This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 697: shoot down

According to William's original plan, of course, he jumped directly to the right wing of the glow dragon and pierced the membrane responsible for supporting the air on its wings, or simply broke her wing bones directly, making this big guy temporarily lose the ability to fly, But the problem is...

It seems to jump away.

The middle-aged female dragon, who had been tossed so hard, was overjoyed when she found that her opponent, who had been crawling on her body like a tick and couldn't get rid of it, suddenly got sick in her head.

I only heard a dragon roar full of joy, and the huge glowing dragon made wind directly on its wings. I don't know if it used some kind of magic or some special combat skill, and it instantly increased its speed to a rather terrifying level. , in just half a blink of an eye, he sprang more than forty meters, and the huge body suddenly flashed a position.

In the sound of "Lying~trough~" which was getting farther and farther below, the middle-aged female dragon first glanced at the extremely difficult human, and then shivered suddenly, clenching her claws and screaming. Melanie who stopped, fluttered and ran without looking back!

This thing is too difficult to deal with!


During the period of being "pulled" by William, the middle-aged female dragon was far less relaxed than she appeared to be.

Healing magic is indeed miraculous in restoring the body, but scales are not included in this list at all. This kind of thing can only be accumulated little by little over a long period of time. It is not a system with the body of flesh and blood. It's gone, it can only take several years to slowly repair it, even if it is a divine art released by the Pope himself, it will not grow back.

The reason why the middle-aged female dragon can mend the broken dragon scales on her body again and again is entirely by virtue of the innate talent of the Glowing Dragon, forcibly activating the body part temporarily, which means that it will grow after use. The scales, to forcibly compensate for those who are now cracked.

So Wei's tossing for only seven or eight minutes, although it seems to be useless now, it basically forces her to overdraw her ability to grow scales on her own in the next few years in exchange for the temporary defense enhancement.

If it is a normal battle, the scales will be broken if they are broken, and it will be fine to wait for the scales to grow back on their own, but the fist slammed out by Shengguang Niu B is really painful to the middle-aged female dragon's head. Skin tingling.

She has not been broken by anyone in nearly a hundred years, and her double pain resistance to the [Pain Curse] is really not very high. In addition, William is like a candy, not only sticking to his body and unable to get rid of it, but also constantly launching painful attacks.

She was really worried that if she didn't have the hard scales to resist, she might be hurt more seriously, so she had to spawn and strengthen the scales again and again to avoid more serious damage to her body.

And after discovering that he couldn't get rid of William who was clawed on his body, the middle-aged female dragon did not try other methods, but William needed to use one hand to maintain his body stability. How can the middle-aged female dragon on the body be any better?

Claw strikes, high-speed maneuvers, breath... I even tried the damaging magical arts targeting myself, but after several rounds of [Bright Flames] came down, the dragon's body was burned black, but that **** guy not only didn't Falling down, the punch is heavier than the punch.

Although William was overwhelmed by the high-speed reply of the middle-aged female dragon, the middle-aged female dragon was also left with a splitting headache by William, who was so **** his hand.

This guy on his body is like an iron bean, no matter how to rub, how to press, how to rub, how to smash... It seems that the clothes on his body are even more tattered, and the rest is really superfluous. owe.

Even after catching this man's sudden distraction before, he took the opportunity to give him a solid shot, but in the end, apart from the pain in his chest, the biggest gain was just a little nosebleed?

What kind of monster is this? Even if his body is made of iron, he can't be so strong, can he? !

It is completely natural for a middle-aged female dragon girl to have such an idea. Once two people with super long blood bars start to fight in close quarters, they will feel disgusting when they can't do anything except punch each other. There won't be just one of them.

When I noticed that William's skin was a little red from the [Bright Flame] burn, there was not even a single break, the middle-aged female dragon really didn't want to fight him again, but the William on Naihe's body was really ripped off. It was too tight. She tried her best, but she still couldn't shake this piece of brown sugar off.

So when she found out that William actually let go of her hand and jumped down by herself, she was about to go crazy with joy. Before leaving, the dragon roar full of joy, translated into human language, was probably different from the meaning of "Thank God".

It's a pity that when the middle-aged female dragon "fleeing in a hurry", the frantic twitching of its wings shattering the air was too loud, like a thunderbolt across the sky above the Dawn Collar. The pain was bulging like a slap on the skin, so that he couldn't hear the words, so he fell down unwillingly.

While diving towards the ground at a high speed like a meteorite, William also thought seriously about whether this wave could be blamed for the bad idea of ​​the goddess.

However, it is a pity that the statement given by the goddess of pulling the hips is that as long as the middle-aged female dragon rushes into the small courtyard, the middle-aged female dragon can be unlucky, and she did not say what to do if she jumped over her head. Do it, it really doesn't depend on her.

After scolding his legs for being too fast, William, who was head down, twisted his neck abruptly 180 degrees, stared at the glowing dragon flying farther and farther, and narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

By the way... what should Melanie do? Could it be that she was really captured and locked up in the Holy See of Light for decades?


After being silent for less than half a second, William stretched out his hand and wiped the "tattoo" on his right arm, took out No. 4, which was sleeping inside, and smashed the man and the dragon on the ground with a bang. Big clumps of dust exploded.



The dragon roar full of savagery and madness sounded, and the misty dragon shadow covered with sharp bone spurs bowed slightly, and then suddenly broke through the smoke, wrapping William, who was holding the dragon head inside, and jumped up, in a way that was too fast to be seen. Clearing the speed of the trajectory, the meteor slammed into the frightened Glowing Dragon like a meteor chasing the moon.

After noticing the terrifying charge coming from behind, the middle-aged female dragon who thought she was completely safe was actually taken aback.

Relying on the responsiveness of being an eighth-order powerhouse, she quickly placed several magical shields in front of her that deflected physical shocks, opened her mouth wide, and sprayed a dragon breath that was comparable to sixth-order divine art. .

But as William's combat technique to press the bottom of the box, [Giant Dragon Hits Chicken] even if he didn't complete 100% of the power accumulation due to the lack of time, it was still not something that these hastily thrown things could handle.

The [Li Bi Jin Xie], which was specially designed to resist high-speed collisions, was smashed by the violent airflow and the dragon shadow. Although the dragon breath spurted out in a hurry broke through the frantic airflow, it smashed a large piece on the bone dragon's hard skull. Mesh cracks, but still failed to reduce the terrifying momentum of [Dragon Hits Chicken].

Under the unbelievable gaze of the middle-aged female dragon, William went from bottom to top for the second time, spanning a distance of more than 100 meters in the blink of an eye, and slammed into the side of her rib.

And the difference from the previous time is that the last time she was just knocked out of balance by a huge force, and she couldn't control the direction and flew out diagonally, but this time she was bound by some kind of tyrannical and unreasonable force. Involuntarily, he fell to the ground.

[Using the self-created combat technique "Dragon Hits the Chicken" and touched the body of the Glowing Dragon LV80, a strength confrontation check is about to be performed, and the target whose strength value is lower than yours will be knocked down to the ground]

[Detected that the strength attribute is lower than...]

[Unbounded people talent is activated, this check is exempted]

As expected, it is indeed an eighth-order dragon. If it is not for the power of [Flesh and Blood], I am not an opponent.

After glancing at the system prompt that flashed in front of him, William involuntarily raised his right fist amid a series of system prompts before he could speak.

[Through the self-created combat technique "Dragon Hits the Chicken", you caused an abnormal state "Knockdown" to the Glowing Dragon LV80]

[The stunt "Insidious Means" is triggered... The "knockdown" state will be greatly extended]

[Special skill "Vicious Pursuit" triggers...check...powerful attack]

[Detected that the shot speed is lower than...]

[Unbounded people talent is activated, this check is exempted]


In the muffled sound of one person and one dragon at the same time, William once again slammed into the middle-aged female dragon's heart. When the crystal white broken scales began to fly again, the speed of the glow dragon falling downwards Suddenly 30% more!

Like a super-large meteorite that fell from the sky, the Glowing Dragon that fell from the sky crashed to the ground, and slammed into the city gate three or four hundred meters away from the dawn, not only smashing the road that William spent a lot of money renovating. The incomparably deep pit shook the Dawn Collar in the distance three times.

Immediately afterwards, a violent shock wave spread suddenly, sweeping tens of thousands of large and small masonry fragments, spanning a distance of hundreds of meters, and knocking the city wall of Daybreak Collar with a clatter.

Most of the bricks and stones were completely shattered in the impact, while a small number of sharp fragments were directly wedged into the city wall carefully repaired by the banshee under the huge momentum, causing a section of the city wall nearly 100 meters wide to be devastated. Everywhere was filled with small pieces of blue and black rubble, making the tall and solemn city walls terrifyingly dilapidated.

After more than ten seconds, the man-made gravel storm stopped.

After a while, the body of Huiguang Dragon, who was paralyzed in the big pit, trembled, and his huge mouth opened slightly, spitting out a faint white fluorescent light.

All the places passed by this white light seemed to be reversed in time. The torn wounds began to heal, and the twisted and displaced bones returned to their own positions. Except for the broken dragon scales that could not be repaired, even the collapsed chest cavity was slowing down. Bulge slowly.

However, this spectacle only lasted for less than a few seconds, and even the wounds in the heart were not repaired in time. The Glowing Dragon trembled, and a large amount of dragon blood with warm white fluorescence spurted out, pouring it on his chest. William, the magical white light was interrupted.

He trembled all over by the hot dragon blood, and William, who was in pain to death, barely stood up, and shakily climbed up from the middle-aged female dragon's chest.

Fortunately, there was a middle-aged female dragon as a cushion. William was not seriously injured in this collision. He shook his head vigorously, and after shaking the gold star that was rustling in front of him, he proudly raised his right hand. Middle finger, compared to the lucky coin in his pocket.

"Oh! Fate? Fate is a fart!"


After picking up the crotch goddess who couldn't help anything, William first took out a set of clothes from the space ring and put on it, blocking the bruised body, and then took out the cook's stuffed sauce or pickled vegetables. The commonly used clay jar, with an unhappy face, took a sip of the transparent liquid with the aroma of flowers and plants in it.

[Special potion soaked in banshee (specialized for body repair) (excellent)]

【Special potion】

[Efficacy: Efficiently restore physical injuries, remove a small amount of alien energy]

[Source: The special effect healing potion soaked in pure-blooded goblin is extremely expensive. Although it sacrifices the effect of purifying spiritual power and repairing soul injuries, its effect in restoring physical injuries has been further strengthened...]


Will Durant Lian smacked his lips, and raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing a surprised look.

This taste... seems to be okay? It's a pity that Little Lori said that adding sugar will reduce the efficacy of the medicine, otherwise, it would be the same as the white flower snake grass...cough cough cough! when I didn't say anything.


After sitting cross-legged on the ground for a while, and feeling that his body's injuries had recovered a lot, William looked over at the huge cough of the Glowing Dragon.

During the time he was struggling to climb down to drink the medicine, the middle-aged female dragon tried several times, but this time she fell too hard, and the magical white light was interrupted by her coughing up blood. Not a single spell was successful.

Naturally, this powerful ability will not come without a price. After repeated spellcasting failures, the middle-aged female dragon not only failed to recover from her injuries, but even her spirit became sluggish.

Worried that she would not be able to get up here and hang here, he would form a deadly feud with the Holy See of Light. William had no choice but to walk over with the jar in his hand, pry open the dragon's mouth, and give her a few mouthfuls. :

"You giant dragons are really tough. You don't like to talk about anything, you just like to stick to your own ideas."


"I said it before, be careful I make you pay the price, but you don't believe it! What's the matter? Is it bad luck now?"


"Oh... it's alright, alright, I won't say it anymore, even with this kind of virtue, it's still so powerful!"

William, who was splattered with blood, shook his head helplessly, and then took out a large custom-made tub for the female fairy to take a bath. The clay jar, raised his hand and gave himself another sip.

It's not that he thinks this stuff tastes good, it's mainly that there is no way.

Three full body collisions at the level of [a giant dragon hitting a chicken] plus a fall from a height of hundreds of meters, the burden on the body is equally astonishing.

William's injury at this time, although not as serious as the middle-aged female dragon with broken bones and tendons, is far from being as easy as it seems. There should be bone fractures in different degrees of limbs, and now every step he takes can hurt his eyebrows. It jumped for a while, or else I wouldn't dare to move after sitting for a long time.

After drinking the rest of the "special potion", William turned his head to look at the middle-aged female dragon, and felt that this thing was really stubborn.

When I vomited blood before, I was very happy to vomit, but now I took out the water tank to pick it up, but people actually tried to hold it back and swallowed. stared at himself.

Okay, since you don't want to vomit, forget it.

William shook his head helplessly, took back the specially-made bathtub, and reached out to pat the middle-aged female dragon's thick neck.

"Can you move? If you can move, stretch out your hand a little bit? If you press it like this, I'm really worried that Melanie will be suffocated by you..."


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