Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 153 The golden cicada escapes from its shell

Although Ma Su claimed to be here to appease Jingnan, in fact he had no hope that anyone would take the initiative to seek refuge.

The Wuling barbarians who were the most bullied were all eager to be sold, let alone the powerful families in Jingnan. When the Shu army and the Wu army have yet to decide the outcome, the Jingnan clan may not take sides so early.

This was Ma Su's view, so he was ready to fight alone from the beginning.

However, what Ma Su didn't expect was that someone actually took the initiative to join the team, and they were old acquaintances.

Han Xuan, the former governor of Changsha in Jingzhou.

"Han Xuan plans to bring his own troops and join forces with the local powerful Zhanluo County to cooperate with us in fighting?" Ma Su took the letter and read it in general, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Han Xuan's stance was something Ma Di didn't expect, and Han Xuan's certificate of nomination was also very tempting.

Han Xuan had been the governor of Changsha when Liu Bei was governing Jingnan, and he was not killed by Wei Yan like in the novel. In Ma Su's impression, he is a person who is honest but not firm in his stance.

Why do you say that?

Because later when Lu Meng led his troops to attack Jingnan, Han Xuan was the first to surrender. This was followed by Guiyang County in the south and Wuling County in the west. Only Hao Pu, the prefect of Lingling, did not surrender.

However, even though he became a faggot, Han Xuan was not reused. After the Battle of Yiling, Han Xuan was dismissed from his post and took a sinecure in Luo County.

What Ma Su didn't expect was that Han Xuan, a lowly person like him, would one day take the initiative to join him?

Not only that, the conditions given were so generous that he helped Ma Su win the county seat. Later, he would also provide food and fodder for the Shu army, and attack Linxiang together with the local nobles, preparing to support Ma Su and regain the entire Changsha in one battle.

It's really rare to see people who not only stand in line, but also personally lead troops to support people.

"It seems that our prefect Han has a temper towards Soochow. It seems that Soochow really bullied him too much." Ma Di handed the letter to Liu Yin and said with a chuckle.

"Soochow is really unworthy of people, forcing even such a lowly person to become a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty."

Liu Yin took the letter and read it carefully several times, his brows furrowed.

"Something doesn't feel right..."

"What's wrong?" Ma Su was startled and asked.

"I have been a guard captain in Chengdu for many years, and I have seen how much those powerful people cherish their private soldiers. Basically, most powerful people regard private military units as more important than their lives, and are generally unlikely to take the initiative to take them out. ." Liu Yin replied that he was different from Ma Su. He had always been a guard captain in Chengdu and often dealt with the nobles.

Therefore, he understands these powerful families better than Ma Su and understands their temperament.

"With Han Xuan's status, it is not difficult to bring his tribe to help in the battle. It is absolutely impossible for the big clan he follows to agree to bring out his tribe."

"But the letter stated that all powerful families wanted to send troops to help the war. This is obviously an unreasonable signal."

Liu Yin's explanation made Ma Di hesitate, and after thinking for a while, he said,

"Xiuran means...this is a trap?"

"I'm not sure about this. I just think their reaction is a little too abnormal... Maybe I'm overthinking it. It's just that the Jingnan nobles prefer the big man." Liu Yin didn't dare to speak too fullly, but cautiously told Ma Su expressed his doubts.

"If there is any abnormality, it is definitely not a good thing. If they were loyal ministers, Lu Meng would not have been able to defeat Jingnan back then." Ma Di shook his head and said straightforwardly.

"Looking at it this way, Han Xuan's place is most likely a trap. It's just Soochow's trick to ambush me."

Ma Su never had any hope for the nobles. Ma Su had seen their greed. So since there is abnormal behavior, someone must be plotting behind it.

"Then what should our general do? Write a letter to refuse? Or maybe launch a feint to attack Linxiang?" Liu Yin asked.

Ma Su held his chin in thought for a while, then turned around and ordered.

"Bring me the map so I can take a look!"

The personal guard brought a map of Jingnan and unfolded it in front of Ma Di. After looking around on the map, Ma Su suddenly thought of something, and the smile on his face gradually became wicked.

"Reject? Why do you want to reject Han Xuan?"

"Not only do I want to go to Luo County, I also want to go there with great fanfare! I want to go to Luo County with great fanfare to join Han Xuan under the nose of Wu Jun from the public security department!"

Ma Su's sudden change of attitude caught Liu Yin off guard for a moment. But he soon stabilized. After all, the general's decision-making had never failed. What was he afraid of?

The general must have his reasons. I just need to follow the order and study hard.




Shortly after Han Xuan sent someone to contact Ma Di, Ma Di set off in Wuxi. More than 4,000 Shu troops came out of Wuxi Mountain Area openly and rushed toward Changsha County along the road.

There was also an episode in which Wuling Prefect tried to lead his troops to block the road. As a result, the county guard who planned to achieve military exploits saw the power of the strongest general in Shu Han's lightweight field battle.

More than 3,000 Wuling County soldiers were defeated by Ma Di and more than 300 cavalry. If the county guard hadn't run so fast, Ma Di would have been able to knock Linyuan down.

After defeating the soldiers of Wuling County, the Shu army marched eastwards from Wuling without any cover.

This made Ding Feng, who was at the police station, a little embarrassed. He didn't know whether he should send troops to intercept.

Not sending troops would easily make the Shu army suspicious. Once troops were sent, if the Shu army ran away directly, his plan would be ruined.

In the end, Ding Feng sent only a thousand people, old, weak, sick and disabled, to intercept, trying to stop Ma Di. However, the main force secretly gathered towards the Dongting Lake area, preparing to give the Shu army a big surprise.

However, because of the swagger of the Shu army, Ding Feng did not notice that the number of Shu troops was reduced by a small amount.

When the main force of the Shu army marched towards Luo County on the main road under the banner of Ma Su. A group of more than a hundred people on Qingqi quietly slipped out of the Wuxi Mountains and took a small path along the Yuanjiang River, circling at full speed.




Luo County,

"Master, do we really want to wade into this muddy water? If anything goes wrong, we will become a thorn in Xishu's side."

One of Han Xuan's confidants was very hesitant and asked Han Xuan.

"Do you think I want to wade into troubled waters? Do we have a choice?" Han Xuan shook his head and said with a very ugly expression.

"We are on Soochow territory now. If I refuse, I probably won't be able to return next month."

"As for the hatred of Xi Shu... let's wait until later."

Ding Feng wrote a letter in person, directly threatening Han Xuan to participate in the plot against Ma Di. If Han Xuan dares to refuse, he will definitely die.

"Then we might as well just fake it and defect to the Han army..."

"It's just a fake show, what can they do with those people?" Han Xuan snorted coldly, obviously looking down on Ma Su's people.

There are only three to four thousand people in total, and I heard that most of them are foreign barbarians. With that level, how could he defeat Soochow soldiers and horses in Jingnan.

There are more than 10,000 Soochow soldiers in the public security department alone, and they heard that the Wu soldiers in Jiaozhou also began to move north.

What do you, Ma Su, win?

"It's better to prepare well..." Han Xuan waved his hand, and he was really about to give an order. Suddenly, soldiers rushed in and reported to Han Xuan urgently.

"Master, there are more than ten envoys from Western Shu outside, saying they want to see you."

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