This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 899: Is this a coincidence?


After listening to the invitation of the Holy Maiden, William squinted his eyes subconsciously.

For the Church of Eros, whose alignment is chaotic and kind, their attitude toward dark creatures and demons is not as conflicted as other churches of the lawful alignment, but they are definitely not that close.

If the Holy See of Light’s attitude towards dark creatures is basically hostile at the beginning and per capita hatred, then the Church of the God of Eros is only slightly lower, and its attitude is basically hovering between indifference and hostility, and it is difficult to even achieve neutrality. It belongs to the kind of Quite a level of lack of trust.

And the other party, as the saint of the Church of Eros, actually took the initiative to find her in the big matter of blocking the gate of the dead country, hoping that the [Witch's Dog] composed of witches and hellhounds would participate, which seemed a bit strange.

She is... fascinated by [Witch's Dog]'s ability to clean the ground? Or do you have confidence in my character? Or is there something wrong that is causing a shortage of staff?


After frowning and thinking for a few seconds, he still didn't know what the answer was. William had to open his mouth and confirm with some puzzlement:

"You said it's the [Witch's Dog]? Although they won't go to the undead, they are after all an army of dark creatures and demons. Are you sure you want them to participate in the clearing operation organized by your three True God Churches?"

"Do not."

The Holy Maiden of Love shook her head and said:

"I want to invite not only them, but also several other legions in your territory. Their strength is very good, and they can bring great help in blocking the gate of the dead country... I hope they will all join the clearing operation. Come."


My dear, are you ready to wrap it all up?

When William heard this, he couldn't help frowning.

Among the current legions of the Dawn Leader, the [Rage Flame Legion] of the Vankins family are all half-blooded berserkers, and the style of the three churches can be said to be quite different.

Although the [Dark Nightmare Cavalry] under Jessica is human, they have also practiced the shadow sequence. Considering the reputation of the Church of Shadows on the Arcane Continent, it is estimated that the situation is better than the [Raging Flame Legion]. A pure-blooded human [Dawn leading city guard]...

Oh... the Millennium Saintess probably didn't count them.


After considering the current situation of the Dawn Leader, William felt that it was not impossible for him to agree. After all, the Millennium Leftover Girl had already stated that the goal of the action of the three major churches this time was to kill, injure, and expel the middle- and low-level undead as much as possible.

But for himself, who had learned [Burning the Holy Flame] from the Sacred Flame Sibu, the undead below the seventh rank would not be enough to kill, and they would even be absorbed as "nutrition", temporarily increasing the upper limit of strength.

And in the case of taking care of yourself, as long as you don't have the bad luck to meet those ninth-order undead bosses, these legions of the Dawn Leader may not even have casualties. The large number of middle and low-level undead near the gate of the dead country is simply this. The best "leveling points" for several legions.

Seemingly seeing through some of his thoughts, the Holy Maiden of Love shook her head slightly and said:

"William, although I very much hope that you can take part in the slaughter, I still have to tell you about the risks of this matter. The danger of slaughtering the undead will definitely exceed your imagination.

Although the sequences of the dead are almost at the bottom of all sequences, due to countless years of accumulation, there are too many of them. In just a few areas near the gate of the dead country, the total number of undead creatures has been Nearly 40% of the population of Flange.

And when the gate of the dead country is initially opened and the breath of the living world is blown in, all the undead who perceive the breath of the living will come here like a tide, and if you look at it from a high altitude, it is simply an ocean of bones..."

Ah~ I know this, the Sea of ​​White Forest.

After hearing the words of the Holy Maiden of Love, William couldn't help flashing a nostalgic look in his eyes.

If the gate of the dead country is still opened normally in this life, then the Holy See of Light will issue a similar mission every year in the future, and send people to clear the low-level undead who have crossed the gate of the dead country, so as to avoid these people who are basically ignorant and act only by instinct. The ignorant undead will attack the nearby people unconsciously.

Coincidentally, because the low-level undead are fragile and have low resistance to spell damage, at that time of the year, a large number of mages pass through the gate of the dead country and go to the underworld to frantically "swipe money". is one of them.

And when hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of undead are slowly marching towards the gate of the dead country, if you look down from the sky, you can't even find the black and purple soil on the ground. The white bones with the blue soul fire, the visual impact is almost perfect...


"William, you must think carefully before answering me."

And just when he recalled his passionate years, the serious and responsible explanation of loving the Holy Maiden had come to an end.

I saw her speaking earnestly and earnestly:

"Although these legions of yours are very good, it is still impossible to withstand that kind of never-ending attack. Even with the addition of our three churches, the result will probably not change.

Although they can take people back to the outside of the gate of the dead country when they can't resist it, they are after all tasked with clearing the undead, so they will inevitably push into the depths of the underworld.

And once they advance to a deeper position, as long as they retreat a little too late, if they are blocked by a large number of middle and low-level undead, the possibility of safe withdrawal is basically zero, and more often the whole army will be wiped out. ! "

Hmm... If you even protect your people, then you really can't protect...

William nodded with approval.

After all, although his strength is strong, after all, he only has two hands, the small left and the right. The three legions of the Dawn Collar plus the manpower of the three major churches, at least a few thousand, right? It is impossible for so many people to protect them all by themselves.

However, even with that being said, it is still impossible for the entire army to be wiped out.

Even if there are two more Tier 7 melee or a Tier 7 spellcaster who is good at group battles, they will cooperate with themselves with the [Burning Sacred Fire] buff and protect the whole body of five or six thousand people. It is not impossible to retreat.

Thinking of this, William put forward his own thoughts on the Holy Maiden, and after listening to William's proposal seriously, she shook her head and said:

"It's not that we don't want to invest more powerhouses, but the repressive force of the door of the dead country is not only effective against the underworld. Before the door of the dead country is fully opened, not only the high-level undead can't come out, but the high-level professionals on our side. Also very difficult to get in.

In contrast, the restrictions on the dead are even greater. Before the gate of the dead country is fully opened, all the undead of the seventh order cannot get close to a certain distance, so we sent people to clear the middle and low undead. Opportunity. "

Speaking of this, she first paused for a while, and then said apologetically:

"William, although I can feel that your strength should be very strong, but due to the restraining power of the Gate of the Dead on high-level professionals, you may not be able to do much.

According to the records of our church, the Church of Knowledge once tested the Gate of the Dead Kingdom during the previous crackdowns, and the sixth-order professional was already the limit that could pass. "


Ah, this... the limit of passing through the gate of the dead country... can you actually go all the way to the sixth rank?


4k first, there is one more chapter before one o'clock in the morning.

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