Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 185 Overview of the private soldiers of the wealthy families in Chengdu

Obviously Guan Xing came prepared. Ma Su was stopped by Guan Xing within two steps of leaving the Prime Minister's Mansion.

When Guan Xing insisted on treating guests to dinner, Ma Su also had a headache. Guan Xing is the son of Guan Yu and is considered a member of the Yuancong faction. He suddenly wanted to invite Ma Su to dinner. What on earth did he want to do?

Could it be... that he wants to take advantage of my rest time?

Ma Su was shocked and wanted to refuse immediately. However, it was obvious that Guan Xing was determined to entertain Ma Di and was extremely determined.

In the end, Ma Su was unable to run away, and was stunned to let Guan Xing capture him alive and take him back to Guan Mansion.

This is the first time Ma Di has been captured alive. Our Lord Guan is so powerful!

Fortunately, when they arrived at Guan Mansion, Guan Xing's banquet was not too extravagant. In other words, Guan Xing is not qualified to be extravagant, and the banquet with Ma Su is basically ordinary food.

The Shu Han people were very poor. Unless they were local nobles, they basically lived in poverty. Before Zhuge Liang's death, Zhuge's family had 800 mulberry trees and 15 acres of land.

He is a dignified prime minister of a country, and his family only has this little wealth.

But compared to others, the Zhuge family is even considered rich. The official uniforms of Dong Yun, Fei Yi, and Jiang Wan were all patched, and the family members were often hungry during difficult times.

Like Ma Su, the most valuable thing he has is his work and his family home in Chengdu. As a descendant of Guan Yu, Guan Xing is only slightly larger than Ma Di's family house.

Look how shabby it is, every poor person is almost becoming a beggar.

At the banquet, Ma Su and Guan Xing drank and chatted for entertainment.

"Dingguo, by the way, how did you deal with that bastard Mi Fang?" Ma Di asked halfway through the banquet.

"Kill!" Guan Xing replied.

"I personally chopped up this bastard alive in front of my father's tomb. It's a pity that Ma Zhong was asked to leave by the prime minister... But it doesn't matter, he is the only one missing."

Mi Fang did not survive in the end, and Guan Xing chopped the traitor alive with his own hands. That day, the Shu Han servant almost cried to death in front of Guan Yu's memorial tablet.

As for Ma Zhong, after Zhuge Liang finally communicated with Guan Xing, he chose to pardon him and let him perform meritorious service. After all, he was not the one who killed Guan Yu. He only led the troops to capture Guan Yu for his own sake.

The Prime Minister is still very reasonable in this regard, and he tries not to wrong anyone.

"Really? Dingguo is still too extreme." Ma Di shook his head slightly, expressing his extreme disapproval of Guan Xing's handling.

"You are being extremely conservative. Wouldn't it be an advantage for Mi Fang to behead him alive?"

"Please give instructions to General Youchang. If there is a chance to use Xing on Sun Quan in the future!" Guan Xing immediately made a humble expression and asked Ma Su for advice.

"It's very simple." Ma Su snapped his fingers and said with a smile.

"You find acquaintances in Chengdu who are butchers who are good at knife skills, and let them be the executioners. Start cutting from the lower body, and cut it one by one... (omitted)"

"The prisoner will never be allowed to die before the execution is over. This is called Lingchi."

Ma Su started talking eloquently and told all he had learned about the criminal laws of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Guan Xing had been listening intently, but he didn't know how much he had heard.

In short, the two of them had a great time drinking and talking. The real joy was when Guan Xing kept thanking Ma Su for his kindness and even proposed to become brothers with different surnames.

Okay, this is indeed quite outrageous.

And at the banquet, Guan Xing lamented more than once that his sister got married too early. If Guan Yinping was not married yet, he would be married to Ma Su.

In this regard, Ma Su could only act as a deaf man and pretend not to hear.

I ate and ate and I heard nothing.

Just when Ma Su and Guan Xing were talking excitedly, Ma Su suddenly frowned and listened.

"Needly pace, well-paced from far to near...Did Chengdu's patrol team go out on patrol so early?" Ma Di felt something was wrong for a moment, because he heard something wrong with the pace outside.

Normally, the uniform and boring pace is something only the military can possess. The only regular army in Chengdu is the Northern and Southern Army defending Chengdu.

But this time should not be the time for the Northern Army to patrol, right?

"Oh... It's probably the young master from the Qiao family who has returned." Guan Xing was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and said as usual.

"The young master of the Qiao family?" Ma Su was stunned for a moment, and then asked.

"Could it be that he is a member of the tribe who encourages learning and practicing Qiao Zhou?"

"Of course." Guan Xing nodded and replied.

"That's even more wrong. I didn't remember anyone from the Qiao family being on duty in the 5th Battalion of the Northern Army!" Ma Su suddenly stood up, and he suddenly woke up.

Ma Su's intuition instantly felt that there was an opportunity to commit suicide.

"Hey, don't worry, General Youchang. This is just a servant of their Qiao family." Guan Xing saw Ma Su standing up and quickly grabbed Ma Su and said.

After Guan Xing explained, Ma Su finally understood what was going on.

Even though the Jingzhou sect and the Yuancong sect are so poor, the local sect is completely different. A wealthy local family like the Xiangqiao family in Chengdu often has hundreds of slaves and thousands of acres of land.

The Shu Han Dynasty has no regulations on private soldiers, so the big families in Shu basically have no cover for their private soldiers. Even during Zhuge Liang's rule in Shu, they just changed their names and renamed their private soldiers as slaves.

Because the powerful families in Shu are huge, they are just not united. Zhuge Liang was also worried that the local faction would force them to cause trouble and affect the Northern Expedition. What's more, his reforms and Shu Han's tax revenue all depended on these wealthy families, so he turned a blind eye.

As long as you don't break the law, I'll pretend not to see it.

Because of this, wealthy families in Chengdu often have hundreds of private soldiers. Not only do they share loyalty with the big clan, but most of them have received formal training.

Just like the private soldiers of the Qiao family just now, Ma Su felt that it was not easy as soon as he heard the steps. A disorganized militia will not have great discipline.

"This is a recipe for disaster!" Ma Su frowned for a moment, and for a moment he felt that the problem seemed a bit big.

Private soldiers are something that no dynasty can allow but have never banned. Their presence seriously affected local order and the majesty of the imperial court's rule.

Before conquering Wu, Ma Di discovered the loopholes in Shuke, especially in terms of private soldiers. However, it happened to be the time when the Shu Han Dynasty mobilized all its troops to attack Wu, so this matter could only be shelved.

Only now did Ma Su think of it again. And Ma Su found that things seemed more serious than he thought.

The problem of private soldiers of the wealthy families in Shu Han seems to have become blatantly serious. In the name of slaves, these wealthy families raised hundreds of thousands of private soldiers. This was an absolute time bomb for the Shu Han, who only had more than 100,000 soldiers to conquer the country.

Once Zhuge Liang led his army in the Northern Expedition that day, and the wealthy families in the rear were bribed by Cao Wei and Dongwu to cause trouble, the consequences would be...

"Dingguo, there is no time to drink. I must return to the Prime Minister's Mansion immediately!"

This is a big shot who came from the top of the list, a super coder who can code to death in front of the keyboard. The plot of the novel he wrote is so smooth and interesting. It is on the shelves in Shuzhong today. I would like to recommend it.

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