This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 659: Come! Take it off!

Unfolding the contract in her hand in doubt, and looking at the specific terms above, the female fairy's face suddenly turned red, white and red, she clenched her fists and stomped her feet in anger, and Liu Mei said upside down:

"Impossible! This condition is too extreme, the Tower of Six Laws will not do this!"

"Will the Tower of Six Laws grant you a large amount of money every month?"

Facing the female goblin who showed strong resistance, William first grinned calmly, then raised his fingers and rubbed his fingers, his voice erratic and bewitching:

"Before you open your mouth to reject me, I think you can settle your account first.

Add 30,000 gold gold a month, and you can get an additional 360,000 in that year, and 3.6 million in ten years! A hundred years... that is a little far away, so let's not talk about it. In short, are you sure you want to give up this huge funding? "


When William repeatedly emphasized the "income" of signing the contract, Andrea, who was originally puffed up, suddenly turned into a deflated ball, her pale pink lips opened and closed several times, but she still couldn't Speak your rebuttal.

After all, that is more than three million gold gold!

It doesn't sound like a lot, but if it's converted into copper carpers, it's more than three hundred million! As a long-established seventh-order powerhouse, his teacher may not be able to get so much money in ten years!

And although many treasured resources cannot be exchanged for money, it also depends on the amount of money! With such a large sum of money in hand, it can be said that except for a few extremely cherished materials, most of the so-called non-sale products have opened their doors to themselves.

The foundation of alchemy is the science of materials. With a large amount of precious materials, your research progress will definitely be faster! Even left a theorem or two named after his own name in alchemy, and all this requires only a signature!


After sticking out her tongue and licking her dry lips, the female fairy rolled her eyes, and then according to a teacher's teaching, she raised her hand and pulled the green hair behind her ears, revealing her jade-white earlobes. , then grabbed William's palm, twisted his waist a little rusty, blinked timidly and said:

"Good man~ Of course the Qian people want it, but the conditions are too harsh. Can you relax a little bit?"

I have to say that the beauty of the female goblin is indeed the top level. Even if she always wears a big hood on weekdays to block the upper half of her face, even the lower half of her face is extremely rare. beauty.

Coupled with her jade-like fair skin and plump and protruding body curves, even if there is no makeup on her face at all, her femininity cannot be underestimated. The coquettishness of this level of beauty, even if it is a bit deliberate and contrived, but the lethality is still quite amazing.

But when her appearance fell into William's eyes, there was always a rather strange sense of dissonance.

If I have to describe it, it feels like the long-legged sister Yu gave up the hollow lace and wore a pure white cotton girl's dress under the luxurious dark purple dress. But it also deviates a bit from the original character.

Because of this little dissonance, Banshee's slightly contrived performance didn't work, but her unfamiliar movements when she showed her body curves, as well as her slightly dodging shy eyes, made William a little bit." get on fire".

Seeing that she worked so hard, William silently smacked his lips, and silently took back the bastard-level "contract labor" contract, and replaced it with a new contract at the 7.9-egg-level.

After accepting the new contract with a face of surprise, Andrea felt that her teacher's routine was really useful, and opened the new contract with excitement, but after only turning over two pages, her face changed, He pursed his lips and said:

" you take it wrong? Isn't it the same?"


Facing the confused eyes of the banshee, William cleared his throat, turned the contract in her hand to the last page, pointed to the small blank at the end and said:

"There used to be a line of small print here - 'The final interpretation right belongs to Party A', but now it's gone."


After listening to William's explanation, the banshee's slender fingers clenched suddenly, and the contract paper in her hand wrinkled.

Is the old lady so bad that you have broken the right to explain? The old lady is so poor that there are a lot of clauses on the previous pages! If you really sign this thing, not only will the research direction be limited, 90% of the research income will be taken away, and even the rest of your life will be tied to death!

Although the funding of 3 million gold gold in ten years is indeed tempting, and he constantly encourages himself to sign his name on this "devil's contract", the price is too great. The teacher knows that he has signed this kind of contract. If you do something, you will definitely scold yourself for being a super idiot!

After looking at the amount on the contract with nostalgia, the female fairy nibbled her red lips, shook her head slightly and declined:

"William, I... Although I really want this money, the conditions of this contract..."

"Five thousand more every month!"

Being hit by this extra income, her heart trembled, the female fairy hurriedly pressed her bulging heart, and shook her head repeatedly:

"No...No, it's not about money, it's really..."

"Ten thousand!"

Andrea took a deep breath, clamped her legs subconsciously, and said with a blushing cheek:

"Ah wait, don't...don't..."

"Twenty thousand!"



After putting away the signed deed of prostitution, the refreshed William smiled lightly, and left the lost Andrea and floated away.

Although the Banshee's strongest talent is in construction, her talent in alchemy is also not weak. According to the system, she is now a first-class alchemist.

The investment in a first-class alchemist will definitely not lose money under normal circumstances, but the premise is that the research direction is controllable, and there can be periodic returns to blood.

Because in this group of alchemists, there are a large number of scientific research madmen, when choosing a "project", they basically do not consider what benefits are not profitable, but pay more attention to the success rate of the project and the knowledge behind it.

Letting the alchemists play their own way, William had seen a lot in his last life.

What has injected a large number of undead souls, so it can light up the clothes of the ghost fire at night; added a large number of short-distance positioning magic patterns, which can only be transported in the water carriage; superimposed hundreds of elements to isolate the magic patterns, basically achieved Magic-free, but can't cast spells after wearing the mage's robe...

These research projects with extremely bizarre technologies and results often have something in common that breaks the hearts of all investors.

The cost is not low if the effect is good; the cost is relatively cheap and useless; most of the ones with practical value are very technical, and generally cannot be mass-produced; ...

And even if you are lucky enough to successfully overcome all the above-mentioned difficulties and obstacles, and really get a finished product that is effective and easy to produce, but often the results obtained after spending huge sums of money have not waited for it to heat up. There is an alchemist who has carried out a similar project successfully, and he took out a low-priced competitive product that is just a little bit better than you...

After cheating people and being cheated countless times, the sand sculpture players in William’s previous life have concluded an iron law full of blood and tears – a life is destroyed in melee combat, and the legal system is poor for three generations; the church engages in alchemy, and the true gods are in debt .

If it weren't for the large number of dwarves caught this time, William's attitude towards the alchemy workshop would only be to complete the task in the simplest way, and naturally he doesn't care what the output is, even if the banshee melts all those golden golds and packs them into a cabinet Gold pants don't matter.

But with Sancho and the others here, qualified technology and a large number of excellent craftsmen are available, and the alchemy workshop becomes particularly important in an instant.

Whether it is enchanted weapons and armors, large war machines, alchemy daily necessities or other things, they are all very good long-selling items. No matter if you keep them for your own use or sell them to make money, as long as you can get them out, you will make a steady profit without losing money. , the only thing you need to pay attention to is don't let the banshee choose that kind of useless stupid **** topic.

Hmmm...have to get a little bit of start-up capital.

By the way, what about the bounty of the Holy See of Light? After such a long time, there is not even a news, that black-hearted squinting will not want to blame Laozi?

With a stomach full of complaints about the efficiency of the Black-bellied Saintess, William came to the vicinity of the [Dark Nightmare Cavalry] station.

According to what Jose said before he left, although the big hole in the kitchen was indeed written by Little Daisy, his "distressed" office was not collapsed by the explosion.

Melanie did a rare reassurance and controlled the damage to the kitchen and the two adjacent huts, so the culprit who turned the entire lord's mansion into ruins was actually the assistant priest of the Church of Knowledge. Movement].

Although the future [Blood Priest] Franky was also a victim of being parasitized by a mind flayer, because the dark side of his heart was infinitely magnified, he would do such radical and irrational things.

But no matter what, you can't get away with tearing down my lord's mansion, right? So, it's not too much to lose a little bit of Gingold...isn't it?

Although I am the lord of the Dawning Territory, I have always been thrifty and do not like luxury. As a result, there is nothing of value in the lord's mansion.

But for an aristocrat who values ​​honor over life and death, face is the most valuable thing... Bah, the most important thing!

And even if the identity has not been made public, I am a certain person who is also the prince of Frank! Husband and wife are one body. If you hit me in the face, you are hitting Avril’s face. If you hit Avril’s face, you are hitting the face of the royal family of Fran, that is, the entire face of Fran!

The attitude is so arrogant! Such bad behavior! Do you think it can be justified without paying three or two "Andreas" for such a serious diplomatic incident?

After preparing a full set of reasonable remarks, William came to the door of the dungeon near the [Dark Nightmare Cavalry] station with a smile of close friends, and obtained the keys from the two teams of [Dark Nightmare Cavalry] guarding the door. , Shi Shiran walked into the door of the dungeon.

This dungeon left by the Griddy family is an uncompromisingly good thing.

If you have to choose an "economic building" in the Dawn Collar, no matter it is the commercial street with daily gold, or the alchemy workshop that has already been put on the agenda, it will definitely not be comparable to this dungeon. The stable can barely compare with it.

The people who have been imprisoned in this dungeon have contributed more than a dozen high-level sequences, a powerful secret spear technique, a large number of materials that fell off the eighth-order glow dragon, and... and so on.

Moreover, the start-up capital of the alchemy workshop will be contributed soon~

When he got down to the door of the dungeon where Franky was closed, William reached out and rubbed his face, rubbing back the corners of his mouth that could not help but slightly upturned. Enter the door.

An acolyte in a fancy dress is sitting dazedly in the cell where the contemporary Saintess of Light was once imprisoned. Although there are no wounds on his body, he looks a little lethargic, his face pale and trembling slightly, as if It was like being ravaged by a group of strong men.

After hearing the sound at the door, the young man with a sick face looked up. When he saw William's face, he suddenly rushed over like a madman like a dog from Yone Tiangong. Bloody hands grabbed the gate of the cell and shook it vigorously.

"You! I've seen your portrait! You're the Lord William of Dawn, right? Listen to me! I..."

"Stop! You'd better wait a while and talk about it!"

After making a gesture of silence, William walked over with a calm expression and grabbed Franky's collar across the cell door.


With a crisp cracking sound, the young man's luxurious priest uniform was torn to pieces, revealing the white and thin chest below.

? !

Was taken aback by William's actions. The sick-faced young man opened his eyes wide in horror, covered his chest with both hands, and stepped back again and again, until his back hit the cold stone wall and stopped.

"You! What are you going to do?"

"You! Bah! I mean... forget what I'm explaining to you, I'll find out later when you wake up!"

William moved the muscles on his face and withdrew the slight smirk evoked by the familiar lines. Then he opened the prison door under the horrified eyes of the young man, and walked over with bluffed hands.

After holding Franky's wrist and pressing him against the wall, William carefully checked his heart, but did not find the mark left by being parasitized by the mind flayer.

Made! It's actually a mind flayer who doesn't take the usual path!

William, who didn't find the mark, frowned rather unhappily, then changed his target and began to pick up the trousers of the altar.

Although picking up a man's pants is against his own aesthetics, judging from this guy's behavior, his "dark side" magnified by the mind flayer should be arrogance and stubbornness. If he doesn't get rid of the mind flayer first, this The guy estimates that he would rather die than admit defeat, and naturally he would not be willing to lose his own money, so...

Then just be a man!


"Wait! Wait! I'm a man! You...ah!"

Um? Not even in the lower body?

William, who still couldn't find the target, In Franky's terrified eyes, he cast his eyes on the last line of defense that he clamped hard...


Here is the rhetoric of reneging on promises...


I made a miscalculation yesterday, the trouble is not over, and I expect to make another trip to the community and the train station tomorrow...

If you owe 5/5, you will definitely pay it back! It's not clear within seven days that there is little Jiji!


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