This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 135: mission completed

Silent all night.

Maybe it was because the smell of irises was too good. William slept very deeply. When he woke up from his deep sleep, there were not many people in the hall. Most of the people have been checked and left here.

After a night of searching, those who were suspected to be missing were also found.

The professionals of the Church of Eros almost plowed the entire manor, and all the registered people were found one by one. Although many people were shocked, they managed to exclude most of them. Suspicion, except for some unlucky female goblin.

"How did I know her? I don't know her."

In the face of the registrar girl, the round-faced girl, the little women's clothing... The three court trials of the boss, William's handsome face was calm.

"Yesterday I was sitting under the single dog tree at the entrance of the church, and that Miss Gray came over and asked me if I wanted to visit together. I just thought it was weird to be alone, so I pretended to be a couple and came in together."

"The tree of single dogs? What is that?" the round-faced girl asked curiously.

William raised his eyelids, as if something was wrong.

"The tree of single dogs is the tree of companions."

"The tree of companions?" The half-elf and the women's clothing boss looked at each other.

William's heart skipped a beat.

The tree of single dogs hasn't appeared yet, has it? But among the people who "begged to form a team" under the tree in the previous life, there were not only players, but also a large number of ordinary people. Could it be that there is no such "tradition" at this time?

After a moment's thought, he deduced the only possible conclusion.

I am afraid that there has always been a need to form a team, but because of the large number of sand sculpture players, ordinary people will become well-known if they have learned something. Without the promotion of sand sculpture players, the saying of the single dog tree should not have been appeared.

This... a dead Daoist friend is not a poor Daoist, I'm sorry.

A look of doubt appeared on William's face.

"That Miss Gray told me, she said that there are too many couples in the church, and it would be weird to come in alone, so people who don't want to come in alone will wait for their companions under the tree... What, what? Problem?"

The women's clothing boss looked at William with an innocent face, and the burning anger in his heart added another handful of dry wood.

'Damn Necromancers, **** Farrells, is this warning us not to interfere in their war with the royal family? ’

He nodded with a sullen face, and said to William with a stern expression: "No problem, I probably understand the process of this matter, our church has a lot of things to deal with next, I'm sorry Mr. Vankins, please also ask you Get out of here as soon as possible."

William felt the cold coins in his pocket, shook his head firmly, and then said sincerely:

"Her Majesty the Queen has already told me her agreement with you. Now our purpose is the same. If there is anything that can help you, please feel free to speak. I will definitely not refuse."

Hearing such sincere words, the round-faced girl's eye circles suddenly turned red.

Avril's image instantly increased several times in her heart, and she said with a trembling voice: "Master Saint is really... so great, obviously we are here... She is still..."

The registrar girl who knew the inside story was also a little emotional. She patted her daughter's back lightly and said with admiration:

"Queen... No, Lord Saint is indeed a great person. When your grandmother was young, she was fortunate enough to meet the previous Lord Saint. He was the ancestor of this generation of Lord Saint and made the same choice as her. This may be what humans call inheritance."

Looking at the half-elf mother and daughter who were overflowing with sympathy, the women's clothing boss frowned. He glanced at William, who had a sincere face, and tentatively tried a sentence.

"Mr. Vankins, do you also agree with Her Majesty's choice?"

The coin sewn into the pocket was so cold that William had a lot of goosebumps.

He shook his head gently, his eyelids drooped down, and he returned to a state of complete facial paralysis.

"Of course I don't agree."

The sharp eyes met the tentative gaze of the women's clothing boss, and William said coldly and earnestly:

"On the contrary, I think Her Majesty's decision is extremely unwise! But I am her bodyguard and a knight that she personally sealed. Even if I don't agree with her ideas, I still have to fulfill her wishes."

The women's clothing boss frowned slightly. Although William's words were reasonable and reasonable, he did not mention the specific details. He just described it in a very general way, which can be applied to many things.

Also, why did this man suddenly appear in the church? The queen is planning to solve the Farrell family, so she should be in a mess.

With a bright smile on his face, the women's clothing boss once again tried to say:

"I understand your feelings. After all, Her Majesty the Queen is required to take risks and the price to pay is not small. For her safety, it is only natural that you would object to this proposal."

"Bei... ah!"

The round-faced girl just wanted to speak, but someone twisted her **** so hard that she was in tears.

Unlike her, who lacks a string in her head, the registrar girl and the women's clothing boss have known each other for decades. Just listening to the tone, she understands the temptation in this sentence. The hand behind her hurriedly pinched her daughter to stop her. her self-destruction.

"Bei...Bei, I mean right!"

The round-faced girl rubbed her buttocks with tears in her eyes. She made up for it with her tongue out, barely covering the past, but it was strange how she looked.

The coin in William's arms is also in trouble. The choice of yes or no is easy to respond. What should we do with this ambiguous temptation? How can I remind this man to avoid this trap?

Finding the lucky coin in his pocket suddenly misfired, and after looking at the round-faced girl with hot tears in his eyes, William twitched the corner of his mouth perfunctorily, turned and left the room without a word, leaving the three people in the room looking at each other.

The register girl let go of her daughter's hand and asked suspiciously, "Berry, do you think this big... man doesn't know the truth of that incident?"

After the women's clothing boss pondered for a while, he nodded with great certainty. "Yes, and now I'm almost sure. He may know that we have put extremely harsh conditions on the queen, but he doesn't know what the conditions are."

"I have investigated him before. This man has an unusual relationship with the queen. If he knew what the queen was going to face, he should have been more angry."

He sighed deeply. "The queen should have kept him a secret and didn't want him to do anything too impulsive, so he should come here this time to make a cliché, probably wanting to know what conditions the queen has promised us."

The registrar girl followed with a sigh, and then she reached out and rubbed the round-faced girl's head.

"I understand, the Farrell family just colluded with the necromancer to blow up the church, and a false **** of the undead sequence ran out before. The fewer people who know about the door of the dead country, the better, the insiders should not increase any more. .

After all, this matter is too much. Once the gate of the dead country is opened, the entire Flange and even half of the Holy Empire will never have peace. "


She looked seriously at her daughter who was rubbing her butt. "It's mainly you, stay away from that man in the future, your mouth is too loose! When someone starts chatting, you dare to make up an epic, and in the future, talk less and use your brain!"

The round-faced girl pursed her lips and muttered indignantly, "You didn't teach it all..."

"Crack!" A slender slap precisely hit the arc behind her.


"It's not good!" A beautiful girl pushed open the door and broke in, her delicate face full of anxiety.

"Master Priest! The guest who just walked out from your place...he is demolishing our house, and the house in the back mountain has been demolished in half."

Berry and the registrar girl looked at each other, and then waved their hands with a complicated expression.

"Forget it, let him remove it."


"It's fine, as long as he doesn't hurt anyone, it's fine to demolish the house to vent. Besides, these buildings in the church should also be rebuilt, and in the future, there will be people on duty in the church 24 hours a day, so this kind of thing can't happen again."

"Okay...Okay..." The girl nodded, then put her hand into her arms.

"Right, there's one more thing..."


[Mission 2: Destroy the headquarters of a church in Faran with my own hands, the scope is limited to 1/1 of the Church of Love, Wealth and Knowledge (completed)]

Under the onlookers of a group of beautiful (male) women, William demolished all the buildings in the back hill of the Church of Eros with his bare hands, leaving only a few small houses with the scent of irises.

He clapped his hands satisfactorily, shook off the dust on his body, and then walked away. Although he didn't ask about the matter, it was not bad to be able to complete the task. If it really didn't work, he would borrow a "Baidu" from the Knowledge Church. If there is no landslide, there are always more ways than difficulties.

When he stepped out of the manor with his hind feet, a long-lost reminder sounded.

[I have left the task range, and it is detected that the task has been completed. Do you want to settle it? 】

William's face was paralyzed with a smile on his face, and he stood firmly on the spot.


[Task 1: Break a statue blessed by a **** with your own hands, the scope is limited to 1/1 of the Church of Love, Wealth and Knowledge]

[Mission 2: Destroy the headquarters of a church in Farang with my own hands, the scope is limited to 1/1 of the Church of Love, Wealth and Knowledge]

[Task 3: Kill a professional who has reached Tier 4 in person, the scope is limited to 1/1 of the Church of Eros, Wealth and Knowledge]

[The mission "Unforgivable" succeeded]

Tears, I'm already invincible at the same level, so I succeeded in the first mission, what's the use of breaking the plug-in!

[Task evaluation: You can't do the task of lying and winning, but the one who loses is successful. Your TND is really talented]

[Quest reward 1: The exclusive sequence of the Church of Eros - "Dancer" occupation tree is fully unlocked. After taking this road, you will become a nightmare for all men]

[Mission reward 2: The exclusive arm of the Church of Eros - "Man Dancer Legion" is unlocked, starting from today, become the master of women's clothing! 】

[Quest Reward 3: A shard of a statue containing divine power, this is part of the woman who was deeply hurt by you, remember to put it away]

As the prompt ended, a hard rock suddenly appeared in William's hand.

【Eros Statue Fragment (Special Item)】

[Divine Strength 4.5/99]

[This is a fragment of a statue that contains the mighty power of the gods. Under the action of some unknown power, it was transformed from a large amount of belief value by itself]

William clenched his palm slightly, feeling that the stone was cylindrical and about ten centimeters in length, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

Could this fragment be... it shouldn't! Although the people in the dancer sequence are indifferent, but the **** of love, she should be a...

Oh, toes.

William glanced at it boringly, then put the cylindrical fragment in his pocket and kept it with the lucky coin.

By the way, the shape of this thing looks a little familiar, it seems that Xiaohong was tied to it before her death, isn't it the one that was blown up before?

William pinched his chin and thought:

"Smashing the statue and giving a statue fragment; destroying the church headquarters and unlocking the church's exclusive legion; killing the exclusive professional and unlocking the exclusive occupation sequence. Are the rewards for these tasks all based on the content?"

William smacked his mouth, and suddenly felt a little regret in his heart. Why didn't he stab Peter to death with a sword at that time?

According to the logic of making up for what is lacking... or in other words, if I kill Peter, would I have even the throne and the queen?

Moreover, the system even has its own explanation for the punishments given. If the ambition is not realized, it will be given the [Ambitioner's Face]. If the assassination of the queen fails, it will be given the [Assassin's Appearance]. If you fail to become a hero, you will get the [Wolf Gu]. This heroic trait...

William's eyes narrowed.

He secretly made up his mind that in the future, if there are any tasks like "Master of the Art of War" involved, he will definitely finish it.

After all, the vision of [Heavy Eyes and Long Arms] [Foot Stepping on Seven Stars] is acceptable, but if you give it to a Soldier Immortal's exclusive [Square Anus], it will be a big trouble...

"Mr. William." The crisp call sounded after itself, interrupting William's whimsy.

A petite girl ran over panting. Under William's suspicious eyes, the blushing girl suddenly lowered her head, raised her hands and handed over an ugly little pendant.

William took the pendant in the girl's hand inexplicably, and habitually stretched out his hand to coil it.

【Pendant of a girl's heart】


[This is a hand-carved pendant. Although it has a strange shape and is a bit ugly, it has pinned the sincerity of a young girl. No matter how sinful a man is, he can't bear to trample on his heart, right? 】

Um? Is the system NTN implying something?

"This... this is a and me... my name is... um... Anyway, I hope you can..."

The petite girl whispered something, but after trying for a long time, she almost didn't say anything.

In the end, as if her courage had finally been exhausted, she covered her face with a cry of grief and turned to run. After a few turns, she disappeared into the shade of the tree at the corner, leaving only a touch of the unique fragrance of irises.

[The special status "Eros Blessing (Very Weak has disappeared]

No wonder... William shrugged speechlessly.

what happened? Isn't the blessing of the old ladies specially designed to cheat money? It seems that this meaning is really effective?

The question is, you have to make it clear before running. I don't even know your name. With your head down so low, you can't even see your face. Do you want me to smell it next time to find someone?


The petite girl ran all the way with her head lowered, but she accidentally bumped into someone and fell to the ground.


"Miss Ling? Well, Berry is looking for you."

A white palm was handed over, and the petite girl looked up. The person she bumped into was beautifully dressed and slender, and the big hat on her head was slightly crooked by her bump, revealing pointed ears that were much longer than ordinary people. .

The registrar girl pulled her up from the ground and said in a somewhat eager tone: "Miss Ling, your uncle wrote to say that your father was seriously injured, and I hope you can go back to see him one last time..."

"What... what?"


The coin sewn into his pocket by William suddenly turned over, and he slapped the toe next door ruthlessly.

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