This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 158: Bread and Saliva

"Shut up, too, come up and talk."

Regardless of Jessica's resistance, William carried her up and pressed her onto the empty chair in the carriage. Then, he looked at the two little witches with terrified faces, and made a gesture to shut up.

The little witches nodded frantically, and their hands covering each other's mouths became harder.

William pulled their hands down, exposing their noses to avoid accidents due to poor breathing, and then turned to look at the confused little girl.

"Daisy, I have something to ask you, where were you when that undead prince fell?"

The little girl looked at William ignorantly, and asked in a puzzled way, "The Great Undead Bacteria... what is that?"

Jessica next to her seemed to understand something and took the initiative to answer the question for Daisy.

"William, I sent someone to investigate. At that time, Daisy was staying at home. When the false **** was killed, she should be the closest person, so she got a lot of benefits and her physique was enhanced. A lot."

William nodded thoughtfully, and then asked in a calm tone:

"Daisy, do you want to be a professional?"

After hearing William's words, the cook's face suddenly tightened, and she held her daughter firmly in her arms, and the little girl leaned into her mother's arms in fear.

The cook gritted her teeth, and was about to kneel down while holding Daisy, and was supported by the quick-eyed William.

She pleaded with a pale face: "Lord William, Daisy she... She is still a child, and her courage is very small. It is too dangerous for her to go to the battlefield."

Jessica on the side also shook her head.

"William, although Daisy's talent is good, her character is not suitable for being a warrior."

The female knight recalled the training of the past few months, and said with some headache: "Because of her talent, I have tried to train her, but she is very afraid of weapons, and she will tremble when she picks up a sword, even if it is a grass cutter. They will close their eyes in horror."

William glanced at Jessica speechlessly as he lifted up the cook who wanted to kneel.

I was crazy to make her a melee professional, as long as she made a little more "scrap" when making bread, she would be stronger than a whole legion.

William opened his mouth and comforted: "I don't need her to fight. And Daisy is not suitable to be a melee professional, she is actually more suitable to be a legal professional."

It may be that the [Assassin's Appearance] had an effect. Looking at William's gentle face, the timid little girl actually plucked up the courage and said her dream.

"But... I want to be a cook."

As soon as Daisy's words came out, the real cook covered her mouth.

She has understood what William means. Lord William thinks that his daughter has the talent of a legal profession and wants to train her. The cook who figured out the joints was overjoyed, as if she had come directly from **** to heaven.

Flange's legal professionals are too rare, so their status is correspondingly higher. They are treasures in every faction. They are often accompanied by a dozen melee professionals to protect them. Relatively speaking, they must be safe. Many, if the daughter can really become a legal professional, it is simply a better thing.

She gave Daisy a hard knock on the head.

"Don't talk nonsense!!"

Looking at the aggrieved little girl, William waved his hand and said softly:

"It's okay, let me talk to her."

Then, he squatted down and looked at the little girl flatly and said, "Daisy, why do you want to be a cook?"

Even though she was reprimanded just now, Daisy still subconsciously grabbed the cook's palm.

After holding her mother's palm, she was obviously calmer, lowered her head and whispered to William:

"Because the cook can make delicious black bread"

After hearing her words, William smiled lightly.

"A legal professional can also make bread, and it's faster and better than a cook, so why don't you be a legal professional?"

The little girl clenched her clothes and did not dare to refute, but the expression on her face showed that she did not believe William's words.

You lie, how can there be someone in this world who can make bread better than a cook?

After seeing through her thoughts, William smiled and said seductively: "Did you know? There is an ability called [Cooking], which does not require flour and an oven, and can make bread out of thin air."


The little girl's eyes widened and she stared at William in front of her, as if she had seen an alien primitive, and felt that the whole world view had collapsed.

She twitched her lips and said, "Then... that's a miracle!"

William smiled and said, "So, are you willing to become a legal professional?"

Daisy nodded desperately, but hesitated again: "If I become that...that what, can I still make my own bread?"

"Why not? As long as you want, no one will stop you."

"Oh right." William pointed to the package that was placed in the carriage, and a piece of black and reflective bread was exposed.

"I'm very interested in that, can you give me a taste?


William took a palm-sized piece of brown bread and dragged Jessica, who was bewildered, out of the carriage and came to the fire specially lit for them.

Harry was lying by the fire wrapped in a black hide blanket, already snoring loudly. I don't even know if my hair is burnt.

William took a seat farthest away from him, and began to study the brown bread in his hand with great interest.

【Brown bread to the depths of your soul (Trial No. 153)】

【Hardness+3】【Satisfaction+3】【Evil Food+4】

[Special Skill: The taste of the soul, after eating, you can get Spirit +2 (permanent) (unique)]


Not bad, has evolved from Spirit +1 to Spirit +2?

William fiddled with the black bread in his hand, his eyes full of joy, but he didn't try to eat the black bread,

[Taste that reaches the soul] is unique, and it will only work when everyone eats it for the first time. Now that he knows that there is a full version of Spirit +5, he naturally wants to eat the full version of black bread.

Jessica came over dragging a sleeping bag, frowned and asked after seeing William's actions:

"You seem to value Daisy? Is there anything special about her bread?"

William glanced at her, stretched out his hand and pulled off a small piece of brown bread and handed it over.

"Try it."

Looking at this dark and hard piece of black bread with a strange appearance, the female knight hesitated and wanted to reject the proposal from the bottom of her heart.

But seeing that William didn't seem to be joking, she finally took the brown bread and took a small bite.

As soon as the rough bread entered, the female knight's eyes widened, and she bulged her cheeks and opened her mouth to spit out, only to be covered by William.


William said earnestly: "Don't vomit, it's a good thing, swallow it and you'll know."

Feeling the sour and salty taste in her mouth, as well as the inferior and rough taste, Jessica shook her head desperately. This taste was challenging the limit of her taste buds. Don't want to try.

However, William's hand seemed to stick to her face, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what. After struggling repeatedly to no avail, the female knight finally accepted her fate.

you are vicious!

After expressing her anger with her eyes, she swallowed the foreign object in her mouth with grief and indignation. However, in the next second, her eyes widened, and she looked at the brown bread in William's hands in shock.

This piece of black bread with a rough taste and strange taste can actually increase mental strength!

Jessica's nose urn moved twice. Although the spiritual power provided by this piece of bread is not a lot, it is only a dispensable level for the third-order self, but it is spiritual power after all!

Just one bite can have this effect, but if you eat more, even eat a piece of this black bread at every meal!

William withdrew his hand and watched Jessica's reaction with interest. When she looked over in shock, he tossed the heavy black bread in his hand up and down, and asked with a little playfulness:

"How? Is this a good thing?"

Jessica glared at him, then took the corner of the brown bread from William's hand and took a big bite.


As soon as the bread entered, a look of pain flashed across the face of the female knight. When she tried to chew the bread twice, she suddenly bit into something hard.

She spat the thing into her hand and found that it was actually a small blue-black pebble.

Probably because he was afraid of cutting the diners' tongues, this small stone was finely ground away from the edges and corners. This exacting detail is very touching, and it has brought the craftsman's spirit to the extreme.

The question is what do you put stones in bread for?

Jessica's whole face was puckered together. The taste of the brown bread was so unpalatable that every bite was a challenge.

She really wanted to swallow the bread in her mouth, but considering the polished pebbles, she could only chew with great After chewing two more bites, Jessica suddenly felt that It's not unacceptable to eat some pebbles instead of chewing on this bread.

Just as she closed her eyes and prepared to fight, she heard William's reminder in her ears.

"The effect of this bread is only useful when you eat it for the first time."

The act of swallowing suddenly froze. The female knight spit out the bread in her mouth without hesitation, and then took out the water bag and swished her mouth desperately. Soon, her own water was used up. William, who was already prepared Unscrewed his water bag and handed it over.

After dispelling the heinous taste in her mouth, Jessica glared at William, looking like she wanted to pounce on him and have a friendly 1V1 interaction with him.

But she finally gave up on the idea.

Mainly because William didn't do anything, he just didn't remind himself right away, he was just watching jokes, and there was a less important reason besides that - he couldn't beat it.

The female knight snorted angrily and dragged her sleeping bag to the other side of the bonfire. However, when she re-packed her sleeping bag and got in to get some rest, she found William following with the damned piece of black bread.

"What are you doing here?" Jessica shrank into her sleeping bag, her face full of vigilance.

William did not speak, but gently shook the brown bread in his hand.

Against the background of the firelight, a silver light was reflected on the black bread whose crescent had been bitten out.

The female knight's face blushed, and her two long legs jumped out of the sleeping bag with a kick, and swooped towards the bread in William's hand.

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