Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 111 The Yang Family’s Fear

"Ma Su kid bullied me too much!!"

In the courtyard of the Yang family in Jixian County, the head of the Yang family who had just received a message from Ma Su was so angry that he wanted to put rice on the table.

"What does he think of our Yang family? Does he really think Longyou can let him do whatever he wants?"

It is worth mentioning that the current head of the Yang family is not Yang Fu. This man has already gone to serve in the imperial court. The current head of the Yang family is Yang Yue, a younger brother of the Yang Fu clan, who is responsible for the affairs of the Yang family in Longyou.

During Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition last year, the Yang family had no time to react, and the Shu army came to the city. Adhering to the spirit of a good man not taking immediate losses, the Yang family surrendered to the Shu Han without saying a word.

And not only that, after seeing Zhuge Liang's talent in governance and Shu Han's military might, Yang Yue supported Shu Han's policies quite a bit. Whether it was the promotion of Han law or Li Yan's intention to implement land equalization law, the Yang family expressed support.

Give whatever you want, whether you need money, food or people, you will give them all.

There is no way, the situation is stronger than the person, you should bow your head or you have to bow your head. The Yang family was able to join the largest clan in Longyou, relying not only on family power, but also on their sharp eyesight.

What's more, the Yang family has a big business, so even cutting the flesh is not a problem as long as it doesn't hurt the muscles and bones. But as long as we can successfully make some achievements in the Shu Han regime, the Northern Expedition of the Shu Han Dynasty will be accomplished in the future, which will be the result of Conglong!

Although it feels unlikely, the Yang family feels they can make this bet.

Anyway, Cao Wei already has Yang Fu, so there is no need to place an additional bet. It just so happens that the talents in Shu Han are withering, so if you bet early, you can win big.

However, this time Ma Di's message still allowed the head of the Yang family to break his defense.

After all, I am also the head of the Longyou clan, and even Li Yan has to treat me with courtesy. You are just a powerful general and the governor of Longxi. Why do you treat me so casually?

I, the Yang family, don’t want to lose face!

At least give me a reason...

"Master, then we refuse..." the servant next to him asked cautiously.

"Refuse...why refuse!" Yang Yue was silent for a while after being asked, and then said righteously.

"He is so shameless. Should I follow him and be shameless? Our Yang family is also a famous family after all. Only by not being as knowledgeable as a vulgar person like him can we gain a good reputation!"

"Prepare a car for me, and I will go to Xi County in person to meet this great talent from Jingxiang!"

He didn't have the guts to refuse Ma Su. Now he could see the fate of several wealthy families in Longxi County. Although the Yang family is a little stronger than the shrimps in Longxi County, who can guarantee that Ma Di will not attack them?

Now the entire Longyou clan has basically understood that this Ma Su is the black face sent by the imperial court to establish his authority. Wherever they go, they beat them, and if anyone dares to resist, they will be picked up and eliminated, paving the way for the faction in power.

In this situation, few of the wealthy Longyou clan dared to touch his troubles, and all of them stayed far away.

It's a pity that I originally thought that it was just water in the well and not in the river. Ma Di served as the Longxi Army and had little influence on them. But who knows, that guy Li Yan didn't do things strictly and was killed directly.

Now that Ma Di is acting as an agent for Tianshui County, he made rude remarks when he came up, fearing that he would target the Yang family.

The head of the Yang family didn't know how he offended this lunatic, but he still had to give in.

After receiving Ma Su's message and scolding Ma Su for not being a good person, the head of the Yang family prepared a car and headed to Xi County.

In just two days, the head of the Yang family rushed to Xi County and came to the Governor's Mansion to ask for an audience with Ma Su.

"Your Excellency, Yang Yue, I have met Ma Shijun!" As soon as they met, Yang Yue immediately greeted him politely and directly addressed him as Shijun. The etiquette was very good.

For fear that Ma Su would be accused of being rude, he pushed him out and beheaded him.

Of course, he still doesn't understand Ma Su. With Ma Su's character, he wants to mess with you. It's a sin to step out with his left foot.

"I've heard about the Yang family for a long time, and today I finally got to meet them." Ma Su nodded lightly and said to Yang Yue calmly.

"The Yang family's reputation in Longyou was like thunder!"

This sentence almost frightened Yang Yue to his knees. This was because the person who came was not doing well.

What is the reputation of the Yang family? That was naturally due to his reputation for fighting Ma Chao back then. At that time, Ma Chao attacked Longyou, and the entire five counties of Longyou attacked the Yang family and tried their best to follow you, Ma Chao.

The problem is that this is a good reputation in Cao Wei, but not in Shu Han. Ma Chaona was one of the Five Tiger Generals appointed by the late emperor, and his younger brother Ma Dai is still a senior official in the Shu Han Dynasty.

The Yang family had killed Ma Chao's whole family back then. Ma Su wouldn't be here to avenge Ma Chao this time.

Thinking of this, Yang Yue quickly raised his hands in fear and said,

"Death penalty! It was Yang Fu who took it upon himself to force the entire family to resist him! Now that the Yang family has removed him, all this has nothing to do with the Yang family!"

"I hope the general will take notice!!"

"Ah?" Ma Su was slightly startled, a little surprised by the attitude of the head of the Yang family.

No, I just wanted to hit you, so I scared you like this?

Where was your Yang family's courage and lack of fear of death when they faced Ma Chao? Take it out! I, Ma Su, am just an ordinary and non-threatening general. I am not afraid of being like this, right?

"Ahem... Head of the Yang family, there is no need to panic. I have no hidden skills." Ma Di waved his hand and said in a pretentious tone.

"Ma's grudges with you have nothing to do with me in theory."

What this means is that it can be related, it depends on my performance!

Yang Yue's face became very ugly, and he was ready for heavy bleeding.

"I heard that the paper business in Longyou seems to be monopolized by the Yang family. No matter who owns the paper mill, it must be coordinated and managed by the Yang family." Looking at the expression of the head of the Yang family, Ma Su felt that he had beaten enough.

Don't be too frightened. If you faint from fear, it will waste too much time.

"It just so happens that someone is somewhat interested in papermaking..."

When I came, it turned out that I was interested in my Yang family’s family business.

Yang Yue's expression became serious, and his brain began to work rapidly.

As the leader of the Longyou gentry clan, the Yang family has relied on its power to monopolize many things over the years. The paper industry is one of them, but it is not the biggest industry of the Yang family.

This is also normal, because the price/performance ratio of paper in this era is still too low.

Although Cai Lun's papermaking technology existed in the Han Dynasty, the core papermaking raw material was still cloth. This thing is not cheap, and it is not easy to preserve because of its poor quality. It is not as easy to use as silk and bamboo slips.

Although by the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, paper had gradually become popular and improved, the market was still not large. For the Yang family, this is not a very profitable industry.

Now that Ma Su suddenly mentioned this, it must have profound meaning. Otherwise, if Ma Su fell in love with such a low-profit industry, there would be no need to come to him specifically.

So, before Ma Su said the next sentence, Yang Yue had already begun to think about Ma Su's true purpose.

The Yang family's papermaking workshops are basically concentrated in Xinyang and Hebei counties, and there are basically no other places.

These two places have one thing in common, that is, the local fields are all owned by the Yang family. And it is not illegal appropriation, but legal exposure of land with title deeds. Even if the land equalization law is implemented, the land cannot be equalized.

With these fields, the Yang family can support craftsmen and family members. It can be said that the main income of the Yang family comes from here, and the papermaking industry is only an upper part of it.

Let's think about this. Ma Su was famous for his work in Longxi County to equalize land among landlords. At the beginning, the land occupied by the noble clans was checked, but in the end, the big clans were exterminated and all were given to equal land.

It can be determined that most of Ma Su's actions revolved around the policy of equalizing land.

So what Ma Di means is...he has his eye on all the fields in Xinyang, Hebei County?

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