Huang Yi thought so, and it was understandable for the monks who followed them to open up the wasteland and did not understand her.

But what about Wang Ying?

This person has been working with her for five years, and as a result, she doesn't even know what her character is, and even making up such nonsense, Chu Yu is speechless.

Even if it is framed, you must find a reliable reason, okay?

Or did Wang Ying never know her from the beginning to the end, and did not know her true temperament?

This idea came out of her life, and Chu Yu felt that it was very possible. If she knew her, knew what kind of person she was, and recognized the potential of the three sisters, it would be impossible to make such a betrayal.

However, even if they don't know her, betrayed just for profit?

Has she given each other little in the past five years?

Nobody is a fool!

Chu Yu didn't have much anger at Wang Ying's betrayal, just like the reason she chose Wang Ying at the beginning, it was just a deal, and it didn't matter whether the other party was loyal or not.

But Wang Ying's frame-up made her quite unhappy.

At the same time, I was a little curious. For a person who came to the interests, only higher interests would impress him and make him make the decision to betray.

"What price did the other party offer?"

Of course, Chu Yu didn't think long about this issue.

She guessed in her heart that after Wang Ying told her story, it was her turn to argue. This was a confrontation between two people, and she could not lose.

She admitted that she did buy a lot of weird stuff for research, and created a notebook to record everything she researched, about the characteristics of a plant, roots, leaves, stems, flowers, etc. The usefulness of the parts, as well as the certain plants that can be matched with them, can achieve certain effects and so on.

However, she stole such extremely detailed records and asked 097 to record them for herself. They were recorded in the system and could not be directly used as evidence.

The only paper record she left behind was just—for example, she saw a certain spiritual grass in the classics today, got inspiration of such and such, and wanted to study it. It was like a diary.

It can be handed over as part of the evidence.

Of course, this kind of diary is not very safe, and it is easy to be overturned. After all, the other party can refute her, and it is impossible to leave a record that is not good for her. This record will only record a part of the content or the content of prohibited materials. In her mind, some notebooks alone can't explain much.

But Chu Yu thought to herself, fortunately, they had already made a comeback in the wasteland reclamation mission. If they died, it was Huang Yi who framed her, so the accusation about Wang Ying could also be used to frame her.

If Huang Yi's side first put the beast-inducing powder on her, it would cause great losses to the entire wasteland reclamation mission, and then let everyone see the evidence found on her, and then Wang Ying's side will make efforts to her residence. If prohibited material is found, she may be at a loss for words.

Even the top sect leaders could sense that there was something wrong. She was probably framed, but if she wanted to flop, she had to find enough evidence to overcome Wang Ying's accusation.

What's more, it would be a little troublesome if someone bought the shops in the square market and people in the black market in a big way, and they insisted that there were contraband in the materials she bought.

Chu Yu thought about it quickly, if the other party really did this, what should she do?

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she thought of a key point.

Although it is certain that conclusive evidence cannot be obtained, it is possible to accuse Wang Ying in turn and force him to prove his guilt.

She was too naive to think that no one would dare to lie in front of True Monarch Jindan and here in the Punishment Hall.

Next, she has to be serious, otherwise, even if she holds a good hand in her hand, if someone else catches the flaw, it may be broken or impossible to play at all.

Sure enough, the next step was to see True Monarch Mohe waving his hand,

"Bring all the key witnesses mentioned by Wang Ying."

The situation did not exceed Chu Yu's expectations, and everyone unanimously proved Wang Ying's testimony, at least superficial testimony, and then they began to show evidence.

Zhang Jingyi's face turned pale, and she felt extremely uneasy: this was still a trap for Xiaoyuer, and it was actually designed three years ago. Could it be that Wang Ying betrayed Xiaoyuer three years ago.

They have endured for more than three years before launching today?

Is it to completely suppress the three sisters in one fell swoop? Because they know that if any of the three sisters is counted, the other two will come to the rescue.

In the end, it may be a white job.

So if you don't move, it's done, and one move is a means of thunder, so that the three sisters have no hope of turning over at all!

How to do?

Zhang Jingyi thought in a panic, what should she do?

What should she do to help Xiaoyuer?

Little fish is just the beginning.

After tearing this opening, it is Senior Sister Chu.

Suddenly, a warm hand stretched out and grabbed hers. Zhang Jingyi was startled and was about to throw it away subconsciously, but the other party held it tightly. She didn't dare to move too much and alarmed the real Monarch Mohe above. Turning his head slightly, he saw Wang Fei's firm eyes.

He's saying: Calm down, don't mess with yourself, don't be a breakthrough for others!

Zhang Jingyi took a deep breath and tried her best to calm herself down. Yes, she couldn't mess with her hands and feet at this time. Once True Monarch Mohe questioned her, if there was a mistake in her words, she would most likely be caught by the other party. Indistinguishable, making guesses that both parties had no evidence, became a mistake in favor of her side.

The evidence presented by the shopkeepers was the material list or ledger written by the shopkeeper or the clerk when Wang Ying went to buy materials.

This was within Chu Yu's expectations.

She has been to the market once.

It's not the same as what she imagined or read in the Going to the market to buy things, it's just a small shop, not so particular, but even a formal, medium-sized firm When you buy one, someone will write down in the ledger what a certain monk (who will roughly note the salient features of the guest) bought something on a certain day in a certain year.

At the time, Chu Yu was curious and asked them how long this type of account book would be maintained, and if the owner of the business wanted to check the account, would anyone temporarily cheat.

As a result, the guy told her that it is generally impossible to cheat.

They have an account book on their side, and when the goods are shipped from the warehouse, someone will also sign the record. If the two sides do not match, they will be discovered.

As for the temporary addition of a sum when the owner of the firm is checking the accounts, it is also unlikely.

Because the comprehension world can identify when the words on the ledger were written, and it can be accurate to within one month, and even those who are proficient in this area can compress the range to within seven days.

Chu Yu was very curious about the mechanism of this identification, so she asked the guy, only to find out that the ledger and ink were different.

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