This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 738: How is your body?

"Master Andy, look... can we... discuss this ceremony again?"

Under the puzzled eyes of the blue-haired youth, the young man gritted his teeth and said with a smile:

"I don't mean not to give it away, it's just... um... just slow down first? Or just give it a little less? For example, give five first... give one third first?"

The blue-haired youth frowned when he heard the words, and said with a displeased expression:

"Why? Aren't these gifts prepared by my father according to my request? Why only give one-third of them?"

elder brother! my brother! What your father gave was a great gift for his daughter-in-law! It's not the same thing as the meeting ceremony you thought it was!

Seeing that millions of gold golds were about to go to waste, the young man was so anxious that his throat was smoking. But I was afraid that the impact of directly exposing the truth would be too great, and the two fathers and sons would get into trouble again, so they had to say politely:

"Master Andy, because of what happened in the past, Lord Brom has great opinions on all alchemists, especially your teacher. It's been so long now, and he still sends dozens of letters every year. letter scolded her.

Master Andy, never thought about why Mr. Brom would send such an expensive gift this time? "

" say's a bit strange indeed."

The blue-haired youth touched his chin and frowned:

"The old man is both old-fashioned and vengeful, and he is particularly hard-mouthed, which really doesn't seem like something he can do.

When I sent the letter, I thought he would scolded me severely in reply, and then asked my mom to secretly lend me a boat... But I didn't expect him to scold people this time, but borrowing a boat was actually quite enjoyable.

Well, it is estimated that over the past so many years, he has almost figured it out, right? "

He figured it out!

After listening to the conclusion drawn by the blue-haired youth, the young man became a Buddha.

My eldest young master! No matter how careful Lord Brom is, that is your father! Your letter was so ambiguous that he thought you were going to get married. Could he be unhappy at such a time?

After raising his hand to wipe off the sweat from his temples, the young man was half-lying on the sofa in the reception room of the City Lord's Mansion, and had given up his plan to reason with this dead brain.

Although there is no problem with his own young master's intelligence, he was studying every day when he was a child, and he was full of filming every day. Later, he plunged into alchemy again. Usually, he probably mixed with his teacher and junior sister. Six tricks!

The most unfortunate thing is that some aspects of his own young master's personality are perfectly inherited from his father's habits, especially admitting death and loving face, these two aspects are almost the same.

Now it is estimated that even if it is clearly stated, it is useless. The things have already been delivered to the place. If he pulls back part of it, he will definitely make a scene...

Forget it, just spend money on Ansheng!


However, although money can buy the safety of others, it seems that it cannot buy the safety of one's own.

After seeing the young man leaning on the sofa, the blue-haired young man could not help but frown slightly, kicked him with his foot, and reprimanded in a low voice:

"Sit down! You are a guest at someone else's house. What does it look like to lean back on the sofa?"

Also a guest... my eldest young master! This money is enough to buy a few main battleships. I, an outsider, feel sorry for your father! So are you sure we're here to be guests, not to be taken advantage of?

Although the two have different identities, they are playmates when they were young, and their relationship is actually quite close. If there were outsiders, the young man would stand up immediately to show his respect for the Pirate King, but there were only the two of them in the room, so he didn't bother to hold it like he did before.

However, he would lose millions of gold gold for nothing. The young man was full of resentment in his heart. In addition, there were no outsiders beside him, so he rarely gave face to his young master, but just rubbed his **** back, from Ge You, who was completely paralyzed, changed into a slightly normal posture, but the whole person was still stuck in the leather sofa, and he said lazily:

"Master Andy, or else..."


The slightly harsh sound of the door shaft turning interrupted the young man's words, and a man who looked younger than "Young Man" pushed the door and walked in.

He glanced at the two grievances on the sofa... After the guests came from afar, William immediately locked on the target, skipping the blue-haired little **** sitting next to him, and found the young man who was leaning back on the sofa. man.

"Are you Andrea's senior brother?"

Not caring about the other party's slightly presumptuous sitting posture, William stretched out his arms to the stunned young man, his eyes were quite kind:

"Andrea was busy just now, and she got a lot of dust on her body. She wanted to clean up first. She was afraid that you would be in a hurry, so she called me to receive you first, and she would come over in a while."


Looking at the palm handed in front of him, the young man was stunned for a moment, then shook his head just as he was about to say something, but his armpit was slightly numb, he really wanted to be stabbed, and then his mouth seemed to have glue, The words that were said were directly sealed back in the stomach.

'He has [Tears of the Fairy] on his body, and the situation may be a little wrong. You chat with him first, and I will go out and take a look. ’

After hearing the sound in his ear, the young man's pupils shrank, and he quickly got up and held William's palm, shaking his posture stiffly.

At the same time, the blue-haired young man sitting next to him slowly got up, bowed to the two who were shaking hands, then stepped back a few steps respectfully, turned around and walked quickly towards the door.

Before going out, the blue-haired youth turned slightly sideways and glanced at the corner of William's wrinkled clothes.

There are many transparent liquids that do not evaporate, and there are also many liquids with a faint floral fragrance, but there are very few liquids that meet both conditions at the same time, and he happened to have seen one - the tears of goblins when they were sad.

After taking his eyes away from William's clothes, the blue-haired young man withdrew from the room with a cold expression. He first nodded to the guards who were guarding the door, and then took out a gem-encrusted compass from his arms and carefully confirmed it. After turning around for a moment, he started rushing towards the opposite direction of the city gate.

Andrea! do not be afraid! Brother, I'm here to save you!


Meanwhile, the two people in the room fell into an embarrassing silence.

William knew almost nothing about this swindler who came from afar, and even the name was just asked by the banshee, and he was still pondering what topic to talk about.

He didn't know how to speak, and young men didn't know how to "speak".

His own young master obviously didn't learn in vain over the years. He just poked his mouth with his finger and sealed his mouth, making the two rows of front teeth seem to be glued to death. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open his mouth.

After the embarrassing silence lasted for a while, William thought about the topic first and nodded towards the "senior brother" opposite.

"How is Andrea's teacher, is her old man in good health?"

That **** female alchemist? She is so good! Just last month, she wrote a letter to Lord Brom asking for sponsorship!


"She is in good health as an elderly person. The most important thing for an elderly person is to have a good health."

William nodded and continued to look for words:

"Ah yes, I heard Andrea say, your father is a pirate king?"


"What about your father? Is his old man in good health?"


Although it seemed that the topic was a bit wrong, the young man couldn't open his mouth right now, and he wished that William could continue to ask such a question that could be answered by shaking his head, so he nodded slightly hesitantly.

"Ah... it's good to be healthy..."

Seeing this "Senior Brother" nodding lightly, William couldn't help but feel a little numb.

In a normal chat, one party randomly finds a topic, and after the other party finishes answering, chatting a few more words along the way, doesn't the atmosphere heat up? You just nod your head and don't speak, how should I go on talking?

William pondered for a while in his heart, but he didn't know much about the stuffy gourd in front of him, and couldn't find anything in common. In order to avoid continuing to be cold, he had to bite the bullet and continue to ask:

"Then... what about your mother? How is she?"


No... Are you going to ask "my" family members again, and you have to ask someone who is sick?

As a person with basically normal emotional intelligence, it was true that his scalp was numb due to the three questions of William's soul, and the young man could no longer hold back.

But I don't know if I didn't expect it in a hurry, or if I was in a hurry to make a heavy shot, the blue-haired young man's jab before he left is still effective until now.

After trying several times, but still unable to speak, the young man had to nod again with a pained face.

"Ah...that's pretty good..."

It is true that he was convinced by the saw-mouthed gourd opposite. After William smacking his lips, he also said with a pained expression:

"Then what... do you have any siblings in your family?"

"Tuk Tuk Tuk"

Just when the young man nodded desperately again, the door of the reception room was suddenly knocked.

When the door slammed, the two men in the room were all covered together.

The look on William's face is called relaxation. He really doesn't want to continue to have an awkward chat with senior brother who is taking advantage of him. It doesn't matter who it is, as long as he can have a fight with him.

On the other hand, the expression on the young man's face was a mixture of anxiety and relief. He didn't want to continue listening to William's embarrassing chat, and he was also a little worried that it would be the junior sister who came to identify him as a fake senior brother.

No... If you think about it carefully, it might as well be that junior sister.

If Master Andy thinks too much and is just a false alarm, it will only be a little shameful to be seen through, but if something really goes wrong, I am afraid it will not be good today.


In the expectation of the two in the room, the door of the reception room was gently pushed open, and a young man with a dark complexion and wearing a city guard uniform walked in, bowed to William, and said with a trembling voice:

"Lord William, the gift list has been counted. There are a total of 111 carts. The price of all kinds of goods is about 3.65 million gold gold."

Hiss... such a big handwriting! I copied so many chambers of commerce in Flange myself, and I haven't earned this amount yet. Is it so profitable to be a pirate?

After listening to the report of the black-skinned city guard, William felt a little depressed by the awkward chat, and instantly became full again.

Although this senior's sitting posture is not very polite, he is generous! Although this senior fellow was a little bored, he was generous! Although this senior brother... no matter what he does, as long as he is generous enough!

chat! Let's talk!

What are you afraid of! For the sake of these three million and sixty-five thousand gold gold, as long as you dare to say something today, I can write down your genealogy!

He waved his hand to show that he knew it, and after letting the Black Leather City Guard back down, William nodded towards Senior Brother Meng Hulu and said with a smile:

"Hehe, as expected of Andrea's senior brother, you really know what you like about her. If she knew... eh? What's wrong with you? Why are you covering your chest? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

It's not that I'm not feeling well, I'm simply distressed about money... OMG! That's more than three million gold gold! It's all given out...

After shaking his head with a sullen face, the young man was pleasantly surprised to find that the force that was sticking to his teeth loosened slightly.

After trying a few times, although his tongue was still not very responsive, his mouth was finally able to open, and with the tongue that was not very sensitive, he made an indistinct hum.

Seeing Senior Brother Meng Hulu actually speak, William first raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then said curiously:

"Mr. Andy? Why isn't your voice right? Are you feeling unwell?"


After barely smoothing his tongue, the young man breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head:

"It's... I've never been here before, so I'm a little uncomfortable with the soil and water, and there is an ulcer in my mouth."


After listening to Senior Brother Duan Hulu's answer, William couldn't help but nodded strangely.

Unsuitable for long ulcers? If ordinary people are not accustomed to the soil and water, shouldn't they be dilute first?

Although it was rare for Senior Brother Meng Hulu to follow up, but William could neither cure oral ulcers nor was he embarrassed to ask him whether he was sloppy or not. After being silent for a while, he took the initiative to drag the topic back.

"By the way, Mr. Andy."

Under the magic of money, William's attitude was obviously much better than before, but unfortunately the problem was still the same.

"Since you have siblings... are they healthy?"

"..." I really beg you, let's change the subject!

Seeing that William seemed to want to continue to "get to the bottom of things", as if an old **** choked in his throat, the embarrassed young man hurriedly stopped the words:

"Everything is fine. My family is in good health. How about Andrea? How is she doing here?"

Hmm... it seems to be alright, right?

Brother Meng Hulu asked the idea. After William pondered for a while, he felt that although the banshee had never been paid for her work, the alchemy workshop was established, so she should still be basically satisfied with the life of the Dawn Collar. of.

However, just as he was about to open his mouth to answer this question, a system prompt suddenly rang.

[Warning, the "Nome Colossus Army" is under attack, and the magic pattern martial artist lv50 is competing with you for the control of the "Mudstone Giant Arm Stone Puppet"]



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