“Your Highness.”

Cao Cao saluted, and then sat down under the signal of King Yan.

The civil and military forces that attacked Dong Thief this time were basically all gathered.

“Monk, what’s next?”

Liu Jing looked directly at Yao Guangxiao and asked.

Yao Guangxiao did not answer, maintaining the movement of chanting with his hands together, and he could vaguely hear the sound of chanting.

Then he slowly took out the sandalwood and put it on it, and finally lowered his hands to look at King Yan.

“The allied forces have collapsed, and the princes will surely leave in a few days.”

Yao Guangxiao said slowly.


Cao Cao was puzzled.

Since the princes did not recognize the edict, they should stay and guard the Yan king, rather than choosing to leave Luoyang.

Secondly, the jade seal is in the hands of King Yan.

As long as they left, wouldn’t King Yan be able to ascend the throne smoothly and become the new emperor of the Han Dynasty?

“Because they are afraid of the Youzhou Army and His Highness, as for the jade seal and the edict, as long as they don’t recognize it.”

Yao Guangxiao explained.

These princes all have military power in their hands, and they have confidence if they do not admit it.

What’s more, there are many princes who don’t want King Yan to ascend the throne, and everyone gathers together, and they can also empty the power of the Han Dynasty.

“So that’s the case, so you can really deal with Your Highness by leaving Luoyang and returning to your own fiefdom?”

Cao Cao was a smart man and instantly understood.

“King Ben wants them to stay in Luoyang, so that they can be caught in one net.”

Liu Jing squinted slightly and said.

He has only 5,000 Xuanjia Army and 10,000 Youzhou Army regular troops in his hands, and he still has the strength to destroy the 80,000 coalition troops of all the princes?

If it was the first time to see His Highness, Cao Cao would definitely not believe it.

But Cao Cao had seen many of King Yan’s methods, and did not have the slightest doubt about it.

Who knows how much strength His Highness hides in Youzhou, which is close to the frontier and barren?

“Lord, my subordinates think that it is still the important task to get rid of Dong Zhuo for now.”

Yao Guangxiao continued.

“Yes, only by getting rid of Dong Zhuo, His Highness can convince everyone in the world and ascend the imperial throne in the true sense.”

Cao Cao echoed.

Once those princes leave, they will definitely go rumors to slander His Highness.

Therefore, only by killing Dong Zhuo to save Liu Xie and verify the bloodline can he legitimately inherit the throne.

Whether it is to destroy Dong Zhuo or save Liu Xie, it is something that should be done.

Only in this way can we win the hearts and minds of the people and occupy a word of reason.

“Well, King Ben knows.”

Liu Jing nodded.

“Lord, only in this way can we deter the princes and stabilize the Han regime.”

Yao Guangxiao said in a deep voice.

At present, the Han regime is scattered, and the princes of all parties have antipathies.

There are Gongsun Bao and Ma Teng in the north, Liu Yan Shixie and others in the south, and Sun Jian is also one of them.

Coupled with the famous Yuan family, there are countless powerful people from all sides.

If you want to stabilize the Han family, you can only start from the basics.

Even if the Youzhou army is strong and there are countless capable people under King Yan, it is not possible to calm the chaotic world at once.


Liu Jing nodded, and Yao Guangxiao’s words were the same as what he thought.

After all this is done, you can start to collect the imperial power and start a game with the princes.

“High man.”

Cao Cao looked at Yao Guangxiao and said secretly in his heart.

What he didn’t know was that the higher ones were still staying in Youzhou, stabilizing Gongsun Leopard and the frontier barbarians.

That night, several people were talking about evidence and preparing to attack Chang’an.

Before you know it, it’s getting dark.

Liu Jing did not rest, and took a few people to the palace.

When I came to the palace, the princes were not there.


Then, the sound of footsteps continued to sound.

I saw several generals of the Youzhou Army walking over quickly.

“What’s the matter?”

Liu Jing’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he already had a guess in his heart.

“Your Highness, the princes of all parties left last night.”

The soldier gasped.

“They said that they would each have their own fiefdoms, preparing to mobilize an army to continue to fight against Dong Thief, and let His Highness keep the jade seal and the edict.”

He continued.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Jing and the others looked at each other and smiled.

This group of princes really left as they expected, not only left but also walked quickly, afraid to stay in Luoyang for one more minute.


Liu Jing looked at Yuwen Chengdu.

“The subordinates are here.”

Yuwen Chengdu responded.

“You go and count the existing strength of Luoyang.”

Liu Jing ordered.


Yuwen Chengdu led the order to retire.

“Monk, about Luoyang’s political affairs, I will leave it to you for the time being.”

Liu Jing looked at Yao Guangxiao again.


Yao Guangxiao clasped his hands together and answered.

“Brother Cao, you are training your army in Luoyang, ready to attack Chang’an at any time.”

Liu Jing continued to order.

The princes left, and the entire Luoyang was declared controlled by him.

This is a thousand-year-old capital, and many dynastic capitals are here, gathering a lot of imperial qi.

Moreover, the city is strong, and there are heavy guards such as the Tiger Pass.

Only by mastering this place can we have a stable base.

“Your Highness, the courtiers swear allegiance to the Han family.”

Cao Cao suddenly turned red and said what he said.

Now, he can finally realize the idea in his heart.


Liu Jing said with a smile.

Cao Cao was showing loyalty, and Cao Cao during this period was indeed credible and also had a passion for the Han family.

If at a later date, the Han court had no hope that it would have held great power, it would have been different.

From now on, Cao Cao officially became one of Liu Jing’s subordinates.

Everything is arranged in an orderly manner, as long as Luoyang is stable, it is time for the sword to point to Chang’an.


At this time.

The princes of all sides embarked on the road back.

East, west, south and north, there are large armies rushing.

Even Kong Rong and Kong Yu and others were no exception.

Although they did not have any objections, they also had certain doubts about the edict.

Therefore, until King Yan has proved it, he will remain vigilant.

As for Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, and even Sun Jian and the others, they had other different intentions.

On the way back to Jizhou, Yuan Shao went with Han Fu.

“Now it’s lively, and two new emperors will appear in the Great Han.”

Han Fu sighed.

One is the canonization of the Dong thief, and the other is the orthodoxy of the edict.

“If this is the case, we can justifiably attack King Yan.”

Yuan Shao squinted and said.

At that time, it is not clear whose hands the whole world will be.

“Lord, this time the princes leave, the world will become more chaotic, and a storm is coming.”

Fengji also spoke at this time.


The corners of Yuan Shao’s mouth raised slightly.

Come on, the stronger the storm, the better.

“Our army only needs to return to Jizhou to accumulate strength, and sit and wait for King Yan and Dong Thief to clash.”

Fengji continued.

There will be an injury when the two tigers compete, and then it may be their chance.


Yuan Shao nodded.

This time back, he will also mobilize the power of the Yuan family to expand his strength faster to recruit all capable people.

In order to seize the world in the future, it is adding strength.

“The world must be in the hands of my Yuan family.”

Yuan Shao muttered.

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