Chapter 64 Liu Bei, who was heartbroken, blamed King Yan for robbing him of everything!!


Liu Yan also received a letter from the enthronement ceremony.

Originally, he wanted to go to see what happened, but he was stopped by Liu Bei. In the blink of an eye, the day of the enthronement ceremony passed a few days.

Liu Yan always felt restless, and he didn’t want to eat directly, and he couldn’t sleep all night.

On the other hand, Liu Bei lived comfortably in Yizhou and was entertained by Liu Yan’s guests.

After all, this house came with more than a thousand people to defect, and there were still two generals in his hands, how could Liu Yan not pay attention?

In the prefecture pastoral office of Chengdu, Yizhou, all the people gathered together.

It is worth saying that figures such as Fa Zheng and Gan Ning are one of Liu Yan’s subordinates at this time.

“See Yizhou Mu.”

All the people saluted, and even Liu Bei was among them.

“Excuse me.”

Liu Yan waved his hand weakly, and then sat down on the main seat.

“State pastor, what’s wrong with this?”

Liu Bei pretended to be concerned and said.

His position is second only to Liu Yan.

It was not because Liu Yan used him again, but because he gained the status of a clan relative of the Han family.

“This official has always been worried that he did not attend the enthronement ceremony.”

Liu Yan sighed and said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other.


Liu Yan sighed and motioned to his son Liu Zhang to show everyone the edict from Luoyang.

After everyone looked at it, they realized why the state pastor was worried.

If you do not attend the enthronement ceremony, you will not recognize the succession of the new emperor and will be regarded as a traitor who conspires.

With such a big hat buttoned on his head, Liu Yan would be strange if he wasn’t worried. Liu Bei’s eyes rolled around, and it was mainly him who kept Liu Yan from going. Liu Yan hardly consulted with anyone else and followed his advice. Mainly because the edict is false, and King Yan is not a royal person’s speculation.

“Could it be that Lord Liu wants to be loyal to someone who is not even a royal family?”

Putting away his thoughts, Liu Bei pretended to be distressed and said.


Liu Yan was dumbfounded.

At first, he thought the same way, but after the enthronement ceremony, a lot of news appeared.

Many elders in the DPRK were in place, and some stubborn donkeys admitted the edict. In this case, the testament is true, and this decision he made hurt him.

“Sir, how majestic was Dong Thief in the first place?”

Liu Bei could see what Liu Yan was thinking at a glance, and suddenly said something. The meaning of this sentence is that Dong Thief can control the court and threaten the ministers of the central government.

Then King Yan can naturally do the same.

“Having said that, even Wang Yun and Cai Yong and even Zhu Yan and others agreed.”

Liu Yan retorted.


Liu Bei laughed loudly when he heard this.

Fa Zheng and the others all looked at Liu Bei with a look of disgust.

They are all smart people, and they know that the reason why the state pastor chose this way is indispensable for Liu Bei to obstruct it.

Moreover, this person came to Yizhou for a long time and befriended the rest of the civil and military forces, and the name of the United States and Japan is to better help the state pastor with everyone.

It actually harbors evil intentions and has wolf ambitions.

“The relationship between Wang Yun and Cai Yong and King Yan is not simple, and Huangfu Song and Zhu Yan have benefited from the reinstatement of officials.”

Liu Bei began to distort the facts.

In the end, it is said that King Yan’s methods are vicious, and they must be even more terrifying than Dong Thief. Adding oil and vinegar made Liu Yan’s back cold.

“Brother Liu is serious, if King Yan is such a person, how can he quell the rebellion of the Yellow Turban Army?”

Fa Zheng came out to refute.

However, in Liu Yan’s hands, he was not allowed to be reused, and naturally no one listened to what he said.

And Liu Bei can speak well, although he adds oil and vinegar, there are also some speculations worth pondering.

So for a while, Yan Yan and other military generals remained silent and did not express their opinions.

“Father, what Brother Liu said is good.”

Liu Zhang echoed from the side.

Liu Yan’s expression was bitter, and he lowered his head and didn’t know what he was thinking.

“Do you know that this is a rebellion?”

After a long time, he scanned everyone and said.

Except for Liu Bei, the expressions of the rest of the people changed a little.

“At the disposal of the state shepherd.”

Yan Yan and Zhang Song, who was not driving in Yizhou, said at the same time.

Yizhou Mu is indecisive and has worries about what he does.

Liu Bei was fanning the flames again, making the state pastor unable to decide, and they didn’t know what to say except this.

“Adults think about it, this matter is not simple.”

Liu Bei shook his head and said.

This time, there was no discussion at all. Liu Yan waved his hand and told everyone to retreat.

Liu Bei and the others didn’t say much, bowed and turned away.

Just after walking out of the hall, Liu Bei’s expression changed, revealing a gloomy smile.

If Liu Yan saw this smile, he would definitely be surprised.

Because he couldn’t imagine what kind of side Liu Bei, who gave people a little benevolence, would have.

“Big brother.”

I don’t know how long I walked, Guan Yu suddenly shouted.


Liu Bei turned around.

“It was your idea not to attend the enthronement ceremony, right?”

Guan Yu asked tentatively.


Liu Bei did not hide it, and nodded directly.

Hearing this, Guan Yu’s eyebrows flashed with a hint of displeasure.

“The edict acknowledged by many people in the dynasty shows that King Yan is orthodox.”

Guan Yu said bluntly.


Hearing this, Liu Bei frowned.

Zhang Fei looked at it as he was, because he had always listened to the words of his two brothers.

“The eldest brother is still not clear in front of the state pastor?”

Liu Bei asked rhetorically.

“The second brother knows that what the eldest brother said is very clear, but it is also too incredible, right?”

Guan Yu sighed.

At the beginning of the Dong thief rebellion, there were many honest and honest loyalty, all of whom resolutely opposed the Dong thief.

No matter what method Dong Thief used to threaten, these Zhongliang maintained their attitude. How can such a stubborn donkey easily compromise?

“Second brother, what the eldest brother said makes sense, let’s not quarrel over this little thing.”

Zhang Fei stood up and said.

Guan Yu glanced at Zhang Fei when he heard this, and the words he wanted to refute still did not come out.

“Big brother won’t harm you, it’s all for the Han family.”

Seeing Guan Yu compromise, Liu Bei said seriously.

After speaking, he also patted Guan Yu’s shoulder.


Guan Yu took a long time before he said a word.

Then the three brothers stopped arguing and walked in the direction where the mansion was. However, the atmosphere on the way was somewhat quiet, and Liu Bei and Zhang Fei said two words from time to time. Guan Yu was silent for a long time, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

When they arrived at the mansion, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei went to practice martial arts, and Liu Bei was alone in the dormitory.

“King Yan, everything you have should have been mine, and I will definitely take him all back.”

Liu Bei’s face was hideous, and he said to himself coldly.

When he said this, he even took out a dagger and kept stabbing it at the table.

It seems that this table is King Yan, and he is venting his anger with King Yan.


Return to Luoyang.

In the main hall of the royal palace, all the civilizations and military forces gathered.

This was the first real court meeting after the new emperor ascended the throne. Liu Bowen and the black monk, as well as Cao Cao and others arrived.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Yan were also among them, and they both stood according to the ranks of civilization and martial arts.


There was a sound of footsteps.

Then he saw His Majesty walking out of the special passage.

“Your Majesty.”

Seeing this, the ministers shouted in unison.

Liu Jing went straight to the throne, and only after sitting down did he flick his sleeves and signal that everyone would be exempt from courtesy.


Then the eunuch came out and shouted.

Today’s pilgrimage is officially announced.

Liu Jing’s expression was calm, and his gaze swept over the faces of all the Wen Wu.

“Dear Qing family, do you know how many people did not arrive at the enthronement ceremony?”

He asked.

“Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu of the Runan family, as well as Sun Jian of Changsha Taishou, and Liu Biao and Liu Yan of the Han clan relatives.”

Many people and martial artists came out and said these names.

The number is staggering, and many of them are still important ministers of the DPRK. After Liu Jing listened, he only bowed his head slightly.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Yan looked at each other and couldn’t help but think about a question.

How exactly is His Majesty going to deal with these princes, whether he wants to kill them arbitrarily or use gentle means?

“Anyone who does not attend the enthronement ceremony is considered a traitor if he does not attend the enthronement ceremony.”

Liu Jing’s voice suddenly became a little lower. As soon as these words came out, many Wen Wu’s faces changed greatly. If you are considered a traitor, you must begin to suppress the rebellion.

Liu Bowen and Yao Guangxiao were speechless, and both of them knew very well why His Majesty announced these things at the time.

The reason is simple, so many people did not come, clearly despising the imperial power.

To deal with such people, only by killing can they know to be afraid.

“The minister seconded!”

While the rest of Wen Wu was still surprised, Cao Cao echoed it.


Immediately after, it was Wang Yun and Tusun Rui and others.

From beginning to end, Liu Jing did not change his expression too much.

With the main civil and military statements, more and more people have come out one after another, all of which mean unified approval.

Only a small number of people still persuaded His Majesty to persuade those princes with gentle means.

After all, once the rebellion is suppressed, it will be internal friction between the Han families, and it will not benefit anyone.

This part of the civil servants is too indecisive, which will give many princes with different intentions the opportunity to develop.

“Your Majesty has just ascended the throne, so you should proceed with caution.”


Yang Zan and several civil servants came out to persuade.

Liu Jing did not speak, while Cao Cao quarreled with Yang Zan and others, which can be said to be their own opinions.

“The decision has been made.”

For a long time, Liu Jing’s voice sounded slowly.

As soon as this voice came out, all Wen Wu was stunned for a moment.

The court was silent, and His Majesty directly made up his mind, without referring to the opinions of all the people of Wen Wu.

Liu Bowen and Yao Guangxiao looked at each other, and their expressions were a little surprised.


Yang Zan and the others still wanted to speak.

Liu Jing looked at him, and his eyes were so sharp that Yang Zan did not dare to look at him. Huangfu Song and Zhu Yan were secretly shocked.

At the first court, His Majesty fully demonstrated his imperial power.

Whether or not to do a thing is not the decision of the courtiers, but His Majesty himself.

Once His Majesty decides, even if the ministers oppose it, it is no different.

This is the manifestation of imperial power, and the so-called three princes and monks cannot be contained.

After all, Liu Bowen, who is Shang Shuling, did not say a word from beginning to end.

“Your Majesty is not simple.”

Huangfu Song sighed for a long time.

It seems to be a decision on one thing, how to deal with the princes.

In fact, there is also the issue of imperial power, and if the imperial power is established as supreme in this meeting, it will be much simpler in the future.


After a long silence, Yang Zan and other Wen Chen could not give birth to the idea of advice, so they had no choice but to give up.

But anyone who wants to give advice must bear the coercion of His Majesty.

When no one came out, Liu Jing established his imperial power, and the future court meeting would be much easier.

Of course, in the future, Liu Jing still had to adopt the meaning of the hundred officials, this time just to establish the supremacy of imperial power.

“How do you think the rebellion should be suppressed?”

Seeing that none of the officials objected, Liu Jing threw out the second question.

“The minister believes that he should attack from the north and first recover and unify the Youzhou area by Gongsun Bao and Gongsun Zhan.”

Cao Cao was the first to come out and said.

The strength of these two princes is not too strong, and Gongsun Zhan’s strength is still damaged. It will be much easier to get them back.

Cao Cao’s proposal is not undesirable.

“The minister believes that Jizhou is very close to Luoyang, and Yuan Shao’s strength is strong, so he should first strike at it to intimidate the rest of the princes.”

Then, there was the military general Zhao Yun out of the lineup.

“First take the area around Jingzhou and form a north-south attack on Yuan Shao.”

Several more military generals were listed.

There were many people who proposed it, but Liu Jing never expressed his position.

Yang Zan and the others also secretly smacked their tongues, although many people proposed it, but the real usefulness was only a few of His Majesty’s civil and military team.

These people’s thinking is clear, the interests of the attack are also clearly stated, and they are really capable people!

“I seem to see that the future Han will usher in a prosperous era and even reach a peak of strength.”

In a trance, Huangfu Song suddenly said something.

“Black monk?”

Liu Jing looked at Yao Guangxiao.

Zhong Wen Wu also found out that the main Wen Chens had not yet proposed.

Whether it is Yao Guangxiao, the Yellow Gate Attendant, or Shang Shuling Liu Bowen, they are all strange people.

It’s just that Yao Guangxiao was in the open and offered a lot of tricks to attack Luoyang and Chang’an. Liu Bowen was in the shadows, while dealing with the Luoyang dynasty, he also laid a lot of foreshadowing.

“Chen believes that the first battle is especially important.”

Yao Guangxiao came out of the line, clasped his hands together and said.


Liu Jing squinted and asked.

“The first battle is related to His Majesty’s attitude, about His Majesty’s means, no matter who he attacks, the rest of the princes will watch it.”

Yao Guangxiao chanted a Buddhist trumpet before slowly explaining.


Liu Bowen echoed and followed suit.

“The minister suggested that he attack Gongsun Zan first, because it was close to Luoyang, and Gongsun Zan had suffered a defeat not long ago.”

He continued.

Hearing this, Cao Cao, who proposed to attack Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Leopard, seemed to have chosen the right direction.

“Although you want to recruit Gongsun Zhan, you can’t then recruit Gongsun Bao, and you have to give him a chance to return.”

The black monk took the stubble.

As soon as these words came out, all the Wen Wucai suddenly shouted.

“Could it be that Lord Liu and Lord Yao meant to attack Gongsun Zan forcefully to intimidate the surrounding princes before they retreated and surrendered?”

Cao Cao asked.


Liu Bowen nodded.

The rest of the people and wuwu talked to each other, and finally agreed unanimously. This is a combination of rigidity and softness, if the means shown are too tough and brutal to attack Gongsun Zhan.

The rest of the princes knew that the Han court wanted them to die, and the resistance would be more intense.

But if you put pressure on others and loosen some pressure on him, the rest of the princes are more likely to surrender.

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