This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 707: well played

He was a little surprised by the question from the chunky old man, but in order to avoid lying and triggering the [Charm of the God Stick], William did not answer blindly, but after thinking seriously for half a second, he answered with a little hesitation:

"Having a baby?"


His eyelids twitched in anger at this unexpected answer, and after spitting out blood again with a wow, the chunky old man resignedly closed his eyes and fell into a temporary state of autism.

This **** **** is like someone sent by the gods to punish him. Whenever he thinks he has a certain victory and has successfully controlled the situation, he always finds mistakes and gets hit head-on.

Not to mention those strange combat skills that have never been seen or even heard of, this guy actually has mastered an extremely powerful interrupting combat skill, even Logan has practiced [Bubble of Blessing] for a lifetime. Can be forcibly broken!

And when he was forced to helpless and pulled everyone into the shadow plane to avoid, this guy not only followed in, but even summoned a servant god, the huge eye only looked down, except for his own Everyone outside passed out in unison...

Thinking of this, the chunky old man opened his eyes a little, stared at the "donkey hoof print" on William's chest, and said with a mocking expression:

"Oh, there are still three marks of the Servant God! It's amazing! In other words, does the Servant God Lord know that the voters who he is optimistic about are actually acting as dogs for the devil behind the scenes?"

After hearing the grumpy old man's voice full of resentment, William looked at him strangely, first staring at his pupils, and then the corners of his mouth curled slightly:

"Oh? I hid those mind flayers well, and I haven't shown them in front of you yet, and you say that means... Arya saw what happened before, right?"

! ! !

The chunky old man was shocked when he heard the words, and said in horror:

"You! Our identity and name should be kept secret! How did you know that name?"

After saying that, his eyes rolled around, and before William could answer, he suddenly said indignantly:

"Yes! You have already controlled Lord Nikki. She has a close relationship with Lord Kiran and is also qualified to consult our dossier. You must have learned from her, right?"

Eh... You may not believe it, but you actually know Arya's name from your mouth...

When you're drunk and shouting people's names, your tone is swaying. That lingering, **** and soul-giving look is so irritating that I'm embarrassed to talk to others when I pay the bill. Say I know you...

After recalling the cheap and rambunctious appearance of the chubby old man when he was drunk and crazy, William couldn't help but curled his lips contemptuously, and decided that he must stay away from him in this life, so as not to get caught in this guy's anger.

After turning his head to glance at the demon hunting team that had been stunned by the power of the shadow, William was a little surprised to find that there didn't seem to be Arya in it.

"Didn't you let Arya take part in this mission? Where's her?"

"You think I'll say it?"

After hearing William's curious inquiry, the chunky old man snorted contemptuously, and then said happily:

"Devil's lackey, you're done!

Arya has seen everything that happened here, and as long as she brings the news back, the Cardinal will definitely mobilize the legion to round up and even take action in person, and your end is coming! "

William raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised:

"You're right, so I definitely can't let her take the news back. Are you sure you won't tell me her whereabouts?"

"Ha ha!"

After hearing William's words, the chunky old man first sneered, and then said arrogantly:

"Devil's lackey! You can get my body, but you don't want to get any information about Arya from my mouth!"

"What if I put you two in a cell?"


? ? ?

Seeing the stupefied eyes of the chubby old man, William first let go of the right hand that was holding him, then found a clean place and sat down, his voice erratic and bewitching:

"As long as you confess her whereabouts, I can immediately set up a special double prison cell, which is very narrow from head to toe, and can't even fit a single bed. I'm guaranteed to be locked inside. People, only by hugging each other can we be a little more comfortable."


After hearing William's words, the chunky old man's body suddenly trembled.

"Furthermore, I can also have someone drag you out and torture you every once in a while, and then throw you back when you are dying. With her character, she will take good care of you, and even use her tongue to pry open your teeth and mouth. Give medicine and water to your mouth to help you who are seriously injured..."


When he heard this, the chunky old man's throat moved, and William seemed to hear a faint sound of swallowing saliva.

"Finally, our territory is relatively poor, so the cells have been in disrepair for a long time, sometimes leaking water, and it is especially easy to wet people's clothes, but it is still surprisingly cold at night...

And a seriously injured person can't get cold, especially someone who needs to help him warm up, but I won't light firewood in the dungeon.

Alas... You said that she is a weak woman with no strength, what method can she use to help you survive this cold and bone-chilling night? "


After licking his lips with his tongue trembling, the chunky old man took a deep breath, feeling as if... as if... maybe he was going to lose his grip...

hateful! Is this the power of demons to deceive people? It's so despicable!

He stretched out his hand and pinched the bottom of his thigh, and after throwing out the pile of scenes with pink bubbles out of his mind, the chunky old man bit his lip with great force, and said in a loud and stern voice:

"Shut up! Despicable guy! I'm not that kind of person! I don't know how to use such a dirty trick!"

Hearing this, William raised his eyebrows, first smiled disapprovingly, then looked at his pupils with a strange arc of light, and asked in a warm voice:

"Alia? You're looking over here, aren't you?"

"Your companions are all in my hands, leave them alone and run away by yourself, is this really okay?"

The chunky old man was shocked when he heard the words, as if he had remembered something, he suddenly opened his mouth and said:

"Arya! You don't... um!"

Before the chunky old man could finish speaking, William quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth, then carried him to the middle-aged female dragon, and lifted two iron cages from the base of her wings.

After reaching out and taking the Buddha-faced Paul No. 1 out of the cage, William first weighed Paul No. 1 with his free left hand, then grabbed its watery big head with three fingers, and slowly moved towards him. The stout old man's face was frightened.

"If I remember correctly, the Holy See of Light should not have the means to separate the mind flayers, so in the face of those who are parasitized by the mind flayers, your first choice is to directly destroy them physically?

Listen, if you come here honestly and don't tell the Holy See of Light, I can promise to only lock you up, but if you don't come..."

As if to strengthen the threat, William's right hand suddenly reached forward, and directly handed Paul No. 1 to the face of the chunky old man.

"Then this may be the last time you will see each other!"

As soon as William's voice fell, the light gray arc in the eyes of the squat old man trembled slightly, and after two violent oscillations, it disappeared abruptly.

After waiting for a while, after confirming that Arya had completely retracted her Tianmu, William withdrew his hand calmly, and threw Paul No. 1, who was also calm, back into the cage.

"You give up! Arya is not that stupid! There's no way she'll come over!"

After the hand covering his mouth left, the chunky old man rubbed his sore cheeks and said coldly:

"Also, don't even try to find out any news from me, only she knows where Arya is, and I haven't even told it.

So even if you manage to capture all of us and plant a mind flayer on each of us, you can't get her whereabouts! you are done! "

After hearing the words of the chunky old man, William, who was bending over to close the door for Paul No. 1, raised his eyebrows, turned his head and twitched the corners of his mouth, making a deliberately long and clear mouth towards him.


Ignoring the chubby old man with round eyes and a huge shock, William took out the rope from the space ring and **** the surrounding people who were stunned by the shadow power.

Although the members of this Demon Hunting Squad are quite different from the one he was familiar with in his previous life, they are not much different in general.

Aman, who specializes in physique, has a special talent that can compensate for damage for his teammates. He is not only Arya's "Queen's Bodyguard", but also one of the few "seniors" of this demon hunting team.

So if Alia doesn't come, it's fine. Since she's here, Aman who is her "bodyguard" must be there.

Then, if you want to catch Arya, you don't need to search for a needle in a haystack one by one, just stare at those huge pack beasts, as long as you can catch Aman who is disguised as a pack beast, it is equivalent to catching Arya.

It only took a few seconds for the chubby old man to figure out the taste inside. After reacting, he quickly raised his hand with a look of panic, while shaking desperately in front of his eyes, he shouted anxiously:

"Arya! Can you see Arya! Don't go with Amon! You'll be..."

"Don't shout, she's already gone before, so she probably can't bear to see you being parasitized by a mind flayer."

After stringing the demon hunters into a string with ropes, William first called the middle-aged female dragon for help, and broke up the slime slime that had swung up after reconsolidating his body, and then dragged the demon hunters. Going back to the chunky old man, he pointed to the buckle left at the end of the rope and said:

"Choose one, do you want to walk on your own legs? Or do you want to be dragged by me like them?"

After hearing William angrily glared at William, the chubby old man stood up tremblingly and followed silently.

At this time, William not only satisfied the bad taste in his heart, but also ensured that the information would not be leaked and cause trouble.

Although with William's strength, even if he dragged the members of the Demon Hunting Squad like this, he could return to the City Lord's Mansion effortlessly.

But considering the relationship between everyone's alcoholic and meaty friends, and the slime slime that was still condensing the body, William in a good mood did not directly pull them back to the daybreak collar, but just dragged them to the city gate and stopped. After coming down, let Melanie run again and call [Dark Nightmare Cavalry] to come here to clean up the mess.

After staying under the city gate for a while, the chunky old man looked at the cage in William's hand and couldn't help but ask:

"You... what are you going to do with us next? Control them with mind flayers one by one?"

William shook his head calmly when he heard the words.

"I haven't figured it out yet, by the way, what do you think I should do with you?"


What the **** are you asking? I think you should let us go immediately, then kneel down in tears and repent of your sins, and finally tie your hands and follow us back to the Holy See of Light, and voluntarily walk on the ground to be burned at the stake, but does that make sense?

After ruthlessly overdoing it in his heart, the chunky old man shook his head and said with a sullen expression and a black line:

"Stop talking nonsense, I think you should let us go, but will you?"

William nodded when he heard the words, and said indifferently:

"Ah...that's not impossible."

"Ha ha!"

The chunky old man sneered and gave William a sideways glance, not believing even a single punctuation mark when he said what he said from the bottom of his heart.

After taking a sip on the ground, he said contemptuously:

"You devil's lackey! Don't think I'll believe your nonsense!

Do you think I can't see the purpose of your words? You just want to give us a little hope first, and then destroy it completely, so that we can appreciate how we collapse because of despair! "

I said that you can let people go, you made up for it by yourself, you can't blame me in the future~

Seeing the angry expression on his face, William shrugged helplessly.

I wanted to scare you even more, and just say kill them all. But there is that unfortunate [Charm of God Stick], if you lie, you will instantly turn into a human-shaped light bulb, so I have to live the truth, but if you don't believe it, I can't do anything about it.

Apparently interpreting William's helpless actions as irony, the chunky old man snorted angrily, and then said sternly:

"Idiot! Stop dreaming of immortality after becoming a demon! I've seen so many evil and stupid guys like you!

Like you, 90 out of 100 people are fools who have been tricked by demons. Not only will they get nothing, but even their souls will be swallowed up in the end, and the remaining ten are just smart fools. After all, eternal life is not as easy as you think! "

In William's expression of disapproval, the chunky old man explained with a cold face:

"It's not difficult to transform humans into demons, but most of them are low-level inferior demons that describe terrifying. You are definitely not looking for this, right? But if you want to transform into that kind of human-like high-level demon, The price is absolutely unbelievable!

Even if you can betray your own and finally succeed in transforming into a demon, but you are still human after all, and it is impossible to gain their trust, just a group of demons that are slightly stronger than lower-level demons That's it for the third class!

Betrayed everything, betrayed everything, paid everything, only to get the qualification to be a dog forever, do you really think it's worth it? "

After listening carefully to the impassioned speech of the chunky old man, William not only nodded in approval, but even raised his hand and clapped his hands twice, applauding:

"That's right, I thought so too."


? ? ?

He couldn't be helped by William's good deeds. The chubby old man opened and closed his mouth twice, and all the words of persuasion that followed were swallowed back in his stomach. it your fault, or is it my fault?

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