This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 168: dance (below)

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Looking at William's confident expression, although she knew that her thoughts were somewhat childish, Jessica's heart was still a little uncomfortable.

This was not only the first time she wore a skirt after many years, but also the first time she attended a dance in her life. What girl hasn't dreamed of flying skirts under the attention of all the people?

Carefully picking up the long skirt that reached the ground a little, turning over the pink and white lace on the skirt and taking a look, the female knight lowered her head and asked softly, "William, I wear this skirt... it doesn't look very good. okay?"

William was a little embarrassed. Jessica's foundation was there. Although it was not suitable, it was not too bad.

However, this girl's long skirt with color matching, coupled with the pair of clear crystal shoes, is indeed a bit different from her usual style. After getting used to those two long legs, look at this fluffy long skirt, It always felt a little incongruous.

In the brief silence, Jessica had read the answer to the question. She bit her lip lightly and let go of her hand holding the skirt.

Maybe the dance floor doesn't fit me like this dress, maybe I don't really want to dance, I just want to fulfill a childhood dream.

The female knight smiled regretfully, then turned to William.

"I remember that you said you were going to negotiate a business deal with Jin Solo. Did you want to talk to that woman named Karina?"

William nodded and said: "Well, she is a disciple of the president of the Jinsuo Luo Chamber of Commerce, and is currently in charge of the operation of the entire Chamber of Commerce, but there are too many people here, and I haven't found her position yet."

Jessica looked around, then raised her finger in the direction of the dance floor.

"Is it her in the white dress?"

William followed the female knight's fingers and looked over. Across the crowd dancing on the dance floor and all kinds of fancy costumes, he did see a plain white dress.

Looking sideways through the gap in the crowd, although I still couldn't see the face this time, I saw a familiar white leather hair tie. It turns out that there are more than one thing, it's really embarrassing.

"That should be her."

Jessica nodded lightly, then pulled the neckline of her long skirt as if she was a little bored, turned her head and pretended to be relaxed:

"Then go ahead. The neckline of this skirt is a little tight, and the style is a bit childish. In short, it's not very comfortable to wear. You try to go back early, so that I can change it off as soon as possible."


William looked at Jessica's loose neckline and the small half of the breast pad exposed under the lining of the neckline, and really didn't know what to say.

Can you think about it when you make excuses? The neckline of this dress is so wide that it may not feel tight if you change it to Pomona. You don't know what size you are...

Normally, when confronted with such duplicity, William would definitely open his mouth and laugh, but the envious gaze of the female knight when he peeked at the dance floor made him unable to open his mouth.

Ugh...stupid woman.

William shook his head helplessly. Although Jessica has been "trying hard" to cover up, the princess dress, crystal slipper, and the uncontrollable longing in her eyes that she chose by herself are no different from calling out the answer directly.

"Would you like to wear it a little longer?"

He rubbed his nose and turned to look at the dance floor in the center of the hall.

"It's all here. Your dress is so troublesome to wear. Wouldn't it be a pity to take it off without dancing?"

Jessica looked at William's outstretched palm with surprise, and pursed her lips desperately, for fear that the corners of her mouth would curl up.

"It''s true."

The female knight held back the joy in her heart, and reservedly put her slender hand wearing white silk gloves on William's palm.

"Then jump first?"

William nodded, subconsciously rubbed the silky gloves on his palms, and then smacking his lips regretfully.

These alchemists have skills but no creativity.

Clear silk gloves have been invented, why can't you use your brain more? Wouldn't it be nice to change the position of this glove, and then change the color, to create something new for the masses?

The two walked to the edge of the dance floor hand in hand, but when William wanted to go to the center of the dance floor, Jessica stopped him.

Looking at the pair of men and women spinning around, the female knight stopped hesitantly and whispered to William, "We only have one dance anyway, or... let's dance outside for a while."

William glanced at her sideways, but flinching at the front of the battle should be dealt with by whipping.

Besides, I am the number one dancer in the dignified capital, and I have never been invincible on the dance floors of the capital. How can I shrink at the edge of the dance floor?

Seeing William insisting on walking to the center of the dance floor, Jessica quickly grabbed him and suggested, "I... I haven't danced in a long time, why don't you familiarize yourself with the pace first?"

"Then let's dance the court dance, which is full of steps. The court dance requires simple steps because it is dignified and generous, and you can dance without being familiar with it."

At William's insistence, Jessica followed him to the center of the dance floor.

They attracted a lot of attention along the way. The center is the most open place on the entire dance floor. There are only two kinds of people who dare to go here as soon as they come up. They are either rookies who don’t understand anything, or big players who are confident in dancing.

The lady in the princess dress seemed a little shy and looked like a rookie, but this handsomely dressed man looked calm, maybe he really had two brushes.

Under the curious gazes of the people around, William grabbed Jessica's hand and put it on his waist, then reached out to support her slender waist, and slowly twisted from side to side.


Some people couldn't help laughing out loud. As soon as this man came up, he squeezed his female companion to the center, and he looked confident again. He looked like a big guy with full of aura, but it turned out to be the basic dance steps that beginners practice.

Hearing the laughter, William's mouth crooked, revealing a sneer from the dance king.

Just laugh and laugh. After a while, when Jessica is familiar with the dance steps, I will...

[Subjected by the stampede attack of the Nightmare Rider LV30]

The female knight retracted the heel of her crystal slipper from William's feet, blushed and lowered her head without speaking.

"It's okay, it's normal to step on each other's feet when you first cooperate, don't worry about it."

The corner of William's mouth twitched, but he still pointed patiently: "Don't rush to take a step, stop for a while when the rhythm of this step is out of order, wait for the next beat, and if you are too anxious to complete the previous step, you will be more It's easy to go wrong."

Jessica blushed and nodded, signaling that she understood.

After three seconds.

[Stamped by Nightmare Rider LV30...]

"...How about you count the beats while you dance?"

Jessica nodded, then put both hands on William's shoulders, bowed her head and started counting silently.



William's upper was visibly sunken.

[Stamped by Nightmare Rider LV30...]

William's face darkened.

This is the palace stepping dance, not the palace stepping dance, and no matter how nervous you are, you can't use so much strength. If you change your foot for an ordinary person, you will probably break a bone...

He decisively pulled his feet back from Jessica's "attack range", and the dance steps that were originally wide and closed were changed to delicate and restrained.

Through his excellent ability to adapt to the situation, William escaped the sharp crystal heels of the female knights one after another, showing the grand master style of a generation of dancers, but...

【Kicked by Nightmare Rider LV30】


Looking down at the grey footprints on his trousers, William gave up the treatment completely.

Forget it, just step on it, some things are fate, God even closed your door, how could you forget to block the window?

Seeing William's resigned expression, the female knight became even more nervous. These most basic dance steps don't seem to be difficult at all, but why are they unstable?

With the physical quality of her third-order professional, these dance steps are indeed not challenging, but the dance is not a standard movement, and there are no small requirements for the rhythm, and these require a lot of practice support.

The more anxious people are, the more likely they are to make mistakes.

Jessica quickly missed a beat again. In order to keep up with the rhythm of the music, she quickly stamped her feet twice. The overwhelmed crystal slipper let out a whimper, followed by a crackling sound, a thin The high heels flew out.

The abnormal noise attracted the attention of the people around, and after seeing the gray footprints on William's trousers, many people let out a low sneer.

The female knight blushed with shame and said in a low voice.

"William, how about... let's jump here first?"

William raised his head and glared at At this time, you want to back off, so I just suffered so much, wasn't it in vain?

Without saying a word, he kicked the heel of the other crystal slipper when he lifted his foot.

"You rest, I'll move!"

The movements between the two became intense, William's hands that had been gently pulling the belt suddenly exerted force, the originally slow dance suddenly accelerated, and those chaotic dance steps gradually became delicate and standard.

The female knight's body was driven by William, and one leaned back on his arm, and then the whole body completed a dance movement that was almost folded in half.

William's hand took the opportunity to wrap around Jessica's waist and slightly pulled her skirt back. The fluffy long skirt was suddenly tightened, perfectly outlining the amazing figure of the female knight.

The next moment, the female knight lying on William's arms was instantly pulled up.

William leaned back and stepped forward. Jessica was pulled down on top of him, his forehead was just on his chin, and the two bodies seemed to be glued together, no longer separate you and me, with the melody of the music. Rhythmically moving.

Compared with the scattered dances before, the dance steps under William's control were at a suitable pace, and the quality of the whole dance was completely different. People around even stopped the dance and started watching, and there was a sound from time to time. Amazed.

With a high-pitched piano sound, the two people's intense dance steps stagnated, then slowly retracted, and ended with the reverberation. This perfect ending received a series of applause again.

Jessica blushed and lay on top of William, breathing thinly. Although the dance was satisfying, a question mark still popped up in her mind.

Didn't we dance the court dance before? When did it change to veneer dance?

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