprised Ma Su was that he didn't find much dirt on the Zhou family.

There is definitely some occupation of land, but unlike Longyou, this is not dominant. The Zhou family's main farm and family business are basically legal.

At the same time, he also sent people to inquire in Langzhong, and basically everyone was full of praise for the Zhou family.

The Zhou family was so generous with their wealth that all the famous people who fled to Shu were sponsored by the Zhou family. If any heroes in the village are short of money, they will not be stingy with money.

Especially because Sichuan is rich and there are no natural disasters, and the tenant farmers can basically live a comfortable life, so the Zhou family also has a good reputation among the tenant farmers.

From beginning to end, Ma Su really couldn't grasp anything about them.

Local wealthy families have learned to manage their reputations since the late Western Han Dynasty. In his own three-thirds of an acre of land, he is basically a person that everyone in Guizhou respects.

After all, although the powerful have huge power and powerful eyes, they still have to consider the cost of governance.

Just like the Longyou clan, people under your name want to fight with you, which is easy to deal with. But the big families in Shu are different. As soon as they hear the name of your family, the people below them lie down and wait for death, unable to think of any resistance.

I have to say that the Zhou family was able to get along so well that even history books say that their family was rich, which is indeed something.

"Your Majesty, what should we do? We are from Chengdu, so we can't slander good people, right?" Liu Yin was a little confused at this time, scratched his head and asked Ma Su.

"Are they good people? There are not many good people who can survive from the late Han Dynasty to the present." Ma Su curled his lips and expressed disdain for this.

Even Liu Bei, the moral ceiling in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, only treated common people. If Lao Liu treated the princes with the same character he treated the common people, his ashes would probably be raised.

There are no good people among the rich families who can be found these days.

"But I have to say that it's a bit tricky for the Zhou family to do this." Ma Di touched his chin and began to think about how to deal with the matter.

It is definitely impossible to completely apply Longyou's previous plan, because the Zhou family's acres of land seem to have been obtained legally. Without a proper reason, it would be difficult for Ma Su to make a fuss in this regard.

Dividing the big clans, weakening the powerful, and consolidating the local area, these things sound easy but are quite difficult to do.

Just when Ma Su felt a little helpless, suddenly a soldier rushed in and reported to Ma Su urgently.

"General! There is an uprising of bandits abroad in Xichong! Thousands of bandits are occupying the city!"

"There are bandits making trouble!"

Upon hearing this, Ma Di, Liu Yin and others' expressions immediately changed.

There have been thieves in Brazil County since there has been no turmoil for ten years since Zhuge ruled Shu. Doesn't this show the power of the local big family?

Especially since Xichong State was not far from Langzhong, it was clear who had the instructions behind him.

"It seems that the local wealthy people are so rude. How dare they show such authority in front of the imperial court? Don't they take His Majesty and the Prime Minister seriously?" Ma Di frowned, feeling that these local factions were too arrogant. .

Isn't it just to restrict private soldiers? In the end, they even dared to cause bandits to show their attitude.

It seems that we really need to let the rich people in Shu know how cruel war is.

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