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Vol 2 Chapter 1393: Unite as one, swear against William

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It has to be said that the indecisive God of Nature is certainly not a good leader, but the "resolute and courageous" Goddess of Fertility does not seem to be very competent either.

For this "Devil God William Crusade", most of the elf gods are actually not very confident, so what is needed is not to continue to pressurize and tell everyone that they will die if they lose, but to increase their confidence as much as possible so that there is no time to fight cowardly.

As for why he was timid before fighting... There is no way, I can only blame a certain blasphemer whose record is true and scary.

According to the secret information obtained by the elves, the demon **** William once challenged the three major demon gods standing at the apex of the endless abyss with one enemy and three, and won the battle.

Among them, the Destroyer Demon God who suffered the least injury was also blown out of his head. The Hate Demon God was a little unlucky and was directly beaten to pieces physically, while the Fear Demon God was in the worst condition. Both his soul and body were severely injured, and he almost confessed on the spot. up.

There was even gossip that said that the blasphemer was not serious at all, but just poked at the three major demon gods with his hands behind his back, and directly severely injured the three famous demon gods.

Although the person who sent the news swears that he was guarding the abyss passage with the legion of the Holy See of Light at that time, and he saw all this with his own eyes.

But because this news is too outrageous, no one believes it at all. Except for the elf **** who "knows everything" about the demon **** William, basically no one takes this outrageous rumor about the ant-day giant dragon seriously...

For the elves, even if the news shrinks a hundred times, one thing is certain—that blasphemer not only fought against the three major demon gods, but also managed to escape completely!

What? Didn't you say he also disappeared for ten years? For the past ten years, he has mostly been hiding somewhere to recover from his injuries. Shouldn't it be considered that he has retreated completely?

Just kidding, after a **** battle of thirteen ranks, you can come back and walk all over the place after only disappearing for ten years.

You know, the shattered body of the Dread Demon God hasn't fully grown up to now, the length of the three legs is not much different, and the lower body can only be regarded as a "basic form".

Moreover, during the ten years when the blasphemer disappeared as if recuperating from his injuries, the three major demon gods who used to play tricks on each other directly became half-brothers.

Eat at the same table, dress in the same closet, sleep in the same bed, and **** in the toilet... I wish I could call my good brother to help stand guard even for sex. Until now, I dare not place orders for too long. How big is the psychological shadow left on them.

Even though it was suspected that the **** of death was involved at the beginning, the real situation might not be one-on-three but two-on-three, but the three major demon gods were defeated by the blasphemers, hiding in the depths of the endless abyss, and still dare not beat them , is still an indisputable fact.

So in the face of such an unfathomable and powerful demon god, the elves and gods really didn't have much confidence in their hearts.

Even after more than ten years of self-cultivation, although everyone's situation has improved a lot compared to the past, and many companions who had to fall into a deep sleep have also been awakened one after another, but facing a pervert who can wrestle with the three major demon gods, I feel more or less still. It's a bit off...

"Everyone, although Demon God William is indeed terrifyingly strong, we still have a great chance of success!"

Although the God of Nature has a softer personality and seriously lacks the decisiveness necessary for a leader, he is superior in being delicate and sincere, so he quickly noticed the strong anxiety in the eyes of the elves.

After his words attracted everyone's attention, he first smiled gently, and then said softly and earnestly in a calm and elegant voice:

"Everyone, don't worry too much. Even in the desperate situation at the end of the Elven Dynasty, I still have no choice to abandon you, so this time I will not use your lives to fill it up.

Let me and Fengrao go to the battle later, you just need to control the temple, help us maintain the power to absorb and suppress the Demon God William, don't let him escape, please believe that even if we risk our lives this time, we will Will protect the future of the elves! "

of nature

God's voice seemed to have some kind of magical power. After hearing his words, the uneasy emotions of the elves and gods quickly calmed down, and they turned to cast trusting eyes on him.

It is true that the God of Nature is not a qualified leader, but he is the only one who can convince all elves and gods. Whenever there is a crisis, he will always charge forward. His personality is gentle but never weak, so that everyone can rest assured Hand over your back to him without worrying about being betrayed or betrayed.

"No! I'm going!"

Accompanied by sonorous and forceful words, a young male elf **** stood up, and he was seen clenching the dagger-shaped artifact in his hand tightly, and said with tears in his eyes:

"If it wasn't for Master Feng Rao, I would have perished two thousand years ago! For the safety of us and the elves who are useless, you two have already paid too much, now it's our turn to contribute!"

"Count me in!"

An elf **** who was also full of excitement came out, lowered his head slightly and clenched his teeth and said:

"You can't just let the two adults take risks! Please take me! Although I am not strong enough, I am willing to risk everything!"

"I'm coming too!"

The petite female elf **** squeezed out of the group of gods. Even though her complexion looked a little pale, she still waved the weapon in her hand forcefully.

"What's so great about Demon God William? I'm going to kill him and entangle him today! At least I'll drag him for a minute!"


Coughing with turbid phlegm sounded, and two old elf gods also stood up and volunteered:

"Count us in, the two of us have lived long enough, even if we try to burn this old bone today, we will definitely make that Demon God William no longer dare to use his strength!"


Looking at the people who clearly knew that they were about to die, but still stood up to live and die with him, the God of Nature couldn't help but blushed, but just as he was about to say something, the stern voice of the Goddess of Plenty rang out first.

"None of you are allowed to go!"

After glaring at the God of Nature who seemed about to say yes, the goddess of abundance, Liu Mei, reprimanded her upside down.

"Don't you know what level you are? Why are you going down to make trouble?

Demon God William can seriously injure a thirteenth-level demon god, how many of you can survive for a minute in front of a thirteenth-level demon god?

besides! If one of you is captured by him as a hostage and forced us to retreat, should we both die, or should we kill the captured person together? "


So, if we are caught by the Demon God William, you are going to do nothing to save us from the start, and even consider taking the hostages together?

As soon as the Goddess of Plenty made a speech comparable to Mao's anti-terrorism, some of the hot-blooded elves and gods calmed down one after another, bowed their heads in despondency, and retreated shamefully.

"now it's right!"

Glancing at the **** of nature sitting awkwardly on the chair, neither talking nor not speaking, the goddess of abundance couldn't help but snorted heavily.

"Do what you should do! Remember everything! As soon as I count three, two, and one, you will go all out to mobilize the Elven Temple! No matter what, you must suppress Demon God William!"



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