This Simplification Is Too Outrageous

Chapter 163: faceless person

This simplification is outrageous! Chapter 163: The Faceless Man

"Fortunately, you were out of town and didn't come back, otherwise... alas..."

The sheriff sighed.

"Although this matter is rumored outside, the actual situation is not as simple as imagined. My identity is special, and I can only reveal this information to you."

"About half a year ago, after the Spring Festival, when basically all young people went out to work, a villager called the police and told the police that something had happened. Because I was on duty at the time and the distance was close, I was the first to rush over. ."

"It was an old man who died. You should have the impression that the oldest old man in Qiao Village, who looked like a hundred years old, was also Qiao Xing's great-grandfather."

Qiao Yuan scraped the memory in his mind and nodded, as if he had some impression.

This is also thanks to his strong mental strength, and basically everything in his memory can be recalled.

Otherwise...for more than 20 years, the group has gone back a dozen times, how can I still remember this.

"When I think about it now, I realize that there were a lot of doubts at the time. When I passed by the dog barked at me, and it was extremely cold that day. People have weird expressions, but I can see from the look in their eyes that it's not's fear and fear!

"After the village chief dispersed everyone, he took me alone to a dark bedroom. As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a rotten and musty smell, which is usually found on old people in their twilight years.

"The village chief shone with a flashlight, pointed to a corpse covered by a white cloth, and said nothing."

"To be honest, as a sheriff who has been in the business for more than 20 years, I have also received professional training. I have seen no matter how tragic the corpse is, and no matter how strange the scene is, I will not be afraid."

"But that night, from the moment I stepped into Qiaojia Village, I felt a chilling sense of crisis."

"I don't even know why this happened!"

"As the white cloth was lifted, the old man's speckled feet slowly emerged...then his shriveled body, and then...his face!"

"He has no face!"

"It doesn't have any noticeable facial features, it's just a smooth skin, completely different from other body skin, as if it's always been like this!"

When the sheriff, who was in the middle of the year, said that he had no face, his body trembled obviously, and his eyes were full of fear.

To be able to scare an old sheriff who has been in the business for more than 20 years into such a situation, one can imagine how terrifying it was at that time.

"After consultation, the village chief asked himself to keep this matter a secret, and publicized it as a natural death. After all, the deceased was also very old."

"But since that night, I have always had a strong premonition in my heart that this... this matter is not over yet."

"Didn't you notify the patroller?" Qiao Yuan asked.

The sheriff looked up at Qiao Yuan, his eyes full of shock.

"You know the Patrol too?"

For the existence of awakened people and Variant Spirits, the poorer the place, the less information they know.

Qiao Yuan nodded.

"So you can go on and on."

"This..." The sheriff hesitated. This incident should have been kept secret. He leaked so much because Qiao Yuan was a villager of Qiao's Village. He had reason to know some things.

"Actually, I'm an Awakened!" Qiao Yuan said sternly, then looked at the noodles in the bowl.

"You see clearly, I only do it once!"

How to verify one's own awakening is actually very simple, such as crushing such a cheap dining table with one hand, or using a knife to stab yourself...

And Qiao Yuan chose another method, swallowing the noodles in one bite.

If you can do things that normal people can't do, most of them are awakened ones.

Obviously, this seasoned sheriff also knew about the Awakened.

At this moment, there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

That is the Awakened!

"I didn't participate in what happened after that. I only knew that it would be peaceful for a month. Just when I thought it was just an accident, a few people died in the village one after another. Then the matter could not be concealed, and the above sent people over. The investigation, the result... never came out again."

"And since then, the villagers inside have not come out again. After another week, a leader who came down from the top came over, and said that he was a hunter or something. Even the director was in front of him. Bowing your head and bending over, I also learned later that this kind of person is called an Awakened."

"It's just that after the person with a higher status than the director entered, he didn't show up either!"

"This matter is getting bigger and bigger. After all, there are hundreds of lives in a village. Under this kind of pressure, another person came to the city, wearing a uniform and saying he was the captain of the patrol."

team leader?

Qiao Yuan was thoughtful.

The captain of a city, the minimum requirement is Tier 3, and at the same time must have rich combat experience, they may not be the best at fighting, but when dealing with Variant Spirit events, they are undoubtedly much stronger than ordinary Awakened.

"Then he went in and only brought out one person."

"Qiao Xing?" Qiao Yuan said.

The sheriff nodded.

"Unfortunately, the only survivor has a mental problem, so no useful information can be obtained from him."

"And since the so-called captain of the patroller disappeared inside, no one has been sent from above. The order we received was to block indefinitely."

The sheriff sighed.

In this way, Qiao Yuan roughly understood what happened.

Since even the captain is dead inside, the best way is indeed to block it, and the impact has not continued to spread, the situation is not too good, not too bad.

"By the way, Qiao Yuan, what are you doing here this time?" the sheriff asked suspiciously.

"Ancestor worship." Qiao Yuan said

"'s best not to go in until the matter is resolved." The sheriff persuaded.

Although I already believed that Qiao Yuan was an awakened person, since there were already two people planted in it, Qiao Yuan would most likely die if he entered.

"Well, I'm not going, by the way... Where is Qiao Xing? I want to see him." Qiao Yuan nodded.

After successfully persuading Qiao Yuan, the sheriff finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"He is in a nearby mental hospital. You can go and see if you have time. After all, it is the same village."

Dahe County Mental Hospital.

A private hospital located in the outermost part of the county, with a small area, but with a quiet environment, it is a good place for treatment.

In the middle of the night, a sneaky figure came to the thick and tall fence, trying to turn over.

But because the wall was too high, it couldn't be done.

Security room.

A security guard glanced at the surveillance camera, picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Director, that patient named Qiao Xing ran away again, do you want to chase him or not?"

Soon, a voice came from the opposite side.

"This guy hasn't paid any money. We're not here for charity, and these sheriffs are really... Every time they send it here, it's an old rule, let him run, and the next time the sheriff asks, he'll say we did our best."

"By the way, the monitoring is deleted, the old rule, it is said that it is under maintenance!"

"Okay, Director!" the security guard said.

Then he picked up a plastic stool and threw it to the outside world.

Seeing this, the figure who was climbing over the wall in the distance was stunned for a while, then immediately picked up the bench and stood up, then climbed the wall and left.

completely disappeared into the night.

At the door, Qiao Yuan, who was about to go in to visit, was also stunned.

No wonder Wu Xing, a patient, could escape from the mental hospital over and over again. It turned out to be the reason for not paying.

Sure enough, everything in this world can be linked to money.

Shaking his head, Qiao Yuan turned and walked towards Wu Xing.

He was very curious, where would this Wu Xing go?

In the distance, Wu Xing, who was wearing a hospital gown, bent his body and constantly shuttled through the woods along the path.

As a child who grew up in the mountains, he is very familiar with this place!

Half an hour later, he came to the bottom of a big mountain.

In the distance, Qiao Xing was able to clean up some leaves, and a cave appeared beside the mountain.

Qiao Yuan hesitated for a moment and then followed in.

The cave was dark and had a damp and musty smell, but to Qiao Yuan, it was nothing at all.

Soon Qiao Yuan stopped.

On a wooden board in front, lay a very strange corpse.

Just when Qiao Yuan was thinking, in the darkness... a figure suddenly rushed over with a dagger, and was about to stab Qiao Yuan's back.

Qiao Yuan turned around, grabbed Hei Ying's hand with his backhand, snatched the dagger, and twisted it into a twist in front of him.

"Don't attack people from behind in the future, it's easy to cause misunderstandings!"

Qiao Yuan said, then came to the side, took out the kitchen knife and the big knife, rubbed it, and quickly lit a candle hanging on the wall.

At this time, the cave was barely lit up.

Glancing around, it looks like this place has been carefully arranged. Although the furniture is very shabby, it is barely considered a home.

A girl is lying on the bed.

A very strange girl.

On the other side was a boy who fell to the ground, clutching his wrist, and was looking at Qiao Yuan viciously at the moment.

"Bad man, die...die!" The boy bared his teeth and grinned in filial piety.

"Qiao Xing, don't you know me?"

"I... Qiao Yuan, I met last year when I went back to my hometown for Chinese New Year."

"Let me think about it... um... yes, I asked you how many points in the test, and you said that you scored more than 2,100 points in the peak competition." Qiao Yuan showed a friendly smile.

Qiao Xing's grim expression gradually subsided, and then he asked uncertainly, "Are you... Grandpa Qiao Yuan?"

Qiao Yuan: "..."

That's right, in Qiaojia Village, Qiao Yuan's seniority is very high, and for the people in the city, this title has long been abandoned.

But in the relatively traditional Qiaojia Village, it is indeed called according to seniority.

Of course... the atmosphere of Qiao's village has changed a lot in the past two decades. When it comes to calling this kind of thing, a younger person like Qiao Xing calls Qiao Yuan a grandfather, and adults generally don't say much.

But if Qiao Yuan met an older man in the village, even if he was of high rank, he could not call him a grandson.

Otherwise you will be beaten!

"It's me. I also gave you the previous study materials at that time, and you forgot me after I haven't seen you for more than half a year?"

Qiao Xing scratched his head, his eyes still a little suspicious.

Until Qiao Yuan took out his ID he finally believed.

For a time, as a survivor of Qiaojia Village, Qiao Xing hugged Qiao Yuan and cried bitterly.

After comforting him for a long time, he got a little bit of the situation from his mouth.

According to Qiao Xing, he was rescued by the captain of the local patrol.

"So, are you doing this for her?" Qiao Yuan pointed to the **** the wooden bed.

Qiao Xing is not mentally ill!

"She's my sister," Qiao Xing's eyes were full of doting.

"If I'm taken away, she'll die here."

"She's dead?"

"No, my sister is not dead!" Wu Xing immediately retorted.

Qiao Yuan was silent.

He felt strange before he entered the hole.

very strange!

The girl appears to be in a state of being half-dead and half-alive.

The basic functions of the body are all normal, there is breathing, there is a heartbeat, but... it feels like something is missing.

According to the sheriff, the villagers of Qiaojia Village will all lose their faces when they die.

The girl looks like this now, although she hasn't lost her face, it's most likely related to that Variant Spirit.

It's really embarrassing for Wu Xing, a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old boy who pretended to be crazy and foolish in order to save his sister.

Unfortunately, this is a ghost event.

"Tell me about what happened inside." Qiao Yuan said.

Wu Xing seemed a little hesitant.

Until Qiao Yuan punched a hole in the mountain wall.

There was hope in Wu Xing's eyes.

"Grandpa Qiao Yuan, are you the same person who saved me? Superhuman?"

Qiao Yuan: "..."

"Just call me Brother Qiao or Qiao Yuan, don't call me Grandpa!"+Add bookmark+

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