This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1206: Advent and Bargain

You mean... There will be a servant **** of the tenth-order peak coming later? "


Looking at William who was still acting unhurriedly in front of him, the middle-aged female dragon said eagerly:

"According to Zilean's statement, the servant **** who contacted her through the crown should have a deep understanding of the [Dawn] priesthood and is only one chance away from being promoted to the eleventh-order true god, you hurry up!"

Only one chance away from the eleventh order? That is to say, it is only tenth order now, right?


After hearing the words of the middle-aged female dragon, William, who had just stood up, raised his brows, put his hands into his pockets and rubbed his hands twice, and then sat back in the chair again.

"It's okay, let him come!"

According to the goddess of pulling the crotch, although she is still pulling, the good thing is that she is pulling to the limit, just stuck in a position that is a little higher than the peak of the tenth order, and it can be counted as one hundred point nine. .

And although the clergy of destiny has the highest combat power of the same rank, it is unreasonably strong in terms of "abuse of vegetables". As long as the highest rank is a little lower than her, then she can only let the goddess pull the hips flatten and round, don't Speaking of a tenth-order collapsed peak servant god, even if there are a hundred servant gods in the temple, as long as they can't surpass the tenth-order peak, the result will not change at all.

No... No matter how daring you are, you should have some edge, right? !

William's act of sitting back on the chair with a butt, really made the middle-aged female dragon anxious.

That is the servant **** of the tenth-order peak! There are so many eyes watching on the matter of you piercing the Holy See of Light, Kieran can't hide it even if she wants to help you cover it up? If you continue to stay here, it won't be over if you get recognized!

After looking up at the brighter and brighter sun above her head, the middle-aged female dragon couldn't hold back her anxiety any longer. She stretched out her hand and grabbed William's arm and pulled it hard. She was going to drag this guy away first, at least for Kieran. A time to prepare.

But what she didn't expect was that, in the face of her all-out pulling, a certain daring guy, like a stone statue carved on a cliff, would not move no matter how hard he tried, and even the chair under him was intact. Clearly it didn't take much effort at all.

"Huh? Your strength has increased a lot?"

After looking at the system prompt that flashed by, William looked at the middle-aged female dragon in surprise.

"Okay, I remember that it wasn't long before Kieran inherited the crown? Both of you have already reached the ninth rank?"


That's right... I have indeed reached the ninth level, but why do I feel like I can't beat you any more?

Feeling William's cast iron arm, the middle-aged female dragon's mouth opened and closed several times, but in the end she couldn't say a word.

Even if the glow dragon is not good at strength, and the dragon's physique and strength will be greatly reduced in human form, but no matter what it is, it will not be much worse than the human melee professional of the same level, basically floating up and down the same level. .

However, in the pull just now, even though William did not resist, he realized the huge gap that made the dragon desperate. The middle-aged female dragon even had a faint feeling that even if he changed back to the original body of the giant dragon, and then used the blessing of the power Several divine arts are fully stacked, and I am afraid that the result will not change.

After being silent for a while, the middle-aged female dragon loosened William's arm a little stiffly, and replied with a complicated look:

"I was originally not too far from the ninth rank, and Kieran is a knight class. We absorb the power of the crown twice as fast as normal, so breaking through to the ninth rank is not a big deal.

But you, what is your situation now? Why do I think... You seem to be almost the same as the previous Pope when he collapsed? "

The old pope?

After estimating his current level, William Wei took the lead:

"It's almost the same, but it's definitely not comparable in terms of battery life.

After all, when he wears the crown, his power will never be exhausted. If he is pulled away in advance, as long as he grinds it for ten days and eight days, I will be exhausted. "


That means... if you can't keep the distance, the former Pope is probably not your opponent, and you have to fight for ten days and ten nights to break your defense? Didn't you say yesterday that you have become a god?

Seeing the middle-aged female dragon's speechless expression of "I hear you farting," William had no choice but to spread his hands.

Don’t ask, asking is about attribute suppression. Black Holy Flame, who has been promoted to a god-level skill, happens to be the nemesis of a Holy Light super battery like the old Pope. As long as the output in a short time cannot exceed the upper limit, basically you can swallow as much as you can. How much, it will only get stronger with time.

As for the servant **** later, it may be a little troublesome to PK with your own imperial city. After all, with the existence of such a demon king, if the trump card is played, the output limit is still not low, um... But there is a goddess who pulls the hips, It's a matter of seconds to solve him.

After weighing the strength of the enemy and us, and finding that I would definitely not lose this wave, William raised his hand reassuringly and signaled the middle-aged female dragon to hurry back and do other things. It's over to see if I hold him or not.


This guy... how did it swell up like this!

Seeing William who was still "obsessed" and refused to leave, the middle-aged female dragon knew that she would definitely not be able to persuade him. Went to discuss countermeasures.

But after she left, Avril, who was silently listening to the whole process, took William's arm, and said with a slightly worried expression:

"William, the current Pope's mount will specially remind you that your relationship should be good, but I just heard what she said, they seem to be worried that you will conflict with the descending servant god? The relationship between you and the Holy See of Light Is the relationship good or bad?"

"Should be fine?"

After thinking about it for a while, William explained:

"The reason why the current Pope of Light can hold that seat is that I have helped a lot, but I also have a little relationship with the Holy See of Light itself. If it is recognized by the coming Servant God, it may be a little troublesome. ”

Just a little trouble? But... that is the servant **** of the tenth-order peak after all!

Even though from William's expression, it can be seen that he has full confidence, but when he thinks that William may conflict with the existence of the tenth-order collapse peak, Aizang'er's heart can't help but hang.

After biting her lip hard, she reached out and rubbed William's palm tightly, with a hesitant expression:

"William, if you find that the situation is not optimistic, I can temporarily and love..."


A slightly harsh Yu Ming sounded from high in the sky, interrupting Avril's words, and when everyone who heard the sound looked up, they found an incomparably huge fireball that suddenly "emerged" from the center of the sun. An extremely terrifying speed quickly fell towards the bottom.

"What is that?!"

"Great Meteorite? Could it be an attack?"

"No! It's coming this way! Run away!"

In the midst of bursts of noisy shouts, the two cardinals on the main stage joined hands to cast a large-scale tranquility magic. While forcibly isolating all sounds, they also calmed down the panicked crowd.

"Everyone, please don't be nervous."

Seeing that the situation had been temporarily controlled, Kieran on the stage first glanced at William, who still hadn't left, and then said aloud with a frown:

"This is not a natural disaster or an attack by an enemy, but a vision caused by the rapid consumption of divine power that exceeds the limit when a servant of God under the Throne of Light forcibly breaks through the plane barrier and descends.

When the power of the Servant God is reduced to the range that can be accommodated by the Aofa Continent, this vision will stop on its own, and the Servant God will completely complete this coming... I swear by the reputation of the Holy See of Light, the process of descending No one will be harmed, please rest assured. "

It's true that you won't be hurt, but it's obvious that you can come quietly, but you want to make such a big momentum, it is estimated that it is a bit of a prestige.

After squinting and looking into the sky, William recalled the servant gods who sat down with the God of Light, and found that he did not have much impression of the servant gods who had mastered the priesthood of [Dawn].

I only vaguely remember that he seems to be a middle-aged man with a somewhat rigid personality. When the movie God of Light and Endless Abyss opens in the future, he was ambushed in the perforated bee abyss and accidentally got a tail needle from the jealous queen bee. , and then... no then.

To sum up, a rigid character plus a bad luck trick.


I don't know that I have been characterized as a dragon's trap. After breaking the barrier of the plane with great difficulty and wearing off some of the excess divine power by the huge repulsive force of the Austrian continent, a servant **** who has a heavy responsibility has finally completed his arrival. , set foot on the land of the Austrian continent with a tired face.

I didn't expect that one day I would come back here again.

After looking around with emotion, Varian, who fell in the center of the square, stood up straight, and then followed the breath of the cleric crown and locked the position of the contemporary Pope of Light.

After glancing at Kiran, who was pressing his heart with his right hand and bowed his knees to him, the servant **** who had come all the way did not speak immediately, but watched with a mixture of reverence and fear. , floated slowly and steadily from the ground, and flew towards the main platform almost in translation.

Spray... The distance that can be passed in one second, but it takes half a minute to pass, at first glance, it is an old-fashioned crime.

After giving a contemptuous glance in the direction of the Servant God, William stretched out his hand to grab Avril, who was about to get up, and then glanced in the direction of the Arcane Empire.

Sure enough, the sixth ruler who pulled him into the group didn't stand up and salute like the others in the square, but sat on the chair with a look of indifference, and in those seemingly calm eyes, A faint look of boredom passed by.

Holy See... hehe!

Seeing Jilan who was on the stage respectfully talking to the descending servant god, the corner of the sixth ruler's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Even the strongest Holy See among human beings is still only a servant in the eyes of the true God. Compared with the divine arts obtained by praying to the gods, only the arcane arts that truly understand the origin of the world are the only ones for human beings...


A slight tremor sounded from his arms, and the sixth ruler's eyes changed slightly, he immediately reached into his arms, took out the small communication station and glanced at it.

[Father: Don't just stare at the bottom, a knife won't kill anyone, even if you stare at them for a hundred years, you won't lose a single hair. If it's a man, just go up and **** him! 】


Was my brain kicked by a donkey? Why are you pulling this guy in!

After glancing sideways at William on the Frank seat, the sixth ruler gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand, and quickly gestured on the communication platform.

[Six: Don't speak slander to me! That is the servant god! What am I doing to him? And compared to this, shouldn't you explain to me why Pope Light's mount is so familiar to you? 】

[Six: There are! I saw it when you just exchanged glances with the Pope of Light! That is definitely not looking at the eyes of the enemy! There is definitely something wrong between you and her! 】

So you found it?

After reaching out and scratching the back of his head, William grinned at the sixth ruler with a black face, and continued to write:

[Father: The things here are a little more complicated. If you have to be specific... Her position as the Pope can barely be considered as being promoted by me, so our personal friendship is actually quite good. 】

[Father: By the way, if one day you overturned your car and got caught by the Holy See of Light, I would say a few good words to her to plead for you, and maybe I could sneak into the cell and give you something delicious.

Even if your Arcane Empire is willing to pay a lot of money to redeem people, I can act as a middleman to help negotiate the price. You really don't think about rushing up, and take advantage of that servant god's arrival to shoot him? 】

Then I failed the attack and was caught on the spot. You just negotiated the price and made a lot of brokerage fees for our Arcane Empire, right?

Too lazy to continue talking to this guy who doesn't know where to sit. After looking at a group of people in the square with respectful faces, the sixth government in a bad mood just wanted to turn off the communication station, but received a message that made him both eyes. Violent news.

[Father: I’m not kidding you, I ask you, if I catch this servant **** on the spot, what price can your Arcane Empire offer? 】


What the **** is this guy talking about? Capture the servant **** of the tenth-order Lai Feng alive? Is this TM am I having a nightmare or are you daydreaming?

[Father: Why is there no sound? 】

[Father: Talk, you won't make a bid, will you? 】

[Father: Yah! You are so focused on fighting against the Church of True God that you don’t even have a reward for the servant gods? 】

This bastard! It's not over yet, is it?

And when the sixth ruler looked angrily to the side and saw William's serious expression, he was so angry that he almost laughed on the spot.

Good guy, look at this look seriously? Even if you can penetrate the Holy See of Light, it seems that you have about tenth-order combat power, but you don't really think that you are the opponent of the servant god?

Don't be Even if they are limited by the repulsive force of the Austrian continent, once they use the power of the corresponding priesthood, they will be expelled, but they are also genuine servant gods, okay?

Don't take servant gods as true gods! They are the same as the Demon Kings of the Endless Abyss, but they were born late. If the true gods occupying the priesthood fall, the best of the servant gods will be able to make up for them directly and be promoted to new true gods! Do you really understand the gold content of Servant God?

After glaring at William, who didn't know if it was a dignitary or a stupid one, the sixth ruler opened a small communication desk, waved his fingers boldly, and wrote the sentence that he regretted the most in his life.

[Six: Go anyway! As long as you can do it, I will give you what you want! 】

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Chapter 1206 Arrival and bargaining free read.

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