Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 121 Return to Chengdu

Ma Di led his troops and stationed them in Anding County, training the soldiers' water skills day and night.

On the other side of the river, Wei Jun just stood there and watched, motionless, only wanting to keep company.

Ma Su trained his troops for another two months, and Wei Jun watched him for two months. The attitude towards the prime minister was the same as in history. He pressed close to him.

In the middle of the journey, Ma Su also wanted to attack the camp on the other side of the river and send some warmth to the Wei army on the other side. However, it was obvious that the Wei army on the opposite side had been highly vigilant. As the Shu army approached the north bank, the Wei army's camp responded immediately.

After trying several times in succession, Ma Di gave up the idea after discovering that Wei Jun had been staring closely at them. Anyway, his purpose was not to cause a conflict with the Wei army, so it was better not to start a fight.

The biggest advantage of war is that you can start it at any time, but the biggest disadvantage is that you don't know when it will end.

But even so, Lao Ma did not intend to leave Wei Jun idle. He asked the troops training to cross the water to take turns approaching the north bank in circles, and then quickly come back.

Just walking in circles like this made Wei Jun unable to relax at all.

Ma Su's strategy was somewhat effective. Since the formation change, the opposing Wei army never had a good night's sleep. Looking at the Shu army's belongings, I didn't dare to relax for a moment, for fear that the Shu army would take the opportunity to land and attack.

Before Ma Su left Anding County, the Wei army had been tortured enough.

But these are all things for later.

After training in Anding County for more than three months, when he was about to become familiar with Shanggui Zhimai, Ma Su felt that the time was almost up.

It is estimated that Shi Ting has already reported the results of the battle. When he returns to Chengdu, the battle report should be arriving soon.

After making up his mind, Ma Su wrote several letters and gave them to Wei Yan, Li Mu, Fei Yi and others. He said that he was going to take a thousand people from his headquarters back to Chengdu.

After being fully prepared, Ma Su led his troops and horses to the south, heading towards Qishan Mountain.

But before leaving, Ma Su suddenly remembered something and turned around to go to Longxi County to take Hua Fei with him. The reason is that it is not suitable for such a great talent to stay in Longyou, and he should go to Chengdu.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ma Su hopes to let Hua Fei show his body to the prime minister.

Zhuge Liang is over forty this year, almost fifty, so he should take precautions in advance. If the prime minister can only live to fifty-four as he did in history, it will be difficult for the Shu Han to maintain its future.

Fei Yi already knew about Ma Su's return to Chengdu. But because he couldn't leave because of his busy business, he only approved Ma Su's request and did not go to see him off.

From Longyou to central Shu, there are only two Shu roads that can pass. Only the Qishan Road is now completely in the hands of the Shu army, so Ma Di can only take the Qishan Road and return to Hanzhong over the Qishan Mountain.

On the way back to Shu, Ma Su also saw this so-called natural danger in Shu.

There is only a narrow and difficult Shu Road that can pass through the vast mountains. The narrowest part on both sides is less than a hundred steps, which really fulfills Cao Cao's words.

"This is a monstrous country."

Moreover, Qishan Road is theoretically the best Shu road to walk and the one with the lowest difficulty of marching.

There are four Shu roads, one is more difficult to walk from west to east than the other. The easternmost Ziwu Valley Plank Road is so difficult that it can drive people crazy.

After marching for more than ten days with more than a thousand pieces of music, Ma Di arrived at the famous gateway to Hanzhong, Yangping Pass.

When the general guarding the pass learned that it was Ma Su who led the troops back, he immediately opened the switch to let them go.

Ma Di now also has a good reputation in Shu, and Feng Ping is no longer as simple as the former prime minister's adviser.

After passing Yangping Pass, we officially entered the core jurisdiction of the Shu Han Dynasty, and it was also the Yizhou that Prime Minister Zhuge personally governed and built.

The quality of the road has been visibly improved. The wide and flat road has greatly increased Ma Su's marching speed.

Wherever they went, the people were not panicked and were still farming and working peacefully. They would only kneel down and salute when the army was approaching.

"It has to be in Yizhou." Ma Di couldn't help sighing.

Having been in Longyou for more than a year, even Longxi County could not prevent the people from being surprised when the army passed by.

Our prime minister is awesome!

After entering Yizhou, Ma Su's march speed accelerated a lot, and he soon passed through the entire Hanzhong and entered Shuzhong.

After marching back and forth for nearly a month, Ma Di's troops arrived in Chengdu.

When they arrived at Mianzhu, they saw a general and dozens of people welcoming them.

"You Chang! Long time no see!!"

The leading general came laughing and shouted from a distance.

After taking one look at the visitor, Ma Su immediately recognized the other person's identity.

Chen style!

He is the father of Chen Shou, the author of the Three Kingdoms, and is now the general of Shu Han.

Chen Shi was also from Jingzhou and was once Huang Zhong's general. He was directly promoted from a low-level officer to a captain by Liu Bei. Because he and Ma Su are also fellow villagers, and he is one of the few acquaintances of Lao Ma.

"Wen Yan, long time no see!" Ma Di also bowed his hands and saluted him.

"You're back, I've been waiting here for a long time." Chen Shi shook his head, patted Ma Su on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Both the Prime Minister and Your Majesty are talking about you, especially His Majesty who has always wanted to see you."

"Ahem... How are your Majesty and the Prime Minister doing recently?" Ma Di coughed twice, thought for a while and asked.

"Is Your Majesty okay? Is the Prime Minister okay?"

"It's all fine." Chen Shi replied, pulling Ma Su away.

"Let's go back to Chengdu with me! I guess the Prime Minister can't wait any longer!"

After leaving Buqu to garrison in Mianzhu, Ma Di led several personal guards and followed Chen Shi back to Chengdu.

After walking for dozens of miles, Chengdu, the most prosperous place in Yizhou, is already in front of us.

"My subordinate Liu Yin, please see the general!"

When a young captain guarding the gate saw Chen Shi and his entourage arriving, he immediately raised his hands and saluted. The soldiers behind him were also uniform and saluted Ma Su and others.

"Liu Yin?" Ma Su was shocked when he heard the name.

Because this person's name has been left in the history books, and he is one of the famous generals in the late Shu Han Dynasty.

"Your Excellency, are you from Chengdu, Liu Yinhu?" Ma Di looked at the young captain and blurted out.

"General Fenwei knows the last general?" Ma Di's words made Liu Yin stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the general could know such a little person like him.

"I've heard a little bit about it." After proving his suspicion, Ma Su felt at ease.

This is a general in the late Shu Han Dynasty and can be regarded as a talent. This is very important for Shu Han who lacks talents.

It turns out that in history, Xu was deeply hurt by Ma Su, and the prime minister did not promote many new people throughout his life. Basically, I have been holding on to the team left by the old Liu, and time and again to complete the king's career with little hope.

It wasn't until Jiang Wei came to power that Shu Han, who really couldn't survive, hired some new people.

Liu Yin is one of them.

After Ma Su thought of Liu Yin's situation, Ma Su immediately made up his mind.

"Wen Yan, this is a great talent!"

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