Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 178 Attracting hatred to surround and support!

When Ma Su arrived in Xinye, most of the civil servants in the city had already fled. However, most of the military attaches did not run away and still stayed in the city.

After all, Xinye is a solid city no matter how you say it, and it is one of the few fortified cities in Nanyang. When Liu Bei was working as a security guard for Liu Biao, more than 10,000 troops were stationed nearby to resist Cao's army.

Moreover, water and land transportation here is very convenient, and for the Wei army, reinforcements arrived in minutes. Even if the Shu army can fight again, how can it show its prestige under the continuous accumulation of several times the Wei army?

All in all, the advantage is mine!

If there was no advantage, these military attachés would probably have run away.

Ma Su knew this very well, and he knew that he could not win the new field.

The soldiers under his command are first-rate in field battles, but when it comes to siege, forget it. Five thousand people surrounded the five-meter-high city wall in Dangyang County for less than half a month.

Want to play new fields? Eighty percent of the time, the prime minister will have to come, otherwise there will be no achievement.

Ma Su stationed troops outside Xinye City, and his main focus was to attract hatred with one hand. Attract the Wei army from the strongholds around Nanyang to create opportunities for the prime minister's backhand.

However, when he was stationing troops in Xinye, Ma Su took a trip to Wolong Mountain where the prime minister was farming.

But after going there, Ma Su felt very disappointed. The former manor and farm buildings of the Zhuge family here are all in ruins, and the land under the mountain has long been overgrown with weeds.

If the Prime Minister comes back to work in the future, how long will he be busy?

Ma Su looked at the ruins of Zhuge Liang's former family and thought about it subconsciously. But he quickly reacted and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"I am really more like Ma Su than Ma Su now..."

"But the next time we come back, we should really reorganize Wolong Mountain. After all, it was also the hometown of our Han Dynasty Prime Minister. I just don't know if the Prime Minister will have a chance to return to Langya's hometown to see it in his lifetime?"

"Maybe? It depends on God's will..."

Ma Su shook his head gently and dropped this sentence.

He has traveled through time and has not inherited much of Ma Su's rural sentiments. But living in this era, he can see how much everyone maintains and cherishes their hometown.

For example, although most of the Qiang and Di cavalry generals in his army learned Chinese and Chinese songs after coming to the south, they still liked to sing in Qiang language in their spare time.

What else can I say, let’s just lament Boss Cao’s retribution. You destroyed the Prime Minister's two hometowns, and the Prime Minister spent his whole life fighting with your descendants.

"General, please report from the scouting horse. Reinforcements from the Wei army have appeared. They are coming upstream from the Han River towards Xinye."

Just when Ma Su was laughing and commenting on many events in ancient and modern times, a guard pushed in the door and reported to Ma Su.

"Huh? So fast? Why is the Wei army in such a hurry?" Ma Di was stunned. When he captured Xiangyang before, the Wei army's support was not so fast. Besides, Xinye is not that important normally. Even if he takes over, he can...

Suddenly, Ma Su noticed something was wrong, and a flash of awakening suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Xinye is indeed not important, but, let’s look at the scoring situation.

If Xiangyang is controlled by the Wei army and the Xiangfan defense line is intact, then there is no need to worry. Let alone occupying Xinye, the Shu army's northern expedition to Wancheng was nothing more than a turtle in an urn.

But if Xiangyang is still in the hands of the Shu army...

"It's bad, Liu Yin is not still guarding Xiangyang, is he?" Ma Di stood up suddenly, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Although he is not a great talent, his brain is pretty good. As soon as something goes against the norm, you will quickly notice that something is wrong.

For example, now, the Wei army is rushing back to help Xinye instead of waiting for reinforcements to arrive. It is obvious that something is wrong.

"How many people are there in the Wei army?" Ma Su frowned suddenly and asked with a somewhat uncertain expression.

"According to the flag battle... there should be four thousand people..." the scout said to Ma Su uncertainly.

"Sure enough, it looks like Liu Yin is still holding on in Xiangyang..." Ma Di twitched the corner of his mouth, basically confirming that Liu Yin had not left.

Otherwise, Zhuge Dan, who was so timid before him that he wanted to erect a chastity arch, would not have suddenly become so brave. Most likely Liu Yin was still holding Xiangyang in check, and Zhuge Dan was afraid that he would attack Fancheng from both sides after taking Xinye.

"Xiuren, Xiuran, when will you listen to my orders for once?" Ma Su put his hand on his forehead and shook his head helplessly.

No wonder the prime minister dared to let him come to Xinye. This was because he knew that the Wei army would never give up Xinye, a logistical hub, during the period of loosening Xiangfan. So for the sake of the overall situation, Wei Jun naturally had to fight him desperately.

"That's all, let me defeat the enemy in Xinye and go to the rescue after dealing with this group of enemy troops for the prime minister. Xiuran must hold on."

Ma Su waved his hand and made a decision quickly, his attitude was very obvious.

What attracts hatred, I, Ma Su, always attack! Keep attacking! What I want to do is surround the spot and call for reinforcements!

"Stop saying anything. The whole army gets on board and goes out to defeat the invading enemies in Fancheng as quickly as possible. The cavalry troops are watching near Xinye and don't let the Wei troops in the city rush out."

"I will personally lead the team and defeat the puppet Wei's reinforcements as quickly as possible."




At this moment, there are 5,000 Wei army reinforcements coming from the direction of Fancheng, and they are heading towards Xinye in ships. At this moment, they were on high alert, guarding against a sudden attack by the Shu army.

Ma Su's guess was correct. They did not take Xiangyang City back.

As soon as Ma Su left, Zhuge Dan instantly felt that he could do it, and sent out a large number of soldiers and horses to try to recapture Xiangyang. As a result, there were only a few thousand Shu troops in the city and many Wei troops who had not yet returned to the Shu army, but Zhuge Dan could not survive.

Not only was the city of Xiangyang strong, but the Shu army's complete will to resist and their proper defense techniques made Zhuge Dan feel helpless.

During the two months when Guanqiu Jian confronted Ma Su, Zhuge Dan also attacked Xiangyang for two months. As a result, until Ma Su attacked near Xinye, the Wei army was still helpless against Xiangyang.

If Ma Su had not attacked the new field, Zhuge Dan would not be so nervous. Because the main force of the Wei army in Jingxiang has almost returned from Wuchang, it is still simple for Xiangyang, which has more than 50,000 elites to fight against several thousand people.

But something happened in Xinye, what if the Shu army attacks with all its strength and eats up all of you in Xiangfan? When the main force comes back, it will be Wei Jun who will have a headache.

Therefore, Zhuge Dan had no choice but to send out part of his troops to help Xinye. Don’t ask for defeating the enemy, don’t ask for containment, and don’t even ask for being invincible.

As long as Ma Su has no time to attack new areas, it won't matter even if you use up all your troops!

When the Wei army's reinforcements moved up the river and were only more than ten miles away from Xinye, more than a dozen warships suddenly came down the river. A large number of Shu army officers and soldiers carried strict banners, and the leader's banner was brightly embroidered with "Han Fenwei General Horse"

"It's over! Ma Su is here!"

Before engaging the enemy, the Wei army began to commotion upon seeing this flag.

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