The Wuxi barbarians are obviously very careful, at least they cannot be the loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty that Liu Yin imagined.

And from their behavior of daring to send troops to stop Ma Di, it can be seen that they are a little bold.

Regarding this situation, Ma Su made a very wise decision and slapped Wuling Barbarian King awake.

After being slapped awake, the Barbarian King immediately gave in and came out neatly to apologize to Ma Su. Although it doesn't seem that respectful, at least he understands his position.

Of course, in Ma Di's opinion, it wasn't just the Barbarian King of Wuling who was difficult to deal with. It is estimated that many barbarians in Wuling are very thoughtful, and they are all thinking about whether they can get some benefits from the big Han.

"Look at this, give me something simple every time. Every time you have to deal with the barbarian Qiang Hu people." Ma Su shook his head helplessly, feeling a little tired.

Since time traveling, what I have done most is deal with foreign races. Either to suppress the Qiang and Di, or to win over the Jingnan barbarians, basically none of them are interesting.

In comparison, the confrontation with Hao Zhao in Chencang was simply heaven.

After some beatings by Ma Su, the barbarian king Shamoqi no longer dared to cause trouble and honestly guided the Han army to the core tribe of the Wuling barbarians.

Compared with the Qiang people in Longyou, the Wuxi barbarians are somewhat advanced. First of all, they are not so clearly distinguished from the Qiang people. The internal tribesmen unanimously agree that they are the same barbarian tribe.

Moreover, the Wuxi barbarian tribes also formed a tribal alliance and elected a barbarian king. Generally speaking, they are more united than the Qiang people, but not even close to the Huns.

Samoko was the first king of the Wuling barbarians. After his death in battle, his younger brother came to the throne.

Led by Shamoqi, the Shu army quickly arrived at the main camp of the Wuxi barbarians.

After a respectful salute, Ma Di took Liu Yin to meet the elders of the major tribes of the Wuling barbarians.

"I've met General Han!"

"See General Han!"

"Welcome General Han!"

There was a noise of different greetings, and all tribes expressed their respect to Ma Di. Of course, this respect is not only for Ma Su, but also for the Shu Han he represents.

"My name is Ma Di, also known as Youchang, General Fenwei of the Han Dynasty. You may all know my brother, Ma Liang, who was the servant of the Han Dynasty."

Ma Su didn't intend to be polite to them, and sat directly on the main seat, his expression calm but his tone a bit coercive.

"I have always heard that the Wuling barbarians are vassals of my Han Dynasty and are the most loyal subjects of the Han Dynasty. In the past, Shamoke, the barbarian king of Wuxi, was in Yiling and died for the Han Dynasty for the sake of His Majesty's safety. This is a great loyalty."

"In the past few days, Your Majesty has heard that Soochow has arrogantly proclaimed itself emperor, and that Jingzhou has been plundered by Jiangdong rats and that the people are in dire straits. So he sent Prime Minister Zhuge Liang to lead troops eastward to attack the unjust, kill the rebels, and regain the territory of the Han Dynasty."

"For this reason, former general Wu Ban was ordered to come to Jingnan to appease the Wu dogs in order to expel them."

"However, you Wuling barbarians, as vassals of my Han Dynasty, not only ignored General Wu's safety, but also sent troops to block our army's path. I'm afraid you all have to give me an explanation for this, right?"

The west where Wu Ban was attacked was north of Changsha County and on the border of Wuling County. If the Wuling barbarians were willing to support, Wu Ban would probably not be seriously injured, or even win from defeat.

From that moment on, the Wuling barbarians began to sit on the sidelines, which made Ma Su have a very bad attitude.

I thought you were a good brother, and you were ready to help your brother out after the war, but you turned out to be just a faggot.

Ma Su's questioning made the tribal leaders look at each other, and for a while they did not dare to respond to Ma Su's words.

They can secretly scold Shu people like crazy and not good people, but openly no one will offend the Han people. Especially now that the Han army is advancing eastward and has been in a stalemate with Soochow for a long time.

To put it bluntly, they just wanted to test it out and see if they could ask for more money.

"Why did no one say anything? Could it be Jiangdong Sun Boyan, the illegitimate son of the Sun family who gave you better conditions?" Ma Di snorted coldly and said angrily with a stern look.

"Sun Boyan?" Liu Yin twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at his general.

When it comes to slandering others, our generals are quick to speak out.

Especially if you choose to speak at this time, the other person will not dare to ask for rebuttal. After hearing it, I could only go back and think about it slowly, and the rumor just appeared.

Sure enough, as soon as Ma Su said this, many tribe elders looked at each other slightly, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

It turns out that Lu Xun is the illegitimate son of the Sun family. No wonder the entire Lu family was exiled, but Lu Xun still followed Sun Quan loyally.

"General Han, calm down! This is all a misunderstanding! The Wuxi barbarians are still obedient to the Han!" Several prestigious elders quickly stood up at this moment and expressed their loyalty to Ma Su.

Don't care if you mean it or not, attitude is the most important thing.

"Soochow has besieged us Wuxi barbarians as bandits in recent years, and a large number of people died at the hands of Wu soldiers. Our tribe has been waiting day and night for the return of the Han army and the recovery of Wuling."

"Ding Feng, the Wu general from the public security department, paid too close attention to us during these days. As soon as we came out of the mountains and forests, we were immediately hunted by Soochow. The soldiers could only defend themselves in the mountains and forests to guard against Soochow's raids."

"That conflict was just a misunderstanding. Several young tribesmen failed to recognize the power of the Han army!"

The elders said some nice words, basically taking away all the responsibilities and complimenting them very much.

"We have no problem with what support the Han needs from us. If the Han generals still need the support of our clan, I, the barbarian king, am still willing to fight to the death for the Han!" Samoqi also hurriedly patted his chest and said decisively.

"My brother died fighting for the Han, and my life also belongs to the Han!"

Looking at this attitude, if the barbarian soldiers hadn't blocked the way just now, Ma Di might have been fooled.

If Ma Su had endured for a while and not slapped them to death, Wei Feng, this group of people would probably be bargaining with Ma Su now.

"Okay, stop talking about this. Now I need to inform the Prime Minister of the arrangements." Ma Di raised his eyebrows and said calmly, without any emotion in his tone.

"The king's industry is not in peace, and the Han and the traitors are not at odds with each other. The Han Dynasty's primary goal now is still to expedition to the Central Plains to the north and kill the traitors and puppet Wei who usurped the Han."

"So the war with Soochow will end soon, and the Han army will soon retreat."

"But the Prime Minister was deeply concerned that there were Han ministers in Jingnan who went west to worship. So he sent me to Jingnan to gather the heroes and patriots who sympathized with the Han and evacuate to Yizhou."

"You Wuling barbarians can now choose to support the Han and follow the Han army to retreat to Shu when the war is over."

Your Majesty is kind and will not treat anyone who is willing to sacrifice his life for the great man. At that time, you will all become Han subjects, and the tribal people can live and work together with the Han people. "

"The leaders and elders of the tribe are all qualified to serve as officials. Those who are capable can even be ranked among the Nine Lords and Three Dukes. There will be no unfair treatment!"

"If you are unwilling to leave your hometown, all the baggage left behind by the Han army when it retreats will be donated to you, and you will continue to resist in Jingnan and wait for the next return of the Han army!"

The meaning of Ma Su's words was very obvious, and the tribe elders of the Wuling barbarians immediately understood its meaning.

The Shu Han is not here to regain Jingnan this time, but to lure people to Yizhou!

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