Those years when I was Cannon fodder

Chapter 628: test her conscience

"I know this, and I also know that the power of the sunflower family remains in it, which can make the whole sunflower world grow some grass in a healthy way, otherwise why would I choose it as a world for raising monsters."

The laws are broken and destroyed, but the imprint they once left will not change. Before the entire world is destroyed, the abilities of the Sunflower family are equally useful to plants and animals.

The animals are okay, the impact is not very big, at most it is not easy to get sick, and the sun is very healthy every day, and the plants grow very well just like the accelerator is turned on. pen fun library

It's just that the power is too small. If it is used to grow spiritual plants, it may be exhausted after a few rounds, but if it is only "grass", there is no problem, and it is enough to last for a hundred years.

If the world has not been annihilated, Chu Yu can purchase "grass" from the outside to supply the monsters inside.

Then 097 told her,

"After these powerhouses understood the law and destroyed themselves, they would also die together, and they used their last strength to protect the living force of the clan - the sunflower cubs. Of course, the aura of these cubs has dissipated, becoming a seed form, becoming a plant."

Chu Yu slapped her hand, "This is a good thing. I was worried about what to do when the sun runs out? Can't I keep supplying these sunflowers if I plant them?"

"If that's the case, they don't have to work so hard, wouldn't it be better to just destroy the world? To avoid being taken advantage of by latecomers." 097 said coldly.

"So tell me, are there any harsh conditions like Gu Yuanjie?" Chu Yu was also a little angry, Gu Yuanjie pitted her, but she knew in advance, but Sunflower World didn't give any hints.

Chu Yu didn't miss a single full stop from beginning to end!

She couldn't have made such a mistake!

"It's not too harsh." 097's voice softened immediately, "This world may usher in an extremely rare post-disaster reconstruction, or rebirth from ashes. The core of the world, the extremely critical law falls on these cubs, If these cubs can cultivate spiritual wisdom and become intelligent creatures, new laws will be established, ushering in another world test, and if they win, the host will get a new world that has been bred successfully."

"What about failure?" Chu Yu asked coolly.

"Failure is business as usual, the cubs will only be ordinary sunflowers, with the arrival of the world's lifespan, that bit of aura will be completely annihilated, even if the host

They are transplanted into a world with sound laws, and they will never be able to become monsters. "

Chu Yu's heart skipped a beat.

To be honest, the price didn't hurt her, but it tested her conscience.

If she is a little colder, no matter what your aura is or not, using it as a plant will be more reliable and controllable.

Once there is human nature, who knows what the **** is going on?


Chu Yu had a headache.

"Forget it, leave it alone, let's go with the flow, if they can cultivate spiritual wisdom, it is also their good fortune."

Chu Yu took out the Sunflower World she just bought from the system space and entered it directly. She suddenly felt that her eyes were bright. This was different from what she had imagined. She thought that the reconstruction of the wasteland would make even the sky darker than before Many, but not the way it looks now.

Perhaps it was because she had been in the Haisheng world for too long and had gotten used to the dim light here, so when it was her turn on land, she was a little uncomfortable with such bright sunlight.

"No." Chu Yu narrowed her eyes, "It seems to be brighter than on land."

She raised her hand to block her forehead, looked up at the sky, but saw ten suns appearing above the sky.

That's right, one of them is the projection of the sun star, and the other nine belong to the powerhouses who united against the whole world. If you look closely, you will find that one of them is very real and the light is very strong, while the other nine are very vain. Like a circle of shadows.

Chu Yu suddenly remembered the legend of the previous life, Hou Yi shot down nine suns.

It just happened to meet the world.

Only one sun is intact, and the remaining nine are suns that have been shot down and have died with only remnants of their souls.

Their tragic revolt left something behind.

Chu Yu waved his hand, took out the magic knife, and Yu Jian went straight to the sky. As he kept getting closer to the sun, the heat became stronger and stronger. At first, Chu Yu could bear it, but gradually he had to turn on the defense of the vestments. In this case, it can only get close to the most marginal sun.

- The sun in the middle is the sun star. She can't touch it in the small world. It seems to be on the horizon, but in fact it is just a projection-like existence. The real sun star is very far away from them.

Finally, Chu Yu reached out and touched something soft. It was the petals of the sun flower. The light emitted by the sun flower was so strong that everyone could only see the center of the flower plate, but not the surrounding area. the petals


These petals are actually very good insulators.

If one day you really collect something similar to Nissei, you can use a container made of these petals to hold it.

Chu Yu flickered and entered the sunflower.

This space is very small. Rao is that she is not tall now, and she cannot stand up. She can only squat and stretch her head inward a little, and carefully groping with her hands. Suddenly, Chu Yu's eyes lit up, and she touched a round circle. something, that's a sunflower seed. pen fun library

That is, the cub of the Sunflower family.

Chu Yu harvested this grape-sized seed

Well, continue to stretch out your hand until you touch all the corners of the flower tray, and 097 confirms that there are no other seeds, and then leaves here.

Falling to the ground, Chu Yu immediately gave herself a cold wind art, "It's so comfortable, so cool."

She hadn't felt such hot and cold in a long time.

The reason why Momo Haw is like a mortal is that the power of the sun is inherently violent. Although these sunflowers have no consciousness, they still have instincts. If they perceive the power of alien species, they will definitely act mercilessly.

Just do it.

The most powerful force in Xiaoqian World is not even at the level of Jindan. Chu Yu may not be able to beat a strong Jindan seriously, but it will be difficult for Jindan to hit her hard for a while. UU Reading

She was just worried that this move would hurt the fragile seed inside.

No matter whether these seeds can cultivate spiritual wisdom and become a monster in the future, they will be very useful to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu took the small bag hanging from her waist, poured out the seeds gently, and counted it, there were eighteen seeds in total.

According to the introduction of the mall, the most marginal sunflowers are the weakest. The seeds they save must be taken out first. Once the activity of the seeds is lost for too long, they will die and will never germinate.

Chu Yu slowly tapped out her gentle wood-type spiritual power, and brushed through the eighteen seeds one by one, confirming that the vitality inside was not high, and the weakest one was about to die.

"Such a seed cannot germinate at all, and it seems that it has to be hatched."

Chu Yu used a transparent bottle to pack them. Of course, the bottle had a vent hole, and the seeds also needed to breathe. She first filled the wood-type spiritual power, not directly into the seeds, but scattered in the bottle to nourish seed.

Although the bottle was specially refined, it would continue to lose spiritual energy because of the ventilation holes to communicate with the outside world, but Chu Yu didn't care.

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