This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 703: man, there is no truth

After a rare conscience, out of cold reality, the dragon's inherent shamelessness quickly regained the upper hand.

Facing the pudgy old man's words with a little sadness, the middle-aged female dragon was cheeky, and she just didn't say anything about her surrender, which was tacitly acknowledging the fact that she was "controlled" by William.

After all, although she was ready to sacrifice to protect Melanie, no one was born willing to die. Of course, it was better not to sacrifice.

Besides, I didn't say that I was being controlled, that you think too much, so you can't blame me for lying.

After glancing at the pudgy old man with a sad face, the middle-aged female dragon quickly made a decision.

When talking later, the words can be a little more arrogant, and the expressions can be as crazy as possible. In short, what kind of person is controlled by the devil, it is enough to behave as you like.

After all, punishing betrayers is already within the business scope of the Inquisition of Heresy. If you really admit it, you will definitely be hit by a wave of endless thunderstorms. The treatment is much worse than that of the controlled friendly forces.

After making up her mind to fish in troubled waters, the "controlled" middle-aged female dragon suddenly "becomes furious", and suddenly opened her **** mouth. Ruo madly launched an attack on the chunky old man.

"What is out of control, what are you talking about! I've never been so awake!"

And just when the traitor dragon began to shamelessly pretend to be a loyal minister, the mud ball that had basically calmed down beside him suddenly shook, and a large group of bright holy light came out through the shell.

People who noticed this situation changed their expressions one after another, and almost simultaneously thought of the previous series of "Holy Light is awesome".

Seeing that William seems to be able to get out of trouble, Melanie and the middle-aged female dragon are naturally overjoyed. When William was fighting with the middle-aged female dragon before, they all saw the power of this [Holy Light Niubi Technique] with their own eyes. And the middle-aged female dragon has personally experienced the terrifying power of the [Holy Light Niubi Technique].

Even as the Glowing Dragon, which has a very high affinity for the power of the Holy Light and is naturally able to reduce some damage, when facing the scorching, pure and powerful Holy Light, it was still hammered in agony.

Although this divine art is not particularly top-notch in terms of damage, when combined with William's terrifying power, it is like a seventh-order single divine art that can be released indefinitely. After each attack, the holy light overflows. The power is even enough to light up a large piece of the night sky, making the location within the radius bright as day.

Although ooze slimes are immune to all physical damage, they are naturally the nemesis of most melee professionals, but if they are so powerful, they will not become an endangered species soon.

While this thing is physically immune, its resistance to attribute damage is also surprisingly poor. If it is dealt with properly, it can even be easily killed by a caster of the same level.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged female dragon even stopped breathing the dragon's breath, and slightly raised her crooked wings, ready to cover herself from the mud when the slime was blown up.

Without it, the intelligence of this kind of creature is completely linked to its strength. The stronger the individual, the more intelligent it is, and the more human-like it is in its actions and speech.

Although the middle-aged female dragon doesn't know the rank of this slime slime at the moment, judging from the language ability it showed when it got out of control just now, it is estimated that it is hovering between the fourth and fifth ranks, and even the sixth rank. can't get there.

And even if it temporarily has a huge size that exceeds the current rank upper limit with the help of the caster, in essence, it is still just that fourth- and fifth-rank slime slime. For William, who has mastered the seventh-order single-body magic, how big can he be? It's nothing more than the difference between hitting two more punches.

While the middle-aged female dragon and Melanie were beaming with joy, the squat old man nearby frowned in surprise.

Even if you haven't experienced this kind of attack in person, judging from the power of the Holy Light that exploded in the sky before, the strength of this Holy Light Niubi Technique is really shocking.

Even with the defense of the eighth-order glow dragon, he couldn't resist a few times in front of this powerful divine art. He was smashed into pieces by the man's punch and smashed, and he fell into a clear disadvantage.

As a person who likes to make decisions and then act, the chubby old man will naturally not ignore this powerful and unique magic. Before the slime appeared, he had already prepared people well in advance.

Mulder's body was not only set with several magic marks to resist the power of the Holy Light, but he was even forced to swallow a large amount of holy water, just so that it could rely on these when encountering that powerful magic. way to offset some of the damage.

According to the original plan of the chubby old man, as long as he can last for three or two minutes and delay the time by using follow-up means for others, Mulder's task is successfully completed, but...

After looking suspiciously at the mud ball that had calmed down again, the chunky old man blinked suspiciously.

I don't feel wrong do I? This [Holy Light Niubi Technique]...Why is it suddenly so weak?


[You launched the combat technique "Fearless Propaganda", successfully preaching the greatness of the Holy Light to the enemy, the next attack will get a lot of additional Holy Light attached damage, and depending on the maximum occupation level difference to gain additional strength]

[The nearest hostile creature detected is ooze slime LV39, the maximum occupation level difference is 9, when this unit is targeted, the damage effect will be increased by an additional 50%]

In the sound of the system's mechanization, William looked at his right fist, which did not have the headlights of an ordinary car, and sighed helplessly.

The effect of [Fearless Preaching] is that every five levels will increase the damage of the Holy Light by 50%. The problem is that this unlucky slime is just level 39, stuck in the most uncomfortable place, even if You can upgrade one level to forty, and you can make up 100% for me.

William also tried to give this guy an abnormal state to see if he could trigger [Vicious Pursuit], and it just so happened that he also had [Secondary Chaos Ray] available. But this unfortunate skill must meet the target in order to take effect. The question is, how can slime slime have eyes?

Moreover, it is hard to say whether the slime has a "vital point". Even if it can really put a negative state on this thing, it is estimated that it will be enough to trigger the [Vicious Pursuit], so don't mess around.

He raised his hand and swung it out, and after dispersing the rushing mud again, William tore off the vines on his body impatiently, kicked and shattered the stone hands and crystals covering his lower body, and took out the magic pattern on his right arm. Xiaogu No.3 took out.

Okay, since gentle means are useless, let's just be violent.


what happened? Why hasn't he come out for so long?

Seeing that the holy light flickered at every turn, but it was an invisible giant ball of mud, the middle-aged female dragon's heart that had just swallowed back in her stomach suddenly jumped up and jumped to her throat again.

And when she noticed that the intensity of the holy light was extremely weak, and felt that it was only a quarter of the intensity when she was fighting with her, her heart sank a little, secretly thinking that William had consumed too much before, and I am afraid that he can't fight that now. A holy light of strength.

The pudgy old man next to her seemed to have a different view than her. After noticing that the holy light emerging from the mud ball suddenly weakened, and the intensity was completely different from before, his first reaction was that the power of the holy light in the target body was mostly run out.

After letting out a sigh of relief, the chubby old man turned his head back with confidence, looked at the middle-aged female dragon with an extremely ugly face, and said warmly:

"Sir Nikki, your previous efforts have not been in vain, the sinner who had an affair with the devil is probably out of his power, we will bring you back to the church, and ask the Pope to solve your problems.

Although I know that it should be useless to say these words, I still hope that you can calm down. If you have not been completely manipulated by him, please try to control your actions and do not resist too violently, so as not to…”

Just as the chubby old man was trying to recruit the traitor dragon, the mud ball behind him suddenly swelled, and it was suddenly deflected by a sudden force, and then a huge object was thrown out of it.

After the white thing was thrown out, it happened to hit his side with a bang, and the huge shock wave almost overturned him to the ground.

"Mudd! What are you doing... eh?"

As soon as he opened his mouth and wanted to scold the slime for his dereliction of duty, the chunky old man was attracted by the things around him.

If he read it correctly, this thing should be the skull of a giant dragon, and a group of intensely burning soul flames is shining a faint cold light through the two deep black holes.

Bone dragon? Why is there a bone dragon?

However, before he could ask his doubts, the bone dragon gave out a strong dragon roar from the soul after looking at him.

It seems to be responding to it, and at the moment when the roar sounded, a huge dragon roar also came from the inside of the mud ball.

And at the moment when the dragon's roar fell, the mud ball that had grown to nearly forty meters in diameter trembled slightly, and then it broke open halfway silently, followed by a vague dragon shadow, which suddenly appeared in the In the position of the chunky old man, he was once again smashed into a mass of insubstantial shadows.

The large group of mud was like a powerful crossbow, splashing around under the carrying of a certain force, not only smashing the scales of the middle-aged female dragon, but also hitting the half of the ground on the mud ball. Kong, I can't see a good place if I look around.

"the second time."

In William's calm counting sound, the shadow of the chunky old man once again condensed and formed dozens of meters away, and looked at William with a look of horror.

Ooze slime is only immune to damage, but it is difficult to be immune to this powerful dashing skill. [Muld Slime], which can not only supplement Mulder's body, but also strengthen his trapping ability, is undoubtedly the best choice.

Under the blessing of dozens of [Mud and Mud], Mulder's ability to trap people has been greatly improved, and it is only stronger than ordinary sixth-order arcane spells.

Considering the previous control ability and negative state, this guy should be struggling in it right now, why can he forcefully break the mud ball and get out?

After noticing the confused look in this old acquaintance, William raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said:

"Master's Jill twenty meters."

The light that had illuminated the entire Dawning Collar before flashed again, and William's body, which had just emerged from the mud, was slightly hollow, and again instantly crossed a distance of nearly 30 meters and appeared in front of the chubby old man.

And he is worthy of being the most cautious witcher in the Heresy Inquisition. At the moment when he lost his vision, even if he didn't know what would happen next, the chubby old man almost instinctively activated [Shadow of Incarnation] and successfully avoided William. Fist swung to his head.

"the third time."

After counting again, William didn't say anything about his fist again, raised his hand, and clicked in a certain direction behind him.

And at the next moment, the shadow incarnated by the chubby old man seemed to have received some order, and gathered in that direction extremely abruptly. Ray] hit a straight.


Relying on his familiarity with this lyb, William, who had successfully predicted where he would land, slightly curled his mouth, and gave himself a compliment with satisfaction.

Afterwards, he took out the stick from the space ring without hesitation, and threw it towards the chunky old man who couldn't walk in the posture of throwing a javelin.

For the sake of his future knowledge, William saved a bit of energy this time, so as not to really destroy this familiar stranger. After all, he should have used up his times.


Most of the escape abilities have strong limitations in some aspect. For example, the Vampire's [Incarnation Bat Swarm], as long as one bat escapes, one can save his life, but it also has the weakness that the child is extremely vulnerable.

As for the ability of [Shadow of Incarnation], which can not only completely avoid damage, but also can be released multiple times in a row, it naturally has a corresponding limit, that is, the number of consecutive uses in a short period of time, and how many times it can be used is related to personal talent. .

According to the data revealed by the chubby old man himself after being drunk in his previous life, when he learned this ability at the age of 41, he could already use [Shadow of Incarnation] three times in a week, which made his teacher at the time astonished. , that his talent in this combat technique is extremely outstanding.

However, when he continued to study deeply, he found with great sadness that although his teacher was right, his talent in this combat skill was indeed extremely outstanding, but the problem was that his talent was not to increase the number of uses. Instead, it shortens the cooldown of combat skills.

When he was forty-one years old, he could use [Shadow of Incarnation] three times, but when he was fifty-one years old, it was only three times, and it was still the same when he was sixty-one years old.

Although in the end, the chubby old man has broken everyone's It took less than two hours to refresh the usage of [Shadow of Incarnation], but he still successfully created the history of this profession—— —

The weakest [Shadow Lurker], and probably not one of them.

After all, assassins pay attention to one-shot kills, and use the fastest speed to solve their targets. Even if the battle is fierce, it is rare that it can last for seven or eight minutes.

According to his teacher's original words, what a brainless person would he have to fight with the assassin for two hours when he was assassinated?

Recalling the appearance of the chubby old man talking about this, leaning on his shoulders while drinking and crying, William couldn't help but cocked the corners of his mouth, and decided to talk to him about "old" after the fight was over.

However, what William didn't expect was that at the moment when the stick came to him, the chubby old man suddenly disappeared, and he once again dispersed into a shadow in the sky. ].


Convex (fuck dish f*ck)!

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