This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 365: Lord and King

After hearing Avril's compliment, William raised his head and looked at her, then suddenly blushed as if he had remembered something.

When you were pressed on by the female knight and begged for mercy with a flushed face, you looked pretty~

After seeing William's strange expression, the originally approving queen also blushed, and her gentle and dignified expression also flew beyond the clouds.

"You're still blushing! It's all your fault!"

Avril stomped her feet angrily and ashamed, stepped forward and pinched William's face, gritted her teeth and said:

"What kind of gift is that? I've been entangled with octopuses for a long time. I can't move until she wakes up at noon! Before that, I even went to the toilet... In short, you've lost all your birthday gifts in your life!" this gone? It doesn't matter, I will have a good pregnancy in my next life, and a good meal is never afraid of being late.

Relying on his extraordinary face to resist the Queen's pull, William's lips slightly opened, and he decisively put the quill dipped in ink into her hand, and then wrapped Avril's waist and pressed her to the seat.

If you can be lazy, why do you have to do it yourself?

Cough, what I mean is that there is a specialization in the surgery industry, and the professional work of approving documents, of course, must be handed over to professional people, so as to maximize the efficiency.

Inexplicably pressed on the seat, Her Majesty the Queen just wanted to get up, when two big hands fell on the soft and fragrant shoulders, and they kneaded them with great familiarity.

Ai Secretary Weier glanced at William helplessly, gave up the plan to let this guy do the work by himself, and looked down at the documents that had not been approved on the table.

Um? ? ? What is the job of the Ouchi Manager?

After seeing William's approval, Her Majesty's eyes widened in doubt, and Zhen Shou slightly clamped William's hand, motioning him to stop, and then raised his wrist to hold the approved document in front of him.

"Look at it, don't you think there's anything wrong?"

William looked at the sound, and Her Majesty's clothes were relatively loose. Because of the high arms, the sleeves of the spun yarn slipped down a little, revealing two arms that looked like tender lotus roots.

He shook his head suspiciously and said, "Is there nothing wrong? It looks quite white!"

"What is it... You are serious, you are still working."

Laughing angrily at William's answer, Avril put down the document, turned her head and poked Bai Shengsheng's fingertips on his forehead, and said angrily:

"How can you write such nonsense! Why send people to the city lord's mansion after being castrated? If you don't pay money to go to that kind of place, you should be fined and detained as compensation, and there is one person who is a woman, you are ready. What... oops! Forget it!"

Her Majesty the Queen sighed and took back the documents that William had approved next to them. They piled them up and started to read them again, writing their supplementary comments below as they read.

"Although the food has been collected now, most people are not very short of food, but it will snow and winter soon, and the mountains and forests must be opened up for the people to store meat.

As a lord, you are the owner of all the forests and prey. If you do not take the initiative to order the opening, the territorial people will not dare to hunt. Don't forget this in the future. "

After writing the annotations, she opened the next document with a "swoosh", shook her head and said:

"William, there are too many people maintaining law and order in the city. It is enough to keep one-third of the number, and even daily patrols are enough. The rest should be sent out to hunt down bandits, water ghosts, and ghouls. And demon spirits, lest those dark creatures hurt the people.

As for the forest spirits and the little mist demons, it is good to drive them away from the forest farm. They generally do not hurt people and are good for crops and trees. If they kill them too much and scare them away, the crop yield in the second year may be reduced. decline……"


"Also, what does this man named Andrea do?"

Her Majesty the Queen frowned slightly, picked up the three official documents asking for money, and wrote two lines of graceful small characters on the bottom with some anger.

"Some projects and purchases obviously do not need to be done immediately, why is her application in such a hurry?

In addition, although the price she mentioned is still within the market range, there is always a small fluctuation in the bulk materials. Logically speaking, it should be able to negotiate a lot. How can it be calculated at the highest price? Although it looks like the price difference is not big, it is actually quite a lot! "

wipe! Day and night defense still let this **** take advantage of it!

After hearing the Queen's evaluation, William suddenly turned dark, and decided to be more ruthless when deducting funds in the future, and then looked down at the handling opinion written by Avril.

‘Send the city guards to raid the house directly, get all the money back first, and then impose a triple fine! If the property is not enough, it can be repaid in installments, and the interest is calculated at the highest point! ’


Why don't you...consider taking it lightly? After all, I don't seem to have given her a copper carper's salary, and it doesn't seem like it would be fine to search the house again...

uh, no! Is my lack of salary the reason for your corruption? This is clearly two different things! Penalty! Punish me severely!


The banshee, who was "doing medicine" at home, shuddered violently, and then sneezed fiercely.

Stretching out her bare arms, she rubbed her nose indifferently, and a smug smile broke out on Andrea's face.

Hehe, my mother can even dig out the money from the Tower of Six Laws, what can a small Dawn collar help me? Do you think it's okay to dismiss my plan? snort! Innocent!

She looked at the five large wooden barrels filled with well water around her, and there was a strong look of hope on her face.

I've saved up enough money to reopen the alchemy lab, wait for me... ahhh! A few more times to sell the bath water, and you will be able to re-... Ahh! Re... well... so cold {{{(>_<)}}}...


Thanks to Avril's efforts, the hill-like documents on William's desk began to decrease rapidly, and each large or small official business was quickly solved, and sorted into different categories according to the priorities and processing plans, and only waited for someone to come to pick it up.

"Well... you should find a few people to help you with the documents."

Her Majesty the Queen raised her arms high, stretched her body lazily, the loose gauze moved along with it, and a touch of snow was accidentally exposed at the neckline.

William, who was standing behind her, leaned forward subconsciously, looking at his nose and his heart, his heart was like still water, not stained with dust.

After Avril stretched her lazy waist a healthy rosy color appeared on her cheeks, she stood up from the chair, turned her head and laughed at William:

"By the way, I said before that you look good, but now it seems that you are still far from being the lord."

William smiled and said nothing.

Who says it's far from it? Obviously everything is ready, and there is a lack of a capable female secretary.

Already accustomed to William's usual taciturnity, Ai Able Weier's brows and eyes were curved, his peach blossom eyes narrowed, and he smiled like William's.

"Okay, I know you can't do anything, and as a lord, you shouldn't have to deal with these fragmented things. If the territory is a huge sea ship, the lord is the navigator on the tower, and you only need to guide the correct course. enough."

When she said this, Her Majesty the Queen walked up to William, raised her head slightly, and said seriously:

"William, you may not be a good lord, but you will be a great king."

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