This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 714: head iron

"What else are you talking about?"

After hearing William's words, the middle-aged female dragon shook her head somewhat disinterestedly.

"I was negligent before. The former owner of that thing is indeed a big problem. Originally, I thought it was just a piece of armor. Even if the compatibility is poor, as long as it can provide enough defense, it is enough, but you say so. It turns out that the danger here is much greater than I thought."

Gee... my mouth! Too soon!

After twitching his mouth in his heart, William was a little unconvinced and said:

"Uh... it's not that dangerous... an extra set of armor is always better than nothing."

In order to make Kieran wear the pseudo-artifact armor and increase the possibility of saving his life under the hands of the Snow Goddess, he had to rack his brains to find a reason and try to overturn his previous statement.

However, in order to fool the middle-aged female dragon, William had pushed his alarmist skills to the limit. The boss was smashed to death, and he basically blocked all the roads. As a result, the reasons he can find now are not only limited in number. , and the persuasiveness is also weak enough, the middle-aged female dragon does not buy it at all.

After rejecting several of William's proposals in succession, the middle-aged female dragon was probably a little impatient, and said with a slightly displeased expression:

"What the **** are you doing? Point out my negligence before and tell me that this fake artifact armor is untrustworthy, isn't it you? Now why are you talking for her again?"


Silly girls! Did I speak for her? I was afraid that you would go to the goddess of ice and snow to send the faucet!

His head turned and smoked, but he couldn't come up with a suitable excuse. William simply gave up on the issue of armor and decided to go straight to the bottom of the pot to try to dispel Kieran's plan to explore the tomb of the Snow Goddess.

After organizing the vocabulary a little, he looked at the middle-aged female dragon with a serious expression:

"I have some pretty secret news here, about the mausoleum of the ice goddess, are you interested in hearing about it?"

When the middle-aged female dragon heard the words, her eyes widened in surprise, and she showed a look of considerable interest, but her interest was not very strong, and she only persisted for a few seconds before it slackened.

"Although your strength is good, you shouldn't be too old, right?"

After looking at William's face, the middle-aged female dragon shook her head in disbelief:

"Secret news and intelligence, it depends on the background and personal experience of the force you are in, and you don't seem to be involved in these two, so if the intelligence you want to talk about is only those rumors that cannot be confirmed true or false, then it is still Just stop talking."

After understanding the meaning of her refusal and the arrogance hidden in it, William couldn't help rolling his eyes and pouting:

"It doesn't matter what other people say. You are a guy who needs to be pointed out by others to even point out the problem of pseudo-artifacts. Where do you get the confidence to say that I have no experience?"

After being scolded by William, the middle-aged female dragon knew that she had lost her words, and after a few seconds of her pale cheeks blushed slightly, she bit her head and explained:

"I was... that was a quick talk! The location and news of the Ice Goddess' Mausoleum are secret, and have nothing to do with personal experience. It mainly depends on the background of the forces behind you!

Those forces that were established a little later may not even know if there is such a god, let alone record the time when the Snow Goddess began to fall asleep, and then estimate when she will be able to explore her mausoleum. "

After explaining why she didn't believe William's words, the middle-aged female dragon seemed to regain a lot of confidence, looked up at his eyes and said suspiciously:

"If I remember correctly, it's only been five hundred years since the founding of France?

When the ancestors of your ancestors were still civilians, the ice goddess has disappeared for nearly five hundred years. Don't say anything about her 'hidden news', you are afraid that even the tomb of the ice goddess is everywhere... "

"Between the prairie of northern France and the mountains at the border of the Holy Empire."


Looking at the mouth of the middle-aged female dragon that grew in a daze, William shrugged and continued to add:

"To be more specific, it is located in a valley sandwiched between two almost symmetrical mountains. The main part of the mausoleum is below the ground, and there is only a ruin that has been abandoned beyond the ground, which should be the remains of some kind of religious building. .

The only intact circular square in the center of the ruins is the entrance to the mausoleum, and in addition to the main entrance, there are two small doors for craftsmen to enter and exit, the specific locations are..."

"Okay...Okay, no need to say..."

After naively stopping William's tirade, the middle-aged female dragon pulled the corner of her mouth slightly embarrassedly, and said dryly:

"There should only be one notebook left by those craftsmen back then? You... Where did you know this news?"

Where did I find out? Kieran told me that!

After remembering the grudges and entanglements in his previous life, William said with a dark expression:

"My source of intelligence is not easy to explain. If you really want to know, just assume that I have more experience."


This has something to do with experience!

These things obviously belong to ancient secrets. If there is no power behind it that has been established for a long time and has a rich background, even if you travel all over the arcane continent, it is impossible to "read" it!

After secretly complaining about William in his heart, the middle-aged female dragon said tentatively:

"William, have you joined any church? Does your church... also have plans to explore the Snow Goddess Mausoleum in the near future?"

After listening to the words of the middle-aged female dragon, William just wanted to deny it, but he didn't know why, but subconsciously put his hand into his pocket and coiled it.

If I had to say what church was added, it should be the Church of Destiny, right? After all, the goddess of pulling the crotch is now in her pocket, and she is always thinking of fooling herself into giving her the Pope...


"No wonder, I said how could there be a strong man like you among the native nobles of Faran... Come on, the Church of Knowledge? The Church of Eros? Wealth? Shadow? Which one can you stand behind?"

Taking William's momentary distraction as a certain degree of acquiescence, the middle-aged female dragon squinted her eyes first, and then said vigilantly:

"Also, let's talk about it, our Holy See has been staring at that place for almost a thousand years! Moreover, the preparations for the preliminary work are almost done, and the human and material resources invested are innumerable.

You and the forces behind you want to get in on the action, and it’s not impossible to come in and get a share of the pie, but at least you need to share the initial cost, and provide some people to enrich the exploration team, and if there are godhead fragments, you must give priority to the supply. US! "


Still putting aside the blind total harvest? If you really slammed into it, you are afraid that your life will be taken by others!

After seeing the appearance of the middle-aged female dragon philistine, William first clicked his tongue with a toothache, and then sneered with a black face:

"For you, all for you, even the tenth-order ice and snow goddess jumping around inside, I promise no one will **** it from you!"

The middle-aged female dragon blinked suspiciously when she heard the words:

"You have such a kind heart, and even ten..."


? ? ?

"What did you say? Tenth-order ice and snow goddess?!"

Glancing at the middle-aged female dragon who almost dropped her chin, William pulled the corner of his mouth upward and replied with a sneer:

"That's right, it's the tenth-order ice and snow goddess. Although it seems that her brain is not very clear because she has slept for too long, she is absolutely genuine in terms of strength. If you say tenth-order is tenth-order, it is guaranteed not to be bad at all!"


"Aren't you kidding me?"

After pondering for a while, the middle-aged female dragon said suspiciously:

"Even if the ice goddess has some kind of secret technique and can retain a certain strength after sleeping for a thousand years, the power of the gods should not be able to exist in the arcane continent for a long time, right?

If she is like the servant gods from the shadow plane, it would be fine if she only occasionally crossed the border to spread the oracle, but we are going to her mausoleum. She has been sleeping in it for a thousand years. If she had retained the power above the ninth rank, she should have been 'squeezed' out long ago! "

When William heard the words, he curled his lips and said:

"I only said that her mausoleum was underground, but I didn't say that her mausoleum was in the Austrian continent."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The middle-aged female dragon frowned and said:

"Isn't her mausoleum right at the junction of the northern grasslands of Farland and the Holy Empire? How could it not be... um..."

When he said this, he seemed to suddenly remember something. The middle-aged female dragon's voice suddenly stopped, and then sweat appeared on her face, and her voice was slightly entangled:

"Her mausoleum... is a small piece cut from the main plane. It is not entirely in the Austrian continent, so it will not be affected by the force of repulsion?"


After nodding his head and acknowledging her judgment, William said slowly:

"You should also know what the highest achievements of elves are? So although cutting space is outrageous, they can really do it, which means that if you break in, you will most likely face a Furious tenth-order powerhouse!"

As William spoke, he quietly recalled the splendid civilization of the elves that combined wisdom and barbarism.

Although the elves were completely defeated in the war with the major races, they were completely overthrown by the slaves who could have been exchanged or even killed at will, and lost their dominance over the Aofa continent, which led to them being forced to retreat to the forest of elves for so many years. It doesn't mean they are worse than humans.

Among the modern arcane and magic words, the proportion of elven language is even higher than that of dragon language. It can even be said that the foundation of modern arcane magic is laid by them, and this is just one of their many achievements. The elves are the most A great achievement is the use of space capabilities.

When the elves ruled the world, there were super teleportation arrays that could span hundreds of thousands of kilometers on the continent of Austria, and the total number was as high as thousands.

But when they were forced to cede their dominance, even if there were still complete documents and the base of the teleportation array, humans could not create a new super teleportation array, and could only create some specious and degraded versions.

There are not many elves who have mastered this high-end technology, and most of them have good combat power, so they basically died in the war, so that even the elves themselves can't repair the teleportation array they built.

The only good thing is that the human side is not without its own "technical masters".

Under the joint research of the Archon of the Arcane Empire and the first Pope of the Church of Knowledge, part of the structure of the ultra-long-distance teleportation array was finally cracked. Although it is still unable to build a new ultra-long-distance teleportation array, it is necessary to repair and maintain the existing teleportation array. Still more than enough.

It's a pity that no matter how restricted the use and careful maintenance, these magical creations still have a "useful life".

After thousands of years of wind and rain, most of the ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays have already collapsed and failed, and only a part of the crucial teleportation arrays have been forcibly preserved by the major forces at all costs, but only barely It's just maintenance, and there is no hope of creating a teleportation network that basically covers the entire Arcane continent in the age of the Elf Dynasty.

Therefore, even if there is not a big gap in combat power, there is a "generation difference" between elves and humans in terms of mastering and driving the power of space.

As more "higher" elves, the gods of elves are naturally extremely powerful in space arcana, and it is entirely possible to create a small space of their own as a mausoleum.

Therefore, although under normal circumstances, there cannot be more than ninth-level servant god-level powerhouses on the Austrian continent, but if this powerhouse does not sleep on the Austrian continent, but stays in a small attached space. , It is estimated that it can really retain the strength of the tenth-order powerhouse!


After vaguely figuring out the joints, the middle-aged female dragon's face was really white and red, red and white, fear and hesitation at the same time, hesitation and shock at the same time, as complicated as a goose-egg-shaped racing horse. like lights.

As a Glowing Dragon who is more inclined to "support" and "nurse", the middle-aged female dragon is not good at fighting, but she is confident that if she joins forces with Kieran, the eighth-order professional in the entire Austrian continent In the middle, the two of them definitely have the strength to compete for three, and even if they meet some ninth-rank powerhouses, it is not impossible for them to fight.

With such a combination, it is absolutely enough to be responsible for "exploring" the tombs of ordinary ancient gods. After all, due to the restriction of rank, the tenth-order powerhouse cannot exist in the Austrian continent for a long time, so these awakened ancient gods are only at most the ninth order. The strength of the peak is just As long as the two of them take the initiative to resist, plus a few elite teams of sixth-order peak and even seventh-order powerhouses to help, there is even a chance to directly change "exploration" into "clear grab" "!

But the problem is that the tenth rank is a big threshold. The four, seven, ten, and these three ranks, as long as they cross the past, it will be a qualitative change, especially the tenth rank represents "the difference between man and god".

If the Snow Goddess really still retains the tenth-order strength, even if it is the weakest tenth-order primary, it is not something they can compete with at all. I am afraid that only by calling the Pope to take the shot can it be won steadily.

In this case... I am afraid that the exploration of the tomb of the Snow Goddess will be put on hold...

After turning her head like a bellows for a long time, out of concern that Kiran might not be able to sit firmly in the position of the saint, even if the middle-aged female dragon felt that William's words were indeed very likely, she still gritted her teeth and asked:

"It should all be just your guesses... right?"


Happy National Day everyone (*^▽^*)~


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