This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 743: Break the city! ! !

"Listen to the people at the top of the city! We are the legion under the current Grand Duke Sierra Elon of the North!"

"Flange originally belonged to our Elon family! It was only because he failed in the struggle five hundred years ago that he was taken away by the Flange family! But the current Flange family has been weakened for a long time and has long been unqualified to continue to control the law. Lan!"

When he said this, the small man under Dawn led the city to put down the oversized loudspeaker in his hand, stopped to take a sip of water out of breath, and then raised the loudspeaker again with the help of two entourages.

"Listen to the Vankins family! The Mafcom Collar and Lantern Castle in the south of your territory... they have all surrendered to the Elon family! You are the only ones who are still holding on!

Logically speaking, you stubborn fellows should have been hanged after the city was destroyed! But the merciful Archduke Serra is ready to give you one last chance!

One hour! Last hour! If you don't come out and surrender in an hour, we'll kill all the captives! Immediately send troops to siege the city! "

"The people at the top of the city listen..."

After listening to the content of the strong man's persuasion to surrender, William on the top of the city stood on the battlement speechless, and glanced at the "captives" who were tied to the side of the city car under the city.

Very good, the three familiar faces are not bad, the blue-haired brother of the banshee, the blue-haired brother who does not know his subordinate, and the unlucky little businessman of his own.

How should I put it... After seeing Jose's mourning face, William deeply felt that these three would be caught by the Elon family, and he was really not surprised at all.

The Legion of the Elon family has been about to move for more than a month, but I don’t know if the Farrell family’s territory has not been digested, or the supply of food, grass and weapons is not enough. Come to the door.

In theory, the most suitable time for war is when the weather is relatively warm. If the scale is large, it will be at most from the turn of spring and summer until the autumn harvest.

In this way, neither the spring planting nor the autumn harvest will be delayed, and the manpower and materials will be more abundant during the period, and there is no need to worry about the warm cotton coats, firewood, and additional terrain obstacles caused by snow.

Anyway, when most of the lords of Flange started, they would be more inclined to send troops after the completion of the spring ploughing, and the general lords would never do such a thing.

And if the Grand Duchess is not ready to finish her work in one battle, but is only ready to lay the dawn collar, it would be more appropriate to wait until the weather is a little warmer.

After the snow melts in the spring, many residents will start logging and collecting firewood, which will inevitably cause a wave of forest spirit tree monsters, and the bandits, bandits and various beasts who have been holding back all winter are also the most rampant.

Therefore, as long as Xiao Xiaoling still cares about the income of the villages and manors under his name this year, he will definitely send a large number of capable personnel to help clear it up.

But the problem is that the number of legions in the Dawning Collar is not large, and it is partly restrained by various major events and small affairs in spring. In theory, this is the only territory that has not been voted for, and she will lead people directly. Just go into town.

After thinking in a different position, considering that spring is very close, William has almost acquiesced in his heart that the new Northern Great Guild will start after the spring ploughing.

The performance of the "new" Elon family army was also similar to what he expected, but it was just swaying around the area where the Dawning Territory belonged.

But what's outrageous is... Jose left the Dawn Collar with the blue-haired brother of the banshee in the morning, and the scouts sent good news at noon-the three legions of the Elon family have begun to gather on a large scale, and the total number is about three In the early 1000s, the number of professionals was between 10% and 150%.

The craftsmen who were caught by the Farrell family have already led their soldiers to find sturdy wood to build siege equipment.

When he first saw the news, William was muttering in his heart, according to Jose's unique "disaster-absorbing physique", wouldn't this guy just collide with the Elon family and be caught?

After seeing the sighing little businessman in the pile of "captives" under the city, William once again firmed his mind.

Man, you have to believe in fate.

The system has already given an evaluation. Jose was born unlucky, so if you think about it from another angle, the person who decides when the Elon family will send troops may not be the Grand Duchess at all, but Jose who is **** under the city wall.

To tell the truth, if the small businessman dragged on for a week or two, and waited until the beginning of spring, then left at Dawn to deliver food to the Blue Tide fish people, maybe the Elon family would be able to survive until next spring.

Thinking of this, William sighed with some worry.

I have tried so hard to copy so many large chambers of commerce, so that I can be considered a little more comfortable for Xiao Dawn, and as a result, I will soon be responsible for the food, drink and Lhasa of tens of thousands of prisoners, and maybe provide firewood, cotton clothes and housing.

And less than one-third of the 30,000 people are professional troops, and the rest are farmers who have only received a little training, so after a period of time, the spring will start, not only will the tens of thousands of people have to be divided into fields Land, building houses, 80% of the crops have to be paid for by themselves in the spring... It's very annoying...


At this time, the soldiers who were surrounded by the broken dawn under the city did not know that someone was worried about their "captives". Most of them were eagerly preparing for the upcoming battle, even if one only passed by. The farmers who have been training for more than ten days are all clutching the dung fork in their hands with white knuckles.

It has to be said that for the vast majority of ordinary people, the Elon family, the Grand Duchess, can be regarded as a pretty good leader.

This is not to say how high the level of her territory management is, but compared with most of the lords who only eat, drink and play, and are quite keen on searching for money, this female grand duke who was born in a cold northern principality and believes in the strong food of the weak, anyway. To be able to "can go up, can't go down".

And relying on the foil of her peers, to a certain extent, she can be called a rare "Master" who can do this, and is fully qualified to overthrow the decaying Flange and build a thriving new empire.

After all, in the eyes of most people who don't know the inside story, the current Franco royal family is completely in decline. As long as Lord Serra leads the army under his command, it can almost be "passed down", and the unification of the Francophone is just around the corner!

The vast majority of ordinary people in Flange are illiterate. For them, any tactical force, what kind of food and grass pans, and what kind of occupation level are a bunch of imaginary things that can't be grasped. Who is more powerful among the nobles? As long as the size will be enough.

Since the Farrell family has been beaten down by the Farrell family, the Farrell family is naturally larger than the French royal family, so it is natural to completely defeat the Farrell family and occupy the entire Farrell family. Stronger than the Farrells;

And the Farrell family can't even beat the destroyed Farrell family, so it is naturally not the opponent of the more powerful Elon family. Just a little bit of comparison will know who will win.

In addition to the great prospects, when a force is in this "rising period", it can often give more positions to the middle and lower ranks. Even those who do not have talent and strength to continue to move up can Seeing others making a class jump.

The power of role models is endless. They have watched others grow from rented fields to farmers with their own land. They even made great contributions to the first to climb the city wall and directly shave food from the same soil as themselves. , become a lord who is eligible to enjoy the support of the manor, and naturally he will yearn for it.

They even hoped that the dawn-breaking collar in front of them could continue to be "hard-hearted". After all, if the nobles in this territory surrendered, they would miss out on the credit and lose a good opportunity to climb up.

In countless pairs of eyes full of anticipation and yearning, time passed little by little, and the one-hour deadline was approaching. But on the beautifully built city wall on the opposite side, the flag belonging to the royal family of Flange has not been lowered, and the city gate that looks particularly strong is still closed. The nobles in this territory do not seem to be ready to surrender.

"Lord Sierra, it seems that the Vankins family wants to resist to the end!"

After squinting at the city head of the Dawn Collar, the tall middle-aged man turned around, gave a knightly salute and knelt down on one knee:

"My subordinates know that you see that there is also the blood of our Elon family in the body of the Vankins family, so you gave them an hour to think about it, but now it seems that they are not ready to accept your kindness."

"Well, I see."

The woman riding on a tall horse nodded, then stretched out her armour and said coldly:

"Then don't have to wait for an hour, pull up the trebuchet and the ram!"

"First smash the high towers and the crossbow that leaked from the city head, then let someone push the ramming hammer over with the tower shield, and let me smash that city gate open! I will kill myself to go in, Let others see the end of the dead end!"


After listening to the woman's instructions, the middle-aged man went down with a smile on his face to give the order.

After a while, dozens of soldiers, with the help of the pack beasts, shouted their horns and dragged the catapult up, but the oversized hammer behind it failed to come over, but fell into William and spent a lot of money. In the repaired blue brick road.

Sera Elon, who noticed this scene, frowned, lifted the metal visor, and looked at another subordinate beside him with an unhappy expression.

Seeing such a low-level mistake in front of his grand duke, this subordinate hurriedly ran over, yelled at the soldiers who were struggling to pull them, and even grabbed the whip and beat the pack beast himself, but still nothing worked. The oversized ram that was used to open the way was still stuck in place.

fool! Can't even handle this!

After the order was completed, the middle-aged man came back and saw the situation over there. He hurriedly apologized to his granddaughter, who had a hesitant expression, and then he had to leave a dozen or so sturdy power professionals. Soldiers, let the professionals carry the carts by hand.

The middle-aged man's method was indeed effective. With the efforts of more than a dozen second-order strength professionals, the wheel was crushed due to its excessive weight, and the ramming hammer stuck in the road was lifted a little.

But I don't know what this thing is made of, and its weight is amazing. Even if it is supported by a dozen second-order [axe throwers] known for its strength, it still only gets up a little bit, even if the middle-aged man gets off his horse in a hurry By doing it myself, the situation is still not much better. After several times of plugging the small pads, they were crushed to shreds, not to mention the special wheels used to hit the city.

The woman who couldn't bear to see the warhorse with her legs tucked under her crotch rushed over directly.

Seeing this kind of thing alarmed his grand duke, the middle-aged man wiped his sweat and lowered his head with shame, and explained with an annoyed expression:

"Grand Duke, it's all my fault. There's not much good wood around this territory, so I sent someone to the port to dismantle the keel of a sea-going ship. I never thought that this thing was so heavy, and even the wrought iron rollers were crushed and deformed. , I'll let people fight again..."


The woman shook her head, turned over and dismounted, first wrapping her arms around the tip of the hammer, and then exhaling with round eyes!

"stand up!"

Under the amazed eyes of everyone, this ramming hammer, which dozens of them couldn't lift, was actually pulled up by the woman's strength. How high!

"Divine power!"

"Lord Sierra is too strong!"

"It's amazing! Lord Sera must be the number one warrior in Farran!"

Amid the roar of admiration, the middle-aged man roared with anger.

"Idiots! Hurry up and put the bedrock! Be careful to hurt Serra-sama!"

After hearing the scolding from the middle-aged man, the surrounding soldiers woke up like a dream, and found that Lord Serra's legs had broken through the thick floor tiles and were sinking a little bit.

After they hurriedly found the sturdiest large bedrock and stuffed it under the frame of the attacking city hammer, the woman slowly pulled down the frame and pulled her knees out of the soil, moving her sore shoulders. He turned his head to the middle-aged man and said:

"Remember to be sturdy! I don't want to see this thing paralyzed in front of the city gate!"


The middle-aged man first breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, then lowered his head, and said with a resolute expression: "My subordinates know it! Later, I will personally bring someone up to push the cart into the city, and I guarantee that such a low-level mistake will not happen again!"


The woman nodded with satisfaction, then pointed to the tall city wall at the dawn and said:

"I heard that this territory is very well managed. If you can make a great contribution, this will be your new territory after you knock it down!"

The middle-aged man was overjoyed when he heard the words, straightened his waist and said in a loud voice:

"Subordinates will do their best!"


With the efforts of the surrounding soldiers, it didn't take long for the new wheels to be hit.

After trying to push it twice, after confirming that there would be no more problems, the middle-aged man called for two squires to put up shields on the roof to prevent arrows and beating stones that might fall from the top of the car, and then he brought 20 candidates with him. The power-type professional who came pushed the rumbling hammer and rushed towards the tall city gate with the Dawn Collar.

When he was about to reach the gate of the city, he pulled his neck and screamed with red ears:

"Follow me! After the city is broken, I am the lord here! You are..."

"clang clang"

A sound of rolling iron chains rang out, and before the battering ram hit, the city gate that was nearly five meters high suddenly lifted itself up, and a man who seemed to be less than twenty years old walked out. .

The man grabbed the huge chain of the winch with one hand, the size of an arm, and effortlessly dragged the tip of the hammer with the other hand, and said with a displeased expression:

"Don't be blind! This door is very expensive to repair!"


Last night~ I reached the level 3 and 2 million words at the same time, hehe~ I’m happy

In addition... I haven't watched today's game yet, EDG cheers! ! !


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