Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 108 Jiang Wan Arrives

After hearing Jiang Wei's words, Ma Di immediately grasped the key point and looked at Jiang Wei.

"Are you Tianshui Jiang Wei?"

"That's right, does the general know Tianshui Jiang Boyue?" Jiang Wei was overjoyed when he saw Ma Di recognized him and nodded immediately.

"I have somewhat heard that the Prime Minister mentioned you in his letters."

Ma Di pondered for a moment and said, he was still very familiar with Jiang Wei.

In Zhuge Liang's previous letter to him, he mentioned that he met a good seedling in Tianshui. However, Zhuge Liang said in the letter that he was busy with government affairs and might not have time to support him, so he asked Ma Su to pay attention.

At that time, Ma Su was busy suppressing the Qiang and did not pay much attention to it. Only now did he remember that Jiang Wei at this time was not the general of Shu Han in later generations.

After thinking about this, Ma Su looked at Jiang Wei with a more fiery gaze.

This is the only general who can support the Shu Han after the death of the prime minister. His determination in the Northern Expedition and his talent in using troops were definitely first-class even if he was not as good as the prime minister.

And there is absolutely nothing to say about being loyal. He was thinking about helping the Han Dynasty until his death.

This guy, okay! What a great responsibility!

If something unexpected happens to him one day, Long Youwen will have Li Mu to take care of him. But as for the generals, it is estimated that Shu Ji, Yao Hu, etc. are all useless, and Jiang Wei has to be able to carry the banner.

As soon as he thought about this, Ma Su made up his mind to support this famous general.

The future of Shu Han will still depend on these people.

"What is Bo Yue's official position now?" Ma Di pondered for a while and asked.

"I am now serving as a captain under General Bai..." Jiang Wei replied honestly.

Historically, Zhuge Liang directly recruited Jiang Wei to the Prime Minister's Mansion to serve as Cangcao. However, this time due to the successful annexation of Longyou, the prime minister was busy with many things and had no time to support Jiang Wei, so Jiang Wei was only a school captain so far.

"Bo Yue is such a talented person, how can An be only a captain? Isn't this a pearl covered in dust?" Ma Di was immediately furious and waved his hand immediately.

"When I get back, I will send a letter to the Prime Minister, saying that you are a general and can lead an army by yourself. With Bo Yue's talent, it is really unfair to serve as a small school captain."

Jiang Wei was shocked by Ma Su's words, and then he was inexplicably surprised.

The famous Han general in front of him thought highly of him so much. From Jiang Wei's point of view, this was simply his talent.

Don't say anything. If anyone dares to touch General Ma's hair in the future, I, Jiang Wei, will definitely kill all three of his clans!




The Shu army counted the spoils, and the whole army was immersed in cheers. But on Wei Jun's side, the situation was completely another extreme.

There were nearly 10,000 casualties and missing people, the general was seriously injured, the flag was robbed, and morale was almost as low as possible.

In the Wei army's tent, Chen Tai and Guo Huai fell silent in the face of huge losses.

After this battle... neither of them had the shame to say anything to the other side.

They were all beaten to a pulp, and were almost pushed to the ground and beaten by the Shu army.

"This battle... all the blame lies with me." After a long silence, Guo Huai suddenly said.

"I fell into Ma Su's trick, which caused the Chinese army to be restrained for too long..."

"It's not General Zhengxi. Even if the Chinese army enters the battlefield, we probably won't be able to win." Chen Tai shook his head and said with a heavy face.

"The combat power of the Shu army has changed so much that it was completely beyond our expectations. Even though the Wei soldiers fought bravely to kill the enemy, they were still at a disadvantage in the battle with the Shu army."

"Their soldiers have high morale and strong combat power. Even if their commanders are changed before the battle, they can still explode with such strong combat power."

"They are no longer a mob. Even if our entire army presses forward, it is impossible to open up the situation."

"In fact, the general's layout is very good. If Ma Di cannot be restrained, I can't even imagine what he will do."

Chen Tai is the son of Chen Qun, and he is good at more than just military matters.

After Chen Tai took the initiative to help him take off his clothes, Guo Huai's face showed a hint of bitterness.

Since the Shu army invaded last year, the northwest has never been stable again. The Wei army fought against the Shu army many times, trying to stabilize the front before pushing back.

As a result, both kings of Hao Zhao died in battle, Chencang was lost, and Yongzhou was in danger.

On the opposite side, the Shu army seemed to have divine help, and basically suppressed the Wei from the beginning to the end.

Who is the big country? Who is the best army in the world?

Guo Huai felt that he had witnessed too many unbelievable things these days, and his outlook on life was about to collapse.

But one thing Guo Huai is sure of is that Chen Cang can't get it back. To put it seriously, even Yongxian County may not be saved.

The losses caused by the Shu army to the Wei army in this battle were too huge, and Guo Huai was sure that they would never be able to stop the Shu army from continuing to attack.

Once Ma Di leads his troops across Lishui, the Wei army will not be able to resist it with its current strength.

If you are not careful, not only Yongzhou will be lost, but the Shu army may even be pushed directly to Guanzhong Sanfu.

No matter how reluctant he was at this moment, Guo Huai had to admit that he could no longer stop the Shu army. It is necessary to ask for help from the superior, Cao Zhen, again, otherwise the entire northwest war situation will be completely corrupted.

Taking out a pen and paper, Guo Huai immediately wrote to Cao Zhen for the nth time asking for help. He has given up hope for his future at this time, and it is good that he will not be questioned based on his current performance.

If you are unlucky and die at the hands of the enemy like Zhang He, your family will be expelled from Luoyang.

However, Guo Huai is very loyal. Even if he has no hope for the future, he still faithfully performs his duties.

In a sense, this one is much better than Li Yan

The next day, before the Shu army launched an attack, the Wei army quickly crossed the Lishui River and fled to Yong County. Nearly 30,000 Wei troops hid in Yong County, quickly fortifying the walls and clearing the country, waiting for Chang'an's rescue.

In order to completely clear the country, Chen Tai directly ordered all the houses and fields outside the city to be burned. Not a single straw could be left to the Shu army.

However, the Shu army did not continue to advance, or Ma Di was not in a hurry to advance the front. After passing the Lianshui River, there is really no danger to defend the plains. With the current strength of the Shu army, we must be cautious if we want to advance.

At this moment, he began to gather his troops again, and used the prestige he had just gained to start dealing with Li Yan's remaining parties.

Many of Li Yan's loyal followers, including Li Cheng, were dealt with directly under military law, and the generals had no objections. As for the remaining Jiangzhou soldiers and Jiangzhou officers, Ma Di mainly focused on appeasing them.

Those who have merit will be rewarded, and those who have made mistakes will be punished. In everything, do the right thing and not the person. Only in this way can we win more people's hearts.

After more than ten days of rectifying the morale of the army, Ma Su received the edict from Chengdu.

The person who came was still an old acquaintance, Chang Shi Jiang Wan. But this time, Jiang Wan looked at Ma Su with a more speechless and helpless look.

This guy Ma Su is really capable of doing things. The prime minister has only been gone for a long time, and Ma Su has already done such a big job.

If you continue to struggle, will you have to fight in Chang'an?

Forget it, don’t ask for it, the next exam is in the month and there will be no more explosions in Shuzhong. Readers, please vote according to your mood.

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