Shencheng, the building of Pineapple Entertainment.

Zheng Quan stood in front of Wang Shisong, hesitatingly reporting his guess.

Although Xinyu has not announced when Aurora Girls' second song will be released, it should be next Monday.

And his intuition told him that "Miss Chic" was just to say hello to the music scene in advance, and maybe the next song would be the blockbuster.

A bomb that is likely to come towards the dawn of spring!

Listening to Zheng Quan's words, Wang Shisong frowned and asked the female secretary who was wearing a professional skirt and black silk suspenders to go out first.

He tapped his fingertips on the table, his face sullen.

"Take the girl group and beat our queen?" Wang Shisong couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

What arrogance!

But... Zheng Quan, the music director, was scared.

Wang Shisong, the boss, was also a little panicked.

The development of domestic girl groups is mostly unsatisfactory. Even Magneto's Breaking Wind Girls can at best compete with second-tier female singers.

But Luo Mo seems to have the power to turn decay into magic.

Mostly, it's a bad sign.

This young man who has just been awarded the title of "Love Song King" is quite empty recently, because whether it is TV dramas, animations, or variety shows, they are still in the early stage of preparation.

Just in time to settle accounts with pineapple.

Zheng Quan looked at Wang Shisong and said, "Mr. Wang, there is only one new song left by Aurora Girls, why don't we wait a little longer?"

"You mean, let the fans dove, and let the industry see our jokes?" Wang Shisong glared at him.

They are naturally very clear about Chunxiao's situation.

This so-called [Goalkeeper of the Queen of Heaven], her status as the Queen of Heaven, is all flattering.

In fact, she doesn't have much advantage over the best female singers in the first line.

This is the company's forced marketing, and relying on its shameless posture, it has forcibly created the queen's crown.

This kind of model is like many celebrities who used to go to various big occasions to rub the red carpet and become carpet stars. They obviously don't have any works, but through various marketing, they force themselves to look like superstars.

Compared with Chun Xiao, she must be better, after all, she at least has achievements that do not belong to any first-line singer. It's just that compared with the other queens, it's not enough.

If the company arranged for her to avoid the war, then all these years of marketing and hard work would be in vain.

What about the queen, is there a queen in the world who is scared off by the girl group?

Therefore, pineapple can be said to be in a dilemma.

It was completely taken care of!

Luo Mo's behavior can't be called a conspiracy, but it is worthy of anyone, and whoever is caught will be beaten.

Zheng Quan swallowed his saliva, and continued: "I have paid attention to it in the past few days, and the release plans of other Xinyu singers are as usual."

"What do you mean?" Wang Shisong asked.

"That is, those songs that Luo Mo did not write, but Luo Mo acted as the producer, will be released as usual."

"But I heard that he is now [interviewing] in the company every day." Zheng Quan said.

"Interview? What is the interview?" Mr. Wang asked.

"Luo Mo meets with 3-5 singers from Xinyu every day, no matter who they are or how popular they are, just to listen to their songs and learn about their songs."

"Then, Luo Mo's studio also seems to have plans to recruit people." Zheng Quan said.

You know, among the songs he has in his collection of golden songs "The King of Love Songs", so far, only the full version of "What I Miss" has been released.

His posture is equivalent to telling everyone that he has plans to write songs for others.

Those who have played "King of Pesticides" should know that the hero Zhong Kui has a style of play called "Intimidation Flow".

It means that he keeps throwing the hook in front of you, but it's really hard to tell when he will get the hook, it will scare you to death!

Luo Mo is now threatening Pineapple.

His hook almost fell on Wang Shisong's face.

Pairs of bombs are placed there in the manner of [clear cards]. If you play a card, I will blow you up.

I suggest that you go out of business in the music scene this year.

Otherwise, I will fight one at a time.

This young man who used to sit alone at the corner of the poker table, surrounded by several capital predators, who wanted to eat him alive, began to gradually control the game.

"Isn't your pineapple mainly developing film and television? In the music industry, you are the weakest of the four major companies."

"I heard that your development in the music industry has been mediocre in recent years, and internal discussions are also on whether to transfer resources and funds back to film and television."

"Don't worry about it, I'll make the decision for you directly."

"Your market share..."

"I want it!"



In this world, there are always people who are happy and others who are sad.

For example, Zhong Lin, the team leader of the audit department, was in a happy mood at the moment, and came to the office humming a little tune.

Because He Yuanguang just contacted her, saying that the second season of "Things About That Rabbit That Year" has been completed and submitted for review.

As my grandfather, He Ping'an, ordered that Zhong Lin alone be in charge of reviewing all of Luo Mo's works, so—my old lady was the first one among the normal audience to watch "That Rabbit"!

For those who work in the review department, it is a joy to be able to see good works first, but there are too many bad things to see on weekdays, so continue to wash your eyes on good works.

Before opening the second season of "The Rabbit", Zhong Lin took out her bag and took out a pack of eye stickers from it.

She was afraid that her eyes would be swollen from crying again later, and the ice patch was cold, so she could apply it later.

Of course, the paper towels have already been prepared.

This series of preparations is her greatest respect for the second season of "The Rabbit".

As I said before, the children's channel and the review department have communicated with Tongguang Studio before, hoping that the second season of "The Rabbit" will talk about something before the first season in this special year.

Therefore, Luo Mo directly made the fourth season on earth into the second season of this time and space.

Since it was a request from the children's channel and the review department, they would definitely give "That Rabbit" some green light.

You can't say that you play around and don't give others any privileges, right?

So the children's channel has already vacated the schedule.

As for Penguin Video, as long as Luo Mo ships the goods, they will spend money to buy them immediately, and the price will directly double!

After Zhong Lin took a deep breath, she clicked on the first episode.

After watching the first episode, she couldn't help opening her mouth.

"If my grandpa watches the second season, he will definitely feel more deeply than the first season, right?" Zhong Lin couldn't help but sigh.

She watched episode after episode, and when she saw the fourth episode [Embracing the Unknown Journey], the tears she had been holding back finally burst in the last part.

"That Rabbit" sometimes doesn't start throwing bricks in your eyes until after the end credits, as in this episode.

I saw a rabbit with bruises and tied hands, on its way to the execution ground.

He said to the people who saw him off spontaneously: "Dear friends, when you are fed and clothed, and then raise the flag, if you see the flag flying high..... high."

"That means I have kept my promise and come to see you!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head abruptly and walked towards the execution ground in a free and easy manner: "Let's go!"

"See you in the prosperous world!"

When Zhong Lin heard the singing of the person who saw him off, she couldn't hold back anymore.

When I heard the free and easy "Let's go! See Shengshi", my heart was hit instantly.

"It's this routine again! It's this routine again!" Zhong Lin wiped her tears while cursing the script written by Luo Mo in her heart.

Always use short plots and concise words to accurately poke the tears of the audience.

Absolutely nothing!

Zhong Lin wiped away her tears, and clicked on the fifth chapter.

Immediately afterwards—wept even more fiercely.


"One episode is only a few minutes, and the content of the two episodes adds up to just over ten minutes."

"Shoot me twice in one breath! Knife me twice in ten minutes! Woohoo!"

"Luo Mo! You have no heart! You have no heart!"

Zhong Lin felt that when she watched that kind of abusive emotional drama, she never cried so hard as she does now.

But she is very clear that this is nothing more than restoring the truth to you.

Even, the reality is even crueler!

Zhong Lin pressed the pause button on the computer, and she decided to apply eye patch first to let herself relax.

At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

Zhong Lin, who was leaning on the chair, raised her head and applied eye patch, said, "Come in."

Her team member Xiao Wu came in, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw that her team leader was raising his head, with translucent things stuck to his eyes, sniffing from time to time, and the table was covered with paper towels. It's a ball, and I don't know what I'm doing.

"Ahem, team leader." Xiao Wu called out.

"What's the matter?" Zhong Lin asked.

"Well... there is a new variety show project, maybe the team leader should take a look at it." Xiao Wu said.

"Variety show? Why don't you check it yourself?" Zhong Lin raised her head and said.

"But this is Luo Mo's variety show. Didn't the team leader say that you will have to read everything related to Luo Mo in the future?" Xiao Wu said.

"Luo Mo? New variety show?" Zhong Lin wondered, "Didn't he just finish "The King of Love Songs", what variety show is he going to participate in?"

"That..." Xiao Wu looked at Zhong Lin and said, "Leader, Luo Mo is going to make a new variety show."

"What?" Zhong Lin tore off the eye patch and sat up again, revealing her eyes that were swollen from crying, full of surprise.

"Doing variety shows? He's going to cross over again?" Zhong Lin was a little confused.

This rookie who has only debuted for a few months is really good at handling things!

"You send it to me." Zhong Lin glanced at Xiao Wu with her red eyes.

"Uh..." Xiao Wu was slightly stunned, then nodded vigorously and said, "Okay...Okay."

Zhong Lin soon received the project review documents.

""China in Classics"?" She couldn't help but read out loud.

"Hiss, this interesting!" Zhong Lin was a little puzzled.

With curiosity, she quickly opened the project file.

When reading the [Program Introduction] column, the first sentence in it shocked her.

"[The scriptures and meanings that have been passed on for thousands of years, and the lamps that burn through the ages.]"

(ps: The second update, ask for a monthly pass! It is only five hundred away from the top five in the overall list!)

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