In the capital, the night is getting dark.

After several military disasters, less than one-tenth of the original people remained in the capital. The city that was brightly lit has become much quieter than before. However, this quiet night has been hit by a The terrified scream of the young man tore apart.

"You, who are you!"

Facing the terrified Duke Kane, the masked Harry didn't care that he was still injured, he sneered and threw himself towards him.

Amid the fierce snaps and screams, William lifted the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of tea with a calm expression.

This is the training camp for the guards. After failing to "assassinate" Avril, he was brought here by a group of burly men. It was a training session. Those days full of sweat and muscular men seemed to be right in front of him.

It's just that this place is now deserted, and it was even used as a station by the legion under Leonard's command. Everything that he is familiar with has been demolished. It's a vicissitude.

William lifted the veil on his face and took a sip of the tea on the table, his eyes full of nostalgia.

In the past few months, the bustling and bustling capital of the capital has become deserted. The prostitutes of the capital... The theater is still intact, but the beautiful ladies inside have long since disappeared.

Most of the noble ladies who used to live in the royal capital all the year round returned to their homeland under the support of their father and brother. Naturally, there were no dances and parties. Even the palace where they had seen the gate was burnt to darkness. The days of salted fish seem to have never existed.

"Don't, don't fight, who the **** are you?"

When Hans stopped, Kane covered his face and asked his own question. The arrogance and arrogance of the Duke had long since disappeared, and the expression on his face was both sad and fearful.

Although the guards he brought this time were not many, more than fifty people were all professionals, and there were even four second-tier iron guards. It stands to reason that it is enough to handle most situations, but I didn't expect...

Kane looked at the masked people who were rummaging through the boxes in horror. These guys were dressed in rags, similar to those robbers running around, but they were all terrifyingly strong.

His own guards were chopped to the ground as soon as they met, and the four second-tier iron guards couldn't hold on for long, and they were planted before they could even throw a flare.

It took only a few minutes for them to get in, and their bodyguards did not make any decent resistance from beginning to end, and were directly killed more than half of them, and the rest were gagged and tied up.

"Who am I? I'm your father!"

Harry cursed viciously, raised his hand and slapped him again, snapping Kane's question back into his stomach.

William, who had a brother for no reason, coughed, put the teacup in his hand on the table, frowned and looked at Kane, who looked miserable, and then glanced at Harry a little unhappily.

Because the flesh in his arm had not grown back, Harry's right arm had no strength and had to be hung around his neck with a sling. He, who usually likes to open the bow from left to right, is obviously not used to the new way of exerting force. After a stroke with his left hand, he will stop for half a second, then shake his right shoulder, and finally slap his left hand again...

The consequences of this unbalanced attack are very bad. Kane's right face is swollen like a steamed bun, but his left face is unharmed. The serious lack of symmetry makes it very uncomfortable to look at.

"This face is too awkward, can't you play it symmetrically?"

As if they were not worried about being discovered by nearby people, a dozen members of the Raging Flame Legion burst into laughter.

In their laughter, Kane's eyes widened suddenly, and a pair of mung bean eyes almost fell out.

"You're... that bodyguard? How dare you arrest a duke in private?"

William touched the veil on his face. He had never thought of concealing his identity. He raised his hand and tore off the scented veil.

【Rough cut mask towel】


[A veil material without any concealment effect is the gauze curtain of Queen Avril's bedroom]

[The person who made it has no sincerity, and has no intention of using it to hide his identity. He can only get a false sense of ritual by covering it up to rob, which is similar to hiding one's ears and stealing a bell.]


Looking at Kane's face full of horror, William's mouth twitched, and he said insincerely, "Is he actually recognized by you? There's no other way. It seems that I have to kill you."

Kane shivered for a while, as if he had thought of this, but then he suddenly became hard again for some unknown reason, and threateningly said:

"You'd better let me go immediately. I have the magic of Fortune Church. If you dare to touch me, you will be punished by the priest of Fortune Church..."

William picked up the teacup and took a sip of the black tea inside.

"Really? I don't believe it."

Kane: "..."

I don't know why, but suddenly I want to hit him...

After drinking up the black tea in the cup, William got up and walked over. He said calmly, "Lord Kane, in fact, I don't have to kill you, but there are some questions that you need to answer."

Old Kane shuddered, like a Shar Pei who had been poked with balls, so vigilant that even the folds on his face were unfolded.

"I've run out of money! You don't want to take it from me..."

William cut him off with a wave of his hands.

"I've never touched money, I'm not interested in money!"

The coin lying in his pocket vibrated quietly.

Withdrawing his hands that swung out unconsciously, William's playful expression gradually turned cold, and he asked word by word:

"Tell me, what secrets are behind the Seven Great Duchess!"

Knowing that his purpose was not his own property, Kane could not help but sigh of relief.

The Duke's expression returned to arrogance, even though his life was being pinched in his hands, the sense of superiority belonging to the nobles still flooded his heart unconsciously.

"That's the matter of the three major churches and the Holy See of Light, you are an ordinary..."

As if seeing someone's shadow on him, Harry suddenly felt a little itchy, and he slapped his hand and slapped it.

"Crack!" "Ah!"

Glancing at Harry approvingly, William said indifferently: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you either. Either tell me the secrets of the seven principalities, or die, you choose one."

Kane, who was riding under Harry's crotch, sneered. "Impossible. The Seven Duchy itself is the biggest secret of Faran, and I will never say it. For me, there are many things more terrifying than death, such as..."

William raised his eyelids and answered lightly, "For example, when a person dies, the money is not spent (liao)."

Kane's magnanimous expression suddenly distorted, and some kind of intense pain from the depths of his blood suddenly surged into his heart.

It was as if he found a round mosquito bag on the back of his hand, but he couldn't make a cross himself, and an extreme sense of emptiness began to erode his heart.

Looking at Kane, whose eyes were flushed with pain, and the few people on the beam who suddenly started to twist their bodies, William finally confirmed a certain idea in his heart.

This line of direct-to-the-heart lines is no different from torture to the money-loving mammons, and its power is proportional to the purity of blood.

A few simple words in their ears are harsher than the sound of scratching the glass blackboard with a fingernail, more painful than kicking a wall with a toothpick wedged between toenails, every first time they hear the blood of Mammon, It will be as uncomfortable as eating shi.

Looking at the reaction of the Duke of Kane, there is no doubt that he has the blood of Mammon, and the purity should not be low. Eighty percent of the Griddy family he belonged to were also descendants of Mammon Demons.

It's no secret to William that there are a lot of demon blood in Farran.

It's just that at that time, the old nobles had been slaughtered by Leonard, and the descendants of the seven major duchies were almost dead.

But now, everything is connected, the bloodline of the mad war demon of the Vankins family, the extremely arrogant royal family, the typical mammon demon in front of him, and the wonderful number seven.

"The Seven Deadly Sins, the Seven Principalities... the blood of the devil... the saint..."

After hearing William's muttering, Kane suddenly straightened his body, and with the strength of an ordinary person, he almost knocked Harry off his body.

His face was terrified. "Impossible! How did you know that!"

William glanced at him and said without changing his face: "I know more than this, I even know who the saints are, but I don't know the details, so..."

"Are you still prepared to die for this so-called secret?"

Kane, who was originally determined, suddenly hesitated.

"I...I want to ask a question do you know..."

William raised his eyelids and said flatly, "People are dead, money..."

"Wait, I said!"

Kane shrieked and blocked his ears, and said everything he knew like a bean in a bamboo listened to him silently, many questions in his heart. Once answered.

Although the aristocratic class does often have bastards, the probability of **** from the nobles of Flange is frighteningly high, especially the heirs of the seven major duchies. civil.

After considering the demon blood in their bodies, the character flaws of these nobles finally have an answer.

The deformed country of Flange was originally a "man-made" product. The empire, the royal family, the nobility, and even the population of tens of millions were all instrumental people for the creation of the saints.

The entire Flange is "false", and the meaning of this country's existence has always been one, that is, to catalyze the creation of man-made saints and sacrifice everything she has to seal the gate of the dead country.

For the entire Austrian continent, this is a good thing, and it is possible to avoid the invasion of the undead at almost no cost.

For the Holy Empire and several surrounding small countries, this is also a good thing, avoiding the turmoil brought by the undead and maintaining the stability of the situation.

The truly unlucky people are only the chosen saint and a large number of ordinary people in Flange. That saint will completely perish in the pain that runs through his soul, and a large number of ordinary people will have to endure the endless blood of demons. To be oppressed and abused.

After Kane finished speaking, William was silent for a while, then stretched out his hand in his terrified eyes, and slowly put it on his neck.

"Sorry, my hands are itchy all of a sudden."


【There is an inexplicable light in your eyes】


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