This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 393: break the dungeon

Chapter 393 Break the dungeon

fish prison

How is it so solid? Even if there is a giant holding it, he should be kicked away by himself.

William frowned and took out Lamia's knuckles from the space ring.

According to his current strength, it is the most suitable top-down force, and his almost full-strength kick has not yet knocked down the entrance of the dungeon.

There are a lot of abilities that can reinforce or support the ground, but there are not many that can resist to this level without collapsing. In the warlock sequence, there are only the flesh and blood branches of fifth-order warlocks, and the proficiency is the least. Proficient, the guy below is probably an experienced old warlock.

It's harder than expected...

Just when William raised Lamia's knuckles in his hand and was about to give him a hard blow, dozens of terrifying granulations suddenly burst out, and they seemed to have eyes, ignoring the others nearby and heading straight for him. The lower body wrapped around.

Even with the Painful Evil Rider to supplement his agility attributes, speed was still not William's strong point. He barely managed to dodge two of his three legs, and was still caught by the granulation on his left leg.

Accompanied by the unpleasant metal deformation sound, the leg armor made of fine iron was directly reimbursed. Not only did the granulation not stop, but it continued to spread, dragging William down, while trying to take his remaining two legs. Also tangled.

William picked up the stick, cut off those wretched granulation buds with a dark face, and decided to give the guy below a big surprise.

The two black hoof prints on his chest flickered, and the power of the shadows around him suddenly expanded, and all the shadows were as black as ink.

After receiving a lot of shadow power, the volume of Lamia's knuckles soared tenfold in an instant, and then she was suddenly lifted up, and then smashed through the ground with a bang, and stabbed it extremely arrogantly.

With a deafening roar, the surrounding ground nearly 100 square meters collapsed, and the roof of the entire dungeon collapsed by more than one-fifth, and the situation below was completely exposed to the sun.


The Angry Flame Legion who had retreated in advance surrounded them, and the sound of gasping for air kept ringing.

Although the Hanhans of the Vankins family are surprisingly courageous, the appearance of the monsters below is really intimidating, and in addition to those described as terrifying creatures, the appearance in the dungeon really makes their scalps numb.

On the already dirty walls, there were a lot of ugly granulation buds, some of which were dark and hard. As the roof collapsed, it was directly broken by the huge weight, and there were not many left.

And those soft-looking granulations are not only soaked with mucus and blood plasma, but also centered in a certain cell, with a fine mesh on the outside and a coarse inside, with a large piece of strange blood lying flat in the middle. It expands and contracts continuously at a rate similar to human breathing.

The whole dungeon looked down from the top and looked like a large network of blood vessels near the heart, and Lamia's knuckles were inserted right next to the "heart", and the surroundings were full of filth. Bloodstains and broken granulation, and a huge animal claw missing half of its palm.

The strength is not small. It is estimated that there are more than ninety points. If the 50 physique bonus of the power of flesh and blood is not counted, it is almost the same as his original strength.

William frowned and reduced Lamia's knuckles to a length suitable for holding.

Of course he ran for the "heart", but halfway through the stab, Lamia's knuckles were pushed at the end, her head was slightly tilted, and she slapped against the large piece of trembling flesh. Going down, failed to destroy the most important target.

And there is also a fourth-order sad demon, although he paid a claw as the price, but in fact...

The wall of a certain cell burst open, and a vicious wind rushed over to William. He was ready to cross Lamia's knuckles, blocking the sneak attack of Hong Guoguo.

But the newly-appeared claw is too big, and it is estimated that it is taller than his people. Even if he has an advantage in strength, because of the difference in weight, he is still pushed away from the flesh and blood, which is a bit humiliating. The ground was thrown out of the dungeon, and a cannonball flew up.

Almost everyone in the Raging Flame Legion has been beaten by William... After learning from each other, knowing his terrifying and incomparable strange power, seeing him being thrown up, was really startling.

Jessica frowned and patted the horse's head. The little whites neighed and stepped into their shadows, and the next second they appeared at William's landing spot.

With a dissatisfied horse neighing, William slammed into the backs of the little whites, one person? The horse fell directly to the ground and dragged for more than two meters before stopping.

"Bah! Xiaobai, you should brush your bristles."

Wiping the dust on his face, William kicked off the leg armor that had been crushed before, and stood up in a hurry.

Seeing that he didn't look like he was injured, the female knight's heart was relieved a lot, and she activated the shadow shift to come behind him, and asked solemnly:

"William, what kind of monster is that below? Why is he stronger than you?"

"An abyss demon called by a demon warlock with a parasitic projection should be the fourth-order peak in terms of strength."

William glanced at her sideways, and said a little dissatisfiedly:

"Also, in general, shouldn't you be the one to catch me and roll with me? Why did you send Xiaobai?"

Jessica laughed at this very covertly reached out and twisted him, but William had just used all his strength, the muscles on his body were amazingly strong, and she couldn't twist it at all.

She had to give up her plan to screw people, stomped her feet and said angrily: "When are you still talking about this? That demon is faster and stronger than you. Can you fight this time?"

"I can fight, but the speed doesn't matter. In terms of strength, I am obviously stronger, right?"

William patted off the dust on his body, pointed to the bottom, and instructed the Raging Flame Legion to retreat first.

Now is not the time for them to play. If this sad demon rushes into the crowd, even if these guys can win, it is estimated that the establishment can be cancelled.

The female knight looked around following William's gesture, and found that the beast's claw that had "wrestled" with William was bent at a strange angle, and the scales on the palm had disappeared.

The crimson flesh underneath was even more like it had been touched with acid, and a long strip was dissolved directly. The thickness was just enough to wedge Lamia's knuckles in, and even a lot of bone stubble could be seen. , obviously suffered a big loss in the competition just now.

After seeing this scene, Jessica breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as William can hold back the most troublesome guy, relying on the same combat skills of the Raging Flame Legion, there should be no problem with the remaining small monsters, and the monster's two Only the paw has been abolished by William... eh?

As if she had discovered something strange, the eyes of the female knight suddenly widened!

Those two... how are they both right claws?

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