"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

"Dance to the rhythm, let us enjoy a wonderful life together..."

In the cheerful rhythm of singing, Bai Zhijun and Zhao Cheng danced very vigorously.

And looking at their skilled movements, it is obvious that this is not the first time they have jumped.

Twisting the waist, twisting the hips, stretching the arms and legs and jumping, not to mention, the square dance of the two of them still looks very entertaining, and the only fly in the ointment is that there are only two big men in the square dance team!

A few meters behind them, Xiaoqiuer was making a video for Xiaodudu, and Xiaobai was recording a video with his mobile phone.

Xiao Xi'er, who had nothing to do, rolled her big eyes, and then she pulled Xiao Dong'er behind the two who were dancing happily.


Xiao Xi'er laughed softly, and then she quickly covered her little mouth, and then jumped up with the two of them.

The little butt is twisted and the little head is shaking, so cute and cute.

Xiao Dong'er also babbled and grinned, her small body writhing indiscriminately, occasionally she wanted to jump behind Bai Zhijun and hug his thigh, but Xiao Xi'er grabbed him quickly.

Such a wonderful moment, how can you disturb an intoxicated dancer.

Time slows down, jumping and dancing, with the change of music and singing, the square dance team slowly turns around, and then... Ga!

Bai Zhijun and Xiao Xi'er met each other's eyes, they were dumbfounded, but Xiao Xi'er smiled shyly.

"Hey, you two are so cute, Lao Bai, is this your daughter?"

Bai Zhijun and the two froze in place, while the woman beside them asked curiously while jumping.

"Ah, hehe...then you dance first."

The corners of Bai Zhijun's mouth twitched slightly, and then he and Zhao Cheng looked at each other sadly, reached out to pick up the two cubs, and left the team, walking towards Yang Qing who was waving helplessly.

When he came close and put down the two cubs, Bai Zhijun glared at the smiling Yang Qing angrily. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Xiaobai jumping over aggressively.

"Old man! You can come here and dance! I'm going to tell mom!"

"Hey! Don't! Don't tell your mother." Bai Zhijun was taken aback by these words, and hurriedly squatted down and grabbed his air-tight padded jacket, and said flatteringly, "Guawazi, tell the old man what you want to eat and what you want." Hey, the old man will buy it for you!"

"Oh hoho..." Xiaobai's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said in a milky voice, "Are you rich?"

Bai Zhijun was stunned for three seconds, then he gritted his teeth quietly and said, "Yes!"

"Wow! You are hiding money again! Does mom know!"

Bai Zhijun: Heartbroken (-ω`)

What should I do now, can anyone tell me what to do! One hole was not filled, but he jumped into another hole dug by his daughter!


Bai Zhijun was still racking his brains on how to deal with this little man filling the hole, while Zhao Cheng on the other side had fallen into the hole and couldn't get out!

"Hee hee... Uncle Zhao, Dudu asked you to take the video"

Xiao Qiuer ran over with the phone and handed it to Zhao Cheng. Zhao Cheng was dumbfounded for nearly ten seconds, then showed a smile uglier than crying, and took the phone with trembling hands.

"Haha... Dad, your dance is so beautiful..."

The little Dudu in the video was full of excitement and chatted non-stop, while Zhao Cheng looked at the flashing face of Dudu's mother in the video, and his heart began to tremble.

"Dad, Mom told you to go home early, and told you to buy a durian when you come, she wants to eat durian!"


Hearing this, Zhao Cheng's face froze, and he silently looked down at his knees, feeling sad from his heart.

After receiving the video, Zhao Cheng waved goodbye to Yang Qing and the others, and then left in a hurry. The queen was calling, so he hurried back to pay his respects.

Looking at the back of him leaving in a hurry, Qin Hao couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother Zhao is going to have a hard time tonight, it's tough."

"You still have the face to say it!"

Hearing this, Bai Zhijun said angrily: "Do you think what you two did is a human thing! You even brought them to us, and even made a video for Dudu's mother, I am really convinced by you two!"

"Haha...don't do it, Brother Bai, we just want to see you dance well, and share it with those close to you." Qin Hao laughed loudly.

"Get out!"

Bai Zhijun glared at him angrily, then looked at the three little ones who were muttering together, and said bitterly: "You two hurry up and give me attention, how can you get rid of these three little things, otherwise I will It's dead!"

"Haha... It's not enough just to deal with them." Qin Hao shook his mobile phone with winks, and said with a smile: "Xiaobai recorded a video for you, and it's in my mobile phone."

"You... you are ruthless!"


On the other side, after Zhao Cheng hurried home, as soon as he entered the door, he was shot by four eyes, one was curious and the other was calm.

"Haha...Dad, you are back! Mommy Sang, the durian you bought, I haven't eaten durian yet, I want to eat it too"

Xiaodudu jumped off the sofa, ran up to Zhao Cheng with bare feet, and asked with a raised face.

Zhao Cheng stretched out one hand behind his back and touched her little head, then smiled and stretched out the other hand behind his back, revealing the cake and barbecue in his hand.

"Wow! Cake! It's cake!"

Xiaodudu was pleasantly surprised, she just wanted to praise Xiaoqiuer at the moment, because of you, I have cake to eat tonight!

"Mom, I'll give you this cake. Dad said it's durian-flavored. It's delicious!"

Little Dudu put a piece of cake in a small plate and gave it to her mother, and then put a piece of strawberry flavored cake in her own small plate.

"Haha... Dad won't eat it, this piece of strawberry flavor is mine!"

Xiao Dudu happily sat on the sofa with his own cake, and ate bit by bit with a small fork.

But while eating, she suddenly thought of something, so she turned her head and said to her mother:

"Mom, I want to make a video for Tingting, can you?"

Dudu's mother, who was in the sign language debate contest with Zhao Cheng, stopped, and then handed the phone to Xiaodudu, and Mei stared at Zhao Cheng, and the competition continued!

Dudu ignored her parents and happily sent a wechat video to Xiao Tingting.

After a while, the video was connected, and Xiao Tingting's chubby face appeared in the video, but before she could make a sound, Xiaodudu showed her her small cake and the barbecue on the table.

Little Tingting:: (⊙.⊙)

She was stunned immediately, what she saw, it was delicious! Dudu actually wanted her to show off the delicious food! This can bear it!

"Toot, toot! Why do you have so many delicious foods!"

"Haha...my dad bought it for me"

"Yeah, your dad is really kind, but why does he still buy you delicious food at such a late hour?"

"Because he dances and dances! If he dances and dances, he must buy delicious food!"

"What! You have to buy delicious food after dancing! Real or fake!"

Xiao Tingting was stunned by Xiao Dudu's remarks.


Xiaodudu was a little bit sure, and then he started to tell Xiao Tingting about it.

Zhao Cheng, who was on the side, froze in his sign language, and turned his head to look at Xiaodudu dumbly.

My daughter bought herself in front of her face! When did this little padded jacket leak air?

Dudu mother: "!

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