This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 144: The Pheasant Mage and the Landlord

William smacked his lips and didn't speak.

It's really yours, Leonard, you retreated before I set off? So does this count me as "defeating" the crusade?

Just when he was about to open the task panel to check it out, a desolate wolf howl came from the depths of the palace.


The highly penetrating howl was shrill and piercing. Unlike the wolf's howl, this howl was even more uncomfortable, and in addition to killing accidents, it also contained ferocity and cruelty.

Accompanied by this wolf howl, there are a lot of other noises, such as the sound of fighting, screams, and the low roar of some kind of beast.

William frowned and followed the sound, and found that he was blocked by the raging fire at the gate of the palace. When they were far away from the palace, they saw the fire here, but until now the fire has not been extinguished, but it is burning more and more vigorously.

It seems that the fire at the gate of the palace should be the masterpiece of a legal professional. William tentatively touched the flames at the door.

[Warning, you have stepped into the damage range of the skill "Mars' Fire Wall", and if you continue to touch this skill, you will enter a burning state]

Is it actually a spell with a title?

After hearing the prompt, William couldn't help but change his face, and immediately prepared to quit, but he had already received the next prompt.

[Warning, if you receive fire damage from the empowering witch LV27, you will enter a burning state and will continue to receive damage for a certain period of time]

He hurriedly retreated from the range of the fire wall and kept flapping the flames on his body.

Right now, he doesn't have any elemental resistance, and the damage caused to him by burning is quite considerable. If he stays in [Mars' Wall of Fire], he might really be burned to death.

According to the current damage... um... it might not be enough to burn for one or two hours, and it should be almost the same by tomorrow morning.

After briefly estimating the damage of this fire skill, William's face drooped down.

Although the name of this fire wall spell is bluffing, it is actually a variant of the second-order group attack spell [Flame Wall], and it is also a weakened version of the damage that sacrifices power to increase the duration and range.

Even if the caster is third-level, even if a first-level professional comes, he can rush through with a little injury. This is a completely useless pheasant spell. Just the name.

Gee! Scare me!

After recognizing the fact that the Firewall was just on the surface, William pouted his lips contemptuously. As a former legal boss, he couldn't despise this kind of baiting behavior from the bottom of his heart.

In the common understanding of legal professionals, this kind of "named and surnamed" spell skills are generally reserved for bigwigs.

Either it originated from the flash of inspiration of some talented legal professionals, or it was simply a private commodity handed down by a spellcaster family for hundreds of years.

For example, [Staro Palier's Star Compass], [Emir's Absolute Barrier], etc., the spells that dare to be named are generally full of features, even if it is an ordinary low-level spell, the effect is often so strong.

Most of these powerful skills with surnames or names will be included by the editors of the Arcane Empire, and the names of the creators will be handed down along with the spells, and those with high versatility will even be included in textbooks, which are legal professionals. One of the highest pursuits, it can be said to be extremely high.

It's just that after the sand sculpture players grew up, because of the included spells, there were more strange things such as [灬之椧の嗳灬 God's Staff] and [Snow White's Stepmother's Desire Whiplash]. Behaviour has changed a bit.

But in general, the skills that dare to be named are still not good enough. They are either very powerful or very practical, which leads to the high price of learning the skills of naming.

So some people took advantage of this loophole. Although I don't have the level of the big guy, I can learn the name from the big guy. Just modify the general skills a little, and dare to name it as my own naming spell.

However, there are not many people who do this. After all, doing it is a stain for a lifetime. The recognized title needs to use the real name, so it is easy to nail your name to the pillar of shame.

Most of the people who can do this kind of thing are wandering mages who don't live in a fixed place. They often have no funds for research, and they change their spells to cheat some money from the rich.

As for this person named Mars, it seems that the legal bosses don't have this name, and they don't seem to have this surname, so it must be the latter. It is estimated that it is a pheasant mage who drilled out of a ravine.



The wild... female goblin in a black robe sneezed violently, and then rubbed her arms with lingering fears.

In order not to leave behind magical waves that can be tracked, she traveled all the way, not even a small spell to repelling insects. She walked for a whole day and night before she dared to cast spells and hurry on the road, and her arms were covered with mosquito bites. Really miserable.

She clenched her fists angrily, I, Andrea Mars, have never suffered such a big loss! Neither the Church of Wealth nor the Tower of Six Laws got any money from me! Eros Church? I took this account down!

"I heard that you blew up the church of Eros Church?"

A somewhat playful voice sounded, and the young man behind the table looked up at her with a strange look, as if he had discovered a big unlucky ghost.

The two of them were in a magnificent hall. Compared with the ordinary meeting room, this hall seemed a little too empty, and there was no blind spot in the field of vision, so you could see the head at a glance.

In order to ensure this, even the load-bearing pillars were deliberately reduced by a few, and thousands of lamps were kept on all night. In such a large building, there was not even a shadow the size of a palm to be found.

There is almost no extra decoration in the hall, only a huge table and an equally tall chair are placed in the center.

At this time, the banshee was standing in front of the huge table, and Leonard was sitting on the tall chair, looking at the fragrant paper in his hand with interest.

This is a letter from the Eros Church, and the words in it are quite intense. What made the corners of his mouth twitch slightly was that even though he sent a swearing letter, the letter paper was still incensed, and the ink used was probably made of rose juice, and even the varnish on the seal was carefully trimmed.

Leonard sniffed the aroma on the letter paper, then leaned back in the chair. No matter the content or form, the letter made him quite happy.

The hooded banshee on the opposite side shook her head heavily.

Contrary to the cheerful Leonard, her words were full of annoyance.

"I didn't do it! That's why they deliberately framed me in order to discard the materials!"

During the few days she was running, she had already figured out the cause and effect of the incident. After going back to the city and looking up the relevant books, she discovered the truth of the incident—there was something wrong with that man named Hans!

There is no tree of companions at all, and there is no such statement in all the classics! And that **** wishing pool, the only ones who can get blessings are the mad believers of the **** of love, and it has nothing to do with whoever loves them or not!


She muttered the name through gritted teeth, and it was deeply engraved in her mind.

That man named Hans had a cold and handsome appearance, and he always carried a certain relaxing temperament on his body. Now that I think about it, maybe it was some kind of charm spell, so I lost my guard!

This **** not only deceived himself to leave the agreed place, but has been trying to seduce himself with beauty and love words. If it wasn't for the fact that he knew that there was no spell to spy on the soul, he might have been coaxed into his hands. He was indeed a mad believer of the God of Love, and he was indeed a good player in playing with love.

She covered her heart with a lot of heartache, recalling how she and that man had a good conversation and fell into the trap step by step, she suddenly felt that the whole person was not well.

This **** liar! The batch of materials that I had been pitted was more than enough to cover ten churches! mean! Shameless! In order to rely on the material to be able to do such a tricky thing! The Church of True God is indeed a **** without any bottom line!


"Didn't you do it? That's really a pity."

Leonard sighed, picked up a piece of paper on the table and was about to tear it up.

"I thought there was something wrong with your deal with them, but in a fit of rage, you destroyed the church. I even prepared the materials and money to supply you. Since you said no..."


"Wait!" The banshee took a deep breath, the face under the hood was hidden in the shadows, and her silver teeth creaked.

"Although they framed me first, I'm actually not completely innocent..."

Hearing her broken teeth and blood swallowed confession, Leonard's mouth slowly turned up, revealing a wicked smile.

"Really? I'm very happy that the Church of Eros was bombed, so you can make some money to make up for the loss."

He twisted his **** forward, jumped off the tall chair, walked around the table to Andrea, and handed the document in his hand with a smile.

"This is the warrant for rebuilding Ironthorn City. Take it to the financial officer to get the first batch of funds."

Leonard smiled and said, "You were a famous architect when you were in the Tower of the Six Dharma. You helped many mages repair the Mage Tower, and you also repaired part of the structure for the Tower of the Six Dharma.

Since you have this talent, then renovate Ironthorn City for me. I will replace all the buildings of the original Farrell's house. "

After hearing Leonard's Andrea frowned in embarrassment, and said hesitantly: "Lord Leonard, there are too many buildings in the original Farrell house, if you want to one by one If it is replaced, the cost may be much higher than the cost of demolishing and rebuilding.”

"Really?" Leonard waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Then tear it down and rebuild it! If the money is not enough, I will go to the Fortune Church to borrow it. Oh yes, I want to remind you."

Leonard smiled and said to the banshee, "The commission for this order will definitely satisfy you, so remember, don't mess with the money for building the city."

As he spoke, he jokingly crossed his palm and placed it in front of his throat to make a cut.

"If you're too greedy, don't blame me for hanging you on the city gate."


Hearing that some of the losses could be recovered, Andrea's expression softened a lot. To Leonard's joking threat, she nodded noncommittally and hurriedly left the hall with the warrant.

Recalling the splendid manor of the Church of Eros, the banshee couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Cutting corners is not in line with my creed, if you do it, you must do your best! The new Ironthorn City is in my hands, and it will definitely be ten times better than that manor!

She opened the document in her hand and glanced at it briefly. If building a city, the approximate costs are materials, design, transportation, labor...

"Huh? Artificial!"

I have now transferred to the Undead Sequence. If I use Undead to build a city, I shouldn't have to pay wages, right?

A smile finally appeared on the face of the banshee.

No no no! For expenses such as food, accommodation, labor, etc., the application still has to be applied for. Why can't skeletons and zombies receive wages, and the extra is considered my hard work~


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