This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 362 Still Hit Her


"hiahia~ Xiaobai, hurry up and get rough!"

After class was over, Xiaoqiu'er and her cubs happily ran to the door of Xiaobai's class, poked their heads into the classroom and shouted.


When Xiao Bai heard the shout, she grinned and ran out, Xiao Yaoyao followed closely behind her.

"Qiu'er, why are you here? Are you going to play?" Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Qiu'er and asked happily.


Xiao Qiu'er shook her head, then moved closer to Xiaobai's ear, murmured about Xiaomeimei's situation and their plans, and then looked at Xiaobai expectantly.

"Get it!"

After Xiao Bai heard Xiao Qiu'er's words, she didn't hesitate a bit, and then dragged Xiao Yaoyao into the small classroom again.

"Yaoyao, you go and call Yueyue, Yuyu, and Niannian out, and I'll call Tingting!"


Xiao Yaoyao ran to call San Xiaozhi without asking any more questions, and Xiao Bai quietly came to Xiao Tingting's small desk.

At this moment, Xiao Tingting was sitting sideways with her small body down, happily eating her own snacks with her head down.

The break time after the first class every morning is her happiest time. Hiding in the small seat alone and eating delicious food is her greatest satisfaction.

Therefore, at this time of day, she doesn't go out to play, no matter how earth-shattering it is outside, she stays still.

Xiao Bai knew this very well, so he asked Xiao Yaoyao to call Xiao Niannian and the others, while she dealt with Xiao Tingting herself.

Silently, Xiao Bai came behind Xiao Tingting, and little by little, he put his little hand into her small desk, and then...


Xiaobai grabbed Xiao Tingting's delicious food, and then took it out with lightning speed, and the next moment, she turned around and ran away.

Little Tingting: d(д)

Looking at Xiaobai who was running wildly away, Xiao Tingting was stunned. She puffed her cheeks and unconsciously chewed hard a few times, and swallowed with her little head, and then stretched out her little hand on the small desk in a daze. Li touched...

Hmm... It's empty. Where's the delicious food I brought?

Xiao Tingting's small head was a little bit stunned, so she looked into the desk with her small head...

? ? ? ! ! !

delicious too! My delicious too!

"Little Bai! You son of a bitch! Give me back the delicious food! Ah!"

Little Tingting, who was belatedly aware of the truth about Xiaobai's mad run, yelled out full of grief and indignation, and rushed out the door.

"Ah! Run! Tingting is here!"

Xiao Tingting rushed out furiously and in grief. The children who were walking leisurely in the aisle suddenly screamed, and then ran away in unison.

Under the leadership of Xiao Bai, a group of dolls ran to the small sandpit in one breath, and stopped one by one. After looking at each other, they all grinned and laughed.

"Hm Chi Hm Chi..."

After a while, Xiao Tingting chased after her out of breath, but the next moment, when she saw the scene that caught her eyes, she staggered with her little hand covering her heart.

"Hold...stop! Xiao... Xiaobai... please stop!"

"Okay...good friends...quick...quick shut up!"

"Ah! My delicious food! Little Baiguawazi! I will fight with you! You share my delicious food!"

Little Tingting yelled three times full of grief and anger, and then rushed towards the perpetrator's little white children's shoes like a mad pig.


Seeing Xiao Tingting rushing towards him, Xiao Bai laughed out loud, raised the remaining delicious food in his hand, and yelled "Stop!"


Xiao Tingting's figure stopped abruptly, and suddenly stopped in front of Xiao Bai, the grief and indignation on her little face disappeared, replaced by prayers.

"Xiaobai~ my good friend! Return the delicious food to me quickly! How about it!"

Xiao Tingting begged pitifully, Xiao Bai originally wanted to tease her again, but was stopped by Xiao Qiu'er.

"Tingting, here you go, don't be sad, Xiaobai is just teasing you."

Xiao Qiu'er took the rest of the delicious food from Xiaobai, and gave it back to Xiao Tingting. By the way, she also took out a bottle of bear drink from her pocket, and gave it to Xiao Tingting as well.

"Hiaahia~Tingting, I'll return the beef cubes to you, Xiaobai is playing with you, she won't bully you!"

Xiao Xi'er also came over at this time, returned the beef diced that Xiao Bai gave her to Xiao Tingting, and said a good word for her good sister Xiao Bai.

"Hahaha~ good friend duck!"

The delicious food was lost and recovered, and she also got an extra bottle of bear drink. Xiao Tingting's sadness disappeared immediately, leaving only a pleasant surprise.

"Guawazi, you are so precious!"

Xiaobai looked at the happy little Tingting and shook her head helplessly, then she called a group of girls to stand up, and began to announce the donation mobilization.

After a while, Xiaobai finished talking about Xiaomeimei, and after hearing what she said, Xiaoyaoyao was the first to walk out with her little hands raised.

"Xiaobai, Qiu'er, I am willing to give all the money in my big red envelope to Xiaomeimei to see her brother's doctor!"

Xiao Yaoyao said sadly: "Meimei's mother must be very sad now, mothers love their babies very much, we have to help her!"

Xiao Yaoyao walked up to Xiao Qiu'er and Xiao Xi'er as she spoke, gently held up her two little hands and said, "It's like Brother Qing helping my mother, without Brother Qing's help, my mother's illness I can’t get better, so I’m also willing to help others!”

"Mom said that kind people always have good luck..."

After Xiao Yaoyao finished speaking, several pairs of eyes fell on her immediately, and she returned them a positive smile.

"Yeah! I would too!"

"And me!"

"Haha... Me too!"

After Xiao Yaoyao, Xiao Yueyue, Xiao Yuyu, and Xiao Niannian also expressed their views, expressing that they are also willing to give out their big red envelopes to help Xiaomeimei.

Maybe the little guys still don't understand the meaning of what they did, or they sympathize with Meimei, or feel sorry for Meimei, or maybe they just follow Xiaoqiuer's decision.

But no matter what, this seed of kindness to help others has been planted in their hearts.

"Tingting, what about you!"

Seeing that the rest of the friends agreed, Xiaobai was the only one who was silently smirking with delicious food, she immediately asked with a sideways look.


Xiao Tingting was taken aback by Xiaobai's eyes, then she hurriedly covered her delicious food, looked at Xiaobai vigilantly and said, "Don't steal my delicious food!"

Xiaobai→_→: "Guawazi! Is this me robbing you of the dolls you eat?"

Xiao Tingting shook her head a little harder: "Yes!"


Xiao Bai was so angry that she started to roll up her sleeves. Seeing this, Xiao Qiu'er and Xiao Xi'er hurried over and hugged her.

"Tingting, please promise Xiaobai quickly! Otherwise she will fuck you!" Xiao Xier shouted at Xiao Tingting who was about to run away.

Xiao Tingting was stunned: "Promise...promise what duck?!"

Xiao Xier: "..."

Forget it, Xiaobai, you still have to fuck her!

She is hopeless!

With a tired sigh, Xiao Xi'er let go of Xiao Bai, and Xiao Qiu'er looked at her in a daze.

"Xi' did you let go of Xiaobai! Hurry up and hug her, she'll be shitting!" Xiaoqiu'er shouted.

But Xiao Xi'er waved her little hand in a somewhat dispirited way: "Fuck shit, shit shit, my sister said that the piglets are raised to be fattened to be killed and eaten. This is their fate!"

Xiao Xi'er imitated Tan Jin'er's words, pretended to be deep and sighed, and then walked away with small steps.

Xiao Qiu'er was dumbfounded by what she said, did Sister Jin'er say this, why don't I remember!

But when she was stunned, she let go of Xiaobai's little hand, and Xiaobai, who was free of restraint, rushed to Xiao Tingting like the wind, and then made a flower arrangement.

"Ah! Kill the baby! Xiaobai killed the baby!"

"Hoo hoo... yell! Gua Wazi, you won't have a teacher if you call me so loud! Dudu, Mengmeng is digging a sandpit! Planting Tingting today!"



"Ring ring ring..."

Finally, the school bell rang, and the happy and beautiful day came to an end. The little dolls, carrying small schoolbags, lined up in small groups and left the campus one by one under the leadership of the little teacher.

"elder brother!"

"Brother Qing!"

Xiao Qiu'er threw herself into the arms of Yang Qing who came to pick them up, Xiao Xi'er hugged his thigh and climbed up, she wanted to ride a big horse.


Seeing the performance of the two little sisters, Xiaobai shook her head disdainfully, then took Xiao Mumu's little hand and said:

"It's good that we go home, your mother is in our shop."

"Yeah!" Xiao Mumu said cheerfully, "Mom told me, I will go home with Xiaobai after school, I'm very good!"

"Hey! I want it! Let's go!"

Xiaobai took Xiao Mumu's little hand and headed home.

Seeing this, Yang Qing hurriedly put down Xiao Qiu'er in her arms, and caught Xiao Xi'er who was crawling on her back. After holding the two children's hands to follow Xiao Bai's small steps, she asked with a soft smile:

"Did you have a good time in kindergarten today?"

"Happy!" Xiao Qiu'er grinned.

"Hiahia... super happy!" Xiao Xier chimed in bouncing around.

Yang Qing: "Oh, you're so happy, tell your brother quickly, and make him happy too."


The two little ones nodded in response, and then talked to Yang Qing about their life in the kindergarten today.

There is no matter how big or small, happiness has no size, and they walked and talked all the way, and the two little ones talked about what happened today.

But Yang Qing was stunned when he heard it, he looked at the cheerful little Xi'er in disbelief, and said uncertainly:

"Xi'er, you... you said you want your little classmate to... buy brother's storybook?!"

"hiahia~ yes!"

Xiao Xi'er grinned and said cheerfully: "Brother Qing's stories and books are so beautiful, the children like to read them, Brother Qing sells books to earn money, and the children spend money to buy books and read books!"


Yang Qing was a little dumbfounded by what this little baby said. After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "This is... who taught you?"

"Hiaahia... sister acridine!"


"Yeah, I'm reading and studying with my sister, and she always asks me if she doesn't understand, I'm so smart!" Xiao Xi'er said proudly, patting her small chest.

Yang Qing: ...

Well, whether your sister really asks you or pretends to ask you, based on what you did today, I would call you the strongest kid in the kindergarten!

Hmm... maybe some adults are not as strong as you!

"Brother Qing~"

And just when Yang Qing was surprised by Xiao Xier's operation and gave a speechless wry smile, Xiao Xier suddenly looked up at him and said:

"Brother Qing, I gave that storybook to Meimei, you won't be angry, Meimei is so pitiful~"

"Well, no, why is brother angry?"

Hearing this, Yang Qing immediately looked at Xiao Xi'er with a smile and said, "Brother is proud of what you have done!"

" just want to pool money to help her, see a doctor for her brother."

"Yeah!" Xiao Qiu'er looked at Yang Qing expectantly and said, "Brother, will you agree?"


Yang Qing smiled and nodded happily: "Brother, take out your respective big red envelopes when you go back, and you will give them to Meimei tomorrow."


With Yang Qing's consent and support, the two cubs felt happier and walked more cheerfully.

Yang Qing looked at them and smiled even brighter, although he knew that for Xiao Meimei's brother's illness, the little guys' money was just a drop in the bucket.

But... this is their heart.

Don't do good because it is small, and don't do evil because it is small.

Sincerely, you should not be let down!


"Mom! Here I come!"

In the small shop, Yu Mei was selling steamed buns and learning from Tan Jiner how to make pancakes when she suddenly heard a cheerful voice.

She heard the sound and looked up, and saw her daughter Xiao Mumu running in happily carrying a small schoolbag.

"Hi sister Jin'er~"

Running into the small shop, Xiao Mumu gave a small body a sudden meal, and first bowed to the busy Tan Jiner to say hello, appearing polite and well-behaved.

"Yeah, hello Mumu, you're so good, go upstairs with Xi'er and the others to play."

Tan Jin'er heard the movements of his subordinates froze, turned to look at Xiao Mumu and smiled softly.

"Hehe~ Jin'er, sister Yu, you should rest too, I'll come..."

At this time, Yang Qing, who was the last among the little ones, came in after greeting a group of enthusiastic diners, and said with a smile.

"No, Brother Qing, I..."

"Be obedient, go and rest..."

"Oh fine"

Tan Jin'er and Yu Mei took the little ones upstairs to drink water and rest, Yang Qing took over the sales work of the two, and the diners were immediately excited.

"Hey! The big star made it himself, it's not easy, I want ten pancakes!" some diners who lined up shouted excitedly.

"Ten?! Can you finish eating, feed the pigs!"

"Hehe... Eat, feed the pig, how superficial you are, who is this, Qingshen! It's been a long time since he made pancakes and fruits! It's been a long time since I bought it, are you willing to eat it!"

The diner winked as he spoke, and then took out his phone and started the video.

Immediately, the diners around him understood, and one by one quietly turned on the video recording on their mobile phones.

Hehe... The pancake fruit made by Qingshen himself, I buy ten and eat two, and the rest...hehe...

There is a video to prove it...

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