This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 146: bloody battle (below)

Werewolves, vampires, witches, these three dark creatures are all transformed by humans. Because they have the largest population and the strongest power, they are called the three dark creatures.

Among these three dark creatures, werewolves have a relationship of superiors and subordinates similar to the leaders and members of primitive clans. family".

But these are just differences in terms of names. Whether a werewolf, a vampire, or a witch, in their "family", the superiors have the right to life and death over the inferiors.

The difference is that the werewolf's status is based on power, the vampire's status is derived from blood, and the witch's status is derived from knowledge.

A superior witch who can bestow transformation potions and impart knowledge is an irresistible authority to a lower witch, and any violation of the slightest bit is not allowed. These two newly transformed little witches have undoubtedly violated the taboo.

Judging from their first violation of the order, the witch in black robe was ready to spare their lives, but an extremely painful punishment was absolutely indispensable.

Just as Rikki waved her short staff and began to punish the two little witches who disobeyed the order, a ragged figure emerged from the fire at the entrance of the palace.

Although he quickly wiped out the sparks on his body, his standard guard uniform was still burned into a beggar's uniform.

After tearing off his almost burnt shirt, William reluctantly complained: "If I had known that I would fight alone, I wouldn't bring the legion here."

This time, the more than 100 people he brought were all knights. Although [Mars' Fire Wall] did not do much damage, it was no problem to burn the horses to death.

For most knights, a good horse that can cooperate with battle is quite rare. It often takes several years to raise it. It is absolutely impossible to rush into the fire.

The strength of knight professionals lies in speed and impact. The combat power of knights without horses plummets by more than half. Even if they dismount and walk through the fire wall, their combat effectiveness will be greatly affected after being burned.

After considering these problems, William simply ordered everyone to stand by, and he rushed into the palace alone against the fire at the door.

After taking care of his appearance, William looked around.

He couldn't help but feel a little distressed when he saw the ruins. After all, it was also a place where he had been living for several years, so he had some feelings, but he didn't expect it to be ruined like this.

In addition to the collapsed buildings, many human corpses were left around.

These people seem to have been attacked by some huge canine beasts, and they all have scratches and tooth marks of varying degrees on their bodies, and some of the corpses are even partially damaged, and their deaths are quite miserable.

Following the howls in the distance, William found that there were two places where the wolf howls were heard. One was at the northeast corner gate of the palace, where a large number of humans were retreating, and eighty or ninety werewolves were besieging them. them.

The other is near the ruins of several collapsed towers, where there are a dozen werewolves, but they do almost nothing, just keep playing with a dark horse, chasing me.

The dark horse was able to move, bypassing the werewolves several times and rushing behind them, but as long as it rushed into a certain area, the ability to move would suddenly fail, and it could only be kicked out again by the werewolves who were waiting to work.

William's brows furrowed. Isn't that the little whites?

Looking at the dark horse that was neighing anxiously in the distance, he couldn't help recalling the various tauren incidents surrounding this horse with Jessica.

"Kou Ao ~ Kou Wu!"

Just as he was about to reminisce about the past, an incomparably shrill wolf howl came over, as if someone had baked the eggs with a lighter, the pain and anger in the howl were so intense that it was almost overflowing, and there was also a touch of despair. meaning.


Rikki stopped the spell used for punishment, turned her head angrily to look at the female knight covered in blood, and said without a smile:

"Lord Jessica, you are really good at surprising people."

Jessica covered her chest and coughed a few times without saying a word. Her rib was badly wounded from the fight just now, and it was very likely that it had already split. Just a slight cough made her sweaty.

As for the silver-haired werewolf, I don't know when it has turned back into a human, and its size has shrunk to the size of a normal human, but the hair on his body has not yet faded away.

His back and right rib are missing a large piece of muscle tissue. If it weren't for the powerful vitality of the dark creatures, I'm afraid he would be dead by now.

The black-robed witch glanced at it regretfully. There were plant roots and stems on the werewolf's two ribs and back that had not been removed, which was the fault of her earlier [Crawling Parasitic Technique].

The female knight, who was already sure of death, accidentally grabbed the grass roots that had not been cleaned off the werewolf's body. No matter how strong the werewolf's defense was, there was still no way to face this kind of damage from the inside out.

The unfortunate werewolf only had time to let out a scream, and the muscle tissue at the back was abruptly torn apart by a huge gap, instantly losing all resistance.

Glancing at the two little witches who were lying on the ground and twitching, Jessica tried to order the little whites to move, but even with half of the interference, the surrounding shadow energy remained chaotic, and her attempt failed again.

The female knight had to sigh, and managed to smash the werewolf around, and without hesitation, launched a sprint to the remaining two little witches.

Looking at her resolute face, the witch in black robe gritted her teeth nervously, raised her hand and threw a wave of air again, trying to push away this relentless woman.

Jessica pumped up the shadow energy and slammed into it, ready to repeat the old trick, using the shadow energy to break the air wave.

But her injury is too serious, even though the shadow energy is much more abundant than before, the remaining physical strength is not enough to support her actions.

The surging air waves swept through, and the female knight flew out backwards, and landed in the surrounding wolves with a thud.

Maybe she hit the wound on her back. Jessica struggled for a while, but she couldn't stand up. She could only collapse on the ground and pant.

The black-robed witch's heart that jumped to her throat finally fell back. I don't know when, the black robe on her back was wet with cold sweat.

She looked at Jessica, who was still trying to get up, with admiration. As expected of the older sister of Lord Leonard, this will to fight is really terrifying... It's just that the gap in intelligence is bigger.

She quietly wiped away the cold sweat from her palms, and a smile appeared on the corner of the black-robed witch's lips again.

From the very beginning, this woman was counted to death by Lord Leonard, but a lunatic who wanted to die just popped out in the middle, resulting in the death of an extra third-order werewolf. It has nothing to do with my [Crawling Parasitic Art]. .

Anyway, the mission is completed, but the werewolf's loss is a little bigger, and the little witches brought with him are not less. The mistress shouldn't punish me, right?

With a smile, she ordered the surrounding werewolves to push The witch in black robe slowly raised the short staff in her hand and threw a small invisible air blade at Jessica.

The blood splattered again.

William, who was a hundred meters away, looked at the 0.35mm deep scratch on his arm, raised his eyebrows without making a sound, but slapped the werewolf to death with a backhand slap.

After finishing the werewolf, he turned over and rode on Jessica's best friends, activated only one-fifth of the [Silver Phantom] remaining, and turned into a lewd light and rushed over.

The black-robed witch's smile froze on her face. Just now, the invisible air blade she swung suddenly disappeared in front of Jessica, and a shirtless silver-helmed knight was riding on that horse. The Night Dire is rushing this way.

Although he is only one person, this man has a strong aura of danger, and there is also a feeling that he belongs to a dark creature.

"Quick! Kill her!"

An ominous feeling came to her heart, and while she screamed and gave orders to the werewolves, she raised her hand and released a complete invisible air blade. However, whether it was the minions of the werewolves or the air blade she released with all her strength, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it didn't have any effect at all.

William looked at the newly added scratches on both arms. The deepest one had broken through two millimeters. Even if the double damage bonus was removed, it was estimated that it would still be at the level of entering the third tier.

As for the rest of the scratches, it's really just scratches.

The strength of these werewolves mostly hovered between the first and second tiers. Even with the double damage given by the [Cover] skill, they still couldn't even cut through his skin.

A faint smile appeared on William's paralyzed face.

I'm sorry, but with thick blood, you can do whatever you want.

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