This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1233: XXX invites you to fight to the death

"That's the way it is."

After relaying what he heard from the leftover girl to the polluted heroic spirits, Venus said helplessly:

"So... you have two choices now, the first is to gamble on luck and accept William's ability transformation like Marta, and the second is..."

"Second! I choose the second!"

"Two! Two! Two!"

"Why don't you send me directly to Styx!"

Before Venus could finish speaking, the heroic spirits who had been summoned hurriedly opened their mouths and made their own choices in a rush. More than 70% of the people said that compared to what happened to Madam Marta, they still hoped that Go for a dip in the Styx.

"Don't be like this, I haven't said what the second option is..."

Cupid added with some headache:

"Although Marta has... well... Although there have been some small changes, you are all heroic spirits after all, and your body is not as fixed as a real flesh and blood body, so this state is not unchangeable. As long as you wear it a little bit over time, It can still change slowly."

small change?

All the heroic spirits looked at the orc Marta, who was eight feet tall and ten girth around the waist, in the corner, especially her sharp canines that were slightly turned outwards, and her biceps that were bigger than the head of an adult male, and they all stood up in unison. Shake your head vigorously.


As believers in the God of Love and Beauty, we really can't accept it. Instead of becoming like this, let's go directly to the Styx!


After feeling the eyes of the heroic spirits who were "frightened like a tiger", Marta, who was brought in as an "effect display", felt a pain in her heart, and her emotions that had finally stabilized instantly collapsed. Then she sat on the ground with a wow and began to hide her face Weeping, under the animal paws covered with black and yellow fluff, there were even two whimpers from time to time, trying to show her grief-stricken and miserable state of mind.

"Wow, Marta is so pitiful!"

"Don't worry, we won't dislike you! You don't want this either."

"Marta, don't cry, even if you keep being so ugly, I'm still willing to be your good sister!"

"Yeah, yeah, don't cry, it's not your fault."


It's not her fault, so is it my fault?

Seeing the female heroic spirits rushing up and circling around to comfort Marta, William, who was blocked outside by their cooperation, couldn't help but smacked his lips speechlessly.

Big sisters, although the effect is a little bit too much, but I saved her life, okay?

As for whether the skill will take effect or not, it's all random. I don't have a strange hobby of turning girls into orcs. Are you guys guarding against me like perverts...


After clearing his throat vigorously and drawing attention to himself, William said with a straight face:

"I suggest that you think carefully before making a decision. Marta will become like this mainly because her luck is really bad.

Those of you who are lucky may be able to get rid of the power of desire for the first time. If you are less lucky, you may be changed one more time, and you will succeed after accepting two changes. And for someone like her to become so thorough, it needs to be twisted six times in a row. The luck of ordinary people really won't be as bad as hers. "



After listening to William's explanation, the "extremely unlucky" Marta couldn't help but let out pain again, and while the female spirits were scrambling to comfort her, a little hope quietly surged in their hearts.

What if... I mean what if, what if I'm the lucky one? And even if you are a little bit unlucky, you won't fail six times in a row, right?

How about... give it a try? Even if it is possible to become ugly, it is better than degenerating into an evil spirit, right?

After a very frequent exchange of eyes, perhaps the impulse to be frightened by Marta's "tragedy" gradually subsided, and reason and balance took over the high ground again.

A small number of female heroic spirits finally let go of the fear of becoming muscular ugly men, stood up timidly, and followed William's instructions (this chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)

Completely accepting the influence of the power of desire, let yourself start to quickly transform into an evil spirit, wanting to gamble your own luck.

And William also took a step forward with strange and expectant eyes, raised his hand and pointed at a group of evil spirits walking in front of him.

"Intuit! Intuit! Intuit!"


After three rounds of "transformation", there were more than a hundred crying... all kinds of heroic spirits, William first touched his nose with some guilty conscience, then faced the rather collapsed gaze of the God of Love, and said bravely :

"That...their luck is a bit bad. They all failed the first time, and only a small part succeeded the second time, but after the third time, they all turned back to heroic spirits, and there is no need to continue.

So... well... they lost a lot, but they were free..."


What kind of speech is this against the heavens by a rice grain woman who is a refugee ambassador?

Dumbfounded by William's words, Cupid's lips moved slightly, but he really didn't know what to say, so he could only respond dryly:

"It''s true...

Although it takes a long time to change back, it may take decades or even longer, but... but at least they don't have to worry about being tempted and completely degenerated into evil spirits of desire... Well... this is..."

When he said this, a look of pain suddenly appeared on Cupid's face, and a clear color of blood appeared on the tulle on his chest, and a hysterical shout resounded through the entire scene in an instant. country sky.

"Eros! You bumbling **** &a;*! The #@scum that deserves to be eaten alive by the **** lice! How dare you use such low-handed means to assassinate me? Despicable and shameless Sao%¥! Get out of here !"

Accompanied by furious roars full of masked words, thousands of magical rose-red slammed into the sky of the Kingdom of God like meteors one after another, arousing a wave Dao Jinhong mixed divine power ripples, and issued a deafening roar.

"Aloma? What the **** are you trying to do!"

“Whoa, you finally stopped hiding!”

Looking at his old enemy rising from the Kingdom of God with eyes full of vigilance and flying towards him in full armor, the demon **** of desire with flesh on his face clenched the magic blade in his hand, and said with a ferocious expression:

"Stop talking nonsense! Today I'm going to let you know what the real **** is! Don't laugh!"

Taking out a thick cloak, wrapping it around the extremely exposed artifact [Crimson Black Clothes], behind the six bowed legs covered with black hair, the Desire Demon God in a bikini style [Armor of Hue] protruded The general belly shouted angrily at Venus who was blushing:

"Where's your **** Pintou? After I kill you! I'm going to chop him into ten thousand pieces with my own hands!!"

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