Three Kingdoms: Five-year-old Chibi offering poison, shocking Cao Cao

Chapter 164 Retreat the Qiang Hu, attack the Huns, and the wind of Huo Qubing!


"What did you say?"

Even Cao Cao couldn't believe it for a while, so he couldn't help but ask.

After all, the news that Cao Rui repelled the Qiang Hu had just come.

How long does it take?

Why did the battle report say that Cao Rui had led the army to drive the Qiang Hu back?

No matter how much Cao Cao trusts Cao Rui's ability.

It's not the right time!

Not only Cao Cao, but other people also looked at each other in dismay.

For a while, I doubted the authenticity of this news.

"Are you sure this news came from Xiliang?"

Cao Cao coughed lightly and said in a deep voice.

After all, the probability of passing false news is not high.

But it's not impossible.

When the messenger saw this, he hurriedly said:

"Prime Minister, there is absolutely no possibility of this.

"This urgent report came from Xiliang yesterday. 35

"The villain did not dare to neglect, and came all the way to deliver the news.

Hearing this news, Cao Cao was dumbfounded.


Although Xiliang is not very far from Xudu, it is definitely not close!

Coming to Xudu in one day, it really has to run all the way.

If there is no urgent report on weekdays, it will definitely not send news like this.

Doing so will exhaust at least a horse or two.

"Yesterday... The news that the young master repelled the Qiang Hu seems to have been five days ago, right?"

"So, it took the young master only three days to repel the Qiang Hu? 35

Cheng Yu said with a terrified expression while counting.

Even so, the news is shocking enough.

"The little son is really... really a goddess... 35

The shock of this news is no less than the fact that Cao Rui led the army and won Xiliang without any effort.

"Young master is really an alien killer."

"Before, Xiliang slaughtered an army of 200,000 aliens. 99

"We have three days to repel the Qiang Hu."

"It's quite like Huo Qubing!"

Even Jia Xu, who usually doesn't like to talk, couldn't help but appreciate it at this time.

The wind of Huo Qubing!

This is equivalent to the greatest honor for a general.

Who is Huo Qubing?

In the period of Emperor Wu, at the age of 18, he was a lieutenant of Yao, and he led 800 cavalry into the desert.

At the age of nineteen, he was promoted to the hussar general!

In the two battles of Hexi, more than 100,000 Xiongnu people were directly annihilated and surrendered!

It was during the Western Han Dynasty!

The 100,000 Huns at that time were even stronger than the 200,000 now for the Han!

The Huns are far away, and there is no royal court in Monan.

This sentence is not in vain.

After Jia Xu said this, everyone really felt that way.

It's just a copy of Huo Qubing, a big man plug-in!

"The young master is only six years old, and he is more than ten years younger than Huo Qubing!""

"In the eyes of this minister, the young master will definitely be more brilliant than Huo Qubing in the future!"

Xun Yu couldn't help but praised.

This sentence really shocked Cao Cao.

I have known Xun Yu for so many years.

There are many talents recommended and excavated by Xun Yu.

The achievements of famous officials such as Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai are all because of Xun Yu, the Bole.

It can be said that Xun Yu's vision is the best among Cao Ying.

Who has ever seen Xun Yu have such high admiration for a person?

"Since that's the case, Bingzhou has nothing to worry about!"

"It's time for these aliens to suffer!"

Xiahou Dun listened for a long time, and finally found the opportunity to speak:

"These aliens have disturbed my Central Plains border for a long time.

"Now we should follow the style of Emperor Wu of the past and expel these alien races again!""

"The shame that the Huns invaded our Central Plains is still in front of me!"

Xiahou Dun said nothing else.

It was the battle that kidnapped Cai Wenji.

Thinking of this battle, everyone's teeth itch with hatred.

Everyone from a famous family like Cai Yong ended up like this.

Not to mention the common people.

Burning, killing, looting, can be described as doing all kinds of evil.

Countless people died in battle, or were taken into captivity!

"The young master led the army to attack the flank of the Xiongnu, and he will surely be able to solve the current danger of Bingzhou!

"Prime Minister, you can sit back and relax!

Cheng Yu smiled and said.

Cao Cao also let go of his frown, and smiled from ear to ear:

"Rui'er, Rui'er."

"It is beyond my imagination time and time again!

"After this battle, I will definitely give a good reward! 35

Cao Pi felt a little arrogant on the side.

Great, right?

my son!

Tocao's genus, this official is too small!

However, at this time, Sima Yi frowned and hid in the dark without saying a word.

Seems to be thinking about something.

Soon, the crowd dispersed.

Sima Yi went back home without saying a word.

As soon as the door was closed, Sima Yi heaved a long sigh of relief and was covered in cold sweat.

・・Ask for flowers......

Seeing Sima Yi like this, Sima Fu couldn't help but wonder:

"Second brother, didn't you just get called by the Prime Minister to discuss matters?

"Why did you come back so soon?"

"Also...that look?

Speaking of which, Sima Fu hurriedly said:

"Could it be that the Prime Minister reprimanded you?"

Sima Fu knew that the incident of the Clothes and Belts had almost plunged the Sima family into a doom.

So that Cao Cao had a grudge against the Sima family.

Now that Sima Yi is an official, could it be influenced by this?

Sima Yi frowned and said:

"Where's Big Brother?"

Sima Fu said solemnly:

"The army said that something happened, and the Gothic went to the land, but has not returned yet.

"Second brother, what happened?"

Sima Yi frowned and said solemnly:

"Shuda, when Big Brother comes back, be sure to inform Big Brother."

"My Sima family up and down, as long as they are officials in the court, they must act in a low-key manner and cover up all sharp edges."

"Definitely no show!

"Especially after the little boy comes back!

Sima Fu was immediately dumbfounded:

"Second brother, why is this?

Sima Yi glared at Sima Fu:

"Did you not see it when you commented on the moon earlier?"

"For some reason, the young master has a prejudice against our Sima family. 35

"Today, the young master made a great contribution in Xiliang, if he really wants to deal with our Sima family. 35

"I'm sure I won't be able to fight back!"

"Now, it's better to be cautious!"

"The Sima family's foundation must not be abandoned in our hands!

Sima Fu suddenly felt amused:

"Second brother, are you thinking too much?"

"My Sima family and the young master have no grievances or enmity, why do you treat our Sima family like this?"

"Speaking of which, should the Yang family be so afraid?

"I feel that Young Master Yang Xiu is the most despised. 35

Sima Yi shook his head and said no more.

He knew that Sima Fu had a simple mind, and it was useless to talk to him.

In the previous month's review, Sima Yi always felt that Cao Rui was staring at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Stare at yourself a little hairy!

It was the first time that Sima Yi felt this way in his life.


"We have to do something before the young master comes back!" Shi.

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