This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 139: Still that smell


Avril pondered the few adjectives William gave, and the more she thought about it, the more appropriate it became.

Before Leonard became the new owner of the Farrell family, almost no one paid attention to him. Even if he heard Leonard's name, he was probably the protagonist of some lace news, or even simply appeared in the aristocratic circles. in a joke.

What this man does on weekdays is no different from that of an ordinary dude, even far beyond his peers in terms of absurdity, and the absurd level is unique among all the trash, not doing a proper job is considered to him. kind of reputation.

In contrast, his brothers and sisters are not only well-known, they are not only shrewd and capable, but also able to stand on their own at a young age, and are regarded as rare talents among the children of the new generation of nobles.

However, no one would have thought that this nobleman, who was usually regarded as a joke, not only got rid of his two shrewd and capable brothers, but even killed his wily father himself, becoming the one who had the last laugh.

In order to achieve his goal, he even personally killed a large number of elite professionals who were loyal to the Farrell family, and he also recklessly purged the opposition, and even killed his own clansmen. Based on bloodline identification, he emphasized the harmony and smoothness of nobles. In the class, Leonard is undoubtedly a sharp and incomprehensible alien.

His various behaviors are difficult to define with cruelty or unscrupulous means, kinship, gains and losses, rules... These things that most people have agreed upon by convention, it seems that he has not paid attention to them at all.

The decisions this man makes are always outrageous and absurd, and some things can't even find a corresponding motive. In the eyes of ordinary people, there is absolutely no need to use such a drastic method to solve problems. The word crazy There's no better way to describe Leonard.


If Avril had told her how she felt, William would have told her with a sad face that Leonard's behavior could actually find a motive - it was pure fun.

In my last life, I was like this. I just tried it out, and I didn't plan to do something big. I even thought that I could continue to cooperate.

This is equivalent to two people fighting the landlord. He threw a small 3 by himself. As a result, this madman directly led four two kings and took people to copy my entire fief. This **** didn't follow the routine. Card.

When he was hanging on the city gate and dangling, he once asked him why he did it. The reason Leonard gave was only two words fluttering—fun.

This whimsical man is the representative of complete chaos. As long as one thing is interesting enough for him, even if the consequences are too serious, he will try to do it.

In other words, even if he was squatting on the cesspool himself, as long as he had a gun with enough weight in his hand, Leonard would throw it down without hesitation, dragging everyone in the public toilet to greet the golden rain.

The most irritating thing is that this **** is smart enough to always have a way to take himself out before the cesspit completely explodes, squatting at the door with a smile and watching the people inside cry.

All in all, this is a man who uses his life to kill, more than ten times more sand sculpture than the majority of sand sculpture players.


Avril pursed her lips worriedly.

"William, the three churches of love, knowledge, and wealth are all ready to support me. Logically, there shouldn't be any problems, but I don't know why, I always feel that things won't be so simple..."

Her Majesty the Queen, while talking about the unease in her heart, closed the cloak on her body and wrapped herself tighter, as if doing so would get some kind of comfort and relieve the sudden sense of urgency.

William glanced at Her Majesty the Queen's seductive curves secretly, knowing that things would certainly not be so simple.

It's hard to say in the future, but at this point in time, Leonard is the biggest persecutor. Although he won't be able to block and kill the gods and Buddhas, it is absolutely impossible to take him away in one wave.

Although there is no such a mysterious saying as "the son of luck", Leonard is undoubtedly one of the protagonists in this continent. smooth sailing all the way...

【There is an inexplicable light in your eyes】

William's face changed suddenly.

[That is a kind of flame called jealousy. This poisonous fire ignited from the darkness scorched the heart and lungs, and the moment it appeared, it burned your insides! 】

[Looking at the worried look on the face of the woman in front of you, although your face is calm, your heart is so jealous that you go crazy]

Leonard? What am I jealous of him? Are the three legs short?

[That scabies-like man is nothing but an incompetent scoundrel, who only knows how to search for flowers, ask willows, and sensual dogs and horses all day long]

[It's just that with his innate bloodline and a little bit of **** luck, he became the heir of a run-down family. Why is he so important to this woman? 】

Um... You may have a little bit of misunderstanding about Leonard's fortune...

[When he was idle, you were sweating like rain in the guard training camp; when he was domineering, you were trying to make friends with the powerful at the dance in the capital; when he was spending extravagantly, you were fighting for an old piece of equipment and people bargain]

[When he fights cock-fighting lackeys and has nothing to do, you have to listen to those hard-to-ear dramas in order to integrate into the circle of the nobles; when he hugs beautiful women and does whatever you want, you can only endure coveted gazes and avoid those who are greedy for your beauty stupid woman...]

William's expression suddenly became a little shy.

Actually, I actually enjoy listening to operas and dancing... I really enjoy it...

Although the plots of those scenes are old-fashioned, the actors... I mean the stories are still pretty good-looking. As for dancing, except that there are always people who are full of lustful hearts and move their hands and feet, it is actually more interesting than dancing discs...

[That man is useless at all! He is a maggot living on bread! It's a nest of beetles gnawing on the door beam! It is a piece of urine moss that depends on the stinky things to survive! 】

[Such a despicable and filthy person, with just a little bit of legacy in his bloodline, his status actually surpasses you? This is the bullying of the strugglers, the flogging of the hard-working people, and the insult to the careerists! 】

[You have made up your mind! We must personally defeat this man who is strong on the outside and hard at work, remove his bright clothes, expose his mottled and rotten inside, and let everyone see his true face! 】

William scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

Let me pick up a man? Don't do it anymore, sorry about that.

【Overturning his golden spoon】

[Mission 1: Defeat the Crusade Army sent by Leonard Farrell 0/1]

[Mission 2: Recapture the three marquis directly under the royal family occupied by Leonard Farrell 0/3]


Aren't there three missions this time? And it's all about defeating and retaking tasks, isn't there something unique about it? Like the quests related to Leonard's sister, sister-in-law, and sister-in-law?

William quickly browsed the task panel and found that there were indeed only two tasks this time, so he sighed helplessly.

Hearing his regretful sigh, Her Majesty's eyes immediately turned to him.

"William? Why are you sighing? Actually, you don't need to care about my thoughts, it's just an inexplicable intuition."

Her Majesty the Queen laughed at herself. "Maybe this is the so-called 'women's indecision'! With the support of the three major churches, the Farrell family should not have the ability to resist. Don't pay too much attention to my nonsense. said."

William shook his head slightly, and said in a flat tone, "I think what you said makes sense."

He reached out and felt in his pocket, took out a crumpled piece of tissue paper and handed it over. It was the tissue paper in the arms of the Farrell scout.

Avril inexplicably took the blood-stained tissue paper, unfolded it, glanced at it quickly, and then stood up in shock, not even noticing that the cloak fell to the ground.

"This... this is!"

"I found this in the scout's arms. Although the drawing on it is very scribbled, you should be able to understand it. The existence of this drawing means that if this scout has a companion, then our movements have been In the control of the Farrells."

William bent down to pick up the fallen cape. Just as he was about to put it back on the queen, he was suddenly shocked. He threw the cape around her head and put it back on himself.

[Royal Palace Guard Cloak]

[Warming +1] [Spirit +1]

[This is a cloak made by a human tailor. The material is ordinary cotton cloth with interlayers. Although the style is a bit, it is quite thick and has a slight cold protection effect]

[After being used with no care by the previous owner, a button was accidentally missing, and it needed to be pulled by hand to completely wrap the body, but this did not affect its value. For some unknown reason, this cloak was There is a slight fragrance attached to it, which has a certain effect of boosting the spirit]

When she heard the sound of the cloak flapping, Avril had already subconsciously put her hand on her shoulder to pick it up, but she didn't wait for the familiar warmth to come again.

Although candles were lit in the tent, the warmth was not enough to offset the coldness of early autumn, and a small bump soon appeared on Avril's fair arm.

"Huh?" Her Majesty rubbed her arms and looked at William suspiciously, not understanding what he was doing.

William walked out of the tent without changing his face, untied the blanket tied behind the horse, then walked back into the house, unfolded the furry blanket, and wrapped Avril, who was only wearing pajamas.

"It's cold at night, so you should wear this."

Avril pulled the blanket off her body and smiled at Zhanyan. Just as she was about to open her mouth to thank her, a faint cold fragrance suddenly filled the tent.

Her Majesty the Queen shrugged her delicate nose and asked suspiciously:

"William, I seem to smell iris. Is there such a flower around the tent?"

William shook his head without changing his face.

"I didn't pay much attention, maybe there is?"


The coin in William's pocket came over quietly, and he tapped the toe next to him, but this time the collision was extra soft, as if he wanted to accompany him to complain about something.

(Bah! Scumbag!)

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