This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 717: It's good to be flexible

After listening to the answer given by William, the halfling deacon used his own face to profoundly interpret what it means to be "bewildered".

The fact that his deacon "won" the pope of the church next door is just a gimmick to him, but if he can't get the note for taking responsibility for the deficit, it is a sunny day that really falls on his head. thunderbolt.

"Is he... a little arrogant! Dare to get involved in things of that level?"

Seeing that there was no hope of filling the hole, the halfling deacon stomped his feet in anger. If he wasn't worried that he would be beaten by William, who was suspected of being a "Cameron family and friends group", he would have started to curse his mother now.

When I was transferred to this place to take over, I originally thought that I could make a fortune, but as a result, I rushed over in a hurry, and my **** was not settled, and I was directly burdened with an empty account of hundreds of thousands;

I was in a hurry to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and I was going to make a few bucks to balance the book first. I didn't expect to meet a barbarian that I couldn't afford to offend, and cleaning myself was like cleaning up a little chicken. That big slap was heavy... ...nearly pulled out my own shit! In vain, he was busy working in a circle, but not only did the pits not be filled at all, but a new pit of hundreds of thousands of gold was dug.

If the other party doesn't take care of it and loots without reason by force, then it's a big deal to report the situation. Naturally, the deacon will bring the guardian army to deal with it. After all, the Fortune Church is not easy to bully.

But the problem this time is that I am the first to take the blame, and I am too ugly to be cleaned up by others. The church doesn't care about it, but as long as I dare to report the matter, then I will continue to rise for the rest of my life. It is estimated that even the deacon's. The seats are suffocating enough to sit firmly.

The hero of the ancestors is on top, the goddess is on top, and there are so many deacons in the church, why did I receive this hot potato?

After glancing at the halfling deacon who was blushing and thick-necked, William cleared his throat and reminded:

"It's too hard to be a businessman. Although President Cameron is in trouble and can't write you a note, isn't he the one who created the shortfall in the book? Since everything is not fake, then if there is no note, you forge one. Don't you have to?"

"How can it be that simple!"

Seeing that there is no hope of filling the pit, he may have to help carry such a big pot. The halfling deacon is really unable to sit still this time, and he doesn't even care whether he will be beaten by the barbarian opposite, so he choked out angrily. channel:

"You think our Fortune Church is the same as your territory. As long as there is no problem with the results, can you do whatever you want in the middle?"

"The church gives us these deacons great power, and there may be tens of millions of gold gold transactions between each other, and they are basically all handwritten notes, so this article can't be written casually at all!

Each deacon has a private mark that is kept secret, and when the church receives the note, it will also use the magic of forensics to identify the handwriting.

If I can't give a reason, the book deficit will be unfair. At most, I will be transferred to the prairie to find orcs to buy fur; but if I forge the evidence to cover up the loopholes, and there is another suspected misappropriation of money, I will be deprived of teaching at the least. Expulsion from the job! What did you come up with..."

"Godly good idea."

After cutting off his continuous complaints, William cracked his fingers, threatening the halfling deacon to close his mouth and listen to himself, while calmly explaining his thoughts:

"Under normal circumstances, if you forge evidence, you will definitely be finished, but if you recognize this, the people from the Jinsara Chamber of Commerce recognize this, and President Cameron also recognizes this, then this is true. !

It doesn't matter if the note is handwritten by President Cameron, even if you hand it over as a piece of paper to wipe your ass, as long as everyone related to this note recognizes it, you say it's President Cameron going to the toilet When the time with the **** to write the note will become. "


After hearing William's words, the halfling deacon couldn't help but smack his lips, not knowing what to say for a while.

It's very bold, but it's all bullshit!

There is no Cameron's personal mark on the forged note, and most of them can't pass the magic of identifying notes. If the church doesn't recognize it, what's the use of recognizing it?

Although I really wanted to complain about William's rhetoric, but after hearing the sound of his knuckles "clicking", the halfling deacon immediately gave up the idea wisely, and turned his neck and raised one hand, like a scumbag. Answering the question seems to be cautiously reminding:

"That... the magic of forensics..."

"Handwriting is not a problem."

As William said, he reached out and touched his space ring, and then found a lot of official documents and letters and threw them on the table in the reception room.

"Before President Cameron was taken away, he left his personal belongings. If you think that simply imitating handwriting is not better than the magic of forensics, then cut it directly from the inside. How can you make up so many things? The content is similar.”

"As for the personal mark... that's definitely gone, but the seal ring that represents his identity is still there. I can help you borrow the ring to replace it. It means that the situation is urgent. Come down and prove that the note is not fake..."

With William's explanation, the halfling deacon's face gradually turned cloudy and clear, and finally he couldn't help but grinned, and even the folds that appeared on his face stretched out one by one.

"Hehe, you're right, my brain is... rigid! It's so rigid!"

After patting his head forcefully, the halfling deacon rubbed his hands, looked at William with a smile on his face and complimented:

"When I thought about your cooperation with our church before, I thought you would be an amazing businessman!

That is to say, you have extraordinary strength and a bright future, and you don’t look down on us who are struggling to make money by scheming.

No, I can't solve the problem that I can't solve even if I worry about it. You can solve it by dividing three and five by two. I can keep the position of the deacon this time, all relying on your wisdom! "

[The deacon of the Church of Fortune in France, Ibe Bellucci (Wrestling Fighter LV41), launched the magic of wealth "generous donation" to you,

You need to make a will check, if the check fails, you will fall into a special state of "bewitched", and you will be disadvantaged in the next transaction]

[Detected will attribute higher than 50, check...]

[Unbounded people talent is activated, this check is exempted]


Damn it, this little fat guy is still so dishonest, he was beaten lightly before!

Seeing that the halfling deacon said a few words and then reached out to reach for the letter on the table, William lifted his wrist and grabbed his neck, lifted the guy up, controlled him to face him, and asked with a cold face :

"and then?"

"Then? Oh! After this matter is over, I must pray to the goddess every day. May the goddess bless you with a smooth life, and bless you today..."

"Stop talking about those useless things!"

Holding the halfling deacon's clothes on the back of the neck and shaking, William narrowed his eyes and said:

"I gave you the idea. The content of the note should be cut from the letter I gave you. The signet ring that proves Cameron's identity needs me to lend you. I will fill such a big hole for you. Are you ready to pray for me for a few words?"


Why don't you say that the money in this hole is still spent by you?

Although he wanted to sternly face the pit in front of him, he was not a terrifying whale, but probably because he was in a special state of being lifted and slipped in mid-air, the halfling deacon with two feet off the ground was quite clear-headed. , decisively gave the only answer that could avoid being beaten.

"How much?"

Yes, this reaction looks like the call is in place.

Satisfied with the halfling deacon's current affairs, William let go of his right hand that was holding his collar, then raised four fingers, and the remaining thumb was firmly curled up, making a "four" gesture.

"Four... four hundred thousand gold gold?"

Although he knew that this piece was definitely not easy to take, after seeing the numbers drawn by William, the halfling deacon still couldn't help trembling all over, and secretly complained in his heart.

damn it! This guy is like a mammon in human skin! And what is outrageous is that almost every time you ask for a price, you can get your own psychological price, which will not break down your psychological defense, but also squeeze all the benefits to the greatest extent.

After listening to what he said before, Deacon Cameron is very dangerous now, and it is not certain whether he can come back in the end.

As a result, when the 400,000 gold gold was opened, the original card was a little oily, and there was really only "a little" oily water left. If it didn't go well, maybe I would have to pay my own money to subsidize it...

Hmm... Anyway, some people are taking the blame for the time being, why don't you just play a big game this time! Just add another million to the payout on the note, and bet that Cameron, who can't control his lower body, won't come back in the end!

Just as the halfling's eyes were rolling around, thinking about what to do to ensure that the old man Cameron died, William shook his head and denied his judgment on the price.

"Not four hundred thousand."

? ! ? ! ? !

Hearing William's addition, the halfling deacon was overjoyed, his eyes filled with joy, as if his head was smashed by a golden pie from the sky.

It's only 40,000 this time? Shocked! Has Hungry Wolf changed to a vegetarian diet?

"I want four million gold gold, one-third for cash, one-third for supplies, and one-third for treasured alchemy materials, um... The last two will be purchased directly from your chamber of commerce, when the time comes Remember to quote me an inside price."


four million? I have been in the Fortune Church for so many years, and the net worth of the whole picture does not add up to this number! You want me to pay four million gold gold?

"You can kill me!"

This time, even the threat of force was no longer enough. After hearing the price quoted by William, the halfling deacon's small eyes widened, and looking at his appearance, he wished he could rip off someone from Wei.

However, considering the huge disparity in strength between the enemy and the enemy, the halfling deacon's mental journey changed again and again. In just a few seconds, he went from violent rage to hesitation, to heartbreak, and then to Buddha lying down. The whole process of flat.

Moreover, his lying flat was not just talking about it, but he really took action, lying on the ground again with his eyes closed, expressing his attitude of asking for money and not dying.

"What are you in a hurry? I didn't say I would take the money for nothing."

After kicking the halfling deacon who was lying on the ground, William rolled his eyes and said:

"Hurry up! You don't have to worry about how to make up the money this time. I borrowed it from your church. The Holy See of Light still owes me a lot of money, but they are not as rich as you, so they won't be able to transfer it in a short time. With so much money, I'll pay you back as soon as the money over there arrives."

It was as if he had been pouring two kilograms of century-old ginseng into his mouth. The halfling deacon, who was bloodless and gray just now, took a long breath after hearing the word "borrow" from William's mouth. , the half foot that had stepped into the Styx River was retracted.

However, he still did not get up from the ground, but while raising his eyelids slightly to peek at William's expression, he shook his head desperately and said:

"Even if you borrow it! Four million gold gold! That's a lot of money!

If I borrowed you such a large sum of money, even if there is no problem in the end, my position may not be guaranteed; if there is any problem in the middle, the cardinal can tear me apart!

less! A little less! "

"Not a single penny!"

William rolled his eyes and said:

"I'll say it again, get up quickly! I'm not borrowing money from your church this time, it's secured!"

mortgage? !

The halfling deacon lying on the ground twitched, and then said with a face full of surprise:

"You... are you going to give us the territory?"

"You think beautiful!"

The halfling deacon heard the words doubtfully and said: "If it doesn't cover the territory...then what are you going to use to cover so much money?"

"Of course I can."

William said solemnly:

"Not long ago, a **** craftsman appeared among the dwarves in my territory! A whole set of armor of the pseudo-artifact level was made..."

What? Pseudo artifact!

The halfling deacon exclaimed:

"There is actually a **** craftsman in your territory?

I... can I meet this master craftsman? As long as he is willing to vouch for you! Don't say four million gold gold, even if I double it, I will get it for you! If the Cardinal does not approve me, I will go to the Son of God! I can give you any money you want! "

William shook his head and said:

"Originally it was but Sancho was a little excited after he was promoted to the divine craftsman. Something went wrong while experimenting with the armor. He accidentally injured his neck, and he has been sent to the Holy Empire to find someone for treatment. "

"Ah...that's it..."

Although he regretted not being able to connect with a newly promoted master craftsman, the halfling deacon sipped a possibility from William's words that also made him blush.

After Yi Gulu got up from the ground, he couldn't even take care of the dust on his body. The halfling licked his dry lips and said in a trembling voice:

"Then what you are going to use as collateral will not be..."

"Just as you guessed!"

William nodded, took out a gray helmet from the space ring, carefully placed it on the ground, and then took out the remaining parts while saying with a passionate voice:

"The collateral I provided is the newly-appointed artisan Master Sancho, a very commemorative pseudo-artifact debut and maiden work! The pseudo-artifact suit named after my territory and with incredible defensive power - the limit of the dawn lord Armor!"


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