This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 790: your cat is good

It's not clear exactly what happened, but from the current situation of "giving" money and "giving" beautiful women, the good luck of this shadow saint is also valid for his special case.

The most important thing is that this sudden good fortune seems to have a little "small price", but this price does not need to be paid by oneself, but will be "deducted" directly from the other party.'s hard to say no to it.

Squinting at the braided saint on the opposite side, even though the enemy is still unknown, William completely gave up the hostile plan in his heart, and instead pondered a reasonable way to "use" her.

This is a Fuwa in the shape of a person. In the future, whenever you encounter something that requires luck, you can try to find her!


Being stared at by William's strange eyes, she waved her hand to the groom who apologized repeatedly, indicating that she was not injured. The Shadow Saint frowned and pointed to another secluded place, indicating that she could continue the previous conversation there, but it didn't work. Zeng thought but was rejected by William.

Forget it, we are now ten steps away and I can pick up money and people. If I keep getting closer, I might be able to kick out a gold mine, and then a fire dragon will drop from the sky and give you two dragon breaths directly, so We can just talk right here.

Of course, William was not stupid enough to tell his thoughts directly, but found a decent reason and calmly suggested:

"Don't you happen to have a Rongying cat? She can help you spread the news by sneaking into my shadow, so let's just chat here."

After hearing William's words, the Shadow Saintess couldn't help shrinking. Although she did not directly reject the proposal, she expressed it with actions.

In William's somewhat regretful eyes, the Saint of Shadow's arm around the cat loosened, and the little black cat with a hoof print on its forehead let out a wilted meow, and then slipped directly from her arms, falling like diving Disappeared in the shadows on the ground.

After a while, her shadow trembled slightly, and two black and white cat eyes opened suddenly, staring at William from below with hostility, those eyes seemed to pop out at any time and scratch him twice.


What are you staring at me for? It wasn't me who kicked you away. Those three marks on your forehead are obviously donkey hoof prints, right?

And your perspective is really... quite punishing, fortunately it's winter, not summer, otherwise I'll arrest you for the crime of peeping at a good family and a beautiful man, and take it home for a month...


Through the "ground perspective" of the little black cat, avoiding the cover of the hood and successfully observing William's face, the amazing color in the eyes of the Shadow Saintess flashed, and then she seemed to find something, and the two sword eyebrows slightly moved. .

"William Vankins?"

"Ah, it's me."

William didn't expect to be able to hide it. Seeing that the other party recognized him, he nodded indifferently, and said hello calmly:

"I have seen the Lady of the Shadow, but you don't stay in the Holy Empire to preside over the situation, why do you come to my poor little territory?"

"I'm here... don't you really know?"

While saying meaningful words, the Shadow Saint reached out her hand and slowly wiped the braided braid hanging on her chest behind her back.

William raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and found that the small freckles on both sides of her nose were slowly disappearing, and her facial features were slightly stretched. Even her petite figure was suddenly raised, and the two places in front of her suddenly increased a lot, and the radian was almost split.

Hmm...Although Xiaojiabiyu is not bad, it still feels more eye-catching.

William was not the only one who witnessed the transformation of the Shadow Saint. Whether it was the groom who almost hit her before, or the pedestrians who came to watch the fun, they also saw the whole process of her "transformation".

However, the strange thing is that, facing the shadow saintess who have changed so much before and after, they did not show any strange expressions on their faces.

The coachman who pulled the fruit was still apologizing repeatedly with a guilty look on his face, saying that he would try his best to compensate her, and the crowd around him continued to point at him as before. The fruit that didn't break, but no one noticed her change.

After glancing at the cat's eyes that were all opened in the shadows of passers-by, William couldn't help but smack his lips in admiration.

It is worthy of being the favorite companion beast of assassin professionals. Although the direct combat ability of Rongying Cat is far lower than that of the same rank, its miscellaneous abilities are really powerful in terms of support.

Plane movement, message transmission, shadow manipulation, avatar fusion, enhancement, hiding... and if these seemingly unrelated abilities are paired together, they can also play a variety of very practical special effects.

Not to mention the perverted stalking and intelligence capabilities for the time being, the current "idler shielding" is a pretty good trick that can instantly separate dozens or even hundreds of clones, and manipulate shadows to affect a large number of targets at one time. cognition.

This effect is no different from mild group hypnosis, and the consumption is still frighteningly low. If the other party wants, it can be turned on 24 hours a day.

And with the powerful concealment and shielding ability of Rongying Cat, as long as he does not encounter high-level professionals with particularly strong perception, even an ordinary person without professional level can come and go freely in the Holy City of the Holy See, and more Not to mention the shadow saint who is an eighth-order professional.

In addition, the most important thing is that this kind of cat has a small size and soft fur, not only does it feel quite good to be picked up, but it can also change into hundreds of clones. You can sleep directly on the cat bed if you want!

That is so beautiful~~~?(ˉ??ˉ?)


Seeing that William did not answer the question, but instead stared at his cat for a while, the Shadow Saint did not know why, but suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart, feeling as if something was about to leave her.

Instinctively, he stepped back for a short distance, and after maintaining a distance of about ten steps from William, this strange sense of loss slowly subsided.

With a calm mind, she raised her hand and made a stop gesture, indicating that William should stop approaching, just stand at this distance and chat, and then change the subject with flashing eyes:

"Who are you? What's your relationship with the glowing dragon of the Holy See?"

After hearing the three words Glowing Dragon, William couldn't help but feel a little toothache.

what relationship? creditor!

This guy took my priceless information, and not only did he not pay a dime, but he also broke my roof and flew away... I have never been taken advantage of by someone in my life. !

Seeing William's suddenly "stinky" expression, the Shadow Saintess couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The level of intelligence capability of the Holy See of Light is naturally very clear to the Shadow Church, which has been entangled with them for thousands of years. Therefore, after the power of the Holy Empire has been emptied from their own church, the biggest possibility is that there will be traitors.

In order to catch this traitor who is "in a high position", "hidden for a long time" and "with ulterior motives" as soon as possible, so as to prevent him from causing more serious consequences, the Pope did not hesitate to use a large number of secrets in the Holy Empire, and finally got the source of the information. Locked on the eighth-order glow dragon.

And the actions of the eighth-order glow dragon were normal before, but after coming to Flange, he went back and encouraged the saintess of the Holy See of Light to take over the branch of their own church, so all the doubts were returned. Gathered towards Flange, and finally fell into the only territory where this glowing dragon stayed.

So if the person on the other side is dazed when he hears the Glowing Dragon, it means that this precious clue is about to be cut off, and now his unhappy face means at least that he did have a relationship with the other end. The Glow Dragon has been in contact, and something unpleasant has happened.

Although William still did not answer her question directly, the shadow saint who found the clue was full of joy and did not care about such a thing, but continued to ask with flashing eyes:

"Are you and that glowing dragon... ah wait! Don't come here!"

Seeing that William seemed to want to come over, out of some instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, the Shadow Saint hurriedly took two steps back, holding her chest with her hands and resisting:

"Just this distance is fine! Don't come any more!"

"..."'re an eighth-order professional, right? And it's not a parallel import like Sauron, it's a shadow sequence with quite good combat power and life-saving ability. Why do you seem to be worried that I will use force against you?

As soon as the words were spoken, the Shadow Saintess reacted, and when she saw William's eyes again, she couldn't help but turn red, and hurriedly put down her arms that were crossed on her chest.

She actually didn't know what was going on, but now as soon as she found out that William wanted to lean on her side, she would instinctively panic, as if something important was about to be taken away.

The Shadow Saint, who was deeply embarrassed, let out a sigh of relief, and then resisted the inexplicable urge to distance herself, and bit her head and explained:

"I... have some personal reasons that are inconvenient to disclose. In short, you'd better not approach any more. The ordinary people around you have all been manipulated. Not only will you not be able to hear what we say, but you will also take the initiative to leave soon. Just answer my question!"

William didn't intend to get too close at first, plus there was a "land-wide positioning" goddess pulling the hips, and he didn't worry that this big baby would get lost, so he shrugged and said indifferently:

"It's okay to talk like this, but you are the saint of the dignified shadow church, so you must be embarrassed to ask for my information for nothing, right?"

Just want some goodies?

Facing William's suggestion, the Shadow Saint did not hesitate for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

After all, as long as you can find out the traitors in the church, you can become the next shadow pope. Compared with the shadow church that controls the most powerful underground force, even if the entire sequence reaches the ninth order, its importance is still far away. less than.

"Let's just say the conditions. Do you want wealth? Manpower? Sequence? Or something else?"


William shook his head first, then raised a finger and shook it:

"Every time I answer you a question, you have to answer me a request in turn."

The Shadow Saint heard the words and frowned, but before she could speak, the shadow on the ground trembled, and a fist-sized cat head appeared.

After showing his little fangs towards William, the little black cat hid in the shadow of the Shadow Saint, revealing half of his little head and said aggressively:

"Human! Do you know who you are talking to? Tachibana-sama is the future Pope of the Church of Shadows! Do you know how important a Pope's promise is? If you dare to make random demands, be careful I will bite you!"

If this kind of "dog-legged" words came out of a human mouth, William would most likely turn her eyes away, and if the other party continued to hold back, there might even be a chance to get hit with a [giant dragon] Hit the chicken].

But when the person who said this kind of dog-legged speech was not a human being, but a cute cat with watery eyes and shiny hair, his tolerance suddenly rose by more than one step.

After all, cuteness is justice, and the threat of this kind of fierce milk not only failed to make him feel offended, but it was a little itchy...

"Well... although you haven't agreed, but I've already thought about the first request."

After grinning at the little black cat hiding in the shadow, William raised his finger and pointed at it:

"You're a cute cat, lend me a couple of days."

"Bah! You think beautiful!"

After hearing William's words, the little black cat suddenly became furious.

"I am the companion beast of Tachibana-sama when she broke through the fourth rank. I am her most important assistant! Tachibana-sama will never..."

"make a deal."

After pinching the nape of the little black cat's neck and throwing the shocked and distressed cat to William, the Shadow Saint stared at William's eyes and directly asked the question that had troubled her all the way.

"Why can you escape my spiritual perception?"

Ah? Is the first question actually asking this?

After hearing the question from the Shadow Saint, William, who was rubbing the cat's head angrily, could not help but smack his lips.

According to his original idea, the Shadow Saint should continue to ask "Who the **** are you?", and then reply "man" by herself, playing with words in disguise to prostitute her cat.

And because the cost of paying is almost zero, it was only two days after the cat was licked. Facing such a playful condition, the Shadow Saintess couldn't be really angry, and would only silently recognize this small loss.

But well...

Ignoring the fierce resistance of the little black cat, after rubbing her belly that feels very good, William looked up at the Shadow Saint, and replied calmly:

"Because I'm special."


The result was similar to William's conjecture. Facing the question in exchange for the cat, the Shadow Saintess just frowned slightly. Not only did she not get angry, she didn't even protest, but directly changed the way she asked the question and replaced it with Yesorno who will definitely get the answer.

"Second question, does the information obtained by that glowing dragon have anything to do with you?"

After hearing her question, William couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Sure Even though she is not the fierce girl who turned over the car in the future, there is not much difference in her personality.

Calm, cautious, power-hungry, not easily angry, no matter how bad the situation is, he will never complain or be discouraged, but silently strive to achieve the result with the least loss.

Her character is a natural leader, but because she is too rational, she will often appear inhumane, and at critical moments of great pressure, it will even make people feel a little cold...

Relying on a tentative nonsense, after successfully confirming that this fierce girl is that fierce girl, William nodded silently in the eyes of the shadow saint, and said calmly:

"Of course it has something to do with me, because I handed all the information about your church stronghold to her."

Just as William's voice fell to the ground, the long-lost mission prompt rang.

[You intercepted the Shadow Saint who came to Dawn to investigate, and admitted to your face that you were the leaker she was looking for]

[Update on the progress of the mission "Fate Tides"]

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