This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 129: Leprechaun!

The "woman in black" that the round-faced girl was looking for was wandering aimlessly with William in the manor of the Church of the God of Eros.

Looking at the beautiful scenery around, although he hated the evil style of the Church of Eros, which loves to abuse dogs, William still had to admit that the manor was indeed well taken care of by them.

On the central axis of this circular manor is a gorgeous church painted in rose color.

Unlike those churches that completely reject nature and are full of artificial buildings and various geometric forms. The church of the Church of Eros uses a lot of materials from the elves. Many structures are made of trees and vines. It looks not only harmonious and elegant, but also full of natural interest.

It is said that this church is a replica of a certain building in the Forest of Elves. The original template was built during the heyday of the Elves Dynasty, which was built for the royal family to escape the summer heat. It's more than I don't know how many times.

I have to say that elves really have something in art and aesthetics.

Andrea looked up at the building full of natural interest, and she couldn't help showing admiration in the looming eyes under the hood.

"It's so beautiful..."

William looked up at the church in the distance, and raised his eyebrows noncommittally.

He admitted that the first time he watched it in his last life, it was really shocking, but after watching it a lot, he felt that it was the same. Compared with the aesthetic crystallization of thousands of years in modern times, the scale and design of this building are actually not that much more brilliant. It's just that the elf's flamboyant style, which is so different from most buildings, is attractive.

Moreover, because the elves are obsessed with hollowing and relief, in order to ensure a good-looking appearance, many parts of this church are frantically provoking Newton. Not only is the structural strength of the building extremely low, it needs to use some special methods to maintain it all year round, and there are many places inside. It still leaks!

The original palace of the elves was built under a giant tree that covered the sky and the sun. Naturally, there was no need to block the rain, but the Church of Eros copied a part of the palace intact, resulting in this magnificent The buildings are seriously lacking in practical value.

Usually it's not a big deal, but as soon as it starts to rain heavily, the inside of the church is like a water curtain hole, leaking from the front to the back, but the clothes of the Church of God are relatively light, um... well, in a certain sense The building is actually quite successful, at least it has been widely praised by LSPs.

The absent-minded William nodded perfunctorily.

"Well, it's pretty good. I remember that this church is an imitation of the elves [Queen Sherra's Palace]. Although the imitation is relatively general, the bells and whistles of the elves are restored well, regardless of practicality. If so, this should be one of the two best buildings in the whole of Flange."

"One?" Andrea came to her senses and looked at William curiously.

"Is there a comparable building in Flange? Why haven't I seen it?"

William glanced at her amusingly. I didn't expect you to be a construction lover. You didn't look at all the handsome men and women along the way. You came in so hard just to look at the house? It seems to be true love.

"The other building is..."

When he was about to learn about Flange's "Double Walls of Architecture", he suddenly remembered that the other building had not yet been built.

After Leonard almost ruled Farrell, he went crazy and demolished the Ironthorn City, which belonged to Farrell's family. He borrowed countless gold coins from his nemesis, the Church of Fortune, and rebuilt it on the old site. The new city of iron thorns, and it has only been said that it has built double walls since then.

Hmm...that money was not repaid until Ironthorn City was destroyed, and it seems that it is not ready to be repaid after it is destroyed.

"Forget it, when I didn't say it." Thinking of his glorious history of dancing with the wind on the iron thorn gate, William closed his mouth a little angrily, and then continued to the far away woman with a puzzled black robe. Church advances.

The main axis of the manor is also linked to several secondary axes composed of boulevards, which are covered with rounded and smooth cobblestones.

Flower beds, river canals, sculptures, fountains, and artificial or natural scenic spots are dotted everywhere. Small plazas are formed at the intersection of these roads. The small plazas are full of young men and women in pairs. , exuding a stench that is unique to passionate love.

William stared at these couples, many of whom were members of the Church of the God of Eros. Although males and females were indistinguishable, at least they looked more seductive than the other, and it was almost impossible to find them below 60. face.

Andrea was relaxing and enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way, and the depression of being forced to interrupt her research to do things dissipated a lot. Under the pleasing scenery, even the eccentric man around her became a lot more friendly.

It seems that the Church of Eros is not so annoying. It even politely asked someone to show me around. This time the task is much more comfortable than before.

At this moment, the straight boulevard suddenly came to the corner, and a fountain with a unique shape emerged from the hidden trees.

The environment around the pool is very quiet. There are only a few couples of men and women walking slowly on the road chatting with each other. Occasionally someone takes out a coin and throws it into the pool, closes his eyes and prays a few words and then leaves with a smile on his face.

Andrea looked over curiously. The style of this pool is not gorgeous, but rather simple. It is surrounded by two layers of bluestones.

In the center of the pool is a marble sculpture, which looks like two rings, one large and one small, nested in each other. A thin and translucent water curtain floats on the inner wall of the two rings, and the magnificent colorful glitters under the reflection of sunlight. arc.

The two walked over and found that this was actually a wishing pond. There was a paragraph written in cursive text on the side of the pond, to the effect that as long as a coin was thrown in, and a prayer to the **** of love was devout, there would be a chance to get the god's blessing. bless.

When she saw the blessing of the gods, Andrea's eyes suddenly lit up, and she eagerly looked around in the wide black robe, but did not touch the coin, and then subconsciously looked to the side of William .

William put his head back without hesitation.

Don't look at me, I only have a coin all over my body. The problem is that the coin is my cousin's lifeblood, and he has to pay it back. In short, if you have the ability, you can throw me in and make a wish. Anyway, I don't have a single coin.

Seeing William's appearance that he would never pay any money, Andrea had to grit her teeth, took off a pale pink ring from her pale fingers, and raised her hand to throw it into the sink.

"Wait!" William's somewhat surprised voice sounded

The soft and cold palm was grasped by someone, William's ring finger deftly bypassed the gap between Andrea's fingers, and tapped very gently on the ring.

【Fairy's Mystery Ring】

【Spirit +1】

[Special skill: exclusive to goblins, the wearer needs to make a racial check, and those who fail cannot use the ring combat skill]

[Combat Skill: Fenmir's Mystery, after activation, you can pass the crystal curtain created by the ancient monster Fenmir]

[This is a very common ring, made and enchanted by a 71-year-old ordinary goblin craftsman, and it is the pass certificate of the goblin tribe]

"what are you doing!"

Andrea shyly twitched her hand, but found that she didn't twitch. She wanted to give him a hard time, but when she saw William's face, she couldn't do anything, so she angrily yelled at William: "You Let me go! Otherwise I'm welcome!"

William let go of his hand gently, his eyes quickly glanced at Andrea's wide black robe, his nose moved slightly, and he keenly smelled the scent of some extremely fragrant petals.

Fairy! eat my grandson one...

Bah! I mean - she's a goblin!

[Silver Knight Suit] Saved!

A hidden excitement flashed across William's paralyzed face, and then he coaxed pleasantly, "Don't get me wrong, I just want to tell you that it's useless to throw rings in this wishing pool."

Andrea glanced up and down at William, and even took a step back, guarding against the sudden attack of this weak-looking man. However, when he saw his gentle face, he unknowingly relaxed his vigilance and asked softly with some suspicion:


William nodded gently, and then rubbed his fingers on the outer edge of the fountain seemingly casually.

[Discovered a special building and obtained some information about the building]

[This is a pool built by craftsman Mackron full of admiration for the gods. There is a sentence engraved in the center of the pool...]

【The Blessing Pool of the God of Love (Marriage Priesthood) (No. 017 Replica)】

[Special Skill: Divine Power Reinforcement, very weak divine power lingers in this building, building firmness +1]

[Special skill: marriage blessing, pray to this pool very devoutly, your marriage will receive a very small amount of blessings]

[Special skill: The blessing of the **** of love (very weak), after throwing a coin into the pool, there will be a very small probability to get the blessing of the pool, the probability of throwing a copper carpo to get a blessing is 0.0001%, and throwing a silver wall to get a blessing The probability is 0.001%, the probability of getting a blessing by throwing Jingod is 0.01%, and the probability of getting a blessing by throwing an ancient coin of the Elf Dynasty is...]

[Combat Skill: Inscribe...]

Mom! To make a wish depends on the money, and this probability is quite real. The goddess of love's business methods are much dirtier than the goddess of wealth. They won't study the level of love-only ruffians in the future, right?

While complaining about the black heart of the Eros Church in his heart, William explained to Andrea with a gentle expression:

"This wishing pool was built by a craftsman named McLen, and it is an imitation of another pool with mysterious power, but although it is only an imitation, it has also been blessed by the gods.

When throwing a coin into it, there is a certain chance of getting the blessing of the **** of love, but this blessing can only take effect when the coin is tossed, and throwing other things in it is useless. "

Andrea nodded with a vague understanding, and then said softly, somewhat blankly: "But I don't have any coins on me, can you lend me..."

Before she could finish speaking, William spread his hands a little helplessly.

"Unfortunately, I don't have any money on me either."

"Then... let's go..."

Andrea sighed and glanced at the beautiful fountain with some regret, but she was surprised to find that the fountain moved upwards quietly.

William knelt down on one knee, held up the several-ton stone circle on the outer edge of the fountain with one hand, reached into the gap below with the other hand and fiddled a few times, and found several dusty copper carpers, and even touched it. A silver gleaming silver wall appeared.

I knew there must be money here! Just like there are always coins that can't be taken out under a vending machine, any place where money is needed must be changed by careless people.

He smiled complacently, rinsed the dusty coins in the water, and then put them into his pocket without hesitation, leaving only a slightly wet copper carper, which he handed to the side. A stunned banshee.

" just..."

Andrea screamed in surprise, attracting the attention of many people around.

She stared blankly at William's arm, she couldn't believe her eyes, how could this well-proportioned but not particularly developed arm have such terrifying strength!

Although I haven't lifted it myself, I can't take it lightly for such a big stone circle! This seemingly weak man not only held it up with one hand, but he didn't even sweat a single drop, and when he put the stone circle back on the ground, he didn't even tremble at all.

Could it be that this human's skin is actually an evil giant?

William smiled and then put his finger to his lips and said softly, "Shh!" Then he took out two coins from his pocket and handed them over.

"I'll give you two more, enough to make a wish three times, don't say it!"

Originally ordinary coins, under William's mysterious behavior, suddenly became extraordinary.

Andrea clutched the coin in her hand nervously, and looked at the passers-by around her with some guilt. Under their curious gazes, she couldn't help but feel some kind of excitement of doing something bad.

She took a deep breath, calmed her heartbeat, and then shook her head amusingly.

Although I usually can't say that I spend a lot of money, it's not uncommon to spend dozens of gold gold on a research study, but now I'm sneaking around because of a few coins.

She glanced at William amused and curious, then closed her eyes and threw the coin into the sink, lowered her head and prayed silently:

'I hope Eros can bless me...emmm'

When she thought of this, she was a little stuck. It seemed to be the God of Love. Do you have anything to ask for the God of Love? After thinking about it, she continued to meditate:

'Well... Bless my father and my mother for always loving each other. ’

Andrea threw a coin in again, and then bit the bullet and made an excessive request.

'I hope Lord Eros can discuss it with Goddess of Fate, and bless my experiments in the future. There were thirty-six possibilities in the previous experiment, but I actually tried thirty-five before succeeding. I hope you will have mercy on me in the future, so that I can fail a few times less...'

When she silently recited her wish, the coin in William's arms trembled slightly, as if he was secretly laughing.

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